Mind Made Up Pt. 10


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Michael sees us staring and offers a thumbs up.

- Did you grow up in Castillo? I ask Shane.

- Nope. Moved here after graduation. I studied in the city. This assignment seemed easy. Castillo has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Plus, I have family that lives here. You?

- Born and raised here, though I moved away for a while. School and work. But I'm moving back. Just got a new job.

- That's great.

The implication in her words is obvious as her hand further rubs my forearm. She can't help but connect with me. But I don't want this easy. I want to fight for it.

- ...do you have someone in your life right now? I ask her.

I facepalm myself internally; what a dumb, stupid, dating question.

- If you must know, she plainly answers, yes.

She points to her partner.

- Oh! You two are dating? I ask.

- After a fashion, but yes.

The candid answers people give me still bewilder me. Why would anyone, let alone a police officer, be so forward about something like that? Dating their partner!

- Why do you ask? she inquires.

- Just curious. You're pretty. Maybe I am drunk.

- Thank you, she smiles.

We hear a voice from inside the vehicle.

- I may have something! Michael yells out.

We shuffle to the car window; he looks up.

- So I managed to find one Jessie Landers in the system.

- And?

- Speeding ticket, from several weeks ago. Here in Castillo. She had to provide an address so we have that on file.

- In town? I ask.

- Yep.

I hesitate for a moment.

- Could you take me there?

- Hop in! Shane tells me.

Next thing I know, I'm in the uncomfortable back of the police car, being driven to a location in town that's connected to my search. This seems like a contrived plot twist from a poorly written cop show. Or maybe it's just a normal thing for the police to have a file on people. I lean back as best I can as my two new cop friends drive around town. They're speaking to one another in low tones and I can't make out their words.

We reach the destination; they both exit then release me from the vehicle.

- We'll come with you, Michael suggests.

We head out into the apartment building; by now, it's almost nine in the evening. We tread up the steps to the fourth floor where the listed apartment.

- There's no file in the system for this place, Michael tells me. At the same time, we don't keep everything on file - our database is crime-oriented. And we could get the date on the apartment, but we'd have to call it in.

- I'll let you go first, I tell them.

They knock on the door. There's no answer. Shane puts her hand on the handle; it's unlocked. I sense my two officer friends tensing up.

- Stay here, they tell me.

I don't argue; they walk into the apartment and I let them do their thing. Eventually, Shane calls me in.

- It's empty. Though it does seem like someone lived here. Probably a temporary residence.

I can draw that conclusion myself from the sparse accommodations of the room. A fold-out bed, linen that's wrapped around it, a small amount of non-perishable food in the fridge, minute traces of someone's passage. Shane's still investigating the place.

- This is the address she gave to the cop who wrote her a ticket. And there's no lingering mail so she - or someone else - must have picked it up. She would have gotten the ticket by now.

- And it wasn't paid, Michael comments.

- Could she be in trouble? I inquire.

They both look at one another, then the room, then me.

- Impossible to say. There's certainly no trace of violence.

- It doesn't seem like she's been here for a while.

I let out a sigh; Shane walks up to me and further caresses my arm.

- It's all right, Grant. She'll be found.

- Thank you.

I look up at her; God! I want to kiss her. I pull my arm away from her and I notice the slight disappointment in her eyes.

- It's just frustrating, I let out. I want to do right by my father and her mother.

- And you will! Michael chimes in. Your heart is in the right place, Grant.

- It is! Shane insists.

She reaches for my hand this time.

- Is there anything we can do to further help?

I sigh.

- You two have no idea what's going on, I whimper.

- What's going on, then? Michael simply asks.

- You have no idea why you're helping me, do you?

Shane smiles at me, grabbing my hand harder.

- We help because we can. Because we want to help. Because that's our job. Right, Michael?

- Absolutely, he chimes in. You look in pain, Grant. You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. We're police officers but we're also people. And in this case, the two aren't contradictory. In this town, people help each other. That's what Castillo has always been about.

I look at him.

- You're from around here?

- I am. Born and raised. Only went away to police academy, then back here. I wanted to serve my community.

A fellow Castillan, I tell myself.

- ...you say Castillo's always been about helping people?

- I do. At least, that's what my parents told me growing up. It's funny...

I sense he's about to twist a tale; I motion us towards the living room. We shuffle there; he sits on the couch while Shane and myself sit on the edge of the bed. She's still holding my hand.

- My dad used to say the city was founded by criminals. Well, not exactly.

- Your father knew about local lore?

- He did. Well, he said he did.

Michael giggles.

- A lot of his stories didn't make sense but he always stated that Castillo was a haven for people who had nowhere else to go. That they gathered in this place so they could find support when none was available. The town's founder was one Nicholas Hammond.

I don't tell them that I've heard a portion of this story before, from the genealogy expert I met a day or two ago. I also don't tell them 'Hammond' is my last name and that I'm his descendant.

- Rumor has it, again according to my dad, that he was some sort of criminal. He founded the city with the loot he stole!

- That was at the turn of the last century, right? Shane asks him.

- Yeah. Anyway, the tale goes that Hammond called out to his buddies in the... criminal world... and made them an offer to come here and start fresh. No more crime, no more violence, just easy living. Just folks hashing out a new life and letting go of their past. Gosh! There's lots of stories about Nicholas Hammond!

I'm curious as to why these stories have never reached my ears, so I decide to ask Michael in a non-revealing way.

- You'd think our local history classes would speak of this, I quip.

- Well, my dad says a lot of people from that time wanted to bury their past so they chose to leave those details out of the books. But my dad claims that his own ancestor kept notes on everyone from back then, in case he ever wanted to blackmail someone. And yeah - I'm a cop now!

He laughs at the irony he perceives; Michael's words spark ideas in my imagination.

- ...do you know what he stole? Nicholas Hammond?

- Not a clue, he replies. Big treasure, I suppose. Lots of money. Who knows?

I'm thinking of the ring; of course, I don't mention it.

- The point I'm making, Michael concludes, is that Castillo is a place where people help one another. Where one's past doesn't matter so long as everyone is on the straight-and-narrow, honest about their intentions, caring for others.

- That sounds like a city worth living in, Shane chimes in.

- It does, I concur.

I squeeze her hand. I close my eyes for a moment, then open them back. All of it feels a bit less forced now. A bit.

- You guys are really nice, I tell them.

- Well, you're nice too, Shane replies.

- Thanks.

I stare at her lips for a moment; I don't dare say anything. I want it to come from her - from them, if it comes at all. I do see them casting a glance at one another, as if they're sharing my thoughts. It is surreal - I am in a stranger's home, a flat where my half-sister probably resided, surrounded by two young police officers - and it still feels like this could devolve into an adult situation at my very whim. Except I don't want to force it further.

- ...well, thank you again, I tell them.

I start to rise but Shane holds me down by not letting go of my hand.

- We're gonna help you more, she simply states.

- How? I ask.

- Well, Michael interjects, we'll keep investigating this for you. That's a first.

- Only if you want to, I insist.

Shane smiles at me.

- We are police officers. That's what we do - what we're supposed to do anyway. Wish everyone on the force felt the same.

- Young and idealistic, Michael jokes. That's what we are.

- Well then... thank you both.

There's a moment of silence as I wait for them to speak further.

- Second... Michael quips.

He stares at Shane.

- This situation must make you tense, she tells me.

- Somewhat, yeah.

- Well... if you wanted...

It's incoming - I can't believe it still, even after all this time, but there it comes again.

- Yes? I reply feigning my lack of understanding.

- ...I could help with your tension? she asks.

- I'm... open to the idea.

It doesn't take much more. Shane's hand leaves mine and slides to my thigh which she caresses. It slides upward towards my crotch. Michael gives me a wink as he acknowledges what his partner is aiming for.

- ...do you want me to? she asks.

At this point, I do. The reluctance has left me; she initiated first.

- I do. Please.

It doesn't take more than that. She rises from the bed and drops to her knees in front of me. Her hand goes to my pants buckle and zipper.

- You're gonna love this! Michael yelps.

- You're okay with this? I ask him.

- Heck yeah! It's so hot!

Shane's hands are gentle as she pulls the zipper apart. She then reaches into my pants, caressing the bulge underneath the underpants. She hums. I watch her as her hand reaches down under them, caressing the hardening flesh directly.

- Show me what I'm working with, she says.

I lift my ass from the bed; she starts pulling down my pants and underwear, exposing my blossoming erection. She breathes on it, warm breath titillating it.

- Aaaaah...

She giggles in response, turning her head to her partner.

- Not bad at all.

- I say, he says.

A warm hand cups my balls; another wraps around my shaft.

- I like it, she exclaims.

- ...what's not to like? Michael adds.

I sit back down on the edge of the bed; Shane's hand gently plays with my manhood as she massages me from below. It's an unfamiliar sensation, not disagreeable though unusual as no one's every played with me like that down there. She's mindful of the sensitivity so it helps.

- ...so hot, Michael chimes in.

- That's not all, Shane replies.

Her lips come and kiss the tip of my erection; her tongue then comes out and she licks there as well.

- Oh my god, I murmur.

- Not quite, but it'll do, Michael jokes. She is an oral goddess, as far as I'm concerned.

- Amen to that, I reply.

- But I'm the one worshipping the cock, Shane states.

More kisses land on my erection; Shane's eyes suggest that I can touch her so I reach a hand across her short hair. She smiles at me, then brings her full mouth to my manhood. I disappear inside.

- Put your hand on your head. She likes it.

I do as Michael suggests and instantly sense the satisfaction it gives Shane. I keep it there, caressing through her air as her mouth warms and envelops my shaft as much as it can. I give her enough liberty so she can bob up and down but keep a grip to prevent her from pulling away. Her eyes, again, relay her appreciation of my faked forcefulness.

- I love watching her do that...

- Even... to another man?

- Yep, Michael confesses. We're partners, a couple but we're also swingers. Shame you don't have a girlfriend - at least, I don't think you have one?

I'm hard pressed to answer honestly that question.

- Nothing... formal, I answer.

It's hard to focus on anything but the wonderful feeling of warmth over my manhood; Michael's words are somewhat distracting but Shane is amazing with her mouth. I turn fully back to her; her eyes are telling me not to hold back. I decide to grab her hair with my fingers - she absolutely adores the play and proceeds to further suck hard on me. My breathing accelerates.

- ...never thought that would happen tonight, Michael mumbles, but worth it!

- I... agree...

I let Shane work on me to the inevitable conclusion, a few minutes into the scene, as the tension builds up to a release. We lock eyes for a moment and I let her know the imminent reaction. She merely smiles and doubles down, pushing me deep into her throat, until I can't hold it in.

- Aaah... fff... coming...!

It's my first release of the day, pent up from all the emotions and frustration from earlier. The pleasure seems to last forever. My eyes glaze over as I stare down at Shane's delicious face, gulping up all I have to offer her while my manhood trembles in her mouth.

As she pulls away, smiling at me, she also turns to her partner; his eyes betray his own arousal.

- You liked that, didn't you? she goads him on.

- You bet I did, he tells her. Get on all fours!

She giggles and climbs on top of the bed, her hands shuffling to her belt. I give her some space as I watch Michael do the same. They're gonna do it right here, in front of me - not that I mind. I recall the scene last week with my former teacher and her husband, watching them go at it. It was quite enthralling.

Shane pulls her pants down to her knees, exposing a nice thong and the barely hidden folds of her sex, spreading lightly (since the pants at her knees keep her legs together somewhat). I see Michael's erection standing up as he walks behind her. She is more than ready for him and he for her.

- ...this is insane, he yelps looking at me.

- Just go for it, I reply.

Sexual tension. Libido. The power of suggestion. All of them combine around me. There's nothing surprising about this to me. I gently start stroking myself as I observe their play, almost absent-mindedly. Michael gets in behind Shane and pushes inside her.

- I want to come inside you, he tells her.

- It's okay, babe... I'm good, she replies.

Shane lifts her head up even as Michael starts ramming inside her. They lose their focus on me, which is fine given the circumstances. I mostly watch her glistening face though my gaze sometimes wanders to him sliding in and out of her.

- This is the hottest, babe, she yelps at him.

- You're the hottest, Shane.

Their love-making is quite fierce by now, and it's clear Michael has no intention of stopping. It's also clear that's exactly how Shane wants it.

- ...can't believe we're doing this... on the job! Michael mumbles.

- This is so intoxicating! she replies.

I don't disagree; I'm getting hard again looking at them. My mind gently wanders to my previous crisis of conscience, on the outskirts of town, and how quickly this sexual activity seems to have turned it around. Maybe I just need to accept this is my new regular. My life is sex now.

Or maybe I'm overthinking this and I should just enjoy the ride. Speaking of which...

- Aww... fuck, Michael... you're doing me so good!

- You're so fucking sweet, babe!

In and out - thrusting hard into her, pounding her against the sofa. There's no stopping this action. I catch Michael's heavy breathing and stare at his face for a moment - he's lost in the moment, ready to blow. Shane has lost it as well, her head buried against the sofa, moaning against the cloth, eager to orgasm. At that moment, all my world centers on them and I carry my own appreciation into theirs.

- Aww fuck! Fuck! Here it comes! yells Michael.

- Fuck yes!

And there it is - the orgasm face as Michael empties himself inside his partner. I have front row seats. And it's clear that Shane enjoys it too as she buckles against his thrusts into her. Their moans are filled with delightful curse words as they grind down to a stop, the intensity of their quick session momentarily draining their strengths. And even as I watch them freeze, him still deep inside her, questions rise to my mind. Questions that are relevant to my plight.

- ...incredible, I murmur.

I say that to get their attention; it works. They smile at me, still lost in the afterglow of pleasure.

- Oh fuck... Grant... you were watching.

- I was, I reply to Shane. And it looked so fucking hot!

- Oh! It was, she replies.

Michael pulls out of her and lies back.

- Fuck yeah, he whimpers.

- ...is this something you do often? I ask them.

I need to know, for my own sanity perhaps.

- Well, Shane confesses, it's not the first time... though it is the first time we did with someone in the room!

- But not the first time on duty, Michael adds.

Their confessions are so sincere, it's scary. Again, must be my incredible power to make people do what I want - to make them trust me.

- But you're special, Shane adds. There's something about you.

- There is something about me, I confess in kind. For example, Shane, if I said I wanted to fuck you, you probably couldn't say no.

At this point, I'm past my existential crisis; all this hesitation and confusion has made me edgy. I just want a clear image of what's happening.

- In fact, I continue, you can't say no, can you? Try to say the word 'no'.

She stares at me, a bit confused, then her mouth tries to get the words out. Except that she can't. Literally, the sound won't come out - worse than that, it's like her mouth will not take the required shape. I stare at her, wondering how she'll react, wondering if it will frighten her. But her gaze is just one of confusion.

- Alright Shane, I continue. You can't speak anymore except to say your own name. When you try to speak, all you'll do is say your own name. Try to speak!

She stares at me, still confused, and as she speaks, her mouth seems to move uncontrollably.

- ...Shane. Shane. Shane. Shane... Shane.

She is dumbfounded; and there it is, my proof. I hadn't pulled that stunt yet. I had expressly avoided direct commands since this started. But now I know it's possible. And it's scary - too scary, in fact.

- Shane, you can now speak normally. Forget the restrictions. You can speak normally.

- ...ok... that was... ok, sure, she blurts out.

Michael, who stared at the scene, is equally confused. It's like they don't realize what I just did - what I just had Shane do. And that's even scarier. It's one thing to control someone's will - it's another to not have them be aware of it. I could ask insane things from them and they would probably acquiesce. I mean, I don't think I can ask for stuff that would be against their moral code, or maybe I could but I wouldn't, but I can command with impunity.

I was right in the first place to be mindful of that power. And I wonder if my father felt the same way. He must have, otherwise he would have taken over the town completely.

I see Michael and Shane staring at me; they're unsure what's unfolding in my mind but they seem to be waiting for something, instructions of just a comment.

- Listen... thank you. For your help. And the blowjob.

- You want more? Shane asks. I'm still very wet.

She lies on her back and spreads her legs, fully removing her pants this time; my erection bobs up.

- You did ask if I wanted you to fuck me, she reminds me. And the answer is a resounding yes.

- I certainly don't mind, Michael asks. It's her choice.

Is it though? My little experiment has allowed me to elaborate on the extent of my active power - literal commands - but it doesn't really explain the passive effect of people's admiration and adoration.

But I'm hard and I haven't fucked anyone today. I rise from my seat and walk between her legs. She smiles at me as I slide in between her legs. Our sexes rub against one another and I let out a gentle moan. It doesn't really faze me that she's already full of what Michael left in her. I just want the warmth of a pussy around my cock. I slide in without hesitation, stealing a moan from her lips.