Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 33


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"I'm so looking forward to seeing Poppy," Heike enthused, "and the rest of the gang. When are they getting in?"

"About six thirty, I think," I replied.

"So we can see Poppy on our own this afternoon?"

"That's the plan. Well, her and the surgeon."

Ursula had arranged to meet Poppy's surgeon that afternoon to talk to him about her own scar and Heike had agreed to be with her while she did.

As we were talking, a very well dressed lady walked up to us. A second woman who was presumably some form of assistant followed a couple of steps behind her. The lady greeted Ursula and Heike with familiarity and began a conversation with the two of them in German. Then, after a while, she dismissed her assistant, telling her to get a coffee I think. Then she turned to me and said something I couldn't understand.

"I would prefer it, Hannah, if Steven stayed," Ursula replied for me, gently but firmly in English.

Assuming that I was her bodyguard and that Ursula's response was born out of concern for her own safety, the lady immediately changed her tune and her language.

"Of course, I'm sorry Ursula. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

I don't know if it was out of devilment or for some other reason but Ursula chose not to introduce me. I couldn't be sure but I had in my mind that Uwe's mother had been called Hannah and the lady standing before me fitted the description Ursula had given of her.

"Are you going anywhere nice?" Ursula asked instead.

"I'm interviewing Salvador Dali for the little arts show I do," Hannah replied pompously. "Poor man, he's very frail now. How about you?"

"We're off to Switzerland to see a little girl who's just had facial surgery," Heike offered.

"That's not the girl who appeared in your photo-shoot for Vogue this summer?" Hannah asked.

"That's right," Heike replied. "She's called Poppy."

"I didn't realise you knew her. I thought she was just some local you found for the shoot," Hannah added rather heartlessly.

"Well you were wrong," Heike responded as politely as she could, but clearly offended.

Sensing her gaffe, Hannah changed her tune and asked Ursula how the twins were.

"They're doing fine. Still creating havoc at Princeton. I swear they get more like their father every day." Ursula laughed. "How's Uwe?"

"Would you believe it, he's been offered a job by some English consulting company. You might see him in Geneva. He's supposed to be meeting them there this weekend. I really do hope this is the start of something for him, but I think the real reason he's interested in the job is because he's had his head turned by some little tart that lives in London. That's what comes of having an inheritance. They get one sniff and ..."

"I wouldn't call Suzy a tart," Ursula replied, cutting Hannah short.

"You've met her?" Hannah said with some surprise.

"Briefly. A few weeks ago. She seems lovely. But you should ask Heike she knows her better."

Hannah looked at Heike for confirmation.

"Markus and I spent a week with Suzy in Greece this summer. She's delightful, Hannah. Uwe's a very, very lucky boy to be dating her."

"I didn't realise you both knew her," Hannah responded, not sure how to process this new information.

Then, turning to me, Heike said, "But if you really want to know about Suzy then you should talk to Steven."

Hannah looked at me blankly, unsure if she was looking at the right Steven.

"Suzy lives with Steven and his wife, at their home in London?" Ursula added, with a hint of triumph in her voice. "He's also the one who offered Uwe the job."

Hannah studied me again.

"You're not a bodyguard are you?" she began, stating the obvious. "You were in the Vogue photoshoot, with your wife, the pretty redhead."

"I'm Steven Carter," I said extending a hand.

"Hannah Weiss," she replied, taking it. "It seems that I owe you an apology Mr. Carter."

"If it's any consolation, I wasn't sure about Suzy either at first. Not because of anything she'd said or done, but simply because I didn't know her. I can assure you, she really is one of the nicest, most intelligent people you could meet.

"Is she from a good family?"

"Her parents are an honest working class couple," I told her. "Like my own."

"You know, Hannah," Ursula chipped in. "I once heard of a stable girl who married the heir to one of the wealthiest families in Germany. They're still together over twenty years later."

"You must think I'm a terrible snob," Hannah conceded.

"We do," Ursula confirmed. "But we still love you."

"So it's you who Uwe is meeting in Geneva this weekend?" Hannah asked me.

"I want to hire your son," I explained. "I need someone with his expertise and knowledge and he'd be ideal. He has to spend some of his time in London though and he wanted the opportunity to talk to Suzy about this before he decides. So she's coming in with my wife and Daniel Davidson tonight. Daniel's wife's already in Geneva. She's been helping to look after Poppy, since the operation."

"So you see, Hannah, Poppy is much more to all of us than some local we found for the photo shoot," Heike said, getting her dig in.

"Suzy and your son like each other, Mrs Weiss," I carried on. "But it's early days yet and I think they're both a bit cautious. As for Uwe's inheritance, I'm pretty sure that Suzy knows nothing about it. She thinks he's a talented but penniless tutor."

"Which is what he is right now," Hannah conceded.

"Then why don't you let them work it out in their own time," Ursula suggested.

"I have a picture of Suzy if you'd like to see it?" I offered. "It was taken in Greece this summer."

"I would, thank you."

I opened my wallet and passed her a photo of Lesley and Suzy, arm in arm, posing on Daniel's yacht. Both had big cheesy grins on their faces.

"It's one of my favourites," I told her.

"She's very pretty," Hannah said.

"She is."

Just then Hannah's assistant returned and spoke to her with some urgency in her voice.

"I have to go," she said. "They're calling our flight."

Ursula and Heike stood up and the three women hugged and air kissed. Then Hannah handed the photo back to me.

"Thank you Mr. Carter," she said, shaking my hand.

"It was nice meeting you," I replied.

We watched Hannah and her assistant walk away then Ursula spoke.

"You know I can see why Stefan likes you, Steven. You could easily have made an enemy of Hannah and god knows she deserved it. But instead you made a friend."

"Do you think we did enough to convince her?"

"I think so..."

The closer we got to the hospital in Geneva the more excited Heike became. You never had a problem knowing the sort of mood Heike was in. She wasn't one for hiding her emotions. Ursula however became quieter. I think it must have been nerves. Nobody looks forward to visiting a surgeon I guess.

We found Poppy in a private room in the hospital. She and Kate were both sitting upright on the bed and Kate was reading to her. One side of Poppy's face had a large dressing on it but when she saw us you couldn't help but see her look of happiness.

Heike rushed to hug Poppy while Kate got up off the bed and held me tightly. I felt her kiss my neck and I held her until she was ready to let go. Then it was my turn to hug Poppy. Ursula looked a bit left out and so I tried to make amends.

"Poppy, this is Ursula, she's a friend of ours. She's come to say hello to you but she's also come to see the surgeon about a scar that she wants him to make disappear."

Poppy looked at Ursula and studied her for a moment then held out her hand.

"Hello, I'm Poppy," she said, then followed it with, "Are you one of Steven's girlfriends?"

Ursula didn't know how to respond

"I think Poppy means are you a close friend?" I clarified.

"Like Kate and Heike," Poppy added.

"Then yes, I am one of Steven's girlfriends," Ursula confirmed smiling.

"Do you know that this book is about Steven and Lesley?" Poppy added, pointing to the book that Kate had been reading from?

"I didn't," Ursula admitted.

"Look, you can see them on the cover," Poppy said, showing Ursula the picture on the book's sleeve.

"It does look like them," Ursula admitted.

"That's because it is them. And did you know that Lesley is a Faerie princess?"

"Is she?"

"Perhaps you'd better explain to Ursula what the book is about," Kate suggested.

Poppy explained, in great detail, the plot of the David R. Ashton novel and didn't stop even when her mother, Alice, entered the room. When Poppy eventually finished, another round of hugs followed.

"Alice, I'd like you to meet Ursula. She's a friend from Munich," I said by way of an introduction.

"I hope you don't mind me being here," Ursula said apologetically.

"Not at all," Alice confirmed. "Kate said you were coming and as you can see, Poppy loves talking."

"She's delightful," Ursula added.

"Do you have children of your own?" Alice asked.

"Twin boys," Ursula confirmed. "They're at University in America at the moment, so I'm finally getting some peace and quiet."

The room was getting a bit crowded and so it was decided to get some fresh air. Within the hospital, Poppy was confined to a wheelchair by the staff, but once we were outside in its grounds she was allowed to get up. She talked constantly, firing questions at everyone.

Before Poppy became too cold we returned to her room and soon afterwards the surgeon who had performed the operation appeared to check on Poppy's progress.

We were all asked to sit outside in reception while Poppy's dressing was changed, with the exception of Alice who stayed with her daughter. Then, when the surgeon came out, he walked over to us and acknowledged Kate.

"I understand that one of you is Ursula Obermann?" he asked Heike and Ursula.

"That's me," Ursula confirmed.

"I'm pleased to meet you Mrs Obermann. Would you like to come to my office?"

"Can my friend come with me?" Ursula asked.

"Of course," the surgeon replied.

"We'll meet you back at the hotel," Ursula confirmed to Kate and me then she and Heike followed the surgeon out of the ward.

"How are you?" I asked Kate when they were gone. There was no denying she looked tired.

"I'm fine," Kate replied. "But it's good to see you."

"Why don't you go back to the hotel and get some rest before Daniel gets here. I'll stay on for a bit."

"Would you mind?"

"Of course not."

"Thanks. I'd like to look my best for Daniel."

"He'll love you whatever you look like. You know that."

"I do."

I waited with Kate for her taxi to arrive then went back to Poppy's room where both Alice and Poppy were dozing.

"I can stay with Poppy for a while," I offered to Alice who looked even more tired than Kate had done. "Is Anton coming from Annecy tonight?"

"He's coming after work. He'll be a couple of hours yet."

"You go get some rest. I'll let you know when he gets here."

Alice had a parents' room in the hospital so that she could be close to Poppy. She thanked me, kissed the sleeping Poppy on the forehead then left to get some sleep.

I still had my luggage with me, so I took out a pad from my briefcase and started to make some notes about areas we could work on with the Obermann contract. I must have been scribbling for an hour when I heard Poppy's voice.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm making some notes for my work," I told her. "But now that you're awake I'll stop."

"Has Kate gone?" she asked.

"Yes, but she'll be back tomorrow."

"Mummy says I'm very lucky," the little girl said.

"Why is that?"

"Because Kate paid a lot of money for me to come here."

"You know it wasn't just Kate who paid the money. It was her husband, Daniel, as well."

"I will say thank you to him tomorrow then."

"I think that would be a nice thing to do."

"I wish mummy had a husband," Poppy added out of the blue.

"She's got Anton, hasn't she?" I said trying to answer her as best I could.

"But they're not married are they," Poppy said with some frustration. "You knew that you wanted to marry Lesley from the day you met her and she knew it too."

It was true.

"How did you know that?" I asked

"It says so in the book."

I thought for a moment.

"It's different when you fall in love with a faerie," I told Poppy. "It's like magic."

Poppy seemed to accept this.

"You know you don't need to be married to someone to love them. I think that Anton cares for you and your mum a great deal."

At seven, dinner in the hospital was served. The nurse who brought in a tray for Poppy asked me if I wanted some too but I declined. The food looked good though, restaurant quality. As Poppy was eating, Anton appeared. Poppy's eyes lit up and she gave him a big hug, not letting go for ages.

"How are you, my darling?" he asked.

"I've missed you" she replied.

"I missed you too."

"The doctor says I can take my bandage off next week."

"That's fantastic news."

Anton wiped away some moisture from his eyes as he stood up straight to greet me.

"It's good to see you again Steven," Anton said shaking my hand.

"Alice went back to her room to get some sleep," I told him.

"We'll let mummy sleep a bit longer, I think," he said, looking at Poppy.

"Then I'll be on my way, Lesley should have arrived by now," I told them. Then, speaking to Poppy, I added, "So we will see you tomorrow morning young lady."

Poppy grinned and gave me a hug and after a round of goodbyes I left her and Anton to catch up.

It was almost eight when I got back to the hotel. There was a note at the front desk saying that everyone had gone for dinner at a restaurant not far away. So I went up to the room and dropped my bags off. Lesley's stuff was already in the closet and it felt reassuring to see it there. I tidied myself up quickly then headed out again.

It wasn't hard to spot our group in the restaurant. They were the largest but also the noisiest. When Lesley saw me she jumped up and gave me a big kiss in the middle of the room, much to the surprise of the other diners.

"I've missed you," she said leading me to the table and a seat next to her.

I'd missed out on the first course but fortunately was in time for the main one. The waiter quickly took my order and sorted me out with a drink, leaving me to catch up with everyone.

The first thing I noticed was that Kate looked absolutely stunning. She always scrubbed up well but I guess that, after spending the week with Suzy, Kate was keen to remind Daniel what he was missing. Suzy didn't mind of course, she had Uwe now and the two of them only had eyes for each other it seemed.

Ursula and Heike were the odd ones out in that they didn't have partners. Whether it was by accident or design Ursula sat on the other side of Lesley and Heike, next to me. The conversation flowed freely and Lesley held my hand tightly almost all the way through the meal which made eating difficult at times, but I'd grown used to her quirky ways.

After the meal, the eight of us walked back to the hotel for a drink in the bar. Daniel and Kate stayed for a polite amount of time then were the first to make their excuses. Suzy and Uwe left soon after.

"Don't think you need to stay around for us," Heike told Lesley and me. "I know that you two have this thing about sex when you've been apart."

Heike was right. It was our way of reconnecting. When I'd been at university I'd come down to London on a Friday evening and we'd rush back to Lesley's apartment to have sex. Only when Lesley had been sure she'd satisfied me could the weekend begin.

Lesley looked at me with a knowing grin.

"We do," she said. "But you could join us if you wanted. Couldn't they Steven?"

"They could," I said. "But they're not obliged to."

Heike looked at Ursula and said, "Well, I'm up for it."

"Me too," Ursula giggled.

"But it's me that Steven fucks," Lesley added, feeling the need for clarification. "At least to begin with."

Everyone else had showered before the meal except me. It had been a long day and when we got back to the room, I felt the need to freshen up. There was no way all of us could fit in the cubicle so I went in alone. As I showered I could hear constant traffic in and out of the bathroom but when I came back to the bedroom all three women were naked on the bed waiting for me.

"Why don't you lie down and let us look after you?" Lesley suggested.

It was an offer I couldn't refuse. I removed my bathrobe and lay down on the bed.

Heike lay beside me and we began to kiss, while Lesley and Ursula worked on getting me hard. It didn't take long and when they were satisfied with their work, Lesley straddled me and sunk herself down on to my cock. Heike took this as her cue to sit on my face, leaving me no choice but to lick her out while she and Lesley kissed. Ursula was kneeling by the side us and I felt for her bottom. When I found it she shuffled closer to me then bent over and let me finger her pussy.

I couldn't really tell you what was going on up top other than that I could hear a lot of kissing and giggling from the girls. Ursula worked both Lesley and Heike as they straddled me and Lesley pushed herself hard down onto my cock making only small thrusts onto me as Ursula stimulated her clitoris. Eventually the thrusts stopped completely and I heard Lesley sigh as Ursula brought her to orgasm.

Then the focus must have turned to Heike, who giggled as the two girls played with her. She let me move my tongue from her pussy to her anus and I did my best help out. Unlike Lesley, Heike bucked as they frigged her and she rammed her pussy against my chin until she too succumbed to her orgasm.

I'd like to tell you that I fucked all three women but that wouldn't be true. When Lesley had recovered her composure, she began to fuck me again. This time using long slow stokes that went the length of my cock. Ursula stroked my balls as she did and I must have lasted three minutes or so before emptying myself into Lesley.

After that I was a spectator. Ursula almost pulled Lesley off me in her haste to retrieve my cum from Lesley's pussy, then the three girls kissed and shared it out between them.

Afterwards, we chatted for a while, Lesley and Ursula in each other's arms and Heike in mine. It had been good for Lesley to get to know Ursula and now she saw that they could be friends. Ursula, for her part, was considerate towards Lesley.

"We should let these two have some time together alone," she suggested to Heike, who reluctantly agreed.

When the two women had gone, Lesley curled up beside me. I pushed my body against hers and wrapped my arms around her.

"She's nice, Ursula, isn't she," Lesley murmured before drifting off to sleep.


In the morning Lesley was torn between wanting to have sex and wanting to see Poppy. In the end we had a quickie in the shower then headed down for breakfast.

We were the only ones from our group in the restaurant and I guessed we wouldn't be seeing Kate or Daniel that morning or Uwe and Suzy for that matter. After a short while Ursula and Heike turned up however.

"We're going to call in on Poppy and say goodbye," Heike announced. "Then we're off to the airport."

It had always been the plan that Heike and Ursula would head back on Saturday. Both women needed to get back to support their husbands' social engagements.

"It's been great that you could both come," I told them then I asked Ursula, "How did it go with the surgeon?"

"Very well," she replied. "He said I don't need a tummy-tuck, they can just remove the scar tissue and sew me up again.

"Have you got a date?"

"Three weeks' time."

"Wow. That's soon."

"It will take a month to recover fully, but I should be fine for the Christmas holidays." Ursula hesitated then asked Lesley, "Would you mind if Steven visited me again before I have the operation?"
