Medieval Discipline


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Two canes, both about three feet long, one about an inch thick, the other very thin, a riding crop, two leather belts, one about two inches wide, the other about one inch wide, and what looked very similar to the old

'cat o' nine tails', a stout stick with about half a dozen thin strips of leather that were about a foot and a half in length. Quite a choice!

I then pictured myself tied to the horse again, as I was earlier for the enema, and receiving a beating with the different items mentioned.

Most people would be shaking with terror at the thought.

Me? I was tingling with excitement; my wet pussy was proof of that.

I must have been here over an hour now, my arms weren't aching, they felt dead, and I was dying to use the loo again.

I then heard the key in the door, and in walked Sir and Kathy.

Neither of them spoke, they just came over and undid my restraints; my arms flopped down to my side to allow the blood to circulate again.

Then Sir spoke to Kathy,

I want to see her in my room as arranged. Then he headed to the door.

Please Sir! I shouted.

He stopped and turned, staring hard at me.

I want a wee please Sir!

He just stared at me and then walked up quickly till he was right in front of me with a very angry expression on his face.

I didn't expect or see it coming,

He gave me an almighty slap across my face; I reeled and nearly fell over.

I told you not to speak unless spoken to, did I not?

Yes Sir, I'm sorry Sir!

Then he stepped back a couple of paces, and still staring hard at me said-

If you wish to urinate, then do it now. And don't keep me waiting.

I looked him in the eye and just did it, there and then, just like those young girls that work for me did it in front of me.

I saw his eyes go down to the growing wet patch at the front of my dress, and then I felt the warm fluid running down my legs and over my bare feet.

Tell me when you've finished, he barked.

Yes Sir!

About a minute later I said.

I've finished now Sir!

Very well,

Get her to clean her mess up Kathy and then bring her to me, at the agreed time, suitably dressed.

And with that he left the room.

Five minutes later Kathy led me back up the stairs, along the courtyard and up the other stairs to the passageway and to her own room,

I noticed that my bag was on the table, and in the centre of the room was one of those old baths on legs half full of warm water, I could see the steam coming from it.

Take your dress off and get in the bath she said, relax and have a good soak.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I didn't argue.

It was heaven as I slid down into the warm frothy water.

Have a soak for a few minutes then I will come and wash you down she said.

While I was luxuriating, she took a clean, plain thin white dress down from a hanger and placed it alongside my bag on the table, which she then opened, taking out my red stiletto heels and putting them next to the dress.

This is what you will be wearing when you go to see Sir! She said.

Then she came over to me and told me to stand up, although I would have preferred a man, it was nice feeling someone's hands gently washing my body all over. When she'd finished she asked me to step out of the bath and then proceeded to dry me down with a nice large warm towel.

Throughout all of this I was dying to ask her what it was all about, but decided not to, after all I had been instructed not to speak unless spoken to, and I didn't know whether this just referred to Sir, or included Kathy.

I wasn't going to take any chances, as I knew now to my cost, what happens when I speak out of turn.

Then Kathy sat me down on a chair and tidied my hair up, then told me to put a little make-up on and just a hint of perfume.

Then I was told to put on the white dress and my stilettos, but no underwear.

I was dying to know what was going on, but decided to keep my mouth shut.

When I was ready, Kathy said, follow me.

We headed back to the large room with the long table where 'Sir' was sat in his usual seat at the head.

She's ready for you Sir.

Thank you Kathy, he replied, that will be all for now.

I just stood there looking at him, waiting. He stood up and walked towards the far end of the room.

Follow me he said.

Yes Sir!

As I turned to follow him, I noticed that at the other end of the room was a round table laid out with what appeared to be a sumptuous meal with all the trimmings, including a bottle of wine and two glasses.

My first thought was that he was expecting a guest and that I would be waiting on them, his lady friend maybe? Wife? I didn't even know if he 'was' married, he wasn't wearing a ring.

There were two chairs opposite each other, he pulled out the one and said-

Sit yourself down lass!

I looked around the room; there was no one else here,

You mean 'me' Sir?

Yes, you haven't eaten today have you?

No Sir!

I thought not.

As I went to sit, he pushed the chair under me, the perfect gentleman, and then went and sat in the other chair.

That's your first day over, he said with a smile, have I fulfilled my promise and taken away your self respect and dignity as I promised?

Yes Sir, you have.

Good, so I've earned my money?

You certainly have Sir!

Right, now you can relax and tuck in, he poured the wine into the two glasses, and held his up to me.

Here's to a successful second day then.

I touched his glass with mine and said,

Yes Sir!

You needn't call me Sir for the rest of this evening.

If you don't mind Sir, I would rather continue calling you Sir; I'm used to it now.

As you wish.

I was starting to warm to this man, this was another side to him, and I liked it, in fact I liked it a lot, I wanted to put my arms around him and give him a big hug and kiss.

We just spoke a little whilst tucking in to the meal, mainly with him asking me about my firm. And then when we had nearly finished the meal, he said.

Are you sure you want to carry on with day two of the course?

Of course Sir! I'm not the sort to 'give in' half way through.

I thought not, he replied, and then added,

It will be painful!

Yes Sir!

Stand up please!

Yes Sir!

I pushed my chair back and stood a few feet from the table, he looked me up and down, I didn't know whether he could see through this dress, but it didn't really matter anyway I thought, he's seen 'everything' I've got already.

You've got a fine figure Miss McDermott.

Thank you Sir.

Turn around please.

Yes Sir!

You've got a particularly nice bottom.

Thank you Sir. I stuck my bum out a bit for him.

Are you sure it can take a beating? He said with some concern.

I thought it might look rather pretty with some red stripes across it Sir, and with that I lifted my dress up to my waist so he could see it in the flesh.

What do 'you' think Sir?

It might do at that, he replied, with a smile.

I lowered my dress, turned back round and sat back down in the chair.

He filled the wine glasses again.

While we were finishing our drinks, he said that as far as the sleeping arrangements for tonight were, normally he would put his guest in one of the several cells that were down in the dungeons, but on this occasion, I could, if I preferred, sleep in Kathy's room for more comfort.

She has a spare bed there.

Thank you Sir, I replied, but while I'm here, I would like to take advantage, if that's the right word, to soak up the atmosphere of the medieval way of life. I'll sleep in the cell.

Now why did I know you were going to say that? He replied, whilst getting to his feet, he pressed a button on the wall, saying,

Kathy will show you to your room and supply you with a blanket.

Thank you for a lovely meal and your company Sir.

I was going to suggest another meal tomorrow when your course is finished, he said, but I think you may find it too painful to sit down.

Not one to miss an opportunity, I said,

I can eat perfectly well standing up Sir!

He smiled again and said

Very well then, if you wish, I'll make arrangements.

Kathy came in with a large soft thick blanket and led me back downstairs and through the courtyard to the dungeon entrance. Down the flight of stairs and along the passageway where the 'torture' room was, I glanced into it as we walked past, thinking, I shall be back in there tomorrow.

My stone cell for the night was very small, about ten feet by eight. And just contained a wooden bed about six foot by two, six inches off the floor, and what appeared to be a rather lumpy straw mattress on top, a chamber pot was the only other item of furniture.

The thick wooden door had a square hole in it, at head height crossed with iron bars, and the only source of light was through the hole from the passageway. Oh, and it was cold.

Better get in the bed before I close the door said Kathy, while there's a bit more light.

I lay on the course mattress and pulled my blanket over me.

Sweet dreams, said Kathy as she closed the heavy door and turned the key.

It was pitch black in there, till my eyes had adjusted, and even then, all I could make out was the hole in the door and a faint outline of the walls.

Ten minutes later it was black again as the daylight outside faded. It was scary, and completely silent, I couldn't help but think, what if something happened to Kathy and Sir, like a heart attack or something, no one would know I was here; I'd just die and rot in this room.

At least I had plenty to think about, I went through the days events as they happened, the humility of stripping naked in front of Sir and Kathy didn't seem as bad as I would have thought, perhaps because they were strangers and the fact that I was in unfamiliar surroundings was the reason.

The taking away of my privacy, the enema, and then having to empty my bladder and bowels in front of them, I'd certainly had my dignity taken from me.

Then the nice bits, the warm bath with Kathy tending to me, and finally the meal with Sir. My feelings towards him had changed a lot during the meal.

Although he was nearly twenty years older than me, he was exactly the sort of man I would want to spend the rest of my life with, strong willed like myself, but kind.

I found myself wishing that he would ravish me, take me, do what he wished with me. But then I remembered that this was a business relationship, and I never mix business with pleasure, although I knew deep down, in his case I would willingly make an exception.

Then my mind went forward to tomorrow, I pictured myself being hauled up to the 'horse', stripped, and being tied across it as I was for my enema today.

Then 'Sir' raising his cane and bringing it down hard across my naked buttocks, one stroke after the other. Would I scream? Would I cry? Or just bite my lips and take it like a man would?

Well it won't be long now before I find out.

Thinking about this has made me 'wet' I put my hand down to my cunt lips and gently stroked them; I could do with my 'comforter' now.

I used my finger instead. There was no one to hear me down here, so I shouted out,

'I'm sorry Sir' again and again as I pictured him bringing the cane down hard onto my bare arse, my orgasm was getting closer, I shouted louder.

Thwack, I'm sorry Sir, thwack, I'm sorry Sir, thwack, I'm sorry Sir.

My back arched, my body shuddered, and I felt my juices running from me all over my hand as I climaxed. Then I dropped off to sleep.

The key in the door woke me,

Up you get young lady, and be quick about it, Shouted Kathy,

Have you used your pot?


Very well, give me the blanket and follow me.

We didn't go far, just down the passage and into the torture room.

Put your hands together in front of you.

Kathy was not the kind lady she was yesterday, probably part of today's

Orders from Sir.

She took a pair of handcuffs from the wall and secured my wrists together.

I stood there in just the plain white thin dress I had on for the meal with Sir last night, and that I'd slept in.

Then she pulled at my arm and told me to stand over the grating in the middle of the room, and then tied my ankles together with some rope.

I heard Sir's footsteps coming along the corridor.

He entered the room and looked at me expressionless, then walked over to the wall with the canes and whips etc, and started turning a handle with a chain connected, he looked up and I followed his eyes, there was a hook on the end of the chain coming down towards me from the ceiling, he continued turning till the hook was level with my face, then Kathy lifted my hands and hooked my handcuffs over it.

Then Sir started to turn the handle the opposite way so the hook, and now my hands and arms went up with it.

My arms were now straight up full length above my head, then he continued turning till I was stretched up and my feet were just lifted off the floor, I was now hanging there.

He then took one of the leather belts 'the wide one' from the wall and walked over and stood in front of me.

He looked me straight in the eyes, and as he slapped his one hand with the belt a couple of times for sound effects, he said-

Is this what you've been waiting for young lady?

I looked back at him, swallowed hard again, and just nodded my head.

That earned me another smack across the face.

Answer me when I talk to you!

Yes Sir, it is Sir!

He then walked behind me and said-

This is just a 'warm up'. Ok Kathy, when you're ready.

Kathy came and stood in front of me and just looked at me expressionless.

Then I felt her lifting my dress, up over my hips then continued lifting it till it was covering my head, I couldn't see anything.

I was naked from the neck down.

It happened almost immediately, a sharp crack of leather across my left buttock, I shouted out, then another across my right buttock, I screamed this time.

Then I told myself that this was only a 'warm up' so I just bit my lip and closed my eyes, as the next one landed, then the next and the next.

One after the other on alternate cheeks of my now burning arse.

God, how many more I thought, I felt my eyes filling up, told myself I mustn't cry. Don't cry I mentally told myself after each stinging stroke.

Then it stopped, and I heard Sir turning the handle again, my feet made contact with the floor, my arms were still above me, then my dress was pulled back down but only to my waist.

Sir came and stood in front of me again, our eyes locked together, just staring at each other; he obviously saw that mine were full of water.

Cry if it will help, he said.

I felt a tear run down my one cheek; he looked and sounded concerned,

Are you sure you want to carry on with the final flogging?

I felt more tears running down my face now as I replied-

Yes Sir! I must.

As far as I was concerned, if I didn't, I had failed the course, and I'd never failed anything in my life, I wasn't going to start now. I'd never forgive myself.

Have a rest first he said, for a couple of hours.

No Sir, Please, I want to get it over with now.

Very well, he said, if you wish.

I looked at him and with a faint smile on my face, I said.

The sooner it's over with, the more chance I will be able to 'sit' for our meal tonight Sir.

He smiled back, then went and turned the handle to lower my arms, I was unhooked and the handcuffs and rope around my ankles removed.

Sir went round to the back of me; the dress was still above my waist.

A nice even shade of dark pink he said.

You promised me some stripes Sir! I managed to say through the tears.

Indeed I did.

I was led over to 'the horse' and after he had adjusted the height, I was told to bend forward across it, then as before when I had my enema, my wrists and ankles were secured to the legs, so there I was again, legs wide open and ready for whatever was coming to me. My dress remained pulled up over my waist.

I heard him go to the other side of the room, and when he came back, he held two canes in front of my eyes, the thick one and the thin wispy one.

Do you prefer thick stripes or thin? He asked.

I assumed the thin cane would be more painful.

Thick stripes please Sir!

He gave the thin one to Kathy and told her to replace it on the wall, and then he moved behind me, and said-

You will get 20 strokes in all, ten on each side, you will call out the number after each stroke followed by the word 'Sir'

Do you understand?

Yes Sir!

This is it, I thought, this is where I get my come-uppance, I closed my eyes and bit my lips.

The swish of the cane through the air was immediately followed by a cracking sound as it made contact with my arse.

Aaaaah! One Sir! I shouted

Swish crack.

Aaaaah! Two Sir!

Swish crack.

Aaaaah! Three Sir!

The first five were all on the same buttock, and then he moved to the other side of me and the next five applied to my other buttock. Then this was repeated, my eyes were filling up again.

After the first ten, my arse was that numb and burning, that the rest did not feel so bad.

I don't know whether it's the heat generated around my middle, but after the first ten, I could feel myself getting wet, by fifteen, I could feel an orgasm coming on, I was actually starting to buck my hips up towards the cane, I was finding it increasingly difficult to shout out the number of the strokes.

F,f,fifteen S,Sir.

S,s,s,sixteen S,s,s,sir

S,s,s,sevent,t,teen Oooooh S,s,s,sir.

By the time I'd received the final stroke I'd almost but not quite 'come'

I felt Sir's finger on my cunt.

You're very wet girl.

Y,y,y,yes S,s,s,ir.

Would you like me to do something about it?

I felt his finger enter me, it slid right up and he started to finger fuck me.

O,ooooh Y,yes p,please S,sir!

With expert work on my hole and my clit, he brought me off in a matter of seconds.

When he'd finished with me, he undid my wrists and ankle shackles and said,

You stay as you are for a while.

I'll leave Kathy to take care of you, I'll see you later.

Yes Sir, thank you Sir, have I got some nice red stripes on my bum now? Sir.

He held his iphone in front of my eyes, he'd taken a photo, what do 'you' think, he said.

It 'does' looks pretty doesn't it Sir?

It certainly does.

He left the room and Kathy came to my front and held a tube of soothing ointment for me to see.

I'm going spread some on for you, to ease the pain.

Thank you Kathy, I said.

The cool cream felt delightful on my stinging red hot arse, I purred like a kitten, she was very gentle.

I mustn't be ungrateful, but I would have liked 'Sir' to do it.

When she'd finished, she suggested I stay put for a while in this very comfortable position, till the worst of the pain had gone.

When you feel ready she said, come up to my room and I'll take you for a guided tour all around the castle, you won't want to sit for a while.

But at least you have completed your course successfully!

Those words were music to my ears. 'I'd done it'

Thanks Kathy I said, by the way, does Sir do refresher courses?

Yes of course, she replied with a knowing smile.

Good, I'll book one before I leave.

Kathy left the room, and I just cried my eyes out.

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Gym52Gym52over 1 year ago

This story is well due an up date, as stated previously the two days have been reduced to a few paragraphs, each day should have been given a chapter to enable the full effects of the treatment to be expressed. The request for a refresher course gives a direct link to a further two days of discipline.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

If you explain to me now what was femdom about this story, then maybe I can laugh too. Or do you mean your description at the beginning that employees pissed themselves when they were called into her office? My goodness, do your research and learn!

Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago

A great plotline that deserved better treatment, neither the humility section nor the punishment were given adequate space and explanation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The product placement in this story is killing me. Fucking hell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
so much potential

so much potential - there were moments which came so close to being erotic, but you're lacking the tension and passion needed. Slow down a little, describe things more, and loosen up on the dialogue - this is prose, not script writing!

(this is probably also a personal preference, but for the sake of completeness - 'emphasising' so many words, and representing that using punctuation normally reserved for sarcasm, was confusing and outputting!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great Story!

But its in need of a new title! There's nothing "medieval" about the session described in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not Femdom

This is maledom not femdom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


male sub?

Did I read this right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Not very "medieval" Not very erotic. Not very much of anything.

reddbunnzreddbunnzover 10 years ago
Very erotic

I hope you have a sequel planned.

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