Michitaurus Feeds His Buddy's Girl

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Michitaurus Invokes the Rules of the Road.
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This was back around 2000. One of my close friends, who I'd met through his older brother, was undergrad at MSU. His girlfriend throughout high school, who had been his prom date went to Eastern, about an hour away. MSU was known to be a party school, the place to go to get your rocks off without hardly trying. I was in grad school at the time, and would head out there a few weekends a month.

Christy, my buddy's girl, was on the tall side of average with a tight body. Face-wise she was average, to be honest, but people were probably too busy staring at her perky c-cups and small, round butt to notice. Her wavy blonde hair was past her shoulders. She never took off the single pearl necklace my buddy had got her for a graduation present.

She was an education major and trying to get by working part time. That left her hurting for money. Driving out to see her boyfriend was a luxury. At the time, I was both a TA and tutoring with two roommates and no big expenses. So when my buddy asked me over AIM if Christy could ride out with me that weekend, I told him no problem.

The drive out to Lansing was uneventful. I picked her up at her sorority house and we shot the shit about teaching. She was first year, so I was where she wanted to be. I snuck a few glances here and there, but didn't yet have an agenda. My mind was on what rando MSU chick I was going to face fuck that night. Hot as Christy was, she didn't exude sex. I figured, like my buddy, she was a snooze in the sack. The two of them had only ever been with each other.

That year my buddy was renting a one bedroom apartment with two other guys, a choice made solely for the purpose of throwing parties. I was never into drinking or drugs. Sex was my vice. Blond, and blue-eyed, I worked out every day (still do), and trained MMA. But my best feature was my big cock, which is almost nine inches long and about six around, according to a garment tape. It was also pretty enough to be cast as a sex toy, and I knew it. No one in the high school locker room came close. By sophomore year, all the girls knew. Girls can't keep their mouth's shut, whether they are around a big cock or telling their friends later. Five year later, it was a golden era to have a big cock in. My webcam had gotten me all kinds of action via AIM and Yahoo! Messenger (RIP).

My success in the digital age had led to a confidence bordering on cockiness. If a girl turned me down, big deal, there was more where she came from. And, to be frank, I never cared whether a girl enjoyed what I did to her. I took what I wanted, how I wanted. Some girls didn't talk to me after that first time. Others wouldn't leave me alone.

Christy and I were among the first people there. The way she kissed my buddy all but confirmed she wasn't worth the effort. The only draw would have been cucking my friend, which had an appeal all its own. He wouldn't have been the first. No one ever suspected me, Captain America, would ever be how I was behind closed doors.

What is it with chokers? They are immune to time. And girls know it. They are broadcasting what they are looking for, wearing one to a college bash. Choker-girl was pale, with short, dense, curly hair. At the edge of the emo age, she went heavy on the makeup. She had smaller breasts, helped a lot by a push-up bra, and wide hips. Honest truth, I do not remember this girl's name or I'd tell you it. The number of girls I've fed cum is long past counting, so let's call her April.

April was a pot-head. She didn't drink but sought out every smoke circle that formed. The Venn diagram of girls into pot and coke who suck cock is basically a thick-lined circle. There was a reason why my buddy wanted a party pad. He loved being the center of attention. He drank like a fish and it was starting to show. But he was loud and knew everyone's name. Every time April looked over at the popular kids, I met her eye. The era demanded I wear a tight black tee and snug jeans, which worked to my advantage. I'm both a grower and a shower. I was sure to position my fat cock to the left so the prominent bulge showed.

It was January in Michigan and cold as shit. When the party started to thin, I made my move, chatting up April while tapping my buddy's weed supply. April's pupils were huge. She looked around and said:

"I don't know where my coat is."

"Guess you have to stay," was my reply.

The apartment cleared out. Eventually my buddy and Christy disappeared into his room, which he shared with one guy. Another had a loft bed/desk situation in the main room. The ladder was too much for him and he was passed out under the desk.

I was on the couch with April's head in my lap. She didn't even pretend to put up a fight. When I put my hand on the back of her head, she dove down so fast I lost my grip. She made a little surprised noise right away. I don't know if it's my size -- the fat head, the wide slit, but my cock gets very messy. It oozes thick, sticky precum the instant I get hard and never lets up. April lapped it up, her tongue probing, until I told her:

"Quit playing with it and suck."

April started bobbing her head. I looked up to see Christy staring back at me. I was at one end of the couch, the side table lamp providing a full view of me being blown by a random girl I had met that night. Kristy was halfway to the fridge in nothing but my buddy's MSU T-shirt. Her perky breasts stood proud and long legs bare. Stopping never occurred to me. When I'm getting my dick sucked, I don't stop for anyone. It's not just that I have no reason to be embarrassed. It's that no one is cock blocking me. I take it personal.

I kept talking, my eyes locked on Christy. "Does that taste good?"

"Um-hmmm." April replied, voice muffled.

"Bob your head, bitch."

April was too far gone to comply. I had to help her, one hand laced in her thick curls, one on the back of her neck. She went from savoring my fat, slick knob to struggling with my thick shaft. Maybe it's keeping fit, like a blood flow thing. Whatever it is, my cock has always gotten rock hard. There's no give at all. A girl can squeeze as hard as she can. Her hand will give out before my cock budges a millimeter. Between that and the upward curve, it makes blowing me a challenge. Because of that, I prefer a girl leaned over my lap rather than on her knees. The angle of my cock and her throat lines up better.

Christy was frozen in place. I switched hands, my right guiding April's head, my left casually on the back of the couch. I stared into Christy's eyes.

"You love big cock, don't you?"


I pulled April off my cock, feeling her drool spill down my shaft. "What's that?"


"Then do what you're good for, slut."

I shoved April deep onto my dick. She started to go limp. Some cumsluts are like that. They go into a trance when they are used properly. I held her head in place and started pumping my hips, fucking her face. She did her best with her tongue while I used her mouth.

"Ready for some cum?"


"I hope you're thirsty. There's going to be a lot."

I'm of two minds about feeding a girl. Sometimes, I prefer to give them just the head, when I want them to taste it. Sometimes make them hold it in their mouths until they are told to swallow. With my fat head, there's not much room as it is. Usually it takes three or four gulps to drain me. Other times, I like to remove any possibility of spitting. Force her down and pump it a huge load directly into her stomach.

April, she was going to get the head. No chance she was a cum dodger. But there was another reason. Christy was watching.

"Feeding time, slut."

I stopped pumping. April shuffled in anticipation, rising up, lips were locked around my cock head. The first shot was the hardest. I felt it splash on the roof of her mouth. When the thick second shot came, April realized she wasn't going to be able to hold it all. She gulped. Loudly. The third and fourth spurts surprised her but she drank them down.

My eyes opened. Christy was still staring. Her lips were slightly parted. My buddy's girl was panting at the sight of me getting my dick drained. I'm not a big smiler, but I have a grade-A cocky smirk.

"Milk it. Get it all."

April settled back in, stroking any lingering semen out, fingers pressing into the prominent vein underneath. Her other hand went to my balls.

"That's a good girl. What do you say?"

April pulled away, her voice thick from my rich load. "Thank you."

She laid her head down on my lap. This time I addressed Christy.

"Need any help?"

Christy spun towards the fridge without a word. She looked inside, unable to form a thought. If she wasn't thirsty when she came out, she sure was now.

"Got a craving?"

Christy didn't reply. She filled a solo cup from the sink.

"It's better right from the tap."

She practically ran back across the Living Room without a peep, avoiding my eyes.

I sat there, listening. Like any college town, apartment the walls were paper thin. Christy was trying to rouse my buddy, but he just grunted. Whisky dick. It could be a real problem.

April snored lightly, sleeping the sleep of a satisfied cumslut. I wasn't tired at all. But I had made up my mind. Next chance I got, I was going to make Christy, my buddy's little sweetheart, suck my cock dry.

Saturday was chill. Hangovers were in full effect. My buddy and Kristy didn't come out of his room until the afternoon. April had fucked off back to her dorm and I was crashed out on the couch, having ditched my jeans. No sounds louder than quiet mumbling came through the thin walls. When they came out, my buddy fired up the Playstation and Christy announced she was going to make a smoothie.

I adjusted my morning wood and went after her. My buddy and his two roommates were facing the television, backs to us.

"Going to boil some eggs if you want in," I said loudly. My buddy made a puking sound.

The kitchen was part of the living area, with an island and stools. There wasn't enough room for a table. Kristy was eating dry toast. The big question was: had she told my buddy? I was hoping not. The only reason for her to keep it a secret was she was experiencing an internal struggle.

"No smoothie?"

"No fruit." Christy didn't look at me. She was playing it cool. "Or blender for that matter."

"You have got to be thirsty. You should drink something."

Christy looked at me to roll her eyes. I smirked at her. My hand was grasped around the base of my cock, over my boxer briefs. The head was prominent through the stretch cotton. I was so hard the briefs had a gap at the top.

She gulped unconsciously, glancing over her shoulder at the three backs to us. I looked at her as innocently as possible, waiting a reply.

Christy grabbed her purse. "Going to the store."

"Get beer," my buddy shouted.

She didn't come back before I left to go visit April in her dorm room. I never met April's roommate. April put on some horror movie. Five minutes in she was blowing me. Her mouth made a pop as she pulled off my cock. I could feel her breath when she talked.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

Right on schedule. After playing with my big cock, girls were dying to climb on. But I've always preferred to be blown. I love how one sided it is. How the best a girl can do was rub themselves while I used their mouths as a fuckhole.

"You got a boyfriend?"

April shook her head.

"Then no."

She started to say asshole, but when she opened her mouth I shoved her back down on my dick.

I took April with me back to my buddy's place. She was eager to score more free pot and I was clear the price would be getting her tonsils painted. She took enough offense to get turned on. She spent the night chasing smoke while I hung with my buddy, which put me shoulder to shoulder with Christy.

"How was your day? Manage to quench your thirst?"

"I found a juice place."

"Its empty calories. You should try something more nutritionally dense." I caught her eye. "High protein is the way to go."

She failed at looking annoyed. "How was your day?"


Christy started hitting the wine, which wasn't like her. Two bottles in, she started feeling up my buddy, but he was more interested in a game of quarters. I chilled on the couch. April joined me once the pot ran out. She was buzzing hard and leaned in to kiss me.

"That's not what your mouth is for."

She sulked back against the cushions.

"You know what it's for, don't you?"


"Tell me."

"It's for sucking." She looked resigned. It was the hottest she ever looked. She laid her head in my lap, legs curled up.

The party went dry after two. By two-fifteen, it was me, April, my buddy, Christy, and the two roommates, who immediately broke out controllers. Christy dragged by buddy back to the bedroom. Five minutes later, the bed rattled and squeaked. Five minutes after that, it stopped.

The one guy made it up the ladder with help from the other, who confirmed any intercourse was over before entering the bedroom. He went in, Christy came out. Her hair was barely mussed. Seating choices were the two floor chairs, the two stools, and the couch. April was stretched out. I moved over to make space on the other side. Christy wedged herself between me and the arm. To make room, I put one arm on the back.

"Let's go to my dorm." April tried to sit up. I held her down.

"Here is fine."

"There's a girl right next to you."

"She's cool. Aren't you, Christy?"

Christy bit her lip. "Whatever."

April pretended not to be down, but she didn't move. She could have slid off the couch, legs first, and got away. I'd have to take the lead. I leaned back enough to unzip. My cock, already shiny with precum, sprung out. She lifted up enough to slip her lips around my cockhead, resting her head on my abs. One hand wrapped around my shaft, the other drifted between her legs.

I guessed right. April was into being watched. Last night, she'd had no problem blowing me, loud and messy, with a sleeping guy on the floor.

"She wants you to see," I told Christy, "what a slut she is. Isn't that right April?"


I angled to catch Christy's eye. "I know a cumslut when I see one."

Christy wet her lips unconsciously, then snuck a peak down where April was holding my cock steady, bobbing away. Her voice was a whisper. "Her fingers don't touch."

"Neither would yours."

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was a bad idea. That I was a bad friend. If Christy got up, went and told her boyfriend, I'd have a hell of a time playing it off. Chances were, the friendship would be over. But, right then and there, I just didn't care.

But Christy didn't get up. She stopped pretending to peak and stared down at April blowing me. It was a long, lazy suckjob. April dreamily milked my cock while sloppily slurping on the head. I was happy to take my time. Sex is mostly mental for me. I was riding high on April being humiliated and Christy being ashamed while no doubt sitting in a puddle.

April came up for air, her lips against my cockhead like it was a microphone. "You're so fucking messy."

"How does it taste, slut?"

She answered by diving down more urgently. The slow burn had tensed my whole body. My arm went around Christy, clutching her tight. Her neck was craned down, eyes fixed on April blowing me. She was braless in a tank top and sweatpants. Those perky tits didn't require support. Through the pale pink fabric, I could see her nipples were hard. She leaned in close enough that I felt her panting. It was enough to send me over the edge.

My cock pumped shot after shot, filling April's mouth. She knew what to expect now and swallowed with every spurt. She pulled away to stroke the rest out. When you're hung, a healthy dollop is left lingering in the main vein. I grabbed her by the head before she could lap up the last, thick drip.

I pushed my fingertip into the wide slit of my cockhead, gathering it up. Keeping my arm tight around Christy, I raised my dripping finger to her parted lips. She didn't dive in, but she also didn't pull away. I slipped my finger into her mouth, pushing the dollop of fresh cum against her tongue.

Christy sucked tentatively. Without technique. She hadn't sucked very much, if at all. Her inexperience made my half-hard cock twitch. I let her go. She didn't want to release my finger.

"You should get some rest. It's a long drive home tomorrow. Well, it can be."

Christy managed a nod. When she got up, her legs were shaking a little. She didn't go straight to the bedroom. She went in the bathroom for a few minutes. She didn't flush, but she did wash her hands.

The sound of the shower woke me up. I caught a glimpse of Christy, wrapped in a towel, heading back into the bedroom. I hit the bathroom before drinking two glasses of water. I wanted to be well hydrated. I ducked my head inside my buddy's bedroom. He was splayed out on his back. Christy turned away and pulled her tank top down over her bra.

"I want to get back. Dying for a workout."

"Breakfast?" my buddy managed.

"I'll feed her on the way."

"You're a bro."

"You know it."

Christy pushed past me and went back towards the bathroom. "Ten minutes. I need to dry my hair."

"Take ten more and do your makeup."

She gave a bare nod. I leaned close to her ear.

"And skip the bra."

Christy had a swan-like neck. You could really see her gulp.

She took half an hour in the bathroom, the door open to let out the steam. Guess it's hard to do your mascara when your hands are shaking. Her hair was up in a high, athletic ponytail. Her lips were glossed.

"Okay," she said.

A risky impulse took over. I got up off the couch, walked past her, and unzipped my fly. My cock flopped free, a thick line of cock slime dripping down. Door open, I took a piss. No one enjoys a blowjob with a full bladder. I glanced in the medicine cabinet mirror to find Christy staring at my cock. I squeezed the last drops out.

"Let's hit the road."

Christy took her time getting to the door, her back rod straight. On the way to my car, she stayed a step ahead. If I sped up, she sped up, eager to avoid eye contact. There was no bra strap under her tank top. She had done everything she was told. She tossed her bag in the back a reached for the seatbelt. It was halfway to the buckle when she let it go.

I backed out of the lot and hit the freeway without a word, savoring the tension in the air. Christy was staring straight ahead, not sure what to do with her hands. When she reached for the radio, I grabbed her at the wrist and pulled her hand into my lap. It forced her to turn towards me and lean in.

"There's an old saying. Gas, grass, or ass. No one rides for free."

Christy rested her hand on my thick bulge. I put my hand over hers and squeezed, forcing her to feel my iron hardness. A dark spot formed on my jeans where the head was as my precum started to flow. She started to pant again. I let her hand go, but she kept on squeezing.

"Take it out."

She let go and leaned over more to get both hands on my zipper. Her hands were shaking again. I kept one hand on the wheel and rested the other on her lower back. She shifted closer, face-to-face with my crotch, giving me a handful of her small, round ass. I slipped my hand down the back of her sweatpants. It was like shoving my hand in a sauna.

She unzipped my jeans halfway. My cock remained firmly buried in my jeans.

"I'm not your limp-dicked boyfriend," I told her, raising my butt off the seat to make some slack. "Zip it all the way down."

Even then, my cock didn't pop out. Christy had to go in after it. She reached in, streaking her hand on my slimy shaft and jeans, and pulled me out. I could feel her panting on my messy cock.

"Kiss it."

Christy gave my fat cockhead a tentative kiss, then stopped to lick her sticky lips. Then she went back in and smeared her lips all over the head.