Mermen and Wolf Girls In Miami


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"Ma'am, if you want, we can call the police," said the lead bouncer, a blonde-haired White dude, and I shot him a look, which he returned angrily. This bozo had the look of a redneck, and I knew the type. Dude probably has a George Zimmerman tattoo on him somewhere, right next to his Dixie flag tattoo. Michiko shook her head, then, linking her arm with mine, she led me away.

"We were just leaving," Michiko said, and just like that, the two of us walked away from the club, and into the steamy Florida night. For several moments, Michiko and I walked in silence. I couldn't get the picture of this lovely young Asian woman morphing into a hairy, fanged and clawed she-beast out of my head. And what on earth had she triggered in me?

"What's going on here, lady? What are you?" I said to Michiko, looking into her brown eyes. We stood on the corner of a darkened street, and I crossed my arms. This shit was weirding me out more and more by the minute, but I was determined to get some answers out of this lady. This was definitely one of the best nights of my life.

"Al, I'm a werewolf, alright? A member of Homo Sapiens Lupus," Michiko Kanamori said, matter-of-factly. I looked at Michiko and smiled. What a world we live in, eh? A few months ago, my perfectly normal, hard-working and church-going Haitian-American mother told me that she's a Mermaid and I'm a half-breed, and now, I've just danced with a female werewolf from Japan.

"That's cool, I'm the son of a Mermaid, I guess that makes me a Merman," I said, and held out my hand to Michiko. After a brief hesitation, Michiko shook my hand. We stood there, smiling faintly and then giggling at the absurdity of it all. What a world we live in! If someone told me a year ago that I would be living like this, I would have asked them what brand of weed they're smoking.

That's how it all began, ladies and gentlemen. My relationship with Michiko Kanamori, scion of a powerful clan of Japanese-American werewolves, and a person of influence on the University of Miami campus. Thanks to her, I learned that there's a whole underworld out there. All kinds of creatures that people think are the stuff of myth not only exist, but walk about in human form. Vampires, werewolves, mermaids and mermen, to name but a few. All of us are real, and we walk among you.

"I'm glad I met you," I said to Michiko, a few months later, as we dined at Chef Creole, a neat little Haitian restaurant on the other side of Miami. It was a nice night, and I was in good company for once. Michiko looked great in a blue summer dress. We'd gone to Asian restaurants before, and I wanted to try something new. As a brother reared by a Haitian mother, I grew up and have much love for Haitian cuisine. I was delighted to introduce Michiko to it, and she absolutely loved it.

"Pleasure is mine, my pet," I said, grinning at Michiko, as we ate some delicious rice and beans with goat meat, all the while playing footsie under the table. Michiko smiled at me and laid her hand on my thigh, yes, in that spot, and I felt a spark of desire deep inside. I wanted Michiko so badly, and I didn't care where we were.

"Don't start something you can't finish," I said to Michiko, and saw a sly smile on her lovely face and a look of defiance in those eyes of hers. The sexy Japanese-American female werewolf gave me the let's-get-busy look, and we discretely left our table, and went to the parking lot.

"Al, what's with you and women in parking lots?" Michiko said to me, laughing, as I pressed her body against my bright red Lexus. Michiko grinned, and playfully bit my neck, and I felt her fangs pierce my flesh and drew blood. I gasped in shock, but didn't flinch. I all but ripped Michiko's dress, and fastened my lips to those large, succulent-looking breasts.

"I'm freaky like that," I said to Michiko, and then I laid her on the hood of the car, then went to work on her. I admired the hell out of this beautiful woman who lay before me, thrilled both by her beauty, and the she-beast underneath. Michiko spread her legs invitingly, and rubbed her big breasts together, then winked at me.

"Don't tell me, Al, show me," Michiko cooed softly, and I kissed her, then licked a path from her neck to her breasts. I caressed her right breast while sucking on the left one. Slowly I kissed and licked my way to Michiko's navel, and then inhaled her womanly musk as I crept closer to her thighs. Smiling at Michiko, I slowly pulled down her panties.

"You won't know what hit you," I whispered, and then buried my face between Michiko's shapely legs. Is there anything in the world tastier than a woman's sweet pussy? I doubt it. I stuck my tongue into Michiko's cunt, and began fingering her, right in the middle of the restaurant parking lot. Ballsy of me, I know, but I was caught up in the moment, what can I say?

"Shut the fuck up and eat my pussy," Michiko said hotly, and I heeded the lady's words, and worked my magic on her. A lot of guys my age aren't that experienced when it comes to pleasuring females, but I am the exception. Shoot, I've been boning since my Poseidon days. As an "exotic" male student in that elite school, I had my share of female admirers.

Michiko lay on the car hood, legs spread, moaning softly as I pleasured her. The taste of her pussy was unlike any other I'd ever tasted. And believe me, I've gone down on quite a few ladies in my time. Perhaps it's because Michiko here is a werewolf, and even in her human form, she's still very different from other women. I stopped fussing about it and focused on the task at hand, pleasuring my lady.

"Let's fuck," Michiko said, licking her lips, and I grinned, and gave her cunt one last lick for good measure. I was already horny as can be, and hearing Michiko saying that she was ready to get down thrilled me like you would not believe. I was hard as a rock at the very thought of it, actually.

"Thought you'd never ask," I replied, and Michiko smiled wickedly at me as I raised her sexy legs in the air, and pressed my hard dick against her pussy lips. Locking eyes with me, Michiko stroked my long and thick, uncircumcised dick, and purred with excitement. Grinning, Michiko guided my dick into her womanhood, and I thrust forward.

"Finally," Michiko said with a happy sigh, and I buried my dick in her cunt, and at last, we were one. Looking into Michiko's lovely eyes, I saw an almost feral lust there. She blinked, and her eyes shifted from normal brown to bright yellow and downright predatory. When Michiko returned my lustful smile, hers was fanged. I was even more turned on than before.

Groaning, I thrust my dick deep inside Michiko, and she moaned softly, and then cried out as I began fucking her harder. We went at it passionately, not caring where we were. The good thing about Florida, is that it's a tropical place full of passionate people, and a random couple making love in the open isn't the end of the world, especially in this area full of Haitians, Jamaicans, Cubans and other Caribbean people.

"Just like that stud," Michiko moaned, and I smiled, thrilled beyond measure at the sight of her, rubbing her tits together while she rested those long legs of hers on my shoulders. Happily I plowed away at her, ramming my dick deep inside of her. Michiko wrapped her arms around my torso, pressing me into herself with superhuman strength. Talk about pressure. I continued banging her, and it wasn't long before I came.

"That was fun," I said, and Michiko grinned, and before she could answer, we were rudely interrupted by a couple coming out of the restaurant. An old white dude holding hands with a chubby, middle-aged Black woman stared at Michiko and I as though we had two heads, and I laughed heartily. Michiko laughed as well and blew them a kiss as they hurried back inside, presumably to tattle on us.

"Busted, but I got no complaints," Michiko said, then she leapt off the car hood with an agility and speed that an Olympian would envy, and we giggled like a pair of brats as we hastily put our clothes back on. We left the restaurant, and haven't been back since. Why is that, you may ask? Well, the owner got notified of our parking lot sexing session by that annoying old couple, and came out screaming just as Michiko and I sped away.

"Close but no cigar bozo," I said, cheerfully flipping off the owner as we sped away. Sitting on the passenger seat, Michiko rested her head on my shoulder, and kissed me on the neck, lightly grazing me with her fangs, and I smiled nervously. From the look of smoldering intensity in her eyes, and the way she rubbed my thigh suggestively, I could tell that Michiko was still in a freaky mood. Okay by me because there's nothing I hate more than coitus interruptus...

"Let's go to the Ocean, Al, I want to see you in your element," Michiko whispered, then she playfully licked my ear. We went to a nearby beach, and thankfully, it was deserted. There's always a beach bunny around somewhere in Miami Beach but not tonight. Michiko and I had the beach to ourselves. I parked a short distance away, between two palm trees atop some sandy dunes...

"Come with me," I said, taking Michiko's hand in mine, and we undressed, and headed into the water. Hand in hand, just like any normal couple, except I am not exactly one hundred percent human, nor is Michiko Kanamori, my wickedly sexy girlfriend. We smiled at each other and then, under the full moon, we shed our mortal guises.

Since that first night when I morphed into my Merman form out of panic when faced with what I thought was a threat, I've grown more comfortable with my inhuman form. My greenish, scaly skin now feels as natural to me as my normal light brown skin. I've looked at myself in the mirror while transformed, and grew to accept that my eyes are crimson, and my teeth are sharp, like those of a predator, and that I have fins and claws while transformed.

I called my mother and told her about Michiko and how close we've grown, and to be honest, both of my parents can't wait to meet her. Thanks to her, I've learned to accept myself. That's why, as I stood in the water, which was waist deep at this point, I felt pride, and joy, rather than fear and shame, for I was with Michiko. A most remarkable woman. She who accepts me as I am. My favorite werewolf.

"You look beautiful," Michiko said, and she smiled at me and gently touched my face. I watched with amazed eyes as Michiko resumed her true form, changing from a tall, delightfully curvy and decidedly statuesque young Asian woman to a hairy, sleek-furred, yellow-eyed, fanged and clawed she-beast. In my eyes, Michiko looked absolutely stunning.

"Right back at you," I said, and then I pulled Michiko into my arms and kissed her. We began making love, in the dark waters, away from the prying eyes of humans for a change. This was a first for us. We'd made love a bunch of times, but had never done it in our inhuman forms. Part of me rebelled against the idea, thinking it unsafe.

When dawn came, it found Michiko and I lying on the sand, side by side, spent but happy as can be. I think we were the earliest visitors to the beach that day. Hand in hand, we went for a walk, and had breakfast at a nearby restaurant called Joe's Stone Crab, and enjoyed a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and Pepsis.

"Now that's what I call living," Michiko said, stretching luxuriously against her chair, and smiling wickedly at me. Before I could answer, Michiko belched loudly, in a very unladylike manner, and when I stared at her blankly, the young woman shrugged and playfully rubbed her legs against mine.

"You are something else," I said, smiling at Michiko. Last night's events coursed through my mind, and I realized that, for the first time in ages, I felt quite happy. As in, there was absolutely nothing wrong on my horizon. My classes at the University of Miami were going alright, and I was still wowing them on the swim team. And, last but not least, I have Michiko.

"The Werewolf girlfriend of a Merman, we are like a power couple or something, we should fight crime," Michiko said, laughing. Taking my hand in hers, she squeezed it gently, and then got up, and before I could stop her, Michiko took out her bright blue Continental National Bank of Florida credit card, and paid for our meals.

"I got this sweetie," Michiko said, and I smiled at her, marveling at this unpredictable, fascinating young woman. I am definitely a lucky guy, or Merman, or whatever. I am lucky to have a woman like Michiko in my life. Thanks to her, I am discovering more and more about the fascinating underworld inhabited by beings like us, and our place in this universe.

The various offshoots of humanity that are out there, from Homo Sapiens Nocturnus ( the vampires), Homo Sapiens Lupus ( the werewolves ) and Homo Sapiens Aquaticus ( we Mermen and Mermaids ), to name but a few, try to maintain diplomatic relationships with one another to protect ourselves. We don't want the humans to find out about us and hunt us down, so we join forces to preserve our secrecy. This agreement, which goes back to ancient times, is the only reason we're all still alive today.

"My parents can't wait to meet you," I said to Michiko as we walked out of the restaurant together and headed to my car. Michiko smiled but didn't say much, as I drove us back to the University of Miami campus. I didn't know it at the time, but just like there's racism in the human world, it's kind of taboo for members of the various offshoots of mundane humanity, such as Werewolves, Vampires and Mermen/Mermaids, to date one another.

"All in due time, my dear," Michiko said to me at last, and then as we reached her residence near the campus. We exchanged a peck on the lips, and then Michiko got up from her seat, smiled at me and walked away. I watched Michiko's scrumptious ass as she climbed the steps to her residence, and shook my head. That dame is trouble with a capital T, but I like to live dangerously. It's just the way I get down.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hello Spammy Sammy. Got to say at least your a consistent bigot. Yes that is right. Race is to add flavoring not be the story. Not sure how many of your stories were it is the only thing you care about. The MC is always black, but that seems to be the only trait that matters. The personality is as shallow as they can be. The sex scenes are not well done if the story has any. Everyone in the story is either a moron, rasist or the pupit for the MCs gradifcation. Talk about boring.

Got to love how you try to drop bogus racist tropes into your writing. It just shows not only is your writing boring, but you have no idea what is happening in the world around you. You behave like a good little propagandists for the state media. It might help your writing if you challenged yourself to read material outside of your comfort zone. Thongs that challenge the narrow view of the world you have.

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