Metis Academy Ch. 03: Blake's Roommate


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He opened it to find the Headmistress staring down at him, arms crossed, her cool gaze making him shrink back in both fear and respect. "Blake," she said. "Go get breakfast, then, come to my office."

Blake went white as a sheet. He opened his mouth, perhaps to protest that he didn't want to be punished for missing class. But no sound came out. The Headmistress's orders bypassed any other rules, and he could have kicked himself for even thinking to say anything to contradict them.

"Yes, Miss," he said softly. He shook in terror the whole long walk there.


The Headmistress's office was neat and professional, as one would expect, almost painfully so. The papers on her desk looked like a ruler had been used to make the stack perfectly straight. Every pen and pencil in her holder was in its own specific notch, sorted by color from dark to light. Even the books on the shelf appeared to be ordered in such a way that each shelf held books of the exact same dimensions, allowing no deviation in height or depth despite not all being from the same publisher.

The two red padded chairs front of her desk were at a perfect ninety degree angle to each other, forming a disconnected triangle with the desk. The chair on the right held Stephanie. The Headmistress motioned for Blake to take the left seat, before she sat behind the desk, sitting perfectly prim and proper. Dressed in her business suit, her hair done up in a tight bun, her sharp features, all gave the impression they were sitting before a powerful CEO or politician.

"Stephanie," said the Headmistress, turning to her. "I knew you'd make this difficult, but there is no reason to take out your anger on your boy."

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "He's not my boy. You threw him to me. His bad luck."

"We discussed this several times before the room reassignments. You were not to use your new... roommate... as your personal punching bag."

"Why not? That's what Sex Magic is all about, right? Using guys however we want. Well, given my situation, I could use a punching bag for stress relief."

"The other girls use pleasure for stress relief. I know you're not here by choice, but I genuinely think you'd find it easier to bare if you'd concentrate your efforts on what feels good, instead of hurting people."

"Hurting boys does feel good."

"You know what I mean."

"No, actually, I don't. I really fucking don't. What feels good? For the girls, perhaps. The boys? You want me to think you have any actual sympathy for them? Have you seen the way the girls treat the guys here? Even the teachers? Boys go to bed crying like babies just from how bad their little cocks and balls hurt. They go crazy from the girls playing all those retarded head games, punished no matter what they do. And do I even need to mention the Nurse? I'm surprised some of her so-called patients haven't killed themselves."

For the briefest moment, the Headmistress's face betrayed an emotion, but she clamped it back down under her poker face too face to identify it. Stephanie smirked. "The only difference between them and me is I don't play games. I get right to the point." She idly flicked a finger at Blake, and he yelped as he felt another hard phantom slap to his testicles, crumpling into his seat like a snail curling into its shell.

The Headmistress's bearing became even more stern. "That's enough," she said, with a tone and finally that would have had Blake quivering in fearful obedience.

Stephanie just rolled her eyes. "Sorry, oh, Mistress. But you can't just cure crazy, can you?"

The Headmistress allowed a hint of a frown to cross her features. "You're not crazy. You know it, I know it, and yes, even your parents know it, despite what they may say. Acting like a psychopath is not an effective way to get back at them. And torturing innocent boys like this is going to make things worse for you."

"Oh, what are you going to do? Expel me? You can't do that without getting kicked off the project and probably blacklisted from future ones. I can't leave, or my parents will send me some place worse. You want to rein me in? Good fucking luck. In the meantime, I'm gunna do what all the little whores got paid to do: bust balls." Stephanie stood and turned towards the door. "Come on, "slave boy," let's go. If you carry my books to class, I might not make you feel like you're getting ass-raped with a rusty cheese grater."

Blake remained seating, looking back and forth between Stephanie and the Headmistress. He knew pleading for mercy from Stephanie would only tempt her to hurt him even more, but he knew the Headmistress's reputation for merciless treatment meant he didn't have an ally there, either. Blake could only guess the Headmistress's reason for even paying attention to his pitiable condition had more to do with the bad blood between the two women than any pity on his part.

Blake figured he was screwed either way. He may as well take a risk, because how much worse was it going to get otherwise? The best he could do was at least attempt to maintain some minor degree of agency. He spoke, "Permission to speak, um, free of..." he glanced at Stephanie, then the Headmistress, "free of... retaliation?"

The Headmistress nodded once, curtly, at Blake, cast a spell as she did so. He felt the older woman's power envelope him, shielding him. Now, if Stephanie tried to shut him up with her magic, he'd be protected, at least until they left the room.

Blake turned to Stephanie. "I know you hate me for some reason. Or you hate guys. Or it's part of whatever, um, issue you have with your parents? No matter what I say, you're going to be mad and punish me. But I just want to know why."

Stephanie snorted, crossed her arms, and glared at him. Blake continued. "You're folks paid for you to be here, unlike everyone else. And you hate us boys so much, I have to wonder why you were chosen at all." Stephanie scowled. "You're being punished as well, aren't you?"

Stephanie stared at him for a minute, as if debating whether to speak or attempt another ball-pulverizing spell. Finally she let out an exasperated sigh. "You know I'm tempted to let you stay in the dark just cuz I know it'll fuck with your head more. But I'm not gunna do that head game shit the other whores do."

She cleared her throat. "I'm a lesbian. My parents sent me here because they though it would, quote, "straighten me out." Pun very much intended."

"Oh," said Blake. He blinked. "Oh! Um, well, okay." He took a breath as he processed this new bit of information. "But... okay, but what does that... I mean, why is that a problem with them?"

"You don't need to know my family's story," she said. "But they're pretty influential. Rich. They provided a full third of the funding for Metis. That's why the Headbitchtress there can't just kick me out, and why I can't just run off."

"But, I mean, wouldn't a lesbian... I mean..."

"It's a political-economic image situation," said the Headmistress. "With the shifting power dynamics brought on by Sex Magic, powerful families need to prove they are just as strong with wielding Sex Magic to fulfill their agendas, and maintain their position in the cut throat world of the upper class. A lesbian, particularly a stubborn one with a chip on her shoulder, is something of a chink in a such a family's armor."

Blake scratched his head. "But... I mean no disrespect, but... wouldn't lesbian be, like... I dunno, wouldn't they have a huge advantage? How is that a problem for you? Them?"

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "God, why are boys so fucking stupid? Look, I know it's difficult for you guys to conceive of a woman who genuinely doesn't want cock, but a girl being a lesbian means she doesn't want to sleep with you. She doesn't have any interest in your cock. She isn't going to invite you into a threesome with her girlfriend.

"Having Sex Magic means going everyday with every set of cock and balls a mile around blaring in your senses, like a sea of guys constantly thrusting their dicks in your face, all the time. Try to imagine that. You're not gay, right? The thought of sucking a guy off probably repulses you. Even now that you've done it. Hell, especially now that you've done it." Blake shuddered and blushed in humiliation, remembering his, and a few other guys, last orgasm.

"Yeah, see?" said Stephanie. "Imagine your every waking moment, a dozen guys are thrusting their huge, dripping, unwashed dicks at your mouth and your asshole. Even when you sleep, you're catching dreams off the guys, seeing all their fantasies of desperately thrusting their dicks into any female hole. It's revolting. Six months of this shit, and I just want to puke more every day."

"So you can imagine Stephanie is not exactly thrilled to train herself to use Sex Magic for things like corporate espionage," said the Headmistress. "Combine that with an obvious strong disgust for the backstabbing politics of her family's life style, and what I also suspect is plain old adolescent rebelliousness taking itself too seriously for its own good, and you've got an excellent recipe for black sheep. Do I have it right?" Her tone of voice held a slight tinge of antagonism. Stephanie just glared at her.

"Wow," said Blake. "Okay. That all explains a lot."

Stephanie shrugged. "It is what it is. My folks expect me to come out of this a good girl, either being brainwashed into liking cocks, or hoping the experience disciplines me enough to obey them from now on. Fuck that. When I get out of here, I'm going to rip my Dad's cock off with a claw hammer, and shove it up my mother's ass."

Blake swallowed hard. He could easily picture her doing it, too.

The Headmistress allowed herself a slight smirk. "Even if you managed that, Sex Magic could easily repair his genitals, and you will likely be sent to prison."

"At least I'll have given them something to think about," said Stephanie. "And who knows? Maybe I'll actually find a worthwhile fuck in jail."

"I'll mail you a box of soaps you can drop," muttered Blake.

Stephanie cocked an eyebrow at him, then smirked as well. "Well look at you, growing a pair. Gunna keep 'em when we leave the room?"

Blake dared to look her in the eye. "You gunna rip 'em off?"

"I might," she said. The two locked eyes for a moment, before Blake wavered, and looked to the floor again. But he didn't shrink back in his seat.

"Let's go," he muttered, and got up to leave. He felt the Headmistress's shield spell slip away from him, leaving him vulnerable to Stephanie once more.

"Stephanie," said the Headmistress. "You can talk as tough as you want, but there are lines you can't come back from once crossed. It's only three more months. For your own sake, if no one else's, I implore you to just try and keep calm."

"Don't act like you care," she said.

"I don't," she said. "But I think you do, at least a little."

Stephanie turned with a huff and went out the door, Blake following behind her. He anticipated some kind of backlash. With every step, he expected to feel her power unleash punishment on his genitals. His anxiety grew by the moment. By the time they exited the building, he was shivering. Blake followed Stephanie over towards the academic building adjacent to the offices. As they crossed, Stephanie suddenly veered into the wide, grassy, "alleyway" between the two buildings. With a flick of her wrist, she enveloped Blake in her power and yanked him along with her, tossing him onto his ass on the ground.

Blake wasn't sure if he should get back on his feet or not, but the decision was made for him as he felt her power wash over him like a powerful wave. Once more, she radiated commands of pure arousal straight from her pussy to his cock. Blake yelped and fell back, writhing on the ground as his cock turned beet red with tension, becoming inhumanly hard. He gasped and whimpered, but resigned himself to the pain of magical priapism and horrible, hollow need.

But then, he felt something else. Something sharp and electric, almost as painful as the hard attack, but tinged with a hint of pleasure. Then, the pleasure grew, like a hot knife through every nerve in his cock, from the tip, to the base, spreading through his balls, and moving deep within him, hitting his prostate. He felt unfathomable fingers of pleasure caressing places he hadn't known he could feel. The pleasure was so intense it tore his breath away, becoming more intense than the pain she'd inflicted on him yesterday.

And then he felt something shift inside him. And then he CAME!

If he could have caught his breath, he'd have screamed, but all he could do was make breathless little mews as his world went white. His other senses seemed to blank out for several seconds, and all he knew was the raw pleasure of orgasm. Semen ripped from his cock so hard, he felt like he could have punched a hole through his pants, if he'd been allowed to wear them. Ropes of spunk shot a dozen feet over his head. And the orgasm kept going, her phantom tendrils digging deep inside his loins, pulling every drop he could give.

Blake felt like it went on forever, but in reality, the climax lasted only half a minute. With his last shot done, she released him from her power, leaving him gasping and twitching on the ground. She let her aura of arousal fade, allowing his cock to return to a mere "normal" erection.

"That's for showing a little backbone," she said. "You're the first guy here to do that. Hope you enjoyed it, because that's your last, at least till we're out of here." She nudged his testicles with the toe of her shoe, and he winced. "I'm still going to use these for my personal punching bag. But maybe I'll help you toughen 'em up a little first."

Blake could only moan in response, barely cognizant. Stephanie sighed and shrugged. "Take a nap today. I'll tell the teachers to cut you a break from punishments. I think the Headmistress will back me up on it." She held up a finger. "Don't get used to it, though, dipshit." Blake didn't respond. As the aftershocks of his orgasm faded, and his body cooled down from the extreme tension, total exhaustion washed over him. He fell into a dreamless slumber. Stephanie left him there on the soft, cool grass between the buildings. She was confident none of the other girls would dare disturb him, and the staff would more than likely take him to their room to recover. It wasn't much of a mercy, but it was as good as she'd ever felt like giving since she got her.

She scowled as she realized she almost pitied the poor boy. She would be sure to punish him severely for it later. Tonight. Or tomorrow. If she felt like it.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I feel like this particular chapter can be spun off into a series. Will Stephanie get over her hate of men through either sympathy or adapting her magic energy? Will she continue to treat Blake like garbage but be nice enough to make him a masochist or will she make him become more girly or even a girl to suit her preferences? Or maybe they will simply become friends? What will the effect on the whole school be, will everyone realize that they are hypocrites with the way they treat boys?

Or maybe it goes a completely different route, and with the OK from her parents Stephanie gets imbued with fetishes that make her attracted to Blake's body against her will. Making her sexually service him just to immediately hate and punish him afterwards.

OR, will this simply continue as it is with Blake going trough suffering night and day. People would read that. Why do you think Charles Dickens is so popular?

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