Michael Vick was Wrongly Convicted

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I promise you, justice was not done.
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Michael Vick was Wrongly Convicted!

Since this past Monday and more specifically for the majority of the Philadelphia Eagles sensational season, I have heard so many people touting Michael Vick. Oh yeah, "Michael Vick has really turned it around, " etc.

And now, Barrack Obama, the President of the United States, the de facto leader of the Free World, thought it would be a good idea to chirp in and toss a little praise his way as well by taking the time to make a phone call (while on vacation in Hawaii) to the owner of the Eagles and commend him for giving Vick a 2nd chance.


I think anyone who thinks that Michael Vick has paid his debt and is a reformed individual needs to take a little walk down memory lane and remind themselves just what this so-called man was engaged in and willfully perpetrated.

Here are the facts:

* Michael Vick was a REGISTERED dog breeder.

* April 24, 2007: Michael Vick's cousin, Davon Boddie, was arrested in Hampton, Va., on drug charges, leading police to obtain a warrant to search his home (owned by Vick) for other drugs and paraphernalia.

* April 25, 2007: While serving the search warrant, police discovered evidence of an alleged dogfighting operation, including rape stands, pry bars, treadmills modified for dog training, and a blood-stained carpet. Animal-control officers also removed 66 dogs from the property, 55 of which were pit bulls.

* Vick and his co-defendants began the dogfighting operation in early 2001.

* Fights staged on the Surry County premises had purses of as much as $20,000 or more at times.

* The formation of Bad Newz Kennels and testing of the dogs began in early 2002. According to the indictment, one of the dogs did not fight well and was shot to death with a .22 caliber pistol.

* In March 2003, after a pit bull from Bad Newz Kennels lost in a fight, it was executed by wetting it with water and electrocuting it.

* In April 2007, approximately eight dogs that did not perform well in testing were killed by "hanging, drowning, and slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

Here is what Virginia law provides in terms of sentencing for animal cruelty related crimes:

In Virginia, a first offense that does not result in the death of an animal is a Class 1 misdemeanor, which carries a sentence of twelve months or less and a fine of up to $2500 or both. A person committing a second offense, or if the animal dies as a result of the first offense, is guilty of a Class 6 felony, punishable by up to five years in prison or, in the alternative, a prison sentence of less than a year or a maximum fine of $2500 or both. In addition, the owner of a dog or cat injured or killed as a result of cruelty is entitled to a damage award for the value of the animal or the damage done.

Just so we're clear, Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months and served 18. Hmm. Now, I am no math wizard, but that seems quite short of the potential maximum.

Why, you ask? Because Michael Vick was not convicted according the Virginia Animal Cruelty laws. Instead he was tried in Federal Court and pled guilty to one (1), I repeat, one count of "Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fight Venture". An offense that carries a two to five year sentence. Vick was sentenced to 23 months and yet only served 18 months. Again, not quite two years and certainly short of the five year maximum sentence. But again, this is only for one count or offense. So no Mr. President, Michael Vick has NOT paid his debt to society. But, then again, your Secretary of the Treasury is an admitted tax evader. It must be nice to view right and wrong from your perspective.

One count. This is unbelievable. Between 2001 and 2007 Michael Vick sponsored dogs in eleven fights. Additionally, he traveled to four states to purchase eleven dogs. Again, could this not be construed as 22 counts? Even with Vick's meager sentencing this would have equated to 396 months or 33 YEARS!!

But better yet, if he had been tried according to Virginia's Animal Cruelty Laws he could have been tried for twenty dog fights and nine executions. SIXTY FIVE YEARS!

Another side note: Five of the surviving dogs rescued from Vick's compound had to be put down. He was not held accountable for those either.

Many of you may think I am taking the far extreme position, and I am. Let me point out a few things that should sicken even the hardest of you that may be reading this. First, as if dog fighting isn't vicious enough, the animals that did not meet Vick and Co. standards or lost their fights were executed. Now I do not mean that they were euthanized by a simple and clean (or slightly humane) method. No, these dogs were sadistically tortured and killed (at times by Vick's own hands) using methods that required even a slight degree of premeditation and a strong degree of sociopathology - malice and forethought: HANGING, DROWNING, ELECTROCUTING, BLUDGEONED WITH A SHOVEL, SLAMMING THEM TO THE GROUND, et al. That kind of emotional detachment is truly frightening.

Vick is reported as having experienced an adrenaline rush and euphoric like high from his participation in this savagery.

Here's a little tidbit for you:

"The FBI considers animal cruelty a predictor for violence and continued violent behavior... and is a considered factor when profiling serial killers.". Nice, huh?

And if you can still overlook the glaring brutality committed by and on behalf of this man, then you seriously need to get your football shaped head out of your ass and consider the situation without Vick. Vick is just a man, he is not a football god, and he is not the savior of the Philadelphia Eagles, the NFL or the sport as a whole. There are hundreds of quarterbacks between the current NFL rosters and those in the many colleges and universities around our country. Most may not have the talent level of Vick, but fortunately (to the best of our knowledge) they don't have the violent pathology either.

As ridiculous as this is, even the Humane Society of the United States is jumping on the Vick bandwagon and is considering sponsoring Michael Vick to adopt a puppy. Vick is reported as saying it would:

"...be a big step in the rehabilitation process. I think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that I genuinely care, and my love and my passion for animals; I think it would be outstanding. If I ever have the opportunity again I will never take it for granted," Vick told NBC, "I miss having a dog right now. I wish I could."

There should be a massive public outcry calling for the immediate and unconditional resignation or simple termination of HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle. This is an outrage. I seriously hope that anyone who previously gave or is thinking about giving to the HSUS will better spend their money supporting the law enforcing ASPCA.

"Junkies want drugs and pedophiles want children." It doesn't mean we give them to them. Vick is no different. Vick's sentencing prohibited him from owning a dog until 2012. This man should never be allowed to own a dog. Let him explain to his girls what daddy did and why they cannot have that cute little puppy and live with the full weight of his actions.

For whatever reason [read: greed] Vick has been afforded a great opportunity for a second chance at his life. But he were just a regular Joe convicted of these or even far lesser offenses the President would not be so quick to applaud his second chance.

It is truly a shame that our current legal system does not provide stricter punishment for offenses like this. We tend to "rehabilitate" through lenient sentencing, counseling and half-hearted community service.

Here is a final parting image for you: (From The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant, senior editor of Sports Illustrated)

"As that dog lay on the ground, fighting for air, Quanis Phillips grabbed its front legs and Michael Vick grabbed its back legs. They swung the dog over their head like a jump rope then slammed it to the ground. The first impact didn't kill it. So, Phillips and Vick slammed it again. The two men kept at it, alternating back and forth, pounding the creature against the ground until, at last, the little red dog was dead."

Michael Vick, you and your fans (including the POTUS, Eagles Owner -- Jeffrey Lurie, and HSUS CEO - Wayne Pacelle) make me sick.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Get a Grip

Dude, get over it. It's an animal. Worse things have been done to humans and you're hung up on this? Get a clue!!

coupleuk1949coupleuk1949over 13 years ago
Who Cares!!!

So some bloke who's unknown outside of the colonies got sent to jail.

Pity that the inhabitants of "God's Chosen Country" don't realise the world doesn't know and doesn't care

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago
Aaaah yes

I have just learned that they are attaching severed heads to bridges in Mexico now. Who are the animals? For those of you who don't know, humans are a part of the animal kingdom. The worst part. The comments are what I expected. They are why I would choose a dogs life over some of theirs. I hate cats, but I have never hurt one. Hell, I would save a cats life before I would some of the worthless fucks that have commented here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Of course he's a scumbag but...

every day in the paper there are cases of criminals who commit horrible acts and get ridiculously light sentences. Beat/shake your baby till he dies? 3 years. Kill an innocent bystander during a gang shootout? Maybe 5 years. On and on. Vick may have gotten a stiffer sentence than most. In my state a few years ago a Hmong gang running a dog fighting ring for profit all received probation or suspended sentences. However,I don't know how their actions taken as a whole compared to Vick's. For example did they kill and/or brutalize their dogs?

cdurant2000cdurant2000over 13 years agoAuthor
Clarifications -

First I would like to point out that no where, I repeat no where in the entirety of the piece was a single color mentioned (other than "the little red dog" exerpt at the end) and certainly no mention of BLACK or WHITE. So I am not sure where the racial implications really come in to play.

Second, there was/is evidence of Vick participating in the torture and murder of the dogs as is stipulated in the court documents. And they didn't just kill the dogs, they got off on their brutality.

Lastly I did not set out to make a comparison between Vick and anyone else who may or may not have ever committed a crime. I simply restated the facts of this particular situation. And I did not recast Vick into this spotlight, the President did with his (now) public comments and sentiments to Lurie.

Lastly, thank you all for reading.

If you would like more information or access to the court documents, check out -


cdurant2000cdurant2000over 13 years agoAuthor

To the Anonymous poster of "THIS FITS" Your post alone was alone worth posting on this website. "Vick boned by dogs" - that is classic. Thanks for the smile!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A more appropriate case for this site

Vick admitted his guilt, was found guilty and did his time.

Meanwhile, Brett "Britney" Favre asks a lower ranking member of staff on his team out on a date and gets rebuffed. To help win the affections of the young hottie, he then texts her pic of his tiny pink "junk". Way to go Brett, that'll change her mind. And meanwhile the wife kids are waiting loyally at home.

Outrage from white America? National Organization of Women? Anyone? I didn't think so. But still I wonder what if he had been black?

brujaybrujayover 13 years ago
Nicely written editorial.........but

why on this website? Am I missing something? Agree or disagree with this piece, it just doesn't belong on Literotica.

I truly appreciate your passion. Now go write us a juicy sex-related story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
To Mr. Anonymous ("I agree who cares"):

I suggest that you try to get your money back from the schools that awarded the degrees that made you "more educated" than other commenters. Either you skipped class the day they taught writing and English grammar, or they presented those subjects so poorly that you've forgotten it all. As for the substance of your comment, I'm not sure I can discern what it might be in the clutter of words you posted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Funny how...

It's funny - almost pathetic - how sloppy people get over dogs (and I own two that I love) but are unwilling to get as emotional when someone kills another human being.

How about the recent actions of California's beloved Terminator (he helped terminate California's prosperity)? Schwarzenegger just commuted the sentence of Esteban Nunez that knifed another to death. Why? Because he didn't think the sentence was "fair." Oh, that, and because he is the son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, a pal of (and a Democrat, by the way, so don't go there) Schwarzenegger.

The other man so equally convicted, can go rot in prison for his full plea-bargained sentence of a year.

Yeah, the victim, Luis Santos, had a Hispanic name, so I guess you'd think it's just another gang fight, but the only gang belonged to Nunez - the victim was a member of a fraternity who had committed the offense of turning the gang members away from a party. Yeah, that's justice.

But I guess Luis Santos wasn't all furry and fuzzy so who the hell cares?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Get real!

You Vick haters are fucking stupid. Do you know how many horses and dogs are put down (get real; killed) annually for the sake of horse and dog racing? Where is the outrage over those "poor" animals? I don't hear any outcry to deny these owners access to the very animals they kill for the sake of the betting public. Stop being assholes.....

GypsyEyedGirlGypsyEyedGirlover 13 years ago
Let's make him fit to the death....

Your commentary was very well written, and I love the passion behind it. Personally I think we should beat him and use him as a trainer dog for the fighters to get their "courage" up, pull his teeth out and strap him to a "rape" post while big ass pits take his ass repeatedly, slam him to the ground until he's coughing up blood, leave him in a fucking 3'x3' cage out in the open with no clothes and nothing but one of his crappy dog houses, a dog bowl of dirty water and a few handfuls of kibble. Throw in a periodic hosing down with a water hose and routine beatings with chains, boards and pistols before we finally hang his ass up by the neck with a chain and let him die having experienced everything he put those dogs through.

"Never knew it was wrong" - Michael Vick..... sleazy assed liar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
This fits

Yeah, we come here for random social commentary. I thought Vick was going to get boned by a dog or set up a ring where horny chicks get boned by dogs or something. 0/10

zed0zed0over 13 years ago
Yer Rite!

I have been sickened and saddened by the system that looks at star power rather than justice. All you color opinionated folks overlook the fact that Vick is no longer black, he is green. Not AlGore tree hugger green, I mean as green as the Benjamin's he dropped into the right pockets to beat this rap. I was actually a little surprised he spent as much jail time as he did, but I'm not surprised he was able to find a job when he got out. Just another fine example of how slimey the sports/entertainment industry has become. But like with Pete Rose, Mike Tyson, and a few others I can't think of right now, being a shitty person does not prevent him from being a great player/athlete/performer, and that ultimately is what he will be judged by.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
I believe in forgiveness and giving second chances, but......

Micheal Vick should never ever be alowed to own or be in contact with a dog again, just as convicted pedophiles should be prohibited from being contact with any children under any circumstance. Vick's success on the playing field should never diminish his past crimes. A society who allows celebreties to be above the law and flaunt its rules is immoral.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Better than I thought by the title

I love your commentary. I agree 100% and feel he should still be in prison. he may have paid his debt to the government but Not society and now he is getting married and asking the courts to let him have another dog! so wrong and so is the NFL I encourage all to boy cot the Pro bowl he should not be raised to such statice now or ever

Mr_Smith1412Mr_Smith1412over 13 years ago

this is a bit off topic but when i read the title i thought that this article would be defending vick and was curios as to how. basically when the title says he was wrongly convicted that means he was innocent

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

There is a difference between being a registered dog breeder and a dog fighter. There is no excuse for the cruelty that these dogs must face to simply stay alive. He didn't have to kill the dogs himself. Every idiot knows how dog fighting is operated and knows that animals die...for people's "pleasure". So I say he deserved what he got, probably more but it wasn't up to me.

As for them being "just animals", so what? Last time I checked they were living and breathing creatures who deserve just as much consideration. I have known people I wouldn't shed a tear for but a dog is truly man's best friend. You get more loyalty out of a dog than most human beings. My dog probably has more heart and soul than Michael Vick could ever hope to have.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Your an A**

I took care of those dogs and others taken in by the Feds. Vick should be locked in a cage for the rest of his life for what he did to those dogs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

m dumais, I have better things to do then go to a dogfight and just because we don’t care doesn’t mean as you quoted “nasty, violent, have a lot of money” which I may say so that I have LOTS of money. I am also well educated with the highest degree that you can get and probably WAY more educated then you. I agree with mr who cares and get a life, they are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT time to move on. There are more important things going on in that are going on in this world then to keep bring up this man’s mistakes. I am not concerned what Vick did, in fact I don’t give a DAMN. I more worry about people who are losing their jobs wondering how they are going to be able to support their families, people losing their homes to natural disasters and this country wasting money on dumb stuff like welfare programs, Medicare, health care, education which seems to be lacking compare to other countries which are poorer than the US but they are able surpass the US but we are supposed to have all this damn technology (this is a fact) and a war that this country had no businesses starting in the first place which they are losing constantly everyday. Even though this is YOUR opinion which most WHITE PEOPLE SUPPORTS ( btw I am white too), I find this is a waste time and VERY UNIMPORTANT to me. There are better things that can be written about then about some ANIMALS (they are animals which you don’t want to admit but they are, not humans). Vick did his time and he was able to make a comeback, how many people do you know can survive the crap he went through and make a comeback, I don’t know too many, do you?

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