Maxine's Medicine Pt. 01


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"Thank you so much for taking care of me." Maxine said before kissing my cheek.

I hugged her back but this time my hands were lower, to right above her hips. I could feel the top of her thong on the edge of my hands.

"No worries sweetie. I will give you some medicine every day. If you want though, just ask me and I could give you multiple doses per day. Does that sound good?" I asked

"That would be great!" She said while hopping with joy as she hugged me tighter.

I was rock hard at this point and it was poking her stomach.

"Um what's that poking me?" Maxine said while looking down at my hard on with a confused look on her face.

"Oh sorry that was my cell phone in my pocket." I said as i quickly pulled away from her and began to retreat to my room.

"Looks like I'm late for work. There's some frozen dinners in the fridge if you're hungry. We'll talk when I get home OK?" I said while poking my head out of my room.

"Fuck that was close." I thought to myself.

Later that day after work Maxine and I were watching TV in the living room. She was laying on the floor on her stomach with her elbows propping up her chin. She was wearing a tiny little skirt but had no panties underneath. Her legs were apart while she was swinging her feet in the air. I could not believe what I was seeing.

I could not focus on the TV and kept staring at her tight little pink pussy. She must've been shaving her pussy in the shower or something because it was completely bald.

I put a pillow on my lap and began to rub on my cock.

"So Maxine, you're a beautiful girl. Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I nervously asked.

"Nope. Never had one. Mom wouldn't let me have a boyfriend. She would let me play with some of her coworkers kids from work but they were always girls. We always moved around so I never stayed in one place long enough to make some friends let alone have a boyfriend." She said as she spread her legs apart even further exposing her glistening slit.

"So you don't really know much about boys then do you?" I said with a gulp as I continued to rub on my cock.

"Nope. Mom told me that I should stay away from boys until I was old enough. But before she passed away she said I was old enough now." She said as she continued to watch TV and kick her legs in the air.

At this point I was jerking off my cock slightly while staring at her juicy pink pussy.

"Oh is that right." I said as I was focused on staring at her cunt.

I felt a familiar sensation in my nuts. I wanted to cum.

"So uh Maxine I have an idea. How about I feed you your medicine in other ways." I asked in my horny trance.

"Like what?" She said without looking away from the TV.

"I'll show you. You just have to trust me OK?" I said as I got up trying to hide my hard on.

"OK." She said obliviously as she continued to watch TV.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry door. I looked around for a few moments before noticing a prepackaged brownie. The horny devil in my mind already took over.

I grabbed a plate and the brownies and headed over to my room.

As soon as I closed the door I ripped open the brownies and threw them onto the plate. I began to furiously beat my cock with my cock tip pointed directly at the brownies. It wasn't long before I was shooting rope after rope onto the plate. This time I didn't miss a drop and most of it landed on the brownies.

I put my cock back into my pants and stared at the cum glazed brownies.

"Kinda looks like glazed frosting." I thought to myself.

"Fuck it." I said as I took a deep breath and walked out of the bedroom and back to the living room.

"Hey Maxine I have some desert for you and I made sure to put some medicine on it just cause I know you want to be healthy." I said nervously as I extended my arm to hand her the plate.

Maxine immediately popped up from laying down with a huge smile on her face. Her tits jiggling inside her tank top that barely fit her.

"How did you know brownies were my favorite desert? Thank you so much Danny." Maxine said as she grabbed the plate.

"You.. You can call me Daddy." I said as I handed her the cum glazed brownies.

"Really? You're OK with that?" Maxine asked as she took the plate.

I simply nodded my head.

I looked at her as she took a solid look at what was in her hands. The thick ropes of cum splattered all over the brownies and plate.

Like it was slow motion, she looked into my eyes as she picked up the brownie with one hand while holding the plate in the other. You could see the gooey strings of cum stretch from the brownie and the plate as she lifted it towards her mouth.

She tilted her head back and parted her pretty pink lips and slowly pushed the brownie into her mouth for a bite.

As she bit into the brownie and pull it away from her you could see the gobs of cum stretch from her mouth and brownie like it was some melted mozzarella cheese.

She closed her mouth and began to chew. Soon after she opened her mouth to lick her lips as some of the cum strings landed on her mouth. She greedily gobbled up every drop of cum that was on her lips.

She chewed the cum brownie mixture while looking deep into my eyes before gulping it down.

"That is so yummy daddy." She said as she finished swallowing her first bite.

"What?" I said as I was in a dazed trance.

"This brownie with the medicine is so yummy. Thank you daddy." She said again as she leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I sat there as I watched her take bite after bite of her cum covered treat. Globs of cum dripping down to the plate every single time she picked up the brownie.

Eventually she finished the entire thing and began to suck her fingers off getting every last morsel of my semen and brownie off her hands.

She smiled at me before looking down at the plate.

"Oops, looks like you forgot some." I said with lust in my eyes.

She then brought the plate up to her face and began to lap up all the cum like a dog off the plate until there was one large glob of cum left. She lowered her lips to it and slurped it up. She had licked her plate clean. Everything that I had in my balls was now in her stomach.

I didn't even put any sugar in the cum and she seemed to enjoy it.

"The medicine taste different this time. It wasn't that sweet but it was OK still." She said as she handed the plate back to me before laying back down on her stomach to watch more TV.

I could not wipe the grin off my face as I washed the dish. Is this my life now? I couldn't believe how lucky I was. The sexiest piece of ass was eating my cum multiple times a day. It was like I hit the lotto. I could not help but grin from ear to ear.

What was next? How far could I take this?

Over the next few weeks I fed her cum like clock work. In the morning I would feed her a spoon full of my cum, this time with no sugar, just pure jizz. In the evening I would give her a cum covered treat. She unknowingly ate 2 of my loads every day without skipping a beat. This wasn't enough for me. The excitement of feeding her my cum was slowly fading away. I needed to do something else but I wouldn't figure that out for awhile.

A couple of months later the DNA test came back and confirmed that she was mine. We celebrated a bit by having a nice dinner out on the town. We always got strange looks when we went out together. They must've thought we were a couple and if anyone ever said anything I always told them the truth. She was my daughter.

During this time I told her that since I was taking care of her feeding her medicine that she had to get a job and she couldn't just do nothing at home. It was hard finding her a job that fit her... skills but eventually I found a simple telephone job where she read off a script to random numbers given to her by her company.

At this point 2 loads per day wasn't enough and I started to cum into her regular food as well. Salad? Her dressing was mixed with my cum. The butter she spread on her toast had some of my cum in it. Her favorite was eating my cum filled mac and cheese though. She had no idea that I would squirt a fresh load into the pot before stirring it up and watching her eat it. She always complimented my cooking too and never noticed that her food tasted different. She also never noticed that we never ate the same thing. Her salad dressing was in a special bottle while mines was in the regular package.

Eventually however about 4 or 5 months after she moved in this eventually got boring as well. I couldn't believe myself. This was an addiction that could not be sated. She was eating my cum morning until night with almost every meal and it still did not satisfy my lust to feed her my cum. I had to go to the next level.

I finally realized what that "something else" was and it was so obvious. It was always on my mind the entire time. I needed to feed her directly from my cock. But how could I do this? One mistake and it all could be over. I needed to figure out how to put my cock in her mouth and squirt my jizz down her throat.

I realized I was over thinking it and came up with a plan.

"No way it's that easy. Has it always been this easy and in my face this entire time but I never noticed it? Have I been over complicating things?" I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath and walked out of my room and into the living room where Maxine was watching her favorite show.

"Hey Daddy, come watch with me." Maxine said as she scooted over on the couch and patted the cushion next to her.

"Sure sweetie." I said as I sat down next to her.

At this point Maxine felt close to me and began to snuggle up to me while we watched TV. It was innocent. I put my arm around her and she laid her head down onto the side of my chest.

"Max, honey I have some bad news." I said as I clicked the TV off and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong daddy? Did I get fired from my job or something?" Maxine said with a worried look on her face.

"No no its nothing like that sweetheart your job is fine." I said as I got up to kneel in front of her as I held her hands.

"The doctor... The doctor told me the medicine is not strong enough anymore. It stopped working awhile ago and you need a stronger dose." I said as sweat from my brow began to form as I was filled with nervousness.

"Oh my god Daddy what can we do?" Maxine said with a petrified look on her face.

"Holy shit it's working" I thought to myself.

"Well there is one way... There is a way to get you medicine. Stronger medicine. The purest form of the medicine that will keep you healthy." I said with a serious look on my face.

"I'll do anything to get the medicine. Whatever it takes." She said frantically.

"To get the stronger pure version of the medicine will take some strange methods but I need you to trust me. Daddy has always kept you healthy with medicine right?" I said reassuringly.

"Yes... You've always protected me and kept me healthy Daddy." She said.

"Do you trust me? I need you to say you trust me." I said

"I trust you Daddy. I'll do anything you ask." Maxine said as she tightened her grip on my hands.

"The device the doctor uses is extremely dangerous to your eyes. You could get the medicine but you cannot risk seeing the contraption because... because the gamma radiation and uhm... particle accelerators.. will cause irreversible damage to your eyes." I said trying to hold in my laugh.

"What does that mean Daddy?" Maxine asked confused.

"It means when you get the medicine you will have to be blind folded. Meaning I have to cover your eyes while you get the medicine or the medicine will hurt your eyes and make you go blind. Now I know that sounds strange but remember you said you trust me right?" I asked.

"I trust you. I'll do what the doctor says. If it protects my eyes but gives me the stronger medicine I will do it." Maxine said eagerly.

I pulled out the blindfold from my back pocket. It was a complete black out mask used for sleeping.

"Try this on." I said while handing her the blindfold.

Maxine put on the blindfold and moved her head around as if she was trying to look around.

"I can't see a thing Daddy." She said.

"Good that means you can get the stronger medicine safely." I said while I put my hands on her shoulders.

"There's a few more things. When you get the medicine you have to move your body in certain ways. You can't just take the medicine any way you want or you wont uh.. you won't absorb it properly." I said.

"Just tell me what to do and I will do it. I trust you Daddy." Maxine said almost impatiently.

"Get on your knees." I said as I pushed her shoulders and guided her to her knees.

"Like this?" She said while on her knees.

"Remember, no peeking or you will lose your eyes." I said as I slowly began to slide my shorts off.

"Tilt your head back, open your mouth and stick your tongue out. In this position you get the most medicine." I said as I started to beat my already hard cock.

Without saying a word Maxine tilted her head back, opened her mouth and stuck her long slimy tongue out just as ordered.

"Just like that. Good, I'm setting up the medicine now." I said while furiously jerking off.

I felt the tension in my balls.

"Here comes the medicine." I groaned as I pointed my cock tip towards her mouth.

"Ugh" I grunted as the first rope shot directly into her mouth hitting the back of her throat. Amazingly she did not gag. The second rope missed and splashed all over her chin, lips, tongue and nose.

"Keep your mouth open and stay still." I groaned as I continued to squirt thick ropes of white goo.

The third rope managed to land all over her tongue and into her mouth.

The fourth rope managed to squirt and hit the back of her tongue.

I continued to milk the rest of the cum out making sure to get every single drop from my cock tip out and into her mouth.

Maxine patiently sat there with her cum filled mouth open and let me continue to wring out every last drop of cum out.

"Scoop the medicine that landed on your face into your mouth." I commanded.

She quickly obeyed and pushed every glob of cum into her mouth.

"Before you can drink the medicine you have to show me all of it collected in your mouth so I could make you got enough." I said as my cock began to soften.

She opened her mouth up and began to swirl the gooey cum around in her mouth.

"Swallow." I commanded.

She closed her mouth and gulped down my load.

"Open your mouth and show me all parts of your tongue to make sure that the medicine is gone." I said

Maxine obliged and opened her mouth up to show that she devoured my cum.

"Can I look now?" Maxine asked.

"NO!" I shouted.

"You absolutely not look until I tell you to do so do you understand me?" I asked in a stern tone.

"Yes Daddy I won't peek." Maxine asked as she began to lick her lips and chin getting every little drop of cum out.

"It was warm this time. I like it warm." Maxine said as she finished licking up the last bit of cum off her lips.

"Looks like there is medicine left on the machine. You're going to have to slurp the medicine out of the machine directly. Your medicine won't be effective if you don't get the full dose." I said as I lowered my soft cock into her mouth.

"Suck it out." I said as she took my soft cock into her mouth and began to suckle the last remaining dribbles of cum that were left inside my cock head.

"To all of it out completely make sure that when its inside your mouth that you lick it. If you don't lick it then all of it won't come out." I said and she began to suck and lick my soft cock tip.

She was a natural cock sucker. From what I could already tell she had no gag reflex and has no idea at all that it was my dick in her mouth.

After 15 seconds of her slurping and licking the head my cock began to harden again.

"Oops looks like the machine is saying you didn't get enough medicine. You're going to have to get a second dose or else it would've been all for nothing." I said as my cock grew in her mouth.

"The machine is changing its shape to be able to give you the medicine. The deeper you can put the machine into your mouth the better it can deliver this second dose." I said as i put my hand on the back of her head and pushed my cock deeper in to her mouth.

She followed directions and began to suck, lick and bob her head on my cock without my help.

At this point my cock was hard as a rock. I couldn't believe it. She was sucking my cock. She had just swallowed my load.

"Make sure you try your best getting the second part of this medicine out. It's very important that you get your full dose." I said as I began to slowly rock my hips back and forth as I began to match her bobbing.

It was a beautiful sight. I looked down to see her now slobbering on my cock frantically trying her best to get the medicine out. She began to make a mess all over her chin and clothes as her slobber dripped from the sides of her mouth.

This was the best blowjob I've ever gotten in my life. It was like she didn't need to breath.

I began to tense up.

"As soon as you feel the warm medicine come out, you need to push the machine as deep as you can into your mouth." I groaned as my second load began to explode.

To my shock as soon as some precum began to dribble out she slammed her face into my crotch and took me into her throat. I put my hands on the back of her head and I began to buck and fuck her mouth. I tried my best not to grunt but this was the best feeling ever. She clamped down and began to milk my cock with her throat.

I shot rope after rope directly into her stomach and while I was cumming down her throat I nearly passed out.

After the last bit of cum squirted out I backed out and watched her continue to suckle and slobber all over my cock until only the tip was in her mouth. Then she let flop out of her mouth as she tried her best to catch her breath.

"Was.... was that good? Did I... Did I get all the medicine?" Maxine asked while panting for air.

"Yes Maxine. You got all the medicine and you've got a healthy amount for now." I said while also catching my breath.

I looked down at Maxine and saw how much of her stringy slobber got on her mouth, clothes and the floor. Her hair was a frizzled mess from me holding onto it. She was a mess but to me she was perfect.

After she caught her breath and I put my cock away I told her she could open her eyes.

"You did amazing sweetheart." I said to her as she cried tears of joy. We embraced for what seemed like forever.

"I was so scared I wasn't going to get enough medicine. So i tried my best to get all of it out." She said relieved.

"You did good, but remember that was only for today. Who knows how I'm going to get medicine from you tomorrow." I said as we continued to embrace each other tightly.

"I'll do anything to get the medicine daddy. I don't want to get sick. I trust you." She said as looked up at me.

"Good girl." I said as I kissed her forehead.

End PT 1.

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Holistic_VoyeurHolistic_Voyeurabout 1 month ago

So depraved, but so good. 5 stars

Chloe_HarperChloe_Harperabout 2 months ago

Hoping for part 2 soon! A very hot and fun concept for part 1!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Is part 2 on the way?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Love this story, please p2!

leon1983leon198310 months ago

Amazing, pt2 soon please! :)

would love it to stay mainly oral story.

vanyevanye10 months ago

So very rapey.

thedomoneflthedomonefl10 months ago

What a dumb little bimbo for daddy! She is making a mess of her clothes taking the medicine.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine10 months ago

She can’t be that stupid unless she’s challenged. And he shouldn’t be her dad.

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