Memory Ch. 02


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It was his turn to be speechless. Skye Rayne was not a name that he had heard in years and the woman that stood in front of him was not the one that he remembered. In truth the last time he had seen her was in the woods that day, dirty and bloodstained. He had heard whispers about what happened later; there was something to be said about wolf hearing. The father had been abusive to the point where the state had had to step in. Beatings and beer had apparently been the norm in that house and God knows what else. He knew though, they both did.

In all the years he had known her he had never really looked at her. She was just the dirty black kid to him, he had felt sorry and kind of pitied her but she was human and not his problem. She'd changed filled out and gotten taller. She only came up to his chest though, barely grazing his shoulders. She had her hair in some kind of curly bob thing tonight that he had noticed her tossing around as she danced on stage. It suited her. And she'd developed quite the body too, nice tits and ass all toned and tight easily that magic 35C-24-35. If he had been a shallow man he would have claimed to be in love just based on the physical, but he wasn't and there was more to her that drew him maybe it was all that sadness and pain he could see in her. So many questions and doubtless many answers but the best way it seemed tonight to move forward was slowly, simply because he would find time to sort out the rest.

"Well now that you mention it, it does. Want a ride home?" The offer surprised her somewhat since only moments before he was all heat and male now he seemed to be shifting gears. There was still heat in his eyes along with something else but it was the heat she focused on since it was that that she could handle.

"Oh you can give me a ride all right and I promise you we'll both enjoy it." He motioned for her to follow him to the lone black Escalade in the parking lot, surprise surprise. Who would have thought that the high and mighty Deacon Sloane got all down and dirty with strippers?

As he opened the door for her and ushered her inside Skye gathered herself. She wouldn't allow him to be any different she decided he was just a man like any other. In fact she could think of one reason to make him hurt just like the others, he knew her secret and had the misfortune of sharing a moment with her that had haunted her forever. He had seen the abject terror and misfortune of a child now he would know the rage and pain of the woman.

They drove along in silence, each consumed by their own thoughts and she could somehow sense that he had decided to treat her with kid gloves. Maybe he thought that he was still that frightened kid in the woods and maybe she was but that moment had long passed and the only language she wanted to speak was that of lust. She'd always wanted him in that sweet innocent fantastic way that a young girl falls in love. But she wasn't that person she was a stripper he'd picked up in the wee hours of the morning not some cute young girl with stars in her eyes.

In fact when she looked at him in profile she could somehow see in him that loss of boyish charm and innocence. He wasn't the same person she had known (had she known him really?) or the same person that she had fantasized that he would one day be. He was all man hardened and a bit vulnerable the lines on his face told her that he had been hurt by some woman, somewhere and it was this soft vulnerable underbelly that she would exploit.

She determined that all she wanted from him was sex, a night or two of the hard and fast. She was a realist and knew that she wasn't the kind of girl that he could introduce to his parents or take to hang out with his friends. She was a stripper that had seen her fair share of traffic and had a whole world of hurt and bitterness in her heart and for a minute there she felt sad as she looked at herself. Still he had the remedy for her poison and she wouldn't allow herself to think of all the reasons why she shouldn't sleep with him and just walk away but instead she would think of all the reasons why she should. She doubted that he was the kind of man that she could have her way with completely, he wasn't anything like the others, but for one shining moment she would have him, her own private fantasy and no one would have to know. She doubted he'd go around talking but she'd know and she'd smile because for one moment she would have caught the dream. She gathered the strength of the dancer, it was all she had since she knew nothing different, and turned to him.

"I need to pee pull over." He seemed startled at first, so lost in his own thoughts. They were on that lonely stretch of road a few miles out from her house.

"We're almost there, are you sure you don't want to wait?" he asked, glancing from her to the road and back again.

"I'm sure." He put his turn signal on and pulled to the side and put it in park. He watched as she undid her belt and then she surprised him by straddling him. They seemed suspended for a minute and he didn't know what to do. The tension between them could be cut with a knife. Slowly as if she was afraid that she would somehow scare him she grabbed his right hand and slowly, gently spread his fingers out, kissing each one in the process. The simple gesture sent shivers down his spine and blood pooling in his dick. He was speechless and completely enthralled by what she was doing to him.

She took the time to suck on his right index finger and then proceeded to lead that hand under her shirt, slowly sensuously, all the while looking deeply into his eyes allowing him to see what every touch every sensation caused her to feel. So he was pushing the loose cups of her bra away, he hadn't even seen her unhook it, and cupping the warm firm weight of her right breast. She used that wet finger to play with her nipple all the while he could hear her breathing increase and feel his own heart rate rev up. Soon she took his left hand into her own and brought it into play. Bringing it up slowly along her outer thighs and then inward to her pussy. She was wearing some thin lacy confection over the wet heat he could already feel building there.

It didn't take much nudging to have him push it quickly to the side and begin to play with her clit and tease the outer rim of her moist hole. He watched her in the half-darkness as he played, watched her throw her head back and undulate as a played with her clit she didn't know how good she looked to him in that moment, she was sensually honest and free. His hand was soaked and he could smell her lust and feel her tension coiling in her thighs as it reflected his own. Watching her wasn't enough, he needed to fill and consume.

She gasped as suddenly the hand that had at one point been cradling her breast moved to grip and pull on her hair, not painfully but enough to make her know she had lost it, he was now in control. Deacon used his other hand to tear at the shirt she was wearing beneath her light jacket to get at her breasts. Soon they were free and with a slight groan she felt her nipples hardening in the cool night air wafting through the windows. His hand roughly returned to her pussy and using a finger inside her and her hair for leverage he lifted her to feast at her tits. He suckled and bit slightly until her nipples were so sensitive she groaned. All the while keeping her suspended between that finger and the hair he had in his grip. It was deliciously uncomfortable and she was soaked.

She knew in the morning there might be marks all over her breasts but she didn't care, she wanted and needed him this way. He finger fucked her hard, soon adding another finger and withdrawing every so often to taste her from his fingers, and then he'd make her watch head bent forward as he sucked them clean. She whimpered and wasn't sure she could handle it, she was on sensory overload.

She swore she heard him growl as he pushed the tattered remains of her shirt and jacket off of her shoulders trapping her arms at her side and once more attacked her tits pinching and squeezing them as a suckled and bit.

"Ride my thigh baby." He ordered as he shifted a bit to allow her to do just that. She didn't even care about what he had just called her she just wanted more. She rode him feeling decadent in the knowledge that she was soaking him and could feel his hard cock straining against his jeans. She heard another growl and then the door opened. He lifted her up; hands still trapped at her side and took her around to deposit her against the hood of the car. He lifted her up just enough that she was suspended legs spread over his shoulders and he could have at her pussy. Damn was he strong. He ripped her panties off and pocketed them before latching on to her clit. All she could do was feel and scream into the darkness that seemed to surround them on all sides.

This wasn't her first rodeo but even she had to acknowledge that this was different. He ate her like she was his favorite candy paying special attention to her clit and soon she could feel him stretching her first with one finger and then another scissoring in and out of her moist center. It was too much and she wanted him so bad. It was a lifetime of secret longing and fantasies becoming reality and as it turned out it was like nothing she expected. There was no switching off no disconnect that allowed her to experience without feeling a damn thing. She was here very much present and experiencing everything, it made her scream even louder.

He brought her close, so close to the edge and then suddenly stopped, she wanted to hit him but with her hands still trapped she couldn't do a damn thing. She heard him rustling around and then the hiss of his zipper as his Jeans fell away like a sigh. Before she knew it he was in her face having dragged her down the hood of the car to position her for his entry. She had no choice but to look into his eyes and what she saw there made her shiver. Swirling heat and passion but the scariest part was that beneath it all she somehow saw herself as she was in the moment with her own swirling heat, passion and honest emotion. It was damn scary and she closed her eyes to all of it.

"Open them, open your eyes when you're fucking me." She was stunned that he had growled it at her but still she hesitated to respond until her leaned over bit her neck and entered her. Her eyes flew open and her breath left her in a gasp that was both pleasure and pain because he was larger than she had stopped to consider. He held her like that for a moment, both stunned and reeling from how right this all felt. The urgency and the craziness of it, no romance and soft kisses instead a dark road and the hood of a car but none of that mattered since this was the honest expression it seemed of unbridled passion. Not something crafted by either of them to provide with momentary titillation.

He tore at the remnants of her clothing freeing her arms enough that she could brace herself on his shoulders for the additional support that she needed. She was now facing him stunned and a little bit scared by what he was doing to her and making her feel. She saw his mouth quirk up in an arrogant smile as he looked at her; she was like a deer caught in his headlights. He removed her arms from his shoulders to pin them to the car with his own. He didn't want her balanced. He liked her just where he had her. He heard her gasp and felt her shiver when he leaned over to lick the spot where he had bit her and then he proceeded to give her the pounding of her life.

She tried to squeeze her eyes shut every so often trying to escape to that place she normally went during sex but the rat bastard wouldn't let her. He would either change the tempo of his thrusts or lean over and bite at her, not hard enough to break skin but enough to ensure that she was looking at him on top of her. She was breathless and hoarse from screaming and she could swear that he was growling and snarling. Soon she knew that they were both close to the edge, they were both tense and straining toward completion and he still wouldn't let her escape him to that place in her head.

"Tell me you want it baby, that you want a piece of me inside of you." He was looking right at her as he said it and somehow she knew that he was asking her to make a choice, one with far more implications and consequences than just them fucking. She was on the edge of the cliff and dammit already falling.

"Yes!" And then he hit the sweetest spot in her pussy. She could feel him cumming hear his harsh breathing as his warm cum seemed to fill her up to overflowing. The moment was electric and they were both spent. She suddenly was brought fully into the moment staring into his eyes as the both got lost together. He seemed a little bemused by what had just happened but she was downright scared. Then he did the unthinkable and just kissed her, softly sweetly on the lips. It was clean and not filled with judgment or lust but something else that she had no idea what it was but it felt good and scared the shit out of her.

It's amazing the things that fear would motivate you to do. For instance it would give you the strength and presence of mind to run from a moment that can only be described as earth shattering. She felt him loose almost boneless from his release and knew he didn't have the strength to stop her. For a second though she took the time to bask in the closeness and peace of the moment it was unlike anything that she had ever experienced and it hardened her resolve to get away. She pushed against him and shivered as his now flaccid cock glided smoothly out of her well used pussy.

And then in a mad dash she retrieved her shirt and jacket to hastily cover up. She didn't know how long it took him to recover and really didn't want to find out. She ran to the truck got her bag and took one final mute look at him before scampering off into the darkness in the direction of her house. He wasn't good for her health what should have been simple turned out to be so much more than that.

Deacon was too bemused to move and spent like he never had been before. On a good day she never would have been able to escape him but a part of him was just too shocked to fathom that she would just run away. He didn't know what the fuck just happened but it was nothing like he expected. He saw her disappear into the darkness like hell was at her heels and he inhaled taking in a mixture of both of their scents that pleased him. The other thing he got off of her was what froze him, she was scared terrified really and the man knew now wasn't a good time to give chase, the wolf though was uncaring. He calmed him down, now was not the time they should give her space. But he had her number and she wouldn't escape them.

That would be his only concession to her but he wasn't about to just let her run off into the darkness without ensuring that she at least got home safely. He gathered himself and his clothing, switched off the car and took off after her it didn't take much for him to have her in his sights. She made it to her house and shakily entered not once looking back to see if she was being followed. He didn't like that.

He took the time to really look at this place for the first time; to call it humble was being polite the correct word would be dump. But it was livable he presumed or she wouldn't be in there. He waited to see lights turn on and signs of life inside but when all he saw was the weak flickering of candle light it only pissed the wolf off more. The girl was out here living in the middle of nowhere by herself with no basic amenities and not a care to her own personal safety. He would see what he could do about it in the morning and he didn't once stop to question why he should care, it was just the right thing to do. He saw a curtain shift and knew that she saw him, he wanted her to, she wasn't alone anymore. He didn't know where the hell things were headed but wherever that was man and wolf where ready. He saw the curtains close and then took off in the direction of the car to head home.

He took his time; windows rolled down taking in the scents of the night and knew that for the first time in forever he was strangely happy. It felt good like he had new purpose. Skye had given him something unsuspectingly, a moment of peace, and he knew that he had to find some way to thank her. He was so wrapped up in the high that he didn't even notice until it was too late the delicate blonde with pixie features and sharp green eyes at the foot of his stairs. He was too distracted to notice the sexy silk teddy but enraged expression on her face until she called out to him.


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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Hmm! Makes you wonder, why an author would drop such a great story. Hope she is o.k.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
What a terrific tale.

Unfortunately, this last chapter to the story was posted 2012 with nothing coming from this author since. So much potential for other chapters. ☆☆☆☆☆

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Keep going this story is intriguing thanks for the tidbit.

Hope you continue to let us travel with these characters. You have captured our attention. Please continue, thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Oh please, you simply must finish this story. It is captivating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This was explosive! I felt the hunger for Skye that Deacon had. Skye, the bad girl, was knocked off her game so far, it had her shaking up a storm running home to regroup. Never had she experienced such intensity. Deacon was feeling it too. It's a shame Sarah's hooked on him too (her boy toys couldn't deliver...possibly?)

I know it's been years since this was written, but you are a fantastic writer leaving a major cliffhanger after such an intense display of rawness. This story may be a few years old, but it would be great to update this. I read it as if it was written yesterday and still works. Humbly, I ask you to finish this rare, yet addictive literary treasure.

MusicLuvaMusicLuvaover 9 years ago
Please update.

Would really love to see an update to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I sure hope that sometime you will finish this story. We written good creative characters and keeps you wanting more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great start. Definitely need more.

Writing is very strong. Story concept is unique. And the characters have stories to tell that I want to hear. Hoping there will be more.

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
yes its so good

please we all want more

trubblemakurtrubblemakurabout 11 years ago
I'm sad

This is not completed. I hope you come back and finish. Unless you published it somewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Deacon and Skye

Can you please update this story. Im really intrigued by Skye's character and her unpredictility. I want to get to know her more. Begging here.

black_maestrablack_maestraover 11 years ago
love this one

when time allows you, pls continue. there are not that many werewolf/shifter/non-human stories featuring black woman and white guys... so pls keep adding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Stumbled upon the story. Please continue. Really like it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I challenge you

I challenge you to write chapter 3,4,5,...

Missy2330Missy2330over 11 years ago

I love your story...please update soon!!!!!

chocolatepink2011chocolatepink2011over 11 years ago
Update please

Please update just found the story and I am hooked!!!your writing is amazing

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Please I love this story

Miss_RomanticMiss_Romanticover 11 years ago
My Favourite

I can't stop reading this chapter or stop imagining what is going to happen in the next chapter. Love Deacon and Skye.

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