Meet Me in St. Louis Ch. 02

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Lady Cynthia in New York.
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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 07/06/2023
Created 12/01/2022
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Before setting off on the "Queen Mary," Lady Cynthia had rather wished that the journey would not take as long as a week, but such was the pleasure she derived from the burgeoning relationship with Petra, that by the time she arrived in New York, she regretted that it had only taken that long.

Knowing that the morrow would see them disembark, Lady Cynthia had suggested to Petra that they retire for the night a little early.

By this stage, Petra knew what was expected of her, and to Cynthia's delight, seemed not only to want it, but to want more of it and to be inventive.

Dressed only in her underwear, the tall, lithe Petra made a tempting sight.

"Do you really need those panties my slut?"

"Well, Miss, I know how much you like removing them, that's the only reason I wear them at all."

Cynthia grinned.

"You know, Petra, you're a gem."

Becoming serious for a moment, Petra looked at Cynthia.

"Thank you, Cynthia. This is special. I hope you don't think I am doing this just because you are my employer? I really do love being with you like this."

Cynthia, who was finding the whole experience of being away from home and from Papa and Mama exhilaratingly liberating, smiled and kissed Petra. Looking into her eyes, she said:

"Well how about we make love?"

"I love our games," Petra said, "but you know how much I just want to please you. Let me."

What Petra had not been able to tell Lady Cynthia was that much as she loved what she did to her, she, Petra, really wanted to spend time helping her climax in as many ways as possible. But, with them both being inexperienced in the ways of love, neither of them had managed to get much beyond realising that there was, for each of them, at least as much pleasure in giving as in receiving.

"What had you in mind, Pet?"

"You love making me climax, Cyn."

"I do," Cynthia grinned, "a lot."

"The thing is, I love making you cum too, but as you tend to be in charge, I end up cumming more often."

Cynthia looked at her lover.

"Really? But I love making you cum."

Petra smiled, trying, not for the first time that week, to work out where she wanted this to go.

"I know, Cyn and I love it too. Do you want to now?"

Cynthia smiled.

"You know it."

Petra, who had run this moment over and over in her head time and again, took a deep breath - and the plunge.

"So, you want to make me cum lots?"

"Yes," Cynthia grinned, wondering quite why Pet was making heavy weather of the obvious.

"So, tonight could be about me? And me cumming?"

"It could," Cynthia smiled.

"Are you wet for me Cyn?"

"Feel," Cynthia replied.

"Touch yourself and let me taste, Cyn."

That idea appealed to Cynthia, who lifted her skirt and, pushing her hand down her panties, ran a finger between her lips and then proffered it to Petra.

"You are so wet darling Cyn."

"The effect you have," Lady Cynthia said, speaking the plain truth.

"Oh, Cyn, you find me that attractive that you want to play with yourself?"

Grinning, but wondering where this was going, Cynthia said she did.

"What if I said that I wanted you to lick me there, but not rub yourself while you did?"

"Is that what you want, Pet?"

"Would you give me that?"

Smiling, and finally working out what Petra was up to, Cynthia nodded.

"Strip for me, Cyn, I want you naked - I want to see all of you."

Intrigued by this development, Cynthia was more than happy to play along with it.

First Cynthia slipped the shoulder straps of her dress, allowing it to fall down in a pool at her feet, she followed that with her chemise, standing in just her stockings, suspenders, and heels, with just her panties covering her modesty.

"You have very small breasts, Cyn."

"I do, unlike you."

"You like my tits, Cyn?"

"I do."

Petra followed Cynthia's lead, taking her dress and petticoats off, standing in her corset, which pushed up her firm breasts and gave them a good cleavage, and then just her stockings and panties.

"Do you want to see my tits bare?" Petra asked.

Having gone this far, Cynthia decided that she might as well follow through.


Petra looked teasingly.

"Oh, Cynthia, come on, is that any way to ask for a favour?"

Then, of a sudden she saw it, and it excited her.

"Please, Miss Petra, may I see your bare breasts?"

"Well, as you seem to have none to speak of, I am happy to show you a good pair."

Petra undid her corset and her tits spilled out.

"May I suck them, Miss Petra?"

"You may!"

Petra lay back on the bed and allowed Cynthia to kneel between her thighs and begin licking her tits. She groaned as she felt her lips fasten onto her left nipple and pull at it, harder and harder. She had taken two risks: would Cynthia realise what she wanted; and would she do it? Thus far, reinforcing their social positions, it had always been Cynthia who took the lead, but Petra had been wondering what it might feel like to reverse their usual roles. She was delighted that she had read Cynthia aright.

As Cynthia sucked on Pet's nipple, feeling it swell in her mouth, hearing her moan as she pressed her lips on it and sucked harder, she felt a tingle thrust itself through her; she did not always have to take a lead.

Ironically, that thought made her push her hands under Petra's panties and begin to finger her wetness, finding her so slippery that it was easy to slip two fingers between her petals and curl them up into her inner sanctum. She was so gooey that Cynthia longed to taste her; but the initiative lay with Petra.

As she felt Cynthia's fingers slide into her and begin to fuck her, Petra gasped. Totally gone was the game she had been playing, any tactics or plans were replaced by the urgency to be fucked as hard as possible.

"Oh, oh, oh, she groaned as she felt Cynthia's fingers plundering her pussy, her knuckle grazing her clit, her lips sucking on one nipple and then the other, taking her, so obviously wanting her. That was what Petra wanted.

Later she would task herself for being selfish, but as Cyn would remind her, that had been the nature of the game, so, far from forgetting the rules of their new game, both women had unconsciously abided by it: Cynthia devoting herself to pleasuring Petra; Petra to being pleasured.

As Cynthia's fingers worked their magic, Petra felt herself push down on them, as though to embed them; she needed more. And then, as though Cynthia had read her thoughts, two more fingers were added, the stretching effect making her gasp and cry out. Then Cynthia bit her nipple, hard, and pressed her knuckle where it had most effect. Petra let go, abandoning everything and letting the passion rip through her.

The intensity of Petra's climax surprised and aroused Cynthia, and she made a mental note to store it away to ponder for the future.

There was a period of time, she had no idea how long it was, when Petra was just lost on a cloud of erotic fulfilment. She had no idea it could be like that. With Cyn, her first and only woman, it had always been good, but this!

As her eyes refocussed, she looked at Cynthia.

"Oh my darling, what on earth was that? What did you do to me to make it like that? Oh, oh, oh...."

Her words gave way to moans as she felt Cynthia moving her fingers again, and she felt another mini-climax, and then another overcome her.

Cyn had loved seeing Pet orgasm like that, and with her fingers still inside her lover, she had decided to see what might happen if she moved them again. The result was beyond her hope. This, she realised, was something else. It was not just that physically, she had got it "right," it was more than that. There was something else at work.

"Thank you, darling, just thank you."

Cynthia smiled. She had not even been sure if this experiment would work, but its success was going beyond her wildest dreams. Whatever was happening, Cynthia wanted more of it; but the question was to decide what it was before she could know how to get more of it.

Petra drew her out of her contemplative mood. She pulled her up and kissed her. She was not sure why Cynthia had gone "dreamy" on her, but it clearly was not want of interest. She kissed her, wondering if Cynthia would now demand her "share" of the fun, but to her surprise she didn't. They kissed for a long time, and then Cynthia suggested that she take off her remaining clothes and snuggle up. As they drifted to sleep, both women knew that some Rubicon had been crossed - they just had no idea what it was or what it might mean.

New York did what it did to all who arrived by ocean liner: first it hit them with the skyline, then the sheer size of the place overwhelmed Cynthia and Petra, and finally, as they disembarked, the hustle and bustle seemed to swallow them up. It was a relief to find that the promised "help" from the lawyers was there.

"You must be Lady Cynthia," the man said, "I was told you was on the petite side."

"I am, and this is my travelling companion, Petra, and you are?"

"Fred Burke, from your Aunt's lawyers. I have a cab here, so let's get your luggage in and get you to the hotel to freshen up."

It was a huge relief to have a chaperone.

The hotel, a large brownstone building near Central Park, was well-appointed, and Cynthia was pleased with it. Mr Burke had promised to meet them for dinner before they saw the senior partner on the morrow.

The first thing that struck both women when they went down for dinner was the absence of alcohol. Burke explained about the Volstead Act of 1920 and the prohibition of alcohol.

"How strange?" Cynthia exclaimed.

"Well, Lady Cynthia, the anti-booze religious lobby is a powerful one here, but if you are missing it, I can advise you where it can be purchased."

"Isn't that illegal?" Petra asked.

"Strictly speaking," Burke replied, "but human nature is what it is Miss, and where there is a will - and a market - there will be a way. That's the American way Miss."

Burke was delightful company, and the evening passed by pleasantly enough. He explained that they had booked the ladies onto a train for St Louis on Thursday, which would give them a day to talk with the senior partner and to look round.

"Can you throw any light on all this, Mr Burke? It is a great puzzle to me. I recall Aunt Emily, but have no idea why she has left this property to me."

"Best let Mr Franklin explain, your Ladyship, he has letters for you which ought to explain things. Is there anything else I can get you ladies? This is," he added, "on us, it's a real pleasure to meet you both."

Cynthia could see that he was eyeing up Petra, which hardly surprised her. America could, she reflected, be interesting.

Back in their room it was Petra who raised the topic.

"I think Mr Burke rather liked me, what do you think?"

"I noticed," Cynthia said, smiling, "and as I do, I can't see why he shouldn't."

"How would you feel if I succumbed to his advances?"

"Would you?" Cynthia asked.

"That, little Miss, is not the question," Petra replied, her tone changing.

Being addressed as "little Miss" by her companion sent shivers through Cynthia.

"I am not sure how I would feel, but that would not be my decision, would it?"

Petra smiled:

"You are learning. Now we are in America, perhaps our old class boundaries can be broken. Can I ask a question, darling?"

Further shivers shot through Cynthia at Petra's words.

"Of course."

"Do you like it when I take control?"

"I do," Cynthia found herself admitting.

Petra smiled broadly. Ever since the previous evening and Cynthia's easy acceptance of her control, she had been wondering where to go with this, and it occurred to her that being in America might give them both the freedom to cast off their roles. Of course, Cynthia was still paying her a wage - and the bills - but if she actually wanted what Petra was offering, and all the signs were there, then it could work perfectly.

Cynthia had been enjoying the role reversal. She was not sure how far she wanted it to go, but was sure she wanted to explore that path. Pet's obvious pleasure in it was a good sign, but this, mentioning the freedom America might give them, added a dimension she was anxious to investigate. She looked at Petra.

"Oh, Cyn, why is this so exciting? If I go wrong, tell me, I don't know how far to go, but, oh damn it, I want you in just your panties, on your knees for me, knees apart and hands behind your head."

The very words made her shiver. Stripping to her panties, Cynthia assumed the position, watching Petra as she stripped naked and sat on the end of the bed. She beckoned to her.

"Come, pleasure me my little one!"

Aroused as she was, the gesture and the words sent such a tingle to her core that Cynthia was conscious that she was leaking on to the floor. She crawled until the was between Pet's thighs, and then, with her hand guiding her, Cynthia began to lick upwards, her tongue dipping in, as she took Petra's own cream to her clit and used it to press it hard, before flicking it. She felt her head gripped tight.

Petra was lost in erotic excitement and arousal. Any reservations, caveats, fears, were all instantly banished by the combination of Cynthia's compliance and what followed it. Her tongue was doing things to her that she could hard have imagined, and being able to push her mistress's head right into her hair and grind against her face, send her close to the edge of orgasm with a haste which amazed her.

That feeling of Pet grinding against her face had Cynthia leaking all down her inner thighs. She wanted to rub herself, fuck, she thought, she so needed it, but, well Pet's needs came first, and she swirled her tongue to pleasure her. Her scent overwhelmed her; how could she be so wet? But that nectar, yes, she thought, she wanted every drop. If she was a slut, she was a greedy little slut for Petra's cream.

The road to her first orgasm was clear, and with ecstasy, Petra took it, not caring that she was grinding her pubic hair into Cyn's face, she just needed to push and rub and spasm, spraying her nectar everywhere.

As Petra gushed onto her, Cynthia tried not to miss a drop, but was conscious of it dripping down her chin onto her achingly hard nipples. To her delight, Petra did not let her go, she needed a quick second spasm, and got it, falling back, exhausted, just holding Cyn's head in place, letting her use that tongue as she wanted. As she felt her hands under her bottom, she lifted her legs, placing them across Cynthia's shoulders, allowing her access all areas.

Cynthia followed the trail of the nectar downwards. Conscious her face must be rubbed red, she licked across Petra's perineum, taking pleasure in her writhing and moaning. Then, greatly daring, but she was, truth to tell, in some place she had never been, Cynthia let her tongue explore Petra's rosebud, teasing the tight, intimate space. She then, gently, but firmly, slid two fingers into her pussy, which not only made Petra moan, but also made her clench her rosebud.

Two climaxes were enough, surely? But no. What sort of sex-crazed slut was she turning into, Petra wondered, but as she felt Cyn's tongue invade her most private place, and then gasped as her fingers took her, she no longer cared. She wanted this, she needed this, this was just beyond words. And even as she thought that, her senses fused together, causing her to orgasm again.

As Petra came for at least the third time, Cynthia relaxed. This felt so good. Her who body seemed to tense with her lover, and though she did not climax, she felt waves of pleasure sweep over her. Cynthia felt Petra pulling her hair.

Petra wanted to hug her Cynthia, to thank her, to be close and loving, so she signalled, and Cynthia followed, climbing onto the bed, and snuggling into her.

The two women lay the longest while, their love expressed in words and actions, but in something deeper.

It was only much later, in the early hours of the morning, that Cynthia woke. Her lover lay next to her, breathing softly. Whatever this was, she thought, it was so worth it. But what was to come?

Morning brought some answers, but more questions. The two lovers kissed on waking, and breakfasted before Burke's cab arrived for them.

At the law firm, they were shown up to a rather grand office, where Mr Franklin welcomed them.

"First, Lady Cynthia, thank you for coming all this way. I am afraid your Aunt's will was most firm on that point. But the good news is that there is a ten-thousand-dollar bonus for you to spend as you wish. We have arranged a Pullman to St Louis, but first, I am sure you must be anxious to know more."

Cynthia smiled politely.

"Thank you, Mr Franklin. No one could have been kinder than Mr Burke and now yourself. I must confess I am anxious to know more about what I have inherited and why."

"What is simple enough my dear. You have inherited her mansion down near a place called Lecleet's Landing, and an establishment there. The total value of both would come to about thirty thousand dollars, and on top of that, your Aunt has left stocks and shares of the same value, so you are, Lady Cynthia, a wealthy woman. The establishment brings in about eight thousand dollars a year."

Cynthia felt herself blush. Goodness, even allowing for the difference between the dollar and sterling, she would find herself an independent woman with enough money to do as she wanted. But there was one question she had to ask.

"What on earth does this 'establishment' do that brings in so much money?"

Mr Franklin coloured and coughed to express his discomfort.

"Ah, well, your Ladyship, pardon my bluntness, it is a bordello for women."

Cynthia and Petra looked at each other in shocked surprise.

"There are two letters here explaining things, Lady Cynthia."

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PixiehoffPixiehoff10 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, good to have your voice here again, Wolfie xxxxx

amadeuseroticamadeuserotic10 months ago

After a long hiatus I came back to this story and realized that I had given 5 stars already, but I didn't find the words to comment.

What resonated with me most was that Lady Cyn seems to have orgasms by proxy. She is satisfied and fulfilled by her lover's orgasms. Rather than demanding her turn, she just wants to give more. In essence, she has discovered tantric sex. Perhaps Petra also realizes that her orgasms are not for herself but for her lover.

It is all about sharing and becoming one.

Being a generous soul, Cynthia will undoubtedly use her inheritance to help many women discover the holy grail or the nirvana of love.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Glad you enjoyed in 2x xxxxx

Nicole2023Nicole202311 months ago

Whoooo plot twist....

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Franziska xxx

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy11 months ago

That turns into another real Lady Pixiehoff tale …. Smile …… leaving the old standards, having a wonderful ocean liner journey with some extraordinary besides and landing in New York, getting the full impact of the New World, so Lady Cynthia is ready to conquer the world ….. ok not the world just an establishment

This will be fun, like this tale another of yours, with the bordello in london and getting wealthy as well

Well done as aswalys my Lady ….. 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💋🍀

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks Jeff = happy Christmas xxxxxx

Save_Classic_ViewSave_Classic_Viewover 1 year ago
Happy Christmas to Pixie and June, and may my Christmas Wish bring you both Fulfilment, Happiness, and Joy.

Dear Pixie and June,

Thank-you so much Pixie & June for bringing happiness and joy throughout the year, with your Literotica published works, your Literotica picture forums, and your Emily's Escort chatroom, which your 1,042 loyal readers & followers (972 Pixie & 70 June) absolutely enjoy.

I know you both love each other dearly; however, I feel that one thing is missing in your lives. I had hoped and prayed, that the Church of England made a decision, on allowing LGBTQ marriages in 2022, as I had read earlier this year. Now, I read that the Church of England will make their decision in February in 2023 and that 6 of the clergy voting members, expressed publicly, that that they will vote in favor of allowing / performing LBGTQ marriages.

Rest assured Pixie and June, that I will keep praying 🙏 for this miracle to occur, but I will not be satisfied until I see an illustrated story from you both, on this wonderful and glorious event, to make my Christmas wish complete.

God Bless you Both Pixie and June, and I hope you both have a Wonderful, Blessed 👼🙏, and a Happy Christmas 🎅🏻🎄❄🤶🏻 ⛄.



FYI: I also Pray for Good Health to you both and also for June's Mom.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Pappa - I so appreciate your comment xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am not sure if you are capable of writing anything less than a 5 star story. This was great. the changing of leadership was unexpected and quite fulfilling.

Pappasleaze! (Michael)

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Paul xxxxx

Paul4playPaul4playover 1 year ago

Wow! Oh, wow!

Steamy hot sex! Intensely arousing!

And a good step forward in the tale….

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you darling Wolfie, so glad that you are enjoying this xxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, darling Kay xxxxx

amadeuseroticamadeuseroticover 1 year ago

Cynthia and Petra crossed the Rubicon and the Atlantic Ocean, but they still find themselves in the midst of wetness.

Those rivers, just like the story, just keep flowing ❤

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