Medusa: Fate's Game Ch. 16


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"... no." She shook her head, and pulled Darian's hand to her lips to plant a soft kiss on his knuckles. "You and Chimera, Pinna and Gallea, everyone should ssstay, relaxxxxx."

The Amazon laughed, nodded, and gave her a tiny, finger-waggling wave before disappearing around the wall.

"Thought you said you were exhausted?" Darian said.

"I am. Sssssssssso I am going... to lay here... and ressst. If it just sssssssso happens my love wantss to do things to me while I am too tired to join in, I would appreciate it." She did her best to give him a cat-like grin, but she couldn't help herself, and she flicked her thin forked tongue at his chin.

"Oh, I see how it is. You're just going to lay here while I do all the work. You know I marched into the underworld and fought an entire race of celestial beings?"

She shrugged, let go of his fingers, and let her hands fall to her sides and onto his legs where she lay back between them. "But I'm tired."

He rolled his eyes, but she saw the look on his face, the anticipation and growing arousal. It sent shivers down her long, long spine, and warmed her body a touch more than the sun already was.

But instead of pouncing on her, devouring her, taking her, Darian hugged her. Gentle, tender, as if he was afraid she'd break, Darian hugged her around her shoulders and chest, and buried his face in her neck. No kisses, just his face along her neck, and a long hug she was starting to hope would never end. Her poor Darian.

But after a few moments, he raised his head, smiled down at her — one of the beautiful, perfect smiles he wielded like a sword — reached up for her neck, and undid the knot of her wrap. With slow, delicate fingers, he slid the fabric down from her chest, across where it crossed along her sternum, and past her breast where the cloth wrapped around behind her. Free of its knot, he used his other hand to pull the remaining fabric out from under her, and set it aside.

She was topless, out in the open where anyone could see her if they simply walked around the palace center and looked into the room. And for a split second, she wanted to cover herself up. But it was an old reflex, a dying one, and she giggled a soft sound as she let it go. Her arms remained at her sides on Darian's legs, and she gazed out to the open area that circled the center rooms of the palace, where the sun beamed down through its roofless path and warmed the pillars.

And the more she looked out there, the more she started hoping someone would walk the open path, stand in the sun, and look at her the way Otrera had, that night in the rebel basement. A hundred years of misery because people were afraid of her, she never thought she'd ever be the target of such hungry eyes, and especially not from multiple people.

Her nipples started to harden, and her skin started to blush.

"Haven't even touched you yet," Darian said.

"Sssorry. Just... it's sso... exxposed."

"It is." His fingers slid down her arms to her belly, and then up along her navel to find the underside of her breasts.

Finally. Contact. She mewled, just a quiet sound for now, and let her eyes drift closed as she leaned back into her man's chest while he touched her. Someone might watch, someone might not, she didn't mind either way. She wanted to be touched by Darian more than anything, and it was the anticipation of his fingers on her skin that had the tip of her tail shivering.

Soft, gentle, her lover's fingers roamed over her large bosom, teasing down the center of her sternum, along the inside curve of her breasts, before drifting under them to caress where their weight forced them to drift to the sides of her ribs. Fingers cupped the under curve where they flattened to her chest, and eased her breasts together to lightly squish them, one against the other, before he brought his hands up, over her swelling nipples, and let her breasts drop back down her chest. The bounced lightly, jiggling with their weight, before settling back against her ribs.

And he did it again. No rush, no need to be anywhere, no need to do anything, no need to get it over with so they could sleep or resume a journey or prepare for battle. No need for anything but to simply close her eyes, lean back against Darian's chest, and let him touch her.

"Not going to fall asleep on me are you?" he said.

"If... I do... keep going." She raised a hand long enough to pat his, before setting it down on his leg again. The idea of waking up with Darian's lips around her clitoris was an oddly appealing one, and she chuckled at the silliness of it.

Chuckles turned into quiet moans as Darian's fingers drifted to her nipples. Engorged and standing tall, her large, pink areola always sent powerful shocks of pleasure into her chest and core when touched. And Darian exploited it. He cupped her breasts, let the heavy weight of them spill over his palms, while a finger and thumb reached up to catch her nipples and coddle them.

Slowly, gently, over what was becoming a long and tender massage, the heat started to fill her. Her nipples grew sensitive, with each caress of his fingers sending sparks not only into her chest, but down through her body into her pelvis. Soon, her waist wrap started to grow wet with her increasing need. She didn't bother looking though, she was happy to keep her eyes closed and let everything unfurl.

And Darian was too. She could feel his muscles relax and his breathing remain deep, calm, and soothing. With her naked back against his chest, she could feel his heartbeat, steady, and tranquil. She wanted to feel more.

"Hey... take off your clothes, please?" she said.

Darian nodded, let her breasts go, and tossed away his chiton. With a little shifting of his weight, he managed to get underneath her back to reach his loincloth, undo it, and toss it away as well.

She resettled back against his chest, closed her eyes again, and melted against him. Skin on skin. The hardness of his lean little body, the warmth of it, the way his abs felt pressed to the small of her back, the way his shoulders nudged against her as his hands slid back up onto her body. No barrier between them, she found herself caught somewhere between sleep and bliss as she let the touch of his skin envelop her.

But as sleep pulled at her, she never went under. Pleasure kept her above the heavy black of slumber, and the tingling waves that started to flow out through her chest and breasts increased her breathing. Her heart rate started to get faster too, but it was all pleasure she was comfortable with; no need to open her eyes, move her arms, do anything but lean back against Darian, and let it build.

His hands never got rough, never pinched, never kneaded her with any degree of force. The theme of the day was to relax, and Darian was apparently content to do just that. His drifting fingers teased, caressed, and danced along her skin. His massaging palms pushed up against the underside of her breasts, caused them to overflow his hands, only for him to catch their weight with his wrists and forearms, and squish her breasts together tenderly. His hands drifted back up from underneath their mass, back up onto her nipples, where his fingers circled them, traced along her areola until they grew painfully swollen.

Not a word, only her whimpers and mewls to guide him as he started to get a little firmer with her, and squeezed her large nipples with a touch somewhere between pinch and caress. Somewhere on a line of pleasure that had her breath turning into pants, her body started to quiver as his touch grew a little harder. But then, softer once more. Her aching breasts only became more and more sensitive, until his tender pinches were enough to make her moan, shocks of bliss hitting her chest. But as she grew closer to climax, he eased his touch, and removed his fingers from her nipples to begin caressing the undersides of her breasts again. She dared a glance down at her nipples, and groaned at how engorged they were, how puffy her areola had become, how tender. And Darian knew it. When his fingers found them once again, he grazed his fingertips along them, around them, before capturing her nipples and rubbing them, offering only the softest twists and pinches.

One very long, very gentle breast massage later, she came. Her hands stayed on his legs, but she squeezed the hard muscles there as she moaned, arched her back, and pushed her breasts out as her head dipped back over his shoulder. Her snake hair hardened for a moment before going limp against her neck. Her tail straightened at the tip, shook a few times, before falling limp against the blankets as well. And her body shivered as the pleasure rippled out from her nipples into her breasts, into her core and down to her pelvis where she was starting to soak her wrap.

Darian eased his caressing while she came, thank the gods. Such a gentlemen, he let the pleasure fill her as he let her breasts rest against her, his fingers on her nipples but no longer massaging, only holding. And her swollen, tingling areola filled his palms as she trembled against him, back still arched until at last she collapsed. The warmth of his naked stomach greeted her, and she snuggled into his chest to maximize how much of his skin was against her back.

"Why don't you do that for me?" a voice said.

"Well if you had breasts like that, I might!"

Medusa quirked a brow, raised her head, forced open her heavy eyelids, and looked out to the path. Pinna and Gallea were both peeking out from behind a pillar, and when they caught her eye, they squeaked and tucked in tight behind it. Course, they couldn't get out from behind the pillar without being seen again.

She giggled, and looked up at Darian. The man rolled his eyes, but smiled down at her, and leaned in again to plant more kisses along her ear. No words. He was fine with them watching.

In fact, more than fine. He reached down for her hip, undid the knot of her waist wrap, and tossed it aside. Her pink lips on full display, she blushed brighter; they were soaked.

Darian slid out from behind her. She blinked at him, but he continued to smile down at her as he reoriented himself. He laid her down so her back was against the blankets, and her arms were too, before he turned her over at the hip.

This put her slightly on her side. Still facing up, still on her back, having her hip on her side allowed Darian to sit right up against her butt, lean over, and place one hand on each side of her on the blankets.

She blinked up at him. Blinks turned into wide eyes and anticipation as he leaned down closer, and closer, and wrapped his lips around one of her nipples. She squeaked, and looked down her chest to stare at the man as he softly suckled on her engorged nipple. Still sensitive, Darian started gentle, with a roaming tongue that only lightly caressed her areola, coating them in wet warmth. Her eyes closed, and she again melted under his touch as she let the pleasure start to build once more.

With her partly on her side, her other breast had fallen to the blankets, and lightly squished under its own weight. Her other was in Darian's mouth, and with him suckling on it constantly, prevented it from falling to the side against its sister. Such a lewd display of her body, of her heavy breasts, of how they jiggled when she shivered, and how they fought with gravity with every motion Darian put her through.

She managed to peek open her eyes a bit, without opening them enough for anyone to notice, and caught another glimpse of the satyrs. They were doing their best to hide, they really were, but she could see them fighting with their own arousal as they watched her. Pinna had her hand under her husband's sash loincloth, and was obviously stroking his member. And Gallea, a little ways behind Pinna, had one hand between her thighs, and one under her vest, groping her breasts.

Seeing Medusa played with, seeing her breasts massaged and kissed and suckled, was so arousing for others? She groaned, let her eyes close fully, and trembled, even as she did her best to stay relaxed. Having others not fear her was amazing, and wonderful, and everything she dreamed of. Having others become uncontrollably aroused because of her, was a dream she'd long given up, a dream from back when she was human, when she worshiped Aphrodite and Eros.

She tilted her head backward, and arched her back a bit. Not for pleasure, not yet, but to push her breasts out a little more for Darian, and for the onlookers.

The handsome little warrior groaned over her, and let her breast fall from his lips. It jiggled again as its weight settled against her ribs, and squished her other breast into the blankets. With her eyes closed, she couldn't see what Darian was doing, and when his lips kissed the side of her breast, she shivered with the anticipation of it. Where would his kiss land next? She didn't know, and she liked it that way. With her eyes closed, she relaxed against the blankets all the more, arms limp at her sides, and let Darian do with her whatever he wanted.

Apparently, he wanted to keep kissing her. His lips drifted up her chest, up to her chin, and found her own lips. Nibbles, gentle and playful, pulled at her kiss, and found her nose too. She opened her mouth, stuck out her forked tongue, only for Darian to kiss that too, and lean in to nudge his nose against hers.

All the while he continued to massage her body, her breasts, weight on one arm so the other was free to play with her while he kissed her lips.

She couldn't take it anymore. Hands rose from her sides and reached up for her love. Her fingers slipped into his hair, her other hand sliding down his back, and she opened her eyes.

He was gazing at her. And the poor man, his playful grin was gone, and instead he looked a little somber.

"You ok?" she said.

"Yeah, I am, just... you know, still having trouble accepting the reality."

She smiled up at her little warrior, and pulled his head back down to her lips.

"What reality is that?" Her body was still a little tingly from her orgasm, and Darian was too good to stop petting her just because she was kissing him and talking to him. His fingers continued to caress around her engorged nipple, and tease along the underside of her breast where it squished to the blankets. Her attempts to keep eye contact failed as his touch forced her to start panting once again.

"The woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, is here... right here."

She blushed until her face felt like it'd burst, and she shook her head as she squeaked and giggled. No matter how often they said it to each other, butterflies filled her stomach.

"Even though I'm half sssnake?"

"Even though you're half snake." He leaned in again, and put his lips to her ear where his warm voice sent shivers through her. "Especially because you're half snake." Lips found some of her snakes, and she giggled again as he planted kisses along several of the curious snake noses that nudged into his neck and cheek.

"You didn't like what I looked like as a ghost?"

Darian raised his head and smiled. There it was! That great smile, so warm, so beautiful.

"You looked amazing. And I... I would have..."

And then it was gone, wisped away by whatever dark memories haunted the poor man. That would not do. She caressed the back of his neck with her fingers, and pulled him in close enough to plant more kisses on his lips, slower, gentler.

"I am happy," she said. "So... sssso happy. Because of you."

"It's... hard... to believe that, I guess. Sorry, I know you are but... little doubts still dig at me."

Oh her poor little Darian. She gave him another kiss on the lips, and let her hands drift down his shoulders and arms.

"I thought I wanted my legs back, but I was wrong. All I wanted was to be able to talk to people again, without them being afraid. And I have that! Thanks to you... a man who thinksss sssnakesss are beautiful."

"Snakes are pretty, I give you that."

She chuckled up at him, and licked the tip of his nose with her long tongue. "I love you. And I owe you sso much."

He closed his eyes, smiled, and let his head drift down over her. Her poor Darian, she could see him struggling to accept that reality, that he'd made good of her life, that he'd helped her. That everything was better because of something he'd done.

She'd have to show him.

With a hand upon his shoulder, she guided his movements until his head was over her breast once more. Her other hand took his wrist, and she guided his fingers down to the lips of her sex.

The spark of pleasure hit her as his fingertips grazed along her swollen clitoris, and she let out a quiet, long moan of bliss.

"I want to lay here, with you, and have sssssssssex all day. The others can watch, too."

He blinked down at her, and she giggled at him as she guided his lips back onto her breasts. Others watching her have sex, it used to be such a terrifying prospect. Now, she didn't mind at all. A part of her even craved it.

How much they had all changed.

Her drifting mind was pulled back into the moment as Darian wrapped his lips around her nipple again. But as he did, his other hand started to stroke her clit in a gentle, slow, circular motion. Fingertips drifted down to wet themselves on her juices, before they returned to her clit to stroke it up and down with the same loving massage, now dripping with her arousal.

Her nipples were getting tender, swollen to bursting as Darian continued to suckle on one of them. But, just as she found it too stimulating, his mouth lifted from her nipple, and kissed alongside the heavy curves of her breast, while his fingers on her clit quickened.

Medusa closed her eyes again as she mewled, but cracked them open just enough to peek Pinna and Gallea's way. They continued to play with and stroke each other, and were being a little less hidden about it. Pinna's vest was undone, her breasts visible, and Gallea's hands were all over her while she continued to work her hand under his waist sash. Unable to contain themselves because of her, and Darian. The thought was enough to make her snake body quiver.

But again, Darian's touch brought her attention back to him. She looked down her body at what he was doing to her, at how his lips pulled up on her nipple, and how her breast bounced lightly when he let her nipple go. He was obsessed with her breasts, like a young boy. And she liked it.

"Nnn... tender."

"But it makes you make the most amazing noises." And again he leaned over her, planted kisses between her breasts, and traced his lips along one of their undersides before slowly enveloping her nipple in his mouth again. With his fingers on her clitoris, the engorged bud trapped between two of his fingers, every motion, no matter how gentle, was sending lovely waves of sharp pleasure through her pelvis. But worse was his lips on her breasts, her nipples already wonderfully sensitive from her earlier orgasm. Darian refused to let up, and continued to suckle, to kiss, to find a gentle but consistent rhythm of kissing and licking her swollen areola and hardened nipple.

And she let him. Her arms fell limp to the blankets, and she let her love devour her breasts until the sparks started to work into her core, and ripple through her body. Orgasm took her, and her fingers gripped the blankets while her tail's tip wagged like a dog's. Her body shuddered, her breasts jiggled against her as she shivered with spasms, and the juices of her sex started to drip to the side of her hip.

Darian raised his head as she mewled, and eased his touch upon her clitoris while she came. "Your breasts are amazing."

She frowned, but couldn't keep it up, and her smile broke through as she adjusted her head on her blankets, eyes still closed. Whole body tingling, with little shocks of bliss working through her, made each tired breath come out as a pant.
