Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 39


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"Would you take me for a spin in it?"

"I've had a bit too much to drink tonight but if you're around in the morning then I'd love to."

"We will be," Jane confirmed excitedly.

"So what do you do for a living to get such a fancy car?" Martin asked.

I tried to explain what I did and Martin and Jane listened politely but, to be honest, I think they thought I was a trader on the financial markets. They were usually the ones with the fast cars.

"What about you, Martin?" Lesley asked, keen to make sure the conversation wasn't all one way.

"I'm a stunt-man," Martin replied. "I'm still an apprentice really. It takes years to become good, but my dad's one and he's training me."

"Do you do TV or film work?" I asked.

"Mainly TV, but I want to get into films. The money's better."

"Martin's on the crew for his first film later in the year, aren't you?" Jane said proudly.

"Yes. It's the sequel to Alien with Sigourney Weaver. They're shooting it at Pinewood studios and my dad's got me on the crew."

"Well that explains the body," Lesley said flattering him.

"Thank you," Martin said, taking the compliment. "The job involves a fair bit of running and fighting, so it helps to be fit, but mostly it's about falling down and not getting hurt."

"Well, you're not exactly married to a couch potato either," Jane pointed out to Lesley.

"He's not so bad I guess," Lesley joked, giving me a hug.

"Do you want to dance?" Jane asked.

"Of course," Lesley replied.

There was no escaping the dance-floor this time but the possibility that Martin and Jane might be swingers incentivised me. Lesley always made me chuckle when she danced, she did it so enthusiastically. She and Jane danced next to each other while Martin and I tried not to look out of place.

When the first slow dances came on, Lesley grabbed me and pulled me close to her.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" she asked.

"Of course," I replied. "Listen, do you think Martin and Jane are swingers?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," Lesley replied. "Why, do you fancy her?"

"A bit," I said coyly. "And Martin's not bad, is he?"

"I guess," Lesley replied, non-committedly.

When the second song played, we were interrupted by Sally and Mark. Sally demanded that we swap partners and then attached herself, limpet-like, to me. She was more than a little bit tipsy now and it showed.

"When I get back from my honeymoon, I'm going to let you fuck my brains out then cum on my tits," she whispered to me.

"I'm looking forward to it," I told her and she giggled.

"But, only after you've gone down on me," Sally clarified.

"Sally, are Martin and Jane swingers?" I asked.

Sally, sniggered in response, which didn't help me much. Then she started grinding her body against me and nuzzling my neck. It was a good job the dance floor was packed otherwise it could have been a bit obvious. I was a bit relieved when the song ended and it was time to hand her back to Mark.

The DJ played a third slow tune and I looked at Lesley to see if she wanted to dance again but she was already asking Martin if he wanted to.

"Would you like to dance," Jane asked hopefully.

"Very much," I replied.

The song was 'Three times a lady' by the Commodores and Jane and I danced to it without saying much. Usually, when you slow dance with someone you don't know, you put your hands on each other's hips and try not to let them wander, for fear of offending. Jane had no such problems and she moved her hands slowly over my back as we danced. I gave her a squeeze and she squeezed me back, resting her head on my chest for a moment. I found myself getting an erection which I fought hard to keep away by trying to think about work.

At midnight, it was time for Mark and Sally to leave for their hotel and the flight the following morning. There were plenty of people to say goodbye to first however and, when they got to us, Sally gave us both a big hug.

"I wish we could take you with us," Sally said emotionally.

"I wish we were going too, I'm so jealous" Lesley told her, "but I know you're going to have a great time and a wonderful life together."

Mark got a bit emotional at this stage.

"We owe you both, not just for today. If it wasn't for you we probably wouldn't be together."

"The two of you were meant to be together. Anyone can see that," Lesley told him. "Now go and enjoy yourselves and we'll see you when you get back."

Mark and Sally left in a hire car with 'Just Married' written on the back window and trailing a string of tin cans behind it. A crowd of guests waived them off from the hotel entrance. After they'd gone, the DJ stopped playing and the hotel staff began to clear away the empty glasses.

"Well, I guess that's it," said Martin.

"I guess," I replied, hopeful that it wasn't.

"It was nice meeting you both," Lesley told them. "Thank you for a nice evening,"

"You too," said Jane. "See you at breakfast."

It was a let-down. Either I'd been wrong about Jane and Martin and they weren't swingers at all, or nobody had wanted to make the first move. It didn't really matter, the result was the same.

I gave everyone my best smile and took Lesley's hand, at which point the two girls started to snigger.

"You both look so disappointed," Jane giggled.

"They do, don't they?" Lesley added.

"You mean this is a wind-up?" I asked.

"Of course it is," Lesley laughed. "Sally introduced us on her hen night but we thought we'd have some fun with you first."

"So the two of you are swingers?" Martin whispered to Lesley and me hopefully.

"We are," Lesley confirmed.

"I told you, didn't I?" he exclaimed to Jane.

"You did. But you guys are useless at doing anything about it," Jane told him.

"It's true," Lesley agreed.

"But now we've established the truth, why don't we all go upstairs?" Jane suggested.

Lesley gave me a knowing smile and we followed Martin and Jane to their room. Clearly some planning had gone into this because it turned out our rooms were next to each other. They even had those connecting doors between them that hotels use to turn two rooms into a family suite. So we opened them up then re-grouped in Martin and Jane's bedroom.

There was no conversation. We'd all been waiting for this moment and now it was time to just enjoy it. Jane and I stood in front of each other and she looked into my eyes and gave me a really sweet smile. I put my hands on her waist and reached in for a kiss. Our lips touched and I felt her hands reaching round to my back. She sighed into my mouth and what had started as a tender kiss became more passionate.

Lesley started to giggle which in turn made Martin to do the same. Jane and I broke our kiss to see what was going on and discovered that Lesley had already removed Martin's shirt. She must have been pleasantly surprised at what she discovered underneath. Martin's torso looked like one of those pictures you see in physiotherapists' rooms, showing all the muscle groups on the human body. The guy had almost no body fat and every sinew was on display.

"Why don't you come with me," Lesley suggested, taking Martin by the hand.

Martin looked at Jane who gave him the ok and he and Lesley quickly left for the adjoining bedroom.

"She's very confident your wife, isn't she?" Jane laughed as they disappeared.

"She is when she knows what she wants," I agreed. "But having just seen Martin's body, I can't say I'm surprised."

"And what about you?" Jane asked laughing.

"I'm less confident," I admitted. "And constantly surprised, and very grateful if a beautiful woman wants to spend time with me."

"And do you think I'm beautiful?"

"I think you're more than beautiful," I said trying to pay her a compliment.

"Then why don't you show me how grateful you can be," Jane said, walking over to the bed and lying back on it.

Jane hitched her dress up to reveal a tiny pair of panties. I don't know if it was what she'd intended to happen but, following her to the bed, I tugged them off then sunk my head between her thighs. She was sweaty from a night spent on the dance floor but I'd gone down pussies in a far worse condition.

Down below, Jane was manicured rather than fully shaven. She'd removed the unwanted hair around her labia leaving just a neatly trimmed bush. It made finding her clitoris straightforward and meant that you didn't get a mouthful of hair in the process. Guys today don't know how lucky they are. Back then it could be a jungle out there, quite literally.

I set about teasing the nub of her clit' as Jane ran her fingers through my hair. When I'd got it hard I grabbed Jane's buttocks and pulled her cheeks apart then pressed my thumb against her anus. It was a gamble, some girls wouldn't like that but I heard her sigh as she pushed back against the flat of my thumb.

Sometimes, getting a girl to orgasm by going down on her, seemed too easy. You hear of guys who wouldn't ever go down on a girl and I never understood that. Some girls respond quicker than others but the process is always the same; tease her clit until she begins to make small, almost microscopic, movements with her hips then up the tempo and apply more force with your tongue.

When her orgasm struck, Jane held my head down with both hands, fearful that I might stop. I wasn't about to. In fact I kept going until eventually she loosened her grip and begged me not to continue. Only then did I come up for air.

"Lie down," Jane instructed when she'd recovered.

I moved from between her legs and lay down on the bed. Jane got up and straddled me.

"You were pretty good at that," she continued, pulling her dress off over her head then unclipping her bra.

"Wow," was all I said when I saw Jane's naked body.

Jane's breasts were perfectly formed and I couldn't help but reach up and cup them in my hands.

"You like what you see?" she asked coyly.

"You're even better in the flesh," I told her.

"I guess quite a few men have seen these," she joked as I fondled her breasts. Then, lowering her head, she brushed my lips with hers and added, "But only a few get to touch."

I lay back and ran my hands along her legs while Jane undid the buttons on my shirt then got to work on my trousers. With the waistband loosened she parted my shirt and surveyed my torso. Normally, I was pretty confident that it wasn't going to let me down but compared to what Martin had to offer I wasn't so sure now.

Of course, the first thing Jane noticed was the line of my scar. Women tended to react in one of two ways to it. Either they'd pretend not to notice then ask about it later, or curiosity would get the better of them and they had to know, there and then. There was no mistaking which category Jane was in.

"That looks nasty," she said running her hand along it. "How did you get it?"

"I was stabbed," I told her.

"Really?" she asked, her curiosity aroused.

"Yes," I told her. "If you feel around further you can tell where the knife came out."

Jane felt for the exit scar

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed when she found it. "How did it happen?"

"It was almost two years ago now. In Marseille, France. I'd been helping a lady, who'd given me a summer job, buy a house there. We'd been out that evening and we were trying to find a taxi back to the hotel when we got mugged in an alley by two guys carrying knives. They wanted our money and the Ruth's gold rings. But she couldn't get them off, so they were going to cut off her fingers."

Jane drew a sharp intake of breath.

"What did you do?"

"I had to do something so I hit the first guy hard enough to knock him out then ran the second guy into a wall cracking his head against it. I don't know if he meant to stab me or whether I just ran onto the knife but, anyway, the result was the same."

"What happened then?"

"I managed to stagger out of the alley and got help. The ambulance seemed to take forever but, when it arrived, they put me on a stretcher and took me to hospital. The next thing I remember was waking up the following day."

Through the connecting door came the sound of Lesley whimpering her appreciation as Martin fucked her.

"Your wife seems to be enjoying herself," Jane said as she tried to pull my trousers down.

I arched my back to make the task easier and, once my trousers were around my knees, Jane lowered herself onto my cock. I couldn't help putting my hands on her hips and pushing up into her and she sighed when I did.

"I like to be done hard," she told me then, lifting her hips slightly, she buried her head in my chest.

I thrust myself as far into her as I could and pulled her down onto me at the same time. Jane grunted her approval and it set the tone for the next couple of minutes. I tried to make each stroke more aggressive than the last but after a while I plateaued. It was time for a change and I knew just the position.

Putting Jane on her side, I got her to bring her knees up to her chest then knelt on the bed and pushed myself back into her. From this position I could fuck her with much more force and get right up inside her too. Just as before, with each stroke I pulled her onto me. It was one of those positions that did more for the girl than it did for the guy, which meant that there was little chance of me cumming this way. So I could go at her as long as my stamina allowed.

I could tell Jane was enjoying herself. With each stroke, she grunted her appreciation, urging me to fuck her harder. The challenge was accepted and I pounded away until eventually the urging stopped. I kept going though, long after she'd gone quiet until I thought that she'd probably had enough. Jane lay back on the bed and smiled. I climbed on top of her, missionary style, and was about to start pounding her again when she wrapped her legs around me and squeezed them tight.

"Slowly," she whispered. "I want you to make love to me."

It was an unexpected request.

"And how would you like me to do that?" I asked.

"Well you could kiss me for starters," she giggled. "Then you could do things like tell me how attractive I am and how much you like me."

Kissing Jane was fun, she was good at it. When we came up for air I nuzzled her neck which made her giggle some more. I felt her hands range over my back again and her fingers kneading my muscles as I gently fucked her.

"You really don't need me to tell you how attractive you are," I told her. "You've got legs to die for and breasts I could play with all night. Plus you've got a face that was meant to be kissed."

To prove my point I kissed her again.

"Thank you," she responded.

"But what I really find sexy is your personality. You're confident and cheeky with it."

"You mean, like your wife!"

"I guess."

"And just like her, I'm attracted to men with a hint of danger about them."

I started to pump Jane a little bit harder now and she responded by whispering to me how much she wanted me to cum in her. She pressed her fingers harder into my back now and I could feel her nails biting into me. I picked up the pace further and she told me how good it felt having my cock inside her and what a lucky girl she was. The encouragement did the trick and I felt my orgasm approaching.

"I'm going to cum," I told her, just in case.

"I know baby," was all she said.

The last few seconds became more frantic, Jane began to whimper just like I'd heard Lesley do earlier and then I couldn't hold back any longer. I grunted as I came, feeling my balls go into spasm as I released my seed into her. Then, with my body spent, I relaxed.

"Thank you," I told Jane.

"Thank you," she replied jauntily. "You can definitely come again."

"I might need a rest first," I joked.

Jane giggled.

"That thing you did with me on my side," Jane told me. "I'm going to have to teach Martin that."

"Well, if you need me to demonstrate, all you have to do is ask."

"Now there's a thought. You could both take turns."

"You see, that's what I like about you," I told her. "Confident and cheeky."

Unlike Lesley who enjoyed having cum in her, Jane was one of those girls who liked to be clean after sex. When she disappeared into the bathroom she was gone for a while and at one point I heard her brushing her teeth. When she reappeared I could see she'd taken her make-up off. Her face was still pretty but its features were less prominent now.

I figured that if she liked to be clean then she probably liked her partners to be the same, so I visited the bathroom after her. I washed my cock and balls gave the rest of me a quick spruce too. I wasn't sure what towel to use so I picked one at random then, noticing the toothpaste, I squeezed some onto my finger and tried my best to clean my teeth.

When I came back into the bedroom, Jane was lying on the bed with a sheet over her. I climbed in next to her and she cuddled up into me.

"Thank you," she said.

"What for?"

"For having a wash," she replied. "I'm a bit of a clean freak. I don't like to be dirty after sex."

"There's nothing wrong with that," I told her.

"I'm not sure Martin would agree," she laughed. "I have to pester him to clean up after sex."

"Well he's in for a treat tonight then," I joked. "Lesley likes to go to sleep with a guy's cum in her."

Jane looked uncertain.

"You mean you guys want to swap for the whole night?"

"Not if you feel uncomfortable about it," I told her.

"No, it's not that. It's just that, we've never done it before. In fact having sex in different rooms has been a first for us tonight."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise."

"It's not your fault. Lesley led Martin away and he didn't put up any resistance. Neither did I."

"But you don't have to spend the night with me if you don't want to."

Jane thought for a second.

"I'll just go and check."

She made her way into the other room and I heard a short murmured conversation. When she reappeared she closed the doors that partitioned the two rooms and came back to bed.

"I'm yours for the night," she told me...

The Morning After

Jane and I were fooling around in bed on the Sunday morning when there was a knock on the partition door.

"Can we come in?" Lesley's voice asked from the other side.

"Of course," Jane replied.

Lesley and Martin walked into the room hand in hand, both of them naked. I got a look at Martin's whole body this time and the guy was ripped. There really wasn't an ounce of fat on him.

"Take your hands off that woman," Lesley told me with mock sternness. "She's far too good for you."

Lesley then jumped on the bed, strategically placing herself between Jane and myself. Martin got on the bed behind Jane and the four of us spooned as couples.

"Did you have a good time last night?" Lesley asked Jane.

"I had a very good time," Jane confirmed.

Lesley reached over and gave Jane a kiss and the two of them hugged.

"I had a wonderful time too," she said afterwards. "Thank you for lending me your boyfriend."

There wasn't any awkwardness being on the bed with Jane and Martin, which was nice. I thought we might have had sex again, but instead, Lesley reminded me that I'd promised to take Jane for a drive in the Porsche. So we went back to our own rooms to get dressed, agreeing to meet up for breakfast at nine thirty. I didn't really get much time to ask Lesley how things had gone with Martin but her demeanour suggested she'd enjoyed herself.

There were a few people at breakfast that I recognised from the night before but it looked like most of the guests had either driven or got a taxi home after the party ended. I thought about Mark and Sally and how, if all was going to plan, they should be boarding their flight just about now.

We all wore jeans to breakfast, except that Lesley wore a pair of expensive Guess jeans that hugged her petite figure incredibly tightly. She'd been put onto the brand by Kate, who swore by them, and while they cost a ridiculous amount of money compared to a normal pair of Levis or Wranglers I had to admit I appreciated what they did for her. Jane commented on them too which did wonders for Lesley's ego.