Mine...Yours Pt. 12


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"Lucretia...say it again?"

"Say what again?" She asked, her voice quavering.

"You know...what you just said?" I asked with a lopsided grin.

"Are you fishing for a compliment?" She choked out with a smile.

"Yes...please?" I asked with a wheedling tone.

Her hands came up to hold my cheeks, I could feel them shivering, whether from nerves, or pain I don't know.

"I love you more than I love anything I have ever known. I love you Gregory Bastion Brooks. My Master. My Lord. My Friend. My Greg!"

That said it all, right there. Enough talk, time to prove my feelings to the woman I love. I kissed her and held my mouth to hers. The tip of my tongue gently touched hers and I poured all of the feelings, all of my heart all of who I was into her!

It started as a trickle, best things in life always seem to. I have seen her rip all the energy out of a body with a quick smooch and a scream from the victim. This was different...it was almost like she was trying to hold herself back. I wouldn't let her. I gripped her hand in mine, our scars touching letting her feel the pulse of my love, and I could feel an answering echo in her. I gently used my other arm to lift her ruined body closer to me. I could feel her hunger as the trickle grew to a stream and then a flood. Her other arm came up to reach around me and held me tight. I could feel coldness seeping into my lips, and I have to admit, the feeling of energy coursing through and out of my body was rather disconcerting to say the least!

Didn't matter though, for my love, for her...I would go through worse than this. I closed my eyes and focused on her, my Lucretia. I visualized the energy sinking into her poor broken limbs, into her head, in to her beautiful clawed legs. I wanted her better...I needed her to be well! I tried to show her how much I cared in the way I kissed her. To let her know that no matter what I was so grateful for her, and everything she had done for me...whether she even understood what she had done for me or not. I guess she got my point because I heard her sob and tasted more tears than blood.

I felt happy to die then. I know it's a weird thing to say...but it was true. I had found love, I had finally found love in the most crazy and unexpected place in the entire world. If someone had told me several months ago I would fall in love with a succubus and she would love me in return? I would have not said anything, just rolled my eyes and walk away. Now here I was, standing in her arms, her wings enfolded around us both, and I felt better than I had ever felt in my entire life!

Wait a minute...I thought we were lying on the ground?

I opened my eyes to see both of Lucretia's eyes gazing into mine and we were still making out like kissing had just been discovered! Both, of her eyes? When did...? My hands roamed over her, I could feel her skin, soft and unbroken under my questing fingers. She must have gotten the wrong impression because her clawed hands found their way to my belt buckle. She pulled her mouth from mine to urgently whisper.

"I need you my love! Right now! I need you!"

I didn't have time to say anything as suddenly my pants were around my ankles and Lucretia gave a quick beat of her wings to lift and land on me. I sank deep into her with one quick thrust and felt something tear inside of her! She threw back her head and gave a cry of orgasmic release that must have rattled the windows of the office buildings around us! Her arms went around my neck and shoulders and she began to grind on my pelvis. I was so hard I felt I was going to burst any second. I ignored the sensations and pulled Lucretia upright so her breasts were in my face. I didn't understand much of what was going on, except somehow, my love was well. She was better, she was in my arms, and she felt so good!

Lucretia was doing things with her hips, hands and body that I never dreamed were possible! The feel of her was exquisite, all soft and hard and curves. I could taste her sweat that was like a mix of vanilla, salt and citrus as I kissed her breasts and gently nipped at her nipples. I heard her gasp and give another shriek as she came again upon me. This time I lost my footing and she rode me down to the ground. I was wondering why I wasn't dead yet, honestly. I mean, she had warned me that it would be dangerous for her to drain me with her as wounded as she was but I felt fine. I felt better than fine! Currently I was doing so well I thought I could take on an entire Ironman Triathalon course backwards while whistling the star spangled banner!

I looked up at my beautiful Lucretia and she was smiling down at me with tears running down her cheeks. How could I ever have thought she looked scary? I pulled her down for another kiss and I felt her long fingers lace themselves along the back of my head as she looked on me in wonder.

"I am so FULL!" she almost shouted.

"I didn't think I was all that big...sorry." I said with a laugh. She shook her head and then I felt her tighten on me. Her eyes closed and with a whine followed by a deep groan she came again! I had to clench up not to come myself. She gave a few more shudders, continued riding me, her mouth open and panting.

"Not that my love, though it feels just fine..." she was quick to reassure me. Her grin was lopsided and she caressed her stomach with one hand. "I am full! I don't know how but I am so FULL! I kept on drawing from you and you kept on giving and giving and I couldn't stop and there was still more I...I...RAAAH!" She screamed and came again! Boy...was she sensitive or what?

This time I couldn't stop myself, feeling her tighten on me again like that. My poor body was going crazy after not having sex in so many years. I could feel my own orgasm beginning and I gripped her hips tightly with my hands. I dug in my fingertips and yanked her down onto me as I pushed up as hard as my straining muscles would allow. I felt the back of her tunnel kiss the head of my dick as I pushed up, making her give another scream as we joined as intimately as two beings could do on a physical level.

My own pleasure boiled over and four years of celibacy came shooting out of me into this being I loved. My eyes were shut tight and I saw lights and bright flashes behind my closed eyelids. I thought my heart might almost burst from the pleasure I felt, and for every pulse that my cock shot out deep into Lucretia's womb I felt pain. Not pain as in I was hurting. More like the pain you get from a muscle group you haven't used in forever.

My succubus writhed on top of me moaning in apparent rapture as I filled her with my seed. Abruptly she became still and fell forward onto my chest. I could feel her breathing in panting gasps as her arms circled around my head.

Everything was still around us, no sounds could be heard. We were in our own little world of touches, sighs, warmth and soft words of endearment.

"You were my first." Lucretia said quietly. He lips caressed along the outer edge of my ear as she spoke.

"I love you so much." I didn't know what else to say. I was still reeling from the fact that I was alive, and in love, and had sex in the first time in forever! Then what she said got through my addled brain.

"You were a virgin?" I asked in surprise. I remembered the tearing sensation I had felt, and then felt silly for asking the question. Couldn't feel silly for very long. I had an affectionate female on top of me. Hard to feel bad when you have that in your arms!

"Balmont was the only other Master I had than you, and he didn't want me for sex. So yes, I was. Not anymore though. You have it now." Her dark eyes were bright and she giggled drunkenly as she rolled off of me onto her back. My fingers found hers and we squeezed our hands together in a tight grip.

"Is it done?" I asked. She raised her head to lazily look around, she spotted the bowling ball that was Balmonts tombstone. She arched an eyebrow at me and I just chuckled.

"Yes...Balmot is gone, forever. He is part of the Void now." She replied.

"If he is part of the...Void...does that mean he is still around?" Lucretia smirked.

"Gregory...think about it. What is a void?"


I laid there thinking, enjoying the feel of Lucretia's hand in mine. Then I realized that my bare ass was sore. Looked down and saw that my jeans and underwear were pushed around my ankles! I looked over at Lucretia who had the decency to blush, but didn't look away from her examination of my rising erection.

"You are a little slut, you know that right?" I chided. She giggled and then gazed back at my face with a smile and bright eyes.

"What am I going to do with you?" I asked in mock exasperation. Her response was surprisingly serious in spite of the smile on her lips. "Take me home and never let me go?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." A voice said behind us.

Lucretia and I scrambled to our feet and I quickly raised my pants and was fastening the buckle as Mother appeared before us.

"You are victorious daughter, and you seem no worse for wear." Mother stated as she looked over her taller offspring. She looked more closely at Lucretia's belly and a soft smile crossed her features.

"Did you consume an entire village or did you...?" Her voice trailed off as she looked more closely at something I couldn't see. She appeared surprised, but almost as if she expected whatever she saw.

"So you know now?" she asked Lucretia.

"Know what Mother?"

"The secret to my power?" Mother returned. Lucretia looked confused...as I probably looked as well.

Mother pointed at Lucretia's belly. "You don't even realize what you have done do you?" Lucretia looked down and rubbed her stomach.

"I fed off of Greg, and then..." she blushed but pressed on. "...then he became my first."

Mother chortled, "If that was all then you would be correct!" She continued. "Think of this daughter...why would I have you come to this Plane and learn how to seduce men? I never seemed to care about it before...why now? If I really wanted you to learn, why would I choose someone who is broken to try to teach you? Hmmm? I could have just teamed you up with a succubae that was older, who had more experience. I could have found a woman who could do a better job than a man with a broken heart. Think daughter, why?"

Lucretia looked around nervously, I could see her trying to come up with an answer. I stepped closer and took her hand in mine, my thumb caressed her fingers in a familiar gesture and she smiled at me.

"That is why...right there." Mother stated. Her arms were crossed as she looked us over. "That is the reason I wanted you bound to him." We still looked confused, so Mother rolled her eyes and began to explain.

"You, my daughter, are one of the most powerful succubae of this age. In raw power and strength none come close to you. That is because of your father and I...we love each other." Lucretia gasped at this. I admit I was stunned as well.

Mother...in love? Just seemed as wrong as a cat dating a cricket!"

"A well kept secret, known to many but only realized by a few, is that we draw more energy from our prey the more feelings they have for us. Fear is the easiest one to exploit, and it certainly is satisfying. Love is a more dangerous, and unpredictable form of energy. It can provide vast quantities of power that would consume us if we tried to take it from our prey. The only way we can handle it, is if we love whom we are feeding from. Do you understand now?" Mother asked. She continued even though she hadn't waited for our response. Her finger pointed to me.

"You, Gregory Bastion Brooks. You were a man with a broken heart and incapable of love." Then she pointed another finger at Lucretia. "You, Lucretia. An angry succubus, who trusted nothing and no one." She brought her fingers together right next to each other and smiled in a knowing fashion.

"Together you were able to heal each other in a most unexpected fashion. Only someone whose heart was broken can do what you did Gregory. I asked you to teach her how to seduce men. Did you really think I meant for you to do that? No, I knew that you would instead teach her how to love! Lucretia? Did you really think you needed to learn all those lessons about how to be human? Once I heard him state the terms of his contract, I knew that he would heal your wounds as well. I knew that you would grow to love him as I grew to love your father."

She then glanced pointedly at Lucretia's stomach. "You love him, he loves you, you have consummated your love to each other and...something has changed in you both." Her smile grew wider still.

"It will be interesting to watch your progress down this path you have chosen." She tapped her lips with her fingertips thoughtfully.

"I wish to thank you both for destroying Lord Balmont. I have long wanted to add his Planes riches and space to my own. As a form pf payment for your services to me I offer you the ability to call me when you have need of me Gregory. For Lucretia I give you my boon. Fair?"

I stood there with my mouth open in surprise. I could feel Lucretia bristling next to me, but I opened my mouth before Lucretia's temper caused her to say something she might regret.

"You mean you set this all up? How? Why?"

Mother's smile was positively vulpine, "Lord Balmont insulted my daughter, and insulted me by proxy. I just set in motion the events for his downfall. I was confident you two could dispose of him, which you both did quite handily. Lucretia got her revenge and unlocked the potential for vast amounts of power. You received that which you have always dreamed of. I received massive amounts of influence and doubled the size of my kingdom."

Lucretia began to nod, with understanding it seems. I was still hot under the collar. Seemed a terrible risk to go through. What if that bastard Balmont had won the confrontation? Not to mention, Lucretia had been wounded incredibly bad. I said as much to Mother who turned sharp eyes on me. I almost felt like I had been physically cut from that look!

"Do you question my methods?" she asked softly?

"If I say that I do, are you going to kill me?" I returned. She stared at me for a long moment, I wasn't sure what she was going to do. She had shown a side of herself before that was almost playful, but what if I really had pissed her off?

She came closer, until she was standing only a few inches in front of me, and placed her hand on my sternum, in the center of my chest. "I will tell you one thing, and hopefully it will answer your questions...yes?"

I shrugged slowly and nodded my head. She leaned closer, her lips almost touching mine. When she spoke I felt a heat that almost bordered on pain flood my entire body!


I shuddered with the naked force of those words and then felt Mothers small hand stroke my hair. "Sometimes it is important for you humans to remember the basics, am I right." It wasn't a question!

"Yes, um...yeah. Uh Huh." I gasped.

She nodded, gently kissed Lucretia's forehead, and turned to walk away. I was surprised she didn't do her disappearing act but then I saw her stop to look at the bowling ball of Balmont. She reached down and picked it up. Then she disappeared.

Guess she needed a new paperweight...

I stared after her, thinking and wondering. Then I felt clawed hands touch my arm, and a pair of cool breasts gently squeezed around them. A pair of horns rubbed along my chin and a wing stretched up and over my head, covering me from the rain.

I turned a little and watched as her other wing came up to cover me and we were in a leathery arbor of her wings as my lover gazed up into my eyes.

"Your...Dad told me I would know what it is I felt for you eventually, when I heard it. He said I would just know." Her hand slid over my chest, sliding up the side of my neck and she had a pleased soft smile on her lips as she watched her hand's progress.

"When you went to sleep after the werewolves attacked, you called me...Sweetheart...did that mean you loved me then?" She asked.

"I think so...I was kind of loopy when I said that." I chuckled a little and her eyes crinkled at the corners as she gave me a narrowed look, but she was smiling too.

"We need to leave, I think. I want to go back home now." Lucretia said as she looked around the area. I nodded, and then a small flash of silver caught my eye. I went over and saw the chain lying on the ground. I picked it up and saw Lucretia shiver out of the corner of my eye. I took the bloody flannel shirt and wrapped up the chain in it and tied it tight. Seemed like a bad idea to leave it lying around, and I was curious about how it seemed to affect my love in such a strange way, like she feared it or something. Covering it seemed to have been a good idea since she seemed more relaxed but watched the bundle warily.

"Ready to go home?" I asked. She nodded. So I took her hand in mine and started walking towards the bus stop. She stopped me.

"I have a faster way..." Which was all the warning I got before she wrapped her arms around me from behind and shot up into the night sky!

"Sonofabi...!" Then at the speed we were going made the rest of the words get rammed down my own throat! I wisely shut my mouth as we sped through the pouring rain. Lucretia seemed to be in a hurry because she barely slowed down as we landed in the back yard and pulled me into our house. The moment the door was close she sighed and stretched, her clawed hands above her head and her wings going out to the side.

"Oh it feels good to be home with you!" She crowed and then dropped her arms and wings to smile at me with bright eyes. I set my package down and just looked at her, a smile growing wider on my lips. I stepped towards her. A need was growing, a desire building...

...it was coming from me, but I could feel it being answered by her as well. She came at me in a rush and I squeezed her dark grey body against mine kissing her hard, feeling her sharp teeth nipping at my lips and her long tongue trying to push further in my mouth but I wouldn't let her. It made her whine in frustration, and that sound made me groan with want.

I dropped to my knees and pushed her against the wall by her hips, I saw her wings go wide, splayed out like wallpaper as I gently pulled her legs apart just enough to lick...

I saw stars as both of her hands slapped the back of my head with a cry that hurt my ears. I heard a thunk as her head slammed back and she continued looking up at the ceiling as I tasted a pussy for the first time in, well...years. I didn't even look at it, I was like a man possessed stirring my tongue through sweet tangy folds that gripped me as warm juice slid into my mouth with the extra trickling through my goatee and down my neck! I felt the prickle of her claws as Lucretia gripped me tighter, hearing her whimpering and starting a little wail as her hips undulated under my hands. Her tail came around to drape over my shoulders and I could hear her wing tips start a little drumming motion against the walls as I continued to drink, touch, and taste.

I made a milkshake once from those little orange vanilla cream popsicles you can buy at walmart. It was thick, rich, and delicious. Threw it all in a blender and then when it was creamy I tried it. One of the best drinks I ever had. Until now...I would give up Mountain Dew for this taste!

"Greg...its happening again...!" She panted. I doubled my efforts and I saw her throat convulse as she kept staring at the ceiling. "Master! My Love!" She said again, a tone of panic in her voice. I just groaned into her, my upper lip rubbing what felt like her clit, and I let my teeth gently graze her lips as I pushed my tongue into her again.

Lucretia began to tremble, her whole body vibrating under my hands and mouth. I could hear her talons on her feet tapping the floor. Then her throat convulsed and a high pitched shriek came out of her mouth that made the plates rattle in the cupboards and I thought my ears might start bleeding! Then she sagged, her wings drooping, and her tail and arms going limp, leaning against the wall. I shakily stood up onto my feet, and Lucretia just stayed leaning against the wall, her head back. It looked uncomfortable!