Measuring Attraction Ch. 01

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Deanna discovers her first BBC and becomes obsessed.
7.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/25/2021
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"First, I wanted to thank all of you for participating in our study. You'll see that there is a lot of malleable clay in front of you. Your goal is to use the clay to mold what you personally believe is the perfect penis size and shape when it is fully erect. It can be as long, short, thick, or thin as you would like it to be. This is your chance ladies to finally find that perfect dick."

Once I finished, the all-female room was filled with giggles and some soft laughter. Even though this was a serious scientific experiment and study, it never hurt to lighten the mood. I was the lead researcher and scientist trying to answer that age-old question; does size really matter? Everyone in the study secretly submitted what they felt were the perfect dimensions of their ideal erect penis, and now we wanted to see if what they said matched their physical creation.

All of the ladies in the room, regardless of age, were sort of shy at getting started. But by the end of the session, everyone finished and I was left alone with a room full of clay dicks and a ruler. Without skipping a beat, I started the tedious task of measuring each sculpture and meticulously recording all of the different results on my clipboard.

By the time I was finished, I wasn't surprised at all by the results. While the women put anywhere from 5-9 inches in their written answer, with most being around 7 inches, the actual physical sculptures were all closer to 5-6 inches. There was the occasional outlier here and there, but overall it seemed like most ladies exaggerated their actual preference.

I went to one of the extra and unused stations where I placed my clipboard down and stared at a pile of unused clay. I might as well give it a whirl since the session was over and I had some free time. I thought to myself that 6 inches was likely my ideal before I started to mold the clay. Every time I thought I was done, I felt like it needed to be just a little bit longer and a little thicker. Eventually, I called it quits and decided to measure it; 8 inches, and plenty thick too.

My eyes widened in surprise. Oh my, was I really one of those size queens? The more I stared in wonder at my creation, the more turned on I felt. I was shocked that such a rudimentary phallus could make me horny. Although, it had been several years since I had been on a date.

I reached out my hands to see if I could even wrap my fingers around it and I was barely able to. God, it felt so big and strong. I felt my nipples from my DD-cup breasts harden and push against my bra. Well, now that I was looking at it again, maybe it could be a little bigger?

When I reached out for more clay, my phone started to ring and it felt like I was knocked out of some weird trance. My hands slightly shook as I tried to regain my composure and reached for my phone inside my lab coat jacket.

"Hey Deanna, Shawn had some sort of family emergency come up. Can you come over to Wheaton Community College to finish the male study?" I heard my colleague Paul explain after I answered.

"I'm fairly far away at the female site. Aren't any of the other guys available? We were supposed to keep this gender-separated you know," I answered back, clearly annoyed since I was ready to head home.

"Everyone else is either busy or unavailable. Please Deanna? You're the last person I tried to contact because I knew you were with the female lab today."

"Fine, text me the address and I'll head over."

Great, just what I needed tonight. While I was busy with the girls making fake penises, my male colleagues were with volunteers at the local community college recording what guys said their penis sizes were, and then measuring what it actually was. I really didn't want to spend my late evening with arrogant college boys who on average had much smaller dicks than they would like girls to think. However, the job and science always came first.

Once I arrived at the campus, I went to the science building and went up to the top floor where we had a lab reserved for our test. I knew the set-up we had, so I immediately went to work. In the front of the classroom, we had a screen set-up that had a bunch of measurements on it and a designation on the floor where the subjects were supposed to stand so we could take a picture and measure their penis size.

I sat at one of the lab tables with the participant forms and waited for the next guy to arrive for his appointment. It wasn't long before I heard a knock at the door and saw a somewhat timid guy standing at the door. I guess he wasn't expecting to do this in front of a woman.

"Hello and welcome. Please come in and step behind the screen. Strip down and put on the special garment there. Then get yourself fully erect and then step in front of the screen. If you need help getting erect, we have materials there as well. Any questions?" I said very calmly, but with an icy tone. I didn't want to do this and I didn't want these young boys getting any ideas.

I was in my late thirties, but my figure was still something that caused heads to turn. My body was fit and toned, with wide hips, a small waist, and large DD-cup breasts. Thankfully, I was dressed perfectly professional today. My light blonde hair was in a ponytail, and my blouse and dress slacks did nothing to accentuate any of my features. On top of all that, my lab coat covered most of my body anyway.

After what seemed like forever, the timid guy from earlier finally came out with his erect penis and stood where he was supposed to. 5 inches, not surprising at all. I looked down at his form and saw he scribbled down 7 inches. I rolled my eyes and hoped he didn't notice. I had to quickly take the picture for proof as I could already tell he was losing his erection from nervousness. I told him he could go and I rubbed my face in exhaustion. I couldn't wait to get this over with.

Thankfully, all the subsequent guys appeared on time for their appointments. Before I knew it, I snapped the last picture of a below-average penis and started to collect all of the documents and forms together.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and turned to see a young tall black man in the doorway. He stood there confidently and his figure was definitely more athletic and muscular compared to any of the previous test subjects. He was by far the most handsome one of the night too.

"Hello, ma'am. I forgot to submit my form earlier, but I brought it here and hoped I could still participate? My professor said I could get some extra credit, so I hoped you would make an exception," I heard him say in a deep voice.

I was ready to go home and say no, but he seemed so different from all of the previous guys that I figured why not. I gave him all of the same instructions I gave everyone else before and held out my hand for him to give me his form. I saw that he listed his name as 'DD Jones' and listed his erect cock at 10 inches. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at yet another guy claiming they had a huge cock.

"Alright Deedee, when you're fully erect, come in front of the screen and stand where we have it marked," I said unenthusiastically.

"It's actually Double-D, ma'am," I heard his deep voice respond from behind the screen.

What sort of nickname was Double-D? What was it with kids and - holy shit! My thoughts immediately came to a screeching halt as I saw DD step in front of the screen and his giant cock stretched out far from his body. It was so big, and so black. I definitely had never seen a massive dick like this before and wondered if it was actually real.

"Double-D is short for Double-digits, on the account of my big black cock. But you can call me James unless you want to use my nickname," he said confidently as if he was reading my mind.

I opened my mouth to speak and reprimand him for his uncouth language, but I had a hard time formulating any words. My eyes stared helplessly at his humongous tool that throbbed periodically as if it was inviting me to come closer. Unlike most of the other guys, it remained rock solid like a black steel pipe pointing at the ceiling even as he stood in front of me. My eyes finally focused on the screen behind him and the measurement said he was well over 6 feet tall and his cock was at least 10 inches long.

I pressed the button for the camera to take the picture and then finally replied, "Very impressive, umm, I mean, very hard-no, gosh, I mean very good. Th-Thank you Double-D, err, James. We'll call you if you need to come...," I paused as I was writing some notes on his form before I realized I trailed off and finished, "come back. If you need to come back," I finally stammered out and winced at my own Freudian slips.

I saw him walk behind the screen and I finally felt like I could breathe again. What the hell was wrong with me? I was a professional scientist for pete's sake. Just because I had never seen a cock that big before that was so hard, and probably really thick, and-wait, no, this wasn't right. Ugh, I can't get that image of his cock out of my mind! I felt my nipples harden again like they did with the clay penis earlier and I subconsciously wrapped my lap coat around my body.

I saw him walk back from the screen after getting fully dressed and walked down the aisle to leave. Once he left, I gathered up my belongings, the forms, and the camera and turned to leave as well. My lab interns would arrive in the morning and take down all of the equipment, so I hurried to my car and left the school.

The whole ride home was a blur as I kept replaying the scene over and over again. I barely could remember James' face as all I could see was his tall, athletic body and his thick cock that seemed to defy physics and anatomy. He was definitely bigger than the clay sculpture I made myself and for some reason, that thought turned me on even more.

When I finally got home, it was late and I dumped everything in my study room. I saw that my daughter's room was closed and it looks like she had already gone to bed. She just turned 18 and also went to Wheaton Community College. I wondered if she knew James. I was sure she did. Hell, every girl in school probably knew who he was.

I went to my bedroom to change into my pajamas, and when I stripped off my blouse and pants, it became incredibly obvious how turned on I still was. I could clearly see my small, but rock-hard nipples poking through my DD-sized bra, and my pussy was so wet that you could even see a damp spot on my panties.

I took a moment and appreciated just how good I looked in the mirror. I was almost 40, but I still had the body of a college student, mostly thanks to my personal trainer and our intense workouts. My breasts were large and became larger after I had my daughter right after college. They were still plenty perky and only had a hint of sag to them as they mainly defied gravity at my age. My stomach was perfectly flat and was proud that I barely had any fat on my body.

Thanks to our almost daily workout routines, my lower body was stellar too. My long legs made my 5'5" body seem taller and they were nicely shaped and toned too. My butt was the one thing I tried to work out the most. It was much smaller compared to my breasts, so I worked out to try to make it bigger and fuller, with limited success. Fortunately, my workouts made it perfectly round and tight. Overall, I knew I was a knockout. If only I had the free time to date though.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to touch a big black cock like James'. To hold it in my hands and feel how heavy and thick it was. Could a cock that big even fit inside my pussy? I felt like I would have to try. It was an experiment that demanded an answer.

Fuck, I needed to see it again. For science, obviously. I quickly put on my pajamas and walked into my office to grab the camera. I turned it on and viewed the photo history, but his picture wasn't there. Dammit, did I not take the picture? I must have been really out of it to screw up one of the most important steps.

As a scientist, I know that data was the most important thing. I mean, why even do the study if we didn't have all the data? The right thing was to contact James again and tell him I, err, we need to see him again. He'll need to strip down and reveal his goliath cock so we can properly take a picture. We'll probably need to hand-measure it too, just to confirm its size. Yes, that would be the right scientific thing to do.

I got out my phone and I entered his phone number from the form. I sent him a text that said it was Deanna from the scientific study and that there was a problem with the camera and we'll need him to pose for us again. It was pretty late, so I didn't expect him to respond anytime soon.

Almost immediately though, there was a text back from him that said he would be available tomorrow after his workout session at 10pm. It was late, but I could make it work. Science waits for no one. I put my phone away and took out some of the other forms that I needed to collect data from. I thought it best to take my mind off his powerful black cock while drowning myself in work.

The next thing I knew, I heard birds chirping outside and my head was on my desk. Oh gosh, I must have fallen asleep while working! Next to me, I saw a note written by my daughter that said she didn't want to wake me up and that she'd be home late tonight from school. I then looked at my phone and I panicked that it was almost time for one of my morning conference meetings.

After I quickly showered and changed, I jumped on the conference call. For the rest of the day I was busy in a sea of endless work in my home office. I lost all track of time and I suddenly realized that it was already dark outside. I finally stepped away to get something to drink when I noticed that it was already 9pm. Dammit, why was it so late already? I needed to get ready to meet James at the school.

I went to my bedroom closet to get changed. I hadn't done laundy all week, so my options for more professional clothing were a bit limited. Besides, I had a strong desire to not look like an old prude in front of him. I'm not sure why it mattered at all, but I wanted him to know that a mature woman could still look good.

I took out a matching bra and thong set that I bought, but never wore because I hadn't been on a date in years. The brightly colored DD-cup bra was a push-up bra and made my large breasts look even bigger. The matching thong covered my bald pussy and had so little material to it, that it buried itself in-between my ass cheeks. I had to dig it out constantly and I wondered if it was even worth trying.

The underwear made me feel incredibly sexy and confident after I put it on. Now I just needed an outfit to match. I pulled out a pencil skirt that I haven't worn in years. By the time I pulled it up to my waist, it was far shorter than I remembered and only went halfway down my thighs.

I then pulled out a thin sleeveless blouse. It had a plunging neckline that went all the way to my breasts before a series of buttons covered the rest of my stomach. My push-up bra made my breasts practically pop-out from the top and you could see the brightly colored bra through the thin blouse too.

I looked at myself in the mirror and shuddered at how hot I looked. At first I thought that I might be showing off way too much skin for this college kid, but I loved how sexy I felt. I figured it would be ok because my lab coat would cover most of my body anyway. James might not know about my sexy look, but I would know. Besides, what was wrong with a little dressing to impress?

After I slipped my feet into some simple 2-inch heels, I removed my hair tie so my straight blonde hair flowed down to my shoulders. I nodded to myself that I was now ready as I grabbed my lab coat plus my other equipment and then headed to my car to drive over to the school. The moment I sat down in my car, I realized just how much the skirt rode up when I sat down. My silky smooth toned legs looked incredible and I tried to make a mental note to be careful about that in front of James.

When I finally arrived at the school, I rushed up to the lab on the top floor of the science building and breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't there yet. I dropped my equipment on one of the lab tables and made sure that my lab coat covered my alluring clothing. I couldn't help but feel nervous and a bit jittery as I closed the blinds on the room windows. It felt like I scored a date with the captain of the football team or something and it made me feel like some dumb college girl.

Not before long, I heard a knock on the door and James' imposing dark figure filled the doorway. I immediately could hear my heart begin to pound in my chest. Was I excited to see him again? Or was I just excited to see that monster of a black python he had hidden in his pants?

"James, hi. Come in and close the door. Thanks for meeting with me again and I'm sorry for the screw-up earlier. Sadly all of the equipment got taken away, but I think we can do it, don't you?" I said in a pleasant, but adult sounding voice.

After I finished speaking however, I saw a surprised and amused look on his face. At that moment, I realized what I just said and blushed slightly while I clarified, "I mean I can get you hard, ummm, you can get fully erect and I'll take care of you, errr, take your picture."

Oh God, I was sure that I sounded like some dumb college slut lusting over him. What was wrong with me whenever I was around him?

"I hope you don't mind stripping down in front of a little ol' scientist like me. We don't have any helpful materials to help get you hard, so if you need to use your phone, feel free," I said, taking extra care and attention to not misspeak.

I finally sat down on one of the lab stools that was to the side of the table and crossed my legs. I felt an itch near my ankle and without giving it a second thought, I leaned forward and scratched it with my hand. After, my hand slowly trailed up the smooth skin of my leg and even to my thigh.

Like I was in a trance, I snapped out of it and finally realized how I looked. My short pencil skirt rode up on my legs the moment I sat down, and my lab coat was open and off to the sides, covering none of my outfit. I was completely showing off my toned legs and I knew with a blushed face that my breasts were clearly visible due to the plunging neckline of my blouse. I slowly looked at James' face and I saw his eyes just devouring my body like I was desperate slut.

"Don't worry ma'am, I think I have all the help I need," I heard him say in his deep and velvety voice.

I then noticed that his giant cock was clearly poking through his sweatpants. He grabbed the waist and pulled them down and over his cock as they fell through the floor and he stepped out of them. His mighty tool sprang free and proudly pointed upwards fully hard. He then put his hands on his hips and looked over at me.

I couldn't even imagine what my face looked like. All I know was that my eyes were locked onto his dark rod. It looked bigger than I even remembered. Could this actually be real? Was there a guy blessed with this big of a cock? I wanted, no, needed a closer look at it. After all, he could be wearing a prosthetic or something to make it look huge. A good scientist would investigate closer.

I grabbed a ruler from my equipment and slowly walked over to him. The closer I got, the more imposing his body and dick looked. I felt so tiny and weak in comparison to him. When I finally stood right in front of him, every instinct in my body told me to fall to my knees and touch it. I could easily imagine the countless girls who fell before him and worshipped his cock. I honestly worried that I would be one of them.

"I just need to confirm your size," I mumbled without ever taking my eyes off his massive cock.