Michael or Mac Ep. 10


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I look around while Keira is talking to the first interviewer. She lets go of my hand when she stops walking, and I step back. I look across the red carpet, and fans are calling my name. Keira moves on to the second press person, and I decide to see what's happening on the other side.

"Hey guys," I say as I get close. A couple of girls scream, and then it settles. "So, how long have you been waiting?" I asked the nearest girl.

"Three hours," she says in what I think is a German accent.

"Three hours? And how many of the so-called stars have come across this side?"

She's taken aback by a second question. "You are the first," she replies. "Can I get a selfie with you?"

"Of course you can," I say, which seems to break the ice with everyone around. I spend a while talking and taking selfies while keeping an eye on my date. I see her look my way a couple of times, and then I guess she explains to whoever she's talking to where I am.

Then Keira comes over to my side. "Not into the press then, Mac," she says.

"Hey, Keira. Nah, I've done enough press interviews. I'd rather talk to real people."

"Oh my god, you're Keira Knightly," one of the guys shouts. Keira smiles his way and nods in acknowledgment. "Can I get a selfie?" he then asks.

Keira moves sideways and takes the picture. "Hey, Mac, typical of you to avoid the press," Miley calls from the other side of the red carpet. I hadn't seen her and Tish arrive. She walks over, and the cameras click wildly as we hug and kiss. The same happens when Tish copies her daughter. I introduce Keira, and the four of us spend another half hour talking to the fans before we are called in ahead of everyone else.

As we walk into the hospitality lounge, we are grabbed by a flustered-looking events organizer. "Mac, Miley, thank god," she says. "We must set you up for your performance before everyone is seated."

I turn to Keira, "I'll see you in there, Keira." She smiles and nods.

"Don't worry about me, Mac. I'm a big girl and will be fine," she smiles, and we head off.

"What's with you and Keira," Miley asks. We walk into a large auditorium and down toward the stage.

"We met on Jimmy Fallon's show, and she offered. Emma is stuck at home at the moment, and we seem to get on," I say. "You are still my favorited celeb, though," I say, trying to get on her good side. We are standing below the stage, and an area has been laid out with a couple of mics, a piano, and an acoustic guitar. The planner hustles off, leaving Miley and me alone.

"And don't ya forget liddle ol me," she says, breaking into a broader southern accent. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, shoot."

"You remember I invited myself to your ranch? Is that a real possibility?" Miley sits down at the piano.

"Sure, what ya got en mind," I say, trying to do my southern accent and failing. "I will be there most of the summer. We are trying to extend the C&W HQ and going through the planning process." I say, sitting down next to Miley and lifting the lid on the piano. "I will have differing amounts of friends and family there. I believe Donna and Mia will be there and Emma, so you will know people."

"I need a real break away from everything, Mac. My doctors are worried I am stressing everything. They say that if I continue, I will do some damage that could be irreversible. I have made a hole in my schedule in August. How does that fit?"

"I plan to be there on and off between July and September. You are more than welcome to stay as long as you need. There is always someone around if you need company, or you can also find a lot of solitude. It's a great place to get lost if you want to."

Miley groans, "Don't it sounds perfect. I'll ring you when I know," she says, seeming happier.

"Want to warm up a little?"

"I should, but let's sing the one where we harmonize with the piano. It does strain anything."

I start playing the piano, and the room comes alive with the sound filling every corner. I begin to sing just to hear what it sounds like. There's no need to use earphones here, and Miley soon comes in as we blend naturally. You wouldn't believe we have only sung this version of Emma together half a dozen times.

We are interrupted by the still-flustered woman. "We are going to let the people in now. If you make your way backstage for about half an hour, we will get you when everyone is seated."

We walk into a back room with some snacks and drinks. We sit and discuss what we've been doing since LA. Some of it we already know because we message when we are both free. Miley asks about the summer again, and I explain James Stokes' different approach to try and get the expansion through planning. I tell her about Amelia's wedding, and Miley is in stitches when I tell her what happened at the end of the night.

A very long half hour later, the events organizer comes back looking calmer. "Right, are we ready?" she asks after a deep calming breath.

"Miley and I rise together, and we walk to the side of the stage and wait for our introduction. The director walks onto the stage and looks to see if we are ready. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," she says in her thick French accent. "At the beginning of this year, the most beautiful song I can remember ever hearing started to flood the airwaves. Very few knew who or what the song was about or who sang it. Some weeks later, we added a video and then the big reveal. This song and the film it accompanies took on a life of its own. The script wrote itself, and the music became as integral to the plot as the love between the two characters in our film. Working on such an incredible piece of what can only be described now as cinema history was an honour. Most of that history was made before the film hit the editing suite. Tonight is the first full showing anywhere in the world, and I pray that the world sees what I, with all the cast, have felt through the entire process of the making of Loving Emma. Without further delay, I would like to introduce the two people who started the world's fascination with this love story and co-wrote the masterpiece featured throughout the film. Please stand and show your love for Miley Cyrus and Mac."

We walk out to a standing ovation and a deafening wall of sound as people clap and cheer. We walk over and hug Mona Achache before walking down to the piano.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we start from the beginning," Mona says as I start to play the first notes of Emma. Very few in the audience knew that we are playing tonight, and silence settles over the room as every person is taken to that place by the sound of the piano.

I close my eyes as Miley starts to sing, and I harmonize with her in the first chorus. Then it's my turn, and Miley then harmonizes with me. We sing the third part together, blending and pitching in unison. I play an extended instrumental section where Miley comes and sits with me at the piano. As we get close to singing again, I look at her and smile. The look in Miley's eyes is pure enjoyment of what we are doing together. She puts her arm around me, and she sings into my mic. We harmonize with one last chorus, and then Miley sings the last verse as I play the final few notes.

As the last note sounds, the ovation is loud, and the lights dim as the light from a projector mounted at the back lights a curtain-covered screen. We make our way over to where Tish and Kiera are waiting. Keira takes my hand when I sit and squeezes it. I look at her, and she gives me a nod of acknowledgment. Our attention is then taken as we hear the musical arrangement I recorded in LA, and the credits start to roll. The fading ovation momentarily picks up before people settle to watch the premier.

The film is far better than I thought; being in French didn't subtract from the storyline or portraying the true love between the lead characters. The twist near the end, I did not see coming, but the love wins in the end.

We get invited to the after-show party, but Keira's husband expects her back. I take her back to her hotel and then make my way to the party. Miley and Tish don't stay long, but I enjoy talking to people involved with the film. Some of the fans outside got tickets, and they all managed to get their photos taken with just about everyone.

One of the girls seemed to make it her mission to get me in her bed. I chose this moment to call it a night and return to the hotel. I call Emma, whom I miss more than I thought possible, and we talk until I feel I can't keep my eyes open any longer. She can't wait to see me; I'm returning in the morning. Miley is staying on for a few days and doing the Graham Norton show in the UK. They did ask me, but I begged off but promised to go on the show when I am in London next month.

The main reason for my quick return is our Senior Prom, and Emma would kill me if I even hinted that I would miss it. She is waiting for me as I make my way through the arrivals exit.

"Mac!" she screams when she sees me walk through the doors. I can see a lot of faces turn our way as she launches herself at me.

"Hey, beautiful. I've....." That is all I get out before she locks her mouth on mine and shows me how much she's missed me. I can only kiss her back and hold her as I will never let her go.

It's the afternoon of the prom, and I've had a quiet time between when I got back from Canne and now. Donna came over with Mitch, and we did a live feed. Even Mitch picked up a guitar, and we jammed a little.

Mitch came over around five, and we got ready together. We are sharing the extended Hummer, and it was logical that he leave from my place to pick Donna up.

Six-thirty and a horn sounded outside. "Come on, Mitch, and your date won't want to be kept waiting," I shout.

Paps come out to see us off. "You could have got your hair cut, Mac," he says, looking up at me in disbelief.

"He's still going for the rock star look," Mitch says as he walks down the stairs. "I hate formal dinners," he adds, trying to adjust his bowtie.

"What do you mean? You look great in a tux," I say.

He grins at me and then pulls a face. "Come on, Mr. Rock and Roll, let's get this party started."

One thing with Mitch: he hasn't changed toward me and doesn't seem jealous of my success. We say our farewells to Paps and make our way outside. I stand by the Hummer while Mitch heads next door to get Donna. I explain to the driver what's happening, and we wait.

"Excuse me, but are you, Mac? The singer?" The driver asks.

"Yes, for all my sins," I answer.

"And the next stop is to pick Emma up?" He ask.

"That's the plan," I answer. Just then, the next door opens, and Terri rushes out with a camera in hand.

I watch as she sets herself to take a picture of Donna and Mitch on the front step. Donna looks radiant tonight in her pink sequined dress that has a split up to her thigh. Her large boobs are somehow squeezed into the bodice.

They finally break free from Terri and make their way to the open door of the Hummer. "Sorry you passed this up?" Donna says as she approaches me.

"I'll live," I reply.

I quickly get in and let Mitch do his gentlemanly duty. It's not long until we are heading for Emma's house. I get out as soon as we pull up to the sidewalk. I walk up the steps and am surprised that I have to knock.

A beaming Ron answers the door. "You must be the young upstart taking my baby to her prom. I hope your intentions are honourable, young man," he says.

"My intentions are none of your business, kind sir," I say, getting into the joke. "But I assure you, your daughter's honour will be intact on her return."

"Excuse me, you two, there's a young lady in here waiting for her date," Kim shouts from the family room. Ron and I laugh as I walk in, and I hug Kim. "You're looking good, Mac, but you always do." We move out into the entrance hall. "Are you ready, honey?" Kim shouts.

There's no answer, but thirty seconds later, the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever seen appears at the top of the landing. Emma's eyes don't leave mine as she glides down the stairs, smiling. She's wearing the dress I bought in Charlotte when we spent a weekend together. To say my breath is taken away would be a gross understatement as I watch a true angel descend toward me.

I take her hand for the last two steps and then say one word, "Perfect." That was the only thing that truly describes the moment. "You are beyond beautiful," I finally added.

Emma can't hide her happiness or joy at my reaction and rewards me with a tender kiss. We turn to allow Kim to take a couple of photos, and again on the front porch.

I help Emma into the Hummer, and we sit opposite Donna and Mitch. We are soon heading for the hotel where the school always holds the prom. We have booked a room for the night, and I have already been there this afternoon to drop off three suitcases for the girls.

There's a crowd outside as our Hummer pulls up at the entrance, and we spot Mia with Isaac waiting for us. I get out first and help Emma before standing out of the way so Mitch can do his bit. We walk over, and I hug Mia before shaking Isaac by the hand.

"You're looking good tonight, Mia, and you scrub up quite well, mate," I tell them. I get a smile before she moves in for a hug with Emma.

We don't get an answer as Donna screams, "MIAAAAA.."

"DONNAAAAAAA...." Came the reply. Shit, I'm in Donna's crazy world again.

We finally make our way into the venue. There are a hundred and one photos taken. A couple of my classmates asked to take a picture with me. I guess they wanted proof they knew me.

As we walk into the ballroom and find our table, I get pulled to one side by Susan. "Hey, Mac."

"Hi, Susan. I didn't know you were chaperone tonight."

"Yeah, it is my turn. How do I look?"

I look her up and down. "If it weren't such an awkward question, I would say you look great."

"I'll take that," she says. "I'll let you get to your table. Have a good night, Mac. Oh, word of warning, they will ask you later to perform with the band." I look at her and roll my eyes. I hoped to get through the night with as little fuss as possible.

"Who's that you were talking to?" Mitch asks.

"Susan Harper. She was my guardian when my gran became sick."

"Shit, I remember her. She hasn't aged badly, nice pair o...."

"Mitch, she's like my mother...." I say, cutting him off. Mitch just laughs at my unease. "She did say that they will be asking me to do something with the band later."

"Sorry, mate. I know you wanted a quiet one, but that's the price of fame." Mitch slaps me on my back as we settle into the night.

The night's first half is taken up with eating and some speeches. As you can guess, I got more than one mention. Emma just squeezes my hand and smiles at me with a proud look.

The girls are up on the dance floor as soon as the music starts. Donna has to be first and show her dominance. The boys sit and watch as the girls strut their stuff. Once in a while, the DJ puts on a tune that we don't mind dancing to. As musicians, we have a good sense of rhythm and dance to the girl's delight.

Then, it's time for the band to do their first set. Halfway through, when the dancefloor is full, they call me on stage. Emma, Donna, and Mia scream as I go to put a guitar on, but see they use a similar keyboard to mine. So I move behind the free keyboard and have a quick play.

I turn to the band and ask, "So, what are we playing?" They all look at me like I'm speaking a different language. "Okay, see if you know this one," I say. I change several settings and begin by pressing one key to create a sound.

I look back at the drummer and then hit the drum pad on the keyboard to show him the beat. The moment he matches me, I stop. As soon as I start playing the keyboard, the room knows the song.

"Yeah," I shout and then sing...

"I've been tryna call

I've been on my own for long enough

Maybe you can show me how to love,"

All my classmates are going crazy on the dancefloor as I go through one of the most popular songs of the last five years. "Blinding Lights" is a fairly simple song, and the guys in the band seem to know it and are keeping up well.

As we approach the end, the lead singer shouts a song title in my ear. I nod, and he goes around, letting the other three know what's happening.

As the first song fades, I start singing acapella.

"Feeling my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart

I can't tell where the journey will end

But I know where to start......"

The band joins in with vocals and music as we get to the chorus.

"So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time, I was finding myself, and I

Didn't know I was lost......."

I must admit that Avicii's hit "Wake Me Up" is always an uplifting record and one I used to pull me out of any funk I was in. I remember coming home one day from school when I saw one of the football team put their arm around Emma and whisper something in her ear that she found funny. The jealousy devil reared its head, and I left immediately, not wanting to see what happened next. I played this song when I got home to settle myself from storming around her house and making a total ass of myself.

As the song ends, I take my bow and quickly exit stage right. The rest of the night goes smoothly. Emma and I dance the night away. We slow dance and kiss like normal seniors do on their prom night. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would. The normality is more than welcome in my life, especially with the trip to the UK and the application for planning to extend the HQ. I even drag Susan out to Emma's delight.

As we make our way to our room, Emma leans into me as the elevator doors close. "You know, I thought I would be frightened of the future once we finished school. With you by my side and us going to Boston after the summer, life seems like one of my dreams."


I am on a transatlantic flight for the second time in a month. I'm on the company jet this time, and Emma has come with me. We are heading for Exeter City airport in the county of Devon.

Lance came over the intercom. "Mr. Carter, we will land in around forty-five minutes."

"Are you going to phone James?" Emma asks. She's become very friendly with Isabel Richards, James's girlfriend.

"Yeah, good idea," I reply, getting my phone out of my pocket and finding his number.

"Hello, Mac. I was just going over the ground data your team sent me, it's pretty much what we expected. So, what can I do for you?" James says without letting me get in a single hello.

"Hi, James," I finally say. "I will be in Exeter for a few hours and wonder if you want to come and pick me up from the airport, and you can show me your thoughts on the HQ and take Emma and me for lunch."

"Wow, aren't you meant to be in Glastonbury today?"

"Yeah, I'm flying in for eight. So, are you in?" I reply.

"Yes, of course. What time do you land?"

"In about half an hour." I check my watch, and Emma nods at me.

"Okay, mate, see you soon." James hangs up, and the line goes quiet.

"We are just starting our descent. Can you make sure everything is stowed away and you fasten your seatbelts," Lance says over the intercom.

"Baby?" Emma says in a way, I know she will ask for something big.

I lean over and kiss her. "Mmmmyes," I manage to get out. Those kisses get distracting.

"Can we ask Isabel and James to come to Glastonbury?" She asks.

I hadn't thought of that. "Sure, I can ask. Not sure they will have time, though. They've got their graduation ceremony on Monday, I believe."

I look out the window and see the south coast of the UK. We bank to the left and head inland. I feel the plane dropping as we start our approach.

Before we know it, the wheels screech on the tarmac, and we have landed in Britain. There is a transport waiting to take us through immigration. Hopefully, James will be waiting. I must admit, I'm feeling a little nervous meeting this guy. He's someone that I respect as a person, and I'm pleased we are friends. He does remind me of myself in many ways. I can see he has a similar relationship with his girlfriend, Isabel, as I do with Emma.