Military Matters Ch. 02

Story Info
Newly promoted Natasha is deployed overseas.
8.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/04/2021
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My departure from the UK was very subdued.

If I had expected a goodbye party, I would have been disappointed as no one came to see me off, not even Colonel Henry Stanton, which was a complete relief. Left all alone I simply looked around the camp one last time before loading my bags onto the transport that would take me on the 3-hour drive to Brize Norton.

Taking off from the aerodrome in Oxfordshire the second leg of my journey was a five-hour flight by an Airbus A400 transport plane out to Cyprus. My few companions on the trip were of absolutely no interest to me, or me to them, so, remaining my usual distant and aloof self, I spent the time reading rather than engaging anyone in conversation.

Once we reached the Mediterranean, I had a boring six hour lay-over at the RAF base at Akrotiri waiting for my next flight. Grabbing something to eat from the mess I had little else to do other than rebuff the overtures from a Flight-Lieutenant who was interested in getting my number.

For the final leg, I took a second plane out to my destination in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

As expected, the Hercules C130 aircraft was fully loaded but as well as several tons of supplies there was also, to my surprise, a small number of troops.

Paying perfunctory attention to them I boarded and took a seat alone, away from the soldiers, before strapping myself in.

I was sitting quietly minding my own business when he dropped into the seat across from me. Immediately the disturbance caused me to glance up, our gaze meeting, and I found myself barely able to breathe as I stared, mesmerised, into a pair of hypnotic grey-blue eyes.

"Morning ma'am." He smiled at me and I found my pulse rate jump alarmingly.

"S.... Sergeant." I could feel the colour rising to my cheeks before, taking a deep breath, I replied as calmly as my flustered mind would let me.

Not bothering to introduce himself further he tipped his head back and closed his eyes as he, apparently, started to doze off leaving me free to discretely study him.

Around 6' or so he was broad shouldered with untidy brown hair and captivating eyes. Deciding he was undoubtedly cute, what I found most disconcerting was my reaction to him. I had never met anyone who could set my heart pounding like a jackhammer with just a smile.

It was impossible to tear my attention away from him, as he sat there unconcernedly napping, and I found my mind wandering as I let my imagination run riot about him. I was still staring when he opened his eyes and looked straight at me, his face breaking into a sexy lop-sided grin which sent shivers of excitement down my spine.

Unable to stop myself I felt my cheeks turn a brilliant shade of scarlet as he winked at me.

"Everything ok.... ma'am?" he didn't stop staring directly into my eyes as he spoke.

"Err... yes... I...err yes fine... thank you." I stammered trying to think of something else to say.

"That's good. If I were you though, I'd get some sleep? It's a six-hour flight." He smiled disarmingly before closing his eyes again.

'For god's sake stop it girl. What's wrong with you?' I thought to myself as I looked away and tried to get my heart rate under control.

The flight was indeed several hours in duration, just as he had said, and despite my perplexing interest in the mysterious soldier I eventually did as he suggested and dropped off to sleep, like the rest of the passengers.

It was a long and tiring 22 hours after departing the UK that I finally stood on the tarmac at camp Bastion in Helmand province watching as my travelling companions, the Sergeant included, collected their kit and marched off into the base.

"Captain Upson-Marsh?" a Corporal saluted and enquired if I was the passenger he sought.

I returned his salute "Yes, that's me Corporal."

"I've orders to show you to your quarters ma'am and then to the Brigadier's office."

Already perspiring in the heat and humidity I stowed my bags in the back of the land rover before climbing in beside him for the short drive to my billet.

The Corporal was particularly uncommunicative and, apart from what he had already said, simply told me that Brigadier Hyde would be waiting for me in his office once I had had a chance to clean myself up.

My room was basic, just a bed, a desk and some storage but it did have the luxury of a tiny private bathroom, courtesy of my new rank. After looking around, which took all of a minute, I dumped my bags on the bed and just took out a change of uniform with the necessary toiletries before stripping off to take a, much needed, shower.

Thirty minutes later, still feeling tired but a lot cleaner and slightly refreshed, I headed across to the base offices that the Corporal had pointed out to me earlier.

"I'm Captain Upson-Marsh, here to see the Brigadier." I announced myself to the soldier sitting at the front desk.

"Oh yes ma'am." He jumped to his feet and saluted, "I'll let him know you're here."

I took a deep breath and waited pensively to meet the next man who's bed I would likely be sharing.

'What would he expect from me?' I wondered as I stood there.

"He'll see you now ma'am." The young private smiled knowingly, interrupting my thoughts, and held the door open for me.

Marching straight into the office I stood at attention and saluted "Captain Upson-Marsh sir."

"Ah yes, yes Natasha isn't it." he waved to the chair in front of his desk, "Please, take a seat. It's lovely to finally meet you in person. How was your journey?"

"Err... fine thank you sir. Long and tiring but otherwise fine." I sat down and, putting my hands in my lap, studied the man opposite me.

I guessed Brigadier Hyde to be in his late forties or early fifties, a short dapper little man with closely cropped grey hair and a thin grey moustache. Looking every inch a senior officer in his pristine fatigues he took the opportunity to do likewise and look me over as I sat in front of him.

"I've heard a lot about you Captain." he gave me a knowing smirk, "I believe you know an old friend of mine, Colonel Henry Stanton?"

"Yes, I do, sir." My heart sank at the mention of my former CO's name and I didn't take a lot of imagination to guess exactly what he had said about me.

"But I imagine you're tired from your journey so I won't keep you now. I just wanted say hello and let you know you'll be reporting to Colonel Moresby at FOB Arnhem tomorrow. She'll be allocating you your regular duties."

'Her!' His use of the female gender came as a surprise to me, as was the fact that I was being posted off base. I had envisioned myself spending most of my time at camp Bastion fending off the Brigadier's unwanted attentions.

"Moresby?" I opened my eyes in surprise at the name.

"Yes Jane Moresby. Do you know here?"

"I'm not sure sir. I might know a relation of hers."

"Whatever, I suggest you get some sleep. Your transport leaves at oh seven hundred sharp Captain. I'll have someone collect your bags in the morning." He concluded, effectively dismissing me.

"I will sir, thank you." I got up to leave, relieved to have escaped my first meeting with him unscathed.

"Hopefully we can get to know each other a lot better in the near future... Natasha." He added as I saluted and turned towards the door.

"Errrm... yes of course, sir." Trying hard not to sound repulsed by his suggestion I gave him an ineffectual smile.

"Perhaps later we could chat some more over dinner in my quarters? Say at eight this evening?" his eyes ranged up and down my body as he spoke, obviously undressing me in his mind.

"I'll have to see. I'm very tired from the journey sir." Groaning inwardly, I realised that he did have plans for me that evening after all.

"Of course, Captain. I hate to insist so you do what you think best. Later I could possibly arrange for transport back one week-end for you as well, then we could have time for a proper evening together." His leering smile made it completely transparent why he would be inviting me.

"I guess that will depend on how busy I am sir." His tone had made it plain his suggestion to have dinner wasn't negotiable.

"Yes, yes but I can always speak to Colonel Moresby. I'm sure you can be released from your other duties for a day or two." His salacious gaze clearly defining his designs on me.

Stifling another groan, I shuddered with revulsion as I made my exit and closed the door behind me. The Brigadier had already made his intentions for me blatantly obvious and I knew, sooner or later, he was going to want to fuck me.

For a moment I thought about the cute Sergeant on the plane and felt a tingle run down my spine as I considered ignoring Brigadier Hyde's suggestion to visit in him in his quarters later. There was no way I could press for another promotion this quickly and if I gave in to his demands so soon, I would be spending a lot of time in his bed.

Resignedly I walked back to my temporary quarters. I had a couple of hours before my dinner with the Brigadier and I intended to take a short nap.

Clearing a space on the bed I lay down and closed my eyes letting myself drift off to sleep as I thought yet again about the soldier on the plane.

It was later that evening just after 8 o'clock when I nervously rapped on Stephen Hyde's door. I had showered and, reluctantly, tidied myself up after sleeping for two hours before heading to the Brigadier's billet.

"Natasha, I'm glad you could make it. Come in, come in." opening the door wide he ushered me inside.

While his rooms were certainly grander than mine, they were still rather plain; a living/office space, a bedroom and a bathroom. Looking around I shuddered with disgust for what I was doing. I had started out with the simple intention of sleeping my way to promotion and it had all seemed so straightforward back then. Now, with the reality of what I was allowing to happen to me, I was left with a feeling of self-loathing and revulsion.

"I hope you don't mind Captain but took the liberty of ordering from the mess. It's simple fare but quite tasty." He indicated to the covered plates on the table.

"That's fine sir, I'm actually quite famished." I tried to sound grateful as, despite the feelings of nausea filling me, I had genuinely meant what I had said about being ravenous.

"And just to help us relax." Sitting at the table he surprised me and poured us both a glass of white wine.

Apprehensively I took a sip then started to eat, glancing across at him from time to time. Regardless of his intentions I was still hungry.

Would he be satisfied with just having dinner with me or would he expect more from me even though I had only arrived in the country a few hours previously?

"I'm glad that you're finally here Natasha. I've been looking forward to.... err.... how should I put it...? Meeting you." His sneering expression made it patently obvious what he actually meant.

My heart was thumping as I made a sudden decision.

"You'll have to wait a little longer to umm.... to meet me I'm afraid sir. My period started today."

Momentarily his face showed his irritation before he recovered and smiled again.

"No matter, I can wait until later for that pleasure. In the meantime, you can use your mouth." Although he spoke softly there was a hard, unyielding inflection in his voice.

I sighed inwardly knowing I had little choice but to suck his cock if I didn't want to ostracise him and wanted to continue with my plan to eventually become a Colonel.

For the rest of the meal, I sat virtually silent while the Brigadier chatted to me amiably now that the real reason for me being there had been mentioned. Casually asking about my parents and home life as well as my time at Sandhurst while I responded with mostly monosyllabic answers.

"So, my dear?" he sat back in his chair and, picking up his glass, smiling knowingly at me, his dinner finished.

"I... I should be going... I have to leave early sir." Not looking at him I stood and tried to make my excuses.

His countenance rapidly changed and he glowered at me, his eyes narrowing angrily.

"I think not Captain. We all know how you got your promotion and how you intend to make Major." He grabbed my arm and twisted me to face him, "So, now you'll get on your knees and start doing what I brought you out here for."

"But... I..." my protests were feeble to say the least.

"But.... first you can take that shirt off you little whore, I want an idea of what's under it."

For a moment I stared at him horror struck then slowly I, reluctantly, unbuttoned my top, slipping it off my shoulders and dropping it onto the floor. Beneath it I wore the standard thin cotton drab coloured t-shirt and my army issue sports bra both clinging tightly to me and emphasising the swell of my smallish breasts.

"And the rest."

Peeling off my regulation under shirt I reached behind me and unhooked my bra, slipping the straps off my shoulders and letting it fall away to expose my modest chest.

"Nice." He roughly groped my small firm tits, pinching the half-swollen nipples and making them harden automatically.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" I gasped, jerking involuntarily in response as I resisted the urge to pull away from him, letting him spend some time feeling my chest.

I'm going to enjoy properly getting to grips with these cute little titties later." His comment made me shudder with repulsion, "But for now slut, you can get on your knees and start using your mouth."

His attitude and comments made my position here very clear to me. He might be a Brigadier and possibly very virtuous to the rest of his command but I was just a whore to him and here mainly for his entertainment.

Sighing with unwilling acceptance I dropped onto my knees and reached for his belt, undoing it before I drew down his zipper.

"Good girl." I glanced up into his sneering contemptuous face as he commented on my unspoken acceptance but still refused to answer.

Freeing his cock into my small hand I began to stroke it, more than a little surprised to find it was larger than I expected. Despite his slight stature his prick was about six inches long and quite thick around the base.

"Oh yes... that's really good, now put it in your mouth you little scrubber." He sighed after a few minutes of my hand pumping his erection.

Swallowing hesitantly, I licked my lips and then swirled my tongue over the end of his shaft, smearing the crown with my saliva.

"Mmmmm.... That's a good girl." He repeated his approval of my actions.

I felt his hand on the back of my head, pressing me down and forcing my mouth to open wider, my red lips sliding over his circumcised bulbous cockhead and sealing about half-way down his swollen length. With my mouth engulfing around his dick I, inexplicably, found myself recollecting the Sergeant on the plane yet again. Shocked to find myself thinking that I would almost certainly prefer to be doing this to him.

"Guuukkkkkkk... Guuukkkkkkkk.... Guuurgggggggg!" spluttering and gagging I started to bob my head, swallowing the Brigadier's erection repeatedly, letting him push a little deeper each time.

"Fuck... you certainly know how to suck cock young lady." He gasped breathlessly above me, his fingers twisting in my hair.

"Guuurgggggg... Guuuurrkkkkkkkk.... Guuukkkkkkkkkkkkk!" drooling over his prick I knelt before him as he literally pumped my head up and down, fucking my mouth onto his dick.

Despite having had to perform oral sex on both of my two previous commanding officers I still had an aversion to having a man's penis in my mouth. So, it was with great deal of unwillingness that I forced my jaws wider to accommodate his girth.

Sucking as enthusiastically as I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself somewhere else. Yet again the face of the cute Sergeant came unbidden into my mind and I felt an unfamiliar warmth between my thighs.

"Yes... yes... oh yes.... I'm gonna...." Forcing his erection into my throat Brigadier Hyde held me in place while his cock spasmed.

Knowing he was about to cum my eyes widened and I struggled, unsuccessfully, to pull my lips off of his shaft as the first squirt of warm man cream flooded my throat.

"CUM!" he grunted loudly.

"Urrrkkkkkkkk.... guurrrgggggggg!" yanking my mouth free of him I retched, swallowing the first spurt of thick slimy gloop that he pumped into my gullet.

Before I could pull away any further, his dick jerked twice more, each time spraying another thick white rope across my face.

"Fuck!" he groaned as he took hold of his manhood and started to jerk out the last drops of his semen over me.

Revolted I knelt and let him finish until he had liberally decorated my face with strings and globs of his sperm.

"That was fantastic Natasha. Now clean me up and we're done." He sneered arrogantly down at me, "For now at least, whore."

Suppressing the urge to vomit I took his softening dick back in my mouth and licked all around it cleaning the last remnants of drying seed off of his diminishing shaft.

"Excellent." He smirked once I had finished and, as I knelt back on my haunches, he zipped himself up.

Listlessly I got to my feet and, picking up a napkin from the table, I wiped as much of his cum off my face as I could before putting my clothes back on.

"Goodnight..... sir." I started for the door.

"Goodnight, Natasha. I'll arrange transport back for you, in a couple of weeks' time. We'll do it properly then. Spend the night together."

It wasn't until I was outside his door that the tears started to flow.

Consoling myself with the thought that I would be away from him, at least for the moment, while I was at wherever the forward operating base I had been assigned to was, I slowly made my way back to my temporary quarters.

Laying down on the bed I quietly cried myself to sleep in a matter of minutes, not waking until my alarm went off at five thirty.

I was showered and ready when a soldier collected my bags from my quarters shortly before 7 o'clock and loaded them on to the helicopter transport that was taking me, along with various assorted supplies, to my new post.

Following him out to the landing pad I clambered into the chopper and sat down, strapping myself in, as the crewman prepared to close the door.

"Hold on! Room for one more?" a voice called making him pause for a moment allowing a Sergeant to squeeze through and drop into the seat opposite me.

"Morning ma'am." He glanced across at me and then stopped, staring straight at me, his piercing grey-blue eyes locked with my own.

"Oh... I... err... I... good morning, err.... Sergeant." I stammered, my cheeks colouring as my pulse started to race under his gaze.

It was him.

Just as I remembered. Around 6' plus, broad shouldered with an untidy mess of brown hair under his red beret, he looked at me with the same lop-sided grin that had made my heart thump loudly against my ribs the day before.

And those eyes. More than anything I found myself hypnotised by those beguiling grey-blue orbs.

"Sergeant Danny Cantwell ma'am. We met on the flight out from Akrotiri, remember?" He smiled at me and I noticed the parachute regiment badge on his uniform.

'As if I could forget you.' I thought to myself.

"Oh yes, that's right... umm Sergeant Cantwell... I'm err.... I'm Captain Upson-Marsh." I struggled speak as I gazed at the cute soldier in the seat opposite and yet again wondered what was happening to me.

"Pleased to meet you ma'am." He sat back and strapped himself in as the helicopter took off, never taking his eyes off me for more than a second.

I looked out of the window, fidgeting in my seat, trying to ignore him and failing miserably. My normally cool and distant character had completely evaporated in his presence and I could feel myself being unavoidably drawn to him.