Melody For A New Day


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When Dennis was guided into the department, he was refilling liquid soap dispensers for the night cleaners to install in the bathrooms.

"Damn, man! When are you getting your new teeth?" Dennis exclaimed.

"Fuck. My dad won't pay for it until I finish summer school. He was seriously pissed I lost the scholarship, but he's going to pull some strings to get me into another college. He said I had to get my shit together first," Jeff grimaced.

Dennis was relieved that his friend would have another chance.

Jeff glanced at the doorway and moved a little closer. "Listen, I need your help to get revenge against David. I no longer have access to my car. My dad takes me to and from work and won't let me go out at night. Even if I could, I can't see Rebecca as her parents have forbidden her to see me. All this bullshit is David's fault."

Dennis frowned as Jeff sounded obsessed. "Dude, you need to let this go as you're digging yourself deeper. I don't want to be part of a revenge scheme."

Jeff stared at him with cold eyes. "I never expected you, of all people, to be so disloyal."

Dennis rocked back slightly as he realized he was hearing his own words used against him. He shook his head and stared at someone he'd once considered a friend. David's words returned to him.

He turned and left, shaken.


When everyone was home at the end of the day, David regaled Auden on the mundane activities she'd missed at school, which was pretty much nothing.

She, in turn, told him how she and her lawyer met and presented her grandmother with her termination papers and a box of personal items she'd left in the shop. She was told to sign the documents or face criminal charges for her attempted theft of company funds. The termination document outlined how her unlawful activities eliminated any compensation claim.

It also included terms that she and her family were persona non grata in any of the flower shops in perpetuity.

She also learned her grandmother had an extremely dirty mouth for all her prim and proper appearance. A video of her tirade was played back for her before she left with the promise of releasing it on every social media website that accepted such smut if she showed her nasty mug anywhere near the shops.

Auden spent the rest of the day speaking with every supplier and shop manager, filling them in on the new head office hierarchy and a notice to not act upon any contact from her grandmother but to report it to her.

David and Melody hugged her for enduring the stressful encounter.

After dinner, Keith and Jackie visited Melody's house to speak to David. Melody welcomed them into her living room, where they took seats.

"Would it be okay if we could speak with David privately," Jackie asked timidly.

"No, it wouldn't be okay, Mom!" David insisted. "Melody and Auden stay because I was embarrassed when I found out about it from Dad's drunken confession in front of them."

Jackie's face was burning, but she took a deep but shaky breath and began.

"When I was in college, I discovered I had a need to be... manhandled. I don't like pain, but being completely under the control of another gets me excited. I made the terrible mistake of accepting an invitation to a frat party. I was sexually abused by every member of the frat house. I had bruises for weeks afterward. One of the pledges was Barry La Rue, my boss at my office. I didn't recognize him when I applied for the job, but he recognized me. Once I was hired, he called me into his office and showed me the movie he shot that night. He told me if I tried to quit, he'd send the movie to Keith, post it online, and send copies to all the other frat house members with my address. He said I was going to be his plaything." She raised a hand to stop David's snarl. "He never touched me. He wasn't a healthy man. He was impotent and suffered from several severe medical conditions. He couldn't have sex, but he used blackmail to make me do... sexual things in his office for hours but never let me... finish. It was humiliating, sickening, and intensely frustrating. I wanted to escape but couldn't see a way out."

She looked at David sadly. "Then you gave me that first massage, and I was shocked and mortified you were touching me like that, but I was also reeling from how much it triggered my need. Your father arrived home at just the right moment. It was the best se--It was a wonderful night and such a relief," she finished quickly, her face flushed from embarrassment. David looked deeply uncomfortable, too.

"I love your father so much, and I deeply regret keeping the secret from him and abusing your trust. I didn't know how to free myself from the blackmail. I was terrified Barry would follow through with his threat."

David leapt to his feet. "Where does the bastard live?" he snarled.

Keith raised a palm and shook his head. "David, Barry died last night."

David felt his moorings begin to slide as he looked at his father in shock.

Keith glared at him. "Oh, come on! You can't possibly think I killed him! He was caught in a fire in his condo and died!"

David let Auden and Melody pull him back down to the couch.

Keith still looked miffed about David's reaction, so he elaborated. "I went to see Barry last night at his office to find out what might be causing your mother's recent behavior. He thought Jackie had confessed what he'd been doing, and I was there to confront him. He admitted to everything and gave me the memory stick with the video, which he said was the only copy. Then he realized I hadn't known any of it. He tried to goad me into beating him, but that's not who I am. I told him I hoped one of the diseases killing him took him soon." He glanced at Auden and Melody with a defensive expression then he sighed.

"I watched the video on the memory stick. I was... horrified! Combined with what that monster said, I couldn't deal with it, so I got very drunk for the first time in my life." He looked to David. "You saw the result of that last night." David nodded. "This morning, Melody and I went to speak to Jackie at her office and discovered Barry died last night. Jackie arrived, and we had a long talk. I was ready to walk away as I didn't believe I could forgive, forget, or fulfill her needs."

David squirmed uncomfortably as this was more intimate than he was ready to be with his parents.

"Melody told us to be honest with each other. We do love each other, but there was this huge issue between us we were struggling with. She told us to fight for our love as it was worth saving." He smiled at Melody and then shared a look with Jackie. "We're going to try to move forward and put the past behind us. I'm going to try to be the person Jackie needs."

"You already are!" Jackie said. "I love the man you are, and I love my life now that Barry La Rue is no longer part of it. I even like my job. I'm good at it, and I believe I'll be offered Barry's job as I was doing it for years. It may sound mean, but I'm thrilled he's dead!"

Keith and Jackie looked toward David.

"I'm not going to massage you anymore!" David said firmly.

Jackie nodded. "I understand, and I'm sorry I abused your good nature for my selfish needs." She then looked at Melody. "I'm also sorry for how badly I treated you. You've been nothing but helpful. I'm still worried about your relationship with David," she held a hand up to forestall his protest. "I'm your mother, David. I will always worry about you. I was trying to say, I won't interfere in this... whatever it might be."

"How sure are you that Barry was telling the truth that it was the only copy?" David asked in concern.

Jackie shook her head. "Barry was a lot of awful things, but he never once lied to me. He said he only made one copy, and I would get it when one of the diseases took him... or if I ever found the courage to tell Keith the truth." She glanced sidelong at her husband guiltily.

Comprehension suddenly dawned in Keith's eyes. "That's what he meant about you fulfilling your part of the deal."

"I was too terrified you'd leave me if you found out about what I'd done at that frat house," Jackie said miserably.

Keith wrapped an arm around his wife, and she cried as she clung to him.

After a bit, Jackie's tears tapered off, and she wiped at her cheeks. David moved to kneel before her and handed her a box of tissues. She looked at him with sad eyes, and he gently hugged her. He didn't hold her for long, though.

"It's going to take me a little bit to get back to being comfortable with the casual hugs," he said in apology, and she nodded as she blew her nose into a tissue.

"Did you destroy the memory stick?" David asked.

Keith shook his head. "No."

David looked at his father, expecting him to elaborate, but his expression was stiff as he looked away, so David asked his next question.

"Are you going to say anything to Rick and Suzanne about this?" David asked.

Keith refocused on David. "No, not for a long time, if at all. I trust we can count on your discretion?" He was looking at Melody and Auden as well and received three nods.

"We'll go forward with the plan to move Suzanne into your bedroom, and when you are available, we'll take down the dividing wall so Rick can have a full bedroom, as well," Keith suggested.

David smiled and nodded. "This weekend?" He glanced at Melody. "After we visit some car showrooms and do some test drives." Melody smiled with a nod.

His dad agreed. "Sounds like a plan, thanks. If you don't mind, the day has left us a little wrung out, so we're heading home now. Talk tomorrow?" Keith said to David and got a nod.

They stood up and hugged, then Keith gathered Jackie and led her back to the front door and out.

David locked up and faced Melody and Auden, the latter looking at David with big eyes.

"Are you okay, David?" Melody asked.

He nodded, but it was shaky. "I... I get how Dad is unsettled by this. We've learned Mom has a completely secret side to her. Moms are supposed to be a constant in their children's lives."

Melody smiled gently. "When a child grows up and develops adult perceptions, they fully see their parents with all their Human frailties for the first time. That's not always welcome. How you deal with it tells you what kind of adult you'll be. You've had a greater shock than most, but I believe you're taking it exceptionally well."

David gave her a kiss for that.

He sighed. "Do you think we could cuddle tonight? I'm mentally exhausted."

That received smiles and nods from both ladies.

Chapter 6

The next few days were mostly uneventful, which everyone appreciated.

Friday, Melody spent the day at Auden's flower shop after a brief lesson on the point-of-purchase machinery. The part-timer who came in was trained in making the flower arrangements, so she concentrated on that while Melody handled the simpler orders and closing the sales. She quite enjoyed herself, and Auden was pleased and grateful when she returned to the store at the end of the school day.

Melody, David, and Auden went car hunting on Saturday and brought Melody's cars for the dealers to make trade-in assessments. When they spotted a sporty, royal blue compact SUV, Melody took it for a test drive and fell in love.

The surprisingly honest dealer informed them they could definitely get more for such a classic Lincoln Continental if she sold it privately. What he was authorized to offer as a trade-in was pathetic. He said he'd take her smaller car as the trade-in was comparable to what she could expect from a private sale.

That decided, they worked out a deal for the new SUV. As it was from the lot, she'd only have to wait two days to pick it up. They left Melody's car as its plates would be transferred to the SUV. They drove her husband's car to the bank to pick up a certified check in preparation for Monday.

Sunday, David moved all his personal items from his room to Melody's home. His furniture, minus his desk, went into his dad's garage for now. He had a lot to do to fix up his room, and it began with new paint.

Jackie hovered, trying to be helpful, but she knew it was too soon.

After school on Monday, David and Auden drove Melody to the dealership in his pickup, and she drove home in her sporty little SUV crossover. She was squealing with joy as she parked it in her driveway. Her young lovers were delighted to see her so happy.

When they finally got her inside and upstairs, they made sure that smile remained on her face until she sighed in contentment and slipped into sleep that night.


Melody arranged Chelsea's dinner on Tuesday night. That evening, David drove Auden and himself to her address and slowly took them up the large circular driveway as they stared in surprise at the expansive mansion before them.

"How many people live here?" Auden asked quietly.

David shook his head as he parked his truck next to the front door. "I think it's just her!"

They got out and approached the lovely front door, which opened as they reached it.

Chelsea smiled at them nervously. "Good evening! Please come in!" she said.

They nodded and stepped into the grand foyer as Chelsea stepped back.

"Good evening, Chelsea! May I introduce you to Auden Wright, my girlfriend," David said with a smile.

"Hello!" Chelsea said a little timidly as they shook hands.

David tried to break the ice. "We were stunned by how large your home is! All the properties on this street are huge!"

Chelsea smiled at David and nodded. "Julian was loaded and insisted on the biggest of everything!" Looking him in the eye, she bounced her breasts with a coy little smile, then quickly glanced over at Auden and saw the woman wasn't offended but smiling, too. That relaxed her a little.

She guided them through the home, giving a little tour as they made their way to the large gourmet kitchen at the back.

"Are you friends with your neighbors?" David asked as he looked out the expansive floor-to-ceiling glass panels facing the backyard.

Chelsea shook her head with a smile. "The Sanchez family lives in the mansion to the left. Just the three of them. Esmerelda Sanchez doesn't like me as she believes I'm trying to seduce her husband, Emelio, and I set a terrible example for her daughter, Isabella. She planted a tall Italian Cyprus evergreen hedge between our properties to block their view of my pool area. It's not my fault I like to sunbathe in very skimpy bikinis."

David chuckled, and Auden grinned as well, making Chelsea feel more at ease with the young woman.

"On the right side are the Ducanes. Abigail told me to my face that I wasn't the right kind of people to live in this neighborhood. Then she caught her husband watching me enjoying the sun. I could hear her screaming as I relaxed on my lounge chair." She giggled. "A few days later, I saw the same arborist service Esmerelda used outside their home. They'll likely be planting a row of Cyprus evergreens on their property as well. By next summer, I'll have complete privacy in my backyard."

David went to the patio doors to look at the Ducane's home as he realized Jeff lived next door.

His parents would be there, so there shouldn't be an issue.

He shared a look with Auden and shrugged. He had dinner to prepare.

"What an amazing kitchen you have! Ready for some Coq Au Vin?" he asked with a grin.

Chelsea clapped her hands as she bounced on her toes, making other parts of her anatomy jiggle very nicely.

Auden grinned at David's mesmerized expression.

He shook it off and got to work.


Jeff seethed in the passenger seat of his dad's car as they returned from the office.

The time he had to spend at that building was too fucking long as he went in with his father and drove home with him.

The job they gave him was shit! He was bored out of his fucking mind all day!

The people he worked with were morons. None would talk to him outside of giving him orders.

The food at lunch was disgusting crap.

He'd have to endure this until summer school began, and even then, he'd been told he'd still be under a curfew, driven to and from school.

It was total bullshit!

As they pulled onto his street, he watched the homes go by. As they passed the Sanchez home, he glanced toward the window, which was Isabella's room. She was growing up into such a hot little bitch.

She wasn't visible, so he just pouted.

Then they were passing by his fantasy fuck's mansion.

For him, Chelsea Cartright was sex personified. He'd busted a nut so many times watching her sunbathe by her pool. Her big, oiled titties gleamed in the sunlight, begging for a cock to slide between them. Her plump lips were designed for sucking cock right down to the base, and her ass was a perfect springboard for anal sex!

When he learned his mother had ordered a tall hedge to be planted between their properties, he'd been livid!

He knew Chelsea lived alone now as he'd heard her latest husband had died overseas somehow. Jeff knew there would never be a better time for him to fuck her. He just had to make his own opportunity.

As they passed before the huge house, something wasn't right. Jeff stared at the pickup truck parked before the main entrance and felt his heart begin to pound in his chest.

He knew that truck. That was David's!

"SONUVABITCH!" he screamed, and the car jerked and skidded to a halt as he startled his father.

"What the fuck are you yelling about?" the man cursed at him.

Jeff pulled his eyes from the truck to lock on his father. "That's David's truck!"

The man frowned. "What? Where?"

Jeff's anger was spiking again. "Parked in front of the fucking slut's house!"

George Ducane had taken just about enough bullshit from his son. While he agreed with the term used for their busty neighbor, he didn't need to hear it from the mouthy little shit his son was becoming.

He stepped on the gas and continued onward to their driveway. He pressed the garage door opener and drove them right into his spot when they reached the garage.

Jeff was out the door the second they stopped, heading down the driveway, and George leapt out his side.


Jeff stumbled to a halt and looked back at his dad, whose face was becoming bright red.

"David isn't the cause of your current misfortune. You are, and you need to take responsibility for your life decisions. Get to your room. NOW!"

Snarling at his dad, he looked toward the neighbor's home, changed direction, and went into the house to climb the stairs to his room.

Once behind his door, Jeff used his phone app to bring up the home's security camera on their front door and turned it to aim at Chelsea's door. Zooming in, he'd have a clear view when David left.

He paced in his room, glancing at the cell's screen repeatedly.

He felt like a tiger trapped in a cage.

His father was wrong. David was the source of all his current troubles.

Once he dealt with him, his life would get back on track.


David stood at the kitchen island preparing the ingredients for the meal. He was pleased by Chelsea's purchases.

Auden and Chelsea sat on the other side of the island, watching him work.

"Where did you learn to do this?" Chelsea gushed enthusiastically.

David smiled. "My mom taught me. She was working, so I learned how to cook and took over that task to relieve some of the pressure for her." His smile faltered as he recalled what that pressure had been.

Chelsea missed it, but Auden saw and knew David needed a minute. She distracted Chelsea by beginning the story of how she and David met. From this, she spoke of her childhood and the struggle she had with her family. She finished with how she now owned and ran a successful florist shop chain with stores overseas and across the states. Chelsea looked suitably impressed.

"How about you?" Auden asked. "You've certainly reached a pinnacle to live in such a posh home."