Mira the Captive Ch. 06

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Drama and jealousy in the house of angNaveena.
3.2k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 03/12/2009
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Chapter 6: The House of angNaveena

Someone was shrieking. Mira heard from it afar, a desperate, muffled sound that penetrated her dreams and pulled her out of a profound sleep. She lay curled in the back of the wagon, jostled and disoriented. Her head rested on a lap, and a hand gently smoothed her hair, over and over. "There's always a disaster when angNaveena goes away," said a voice close to her, and she realized she had been sleeping on the lap of angKov.

Mira sat up and rubbed her eyes. She saw angNaveena's red ponytail swinging against the seat in front of her, and felt her blood grow warm at the memory of his body poised over her own, calling her his beautiful whore, fucking her with his thick cock. Her cunt felt heavy and swollen; she wanted to climb into the front seat and mount her Master right then and there. . . . But that wasn't proper Captive behavior. A Captive had to wait.

The cart was wending its way up a small drive, through an orchard of wide-branched, silver trees. Up ahead, at the end of the drive, stood a coral-colored, castle-like structure. Its smooth stone-block walls and towers shone like fire in the setting sun. As they moved closer to it, the shrieking grew louder. Mira looked at angKov, questioningly.

"Ah, the pretty slut is awake and full of questions," he said, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "AngNaveena, my friend, I wonder what mischief your wife has been up to this time."

"I don't know," said angNaveena grimly, "But I don't like the sound of it."

They drew closer to the bright building. Now Mira could make out an open arch in the center of the front wall, revealing a jumble of silver, green, pink and purple. Suddenly, a small purple figure flew out of the archway, running straight toward the cart. She had long, shiny black hair that fell almost to her ankles, and wore a silky white smock that wrapped around her breasts and hips, leaving most of her radiant, violet skin uncovered. As she came closer, Mira realized that she was short for a Tiran, barely taller than an Earth woman. Her stubby tail beat the air frantically and she sobbed. When she finally reached the cart, she panted hard, while her lips kept trying to form words.

"InSorrel . . . Naveena . . . ."

"Eesha, get in the cart," angNaveena interrupted her, and she ran to the other side and climbed in next to him, still crying and gasping. AngNaveena pushed his stick straight forward and the wagon sped up; Mira held on to angKov as they rattled furiously down the drive.

"Eesha, is my wife hurting inSorrel?" To this question, Eesha let out a loud wail.

They raced forward, toward the castle, until it loomed over them. AngNaveena pushed the stick in a tight loop and the cart stopped abruptly. He and Eesha jumped to the ground. "AngKov, you are in charge of my new Captive while I take care of this disaster," he called, as he and Eesha ran through the archway.

"As always," sighed angKov. "Come, inMira." He lifted her out of the cart, setting her down gently. The archway opened in front of them invitingly, its curved sides framing a view of flowers and trees and plants of every color. AngKov took Mira's hand and they walked through, into a large, triangular courtyard.

Now that the noise of wheels on pebbles had stopped, Mira heard not just one voice crying, but several. She let her ears adjust and observed her new home, looking all around while her thumb absent-mindedly rubbed one of angKov's knuckles. There were three towers, seven stories high, with open, arched windows dancing around the circumference of each floor. Loose curtains hung in the windows, blowing gently in the warm breeze. Like the final flourish in an illuminated manuscript, delicate ramps spiraled around each of the towers, leveling off at each of the seven floors in front of dark, carved wooden doors. Three tall walls connected the three towers. Creeping up and around the walls and towers were thick, black vines, hung with gold flowers the size of serving bowls---except for the tower to Mira's left, where the vines abruptly stopped. Even in dwindling daylight, the courtyard itself was a careful jumble of color and texture: Mira saw masses of multi-colored plants; the ground felt velvety-soft, due to a thick layer of hand-sized, napped silver and orange leaves; and two high, blue-green trees cast long, leafy shadows over red stone benches, padded ground, flowers, towers, walls and people.

Mira took in the familiar, alien, strangely medieval beauty, but she soon focused on a scene on the other side of the courtyard. There, under one of the trees, stood a round table that appeared to be the centerpiece of angNaveena's domestic drama. A pale, naked Captive was bent over the table, her ass in the air, and next to her stood a Tiran woman with long, curly white hair and a pronounced curly tail to match. Even from far away, Mira could see that the Tiran woman stood very straight and wore elegant drapery---brocaded, richly colored, shimmering. The woman held a long stick, which she caressed with one hand as she spoke with angNaveena. Several equally well-dressed Tiran women sat in chairs around the table, sipping from large goblets, watching the scene. AngNaveena gestured emphatically to the curly-haired woman, and she smiled equably at him, her mouth barely moving. A few paces behind angNaveena stood a swath of naked Captives---One Earth girl with creamy brown skin, messy black hair and a tiny waist clung to another large-hipped, heavy breasted Captive, wailing brokenheartedly; beside them, a third, paler Captive, slight and birdlike, buried her face in Eesha's shoulder and sobbed while Eesha stroked her red braided hair. Eesha's violet skin and bright-white shift glowed softly in the approaching dusk.

Mira felt angKov squeeze her hand. "InMira, I will tell you a secret . . . My sweet wife detests Naveena. She will never forgive me if I arrive home without a full report of this little drama. So I'm afraid we will need to stand a little closer so that we can hear what is being said. Come, whore." They walked across the courtyard. Mira listened carefully, unable to separate words and language from the crying of the Captives, until angKov led her to a spot a few feet from angNaveena, and, finally, the dialogue emerged from the din. AngNaveena's low voice sparred gently with the pleasant reasoning of his wife.

"Naveena," he was saying, "inSorrel has always been a good girl. I find it hard to believe she did anything to deserve a beating."

"Yes," laughed Naveena, "Of course, our beloved inSorrel has always behaved in the past. But today she committed an offense which all here will admit earned her a proper beating."

"Well then, dearest wife," said angNaveena in a frighteningly calm tone, "Tell me. Tell me exactly what my inSorrel did."

"Ah, husband," she sighed. "The Surdan Ladies League arrived for afternoon bandy cordial, and as I led them to the table, it became clear that our little whore was . . . displaying herself on one of the nearby benches." She gestured toward a bench, a few feet away from the table.

"Displaying herself? Explain, wife."

"Yes, well . . . She sat with her legs wide open and was fingering her . . . her. . . ."

"Her pussy?"

"AngNaveena! Yes, if you insist, her pussy. Right there, shamelessly, in direct disobedience of your orders, in front of the finest group of ladies on the island. So of course, I put her over my knee and spanked her, and then took down the bandy rod and began to beat her. But I have only given her 12 strokes, and she deserves more, so if you please, I would like to continue until I have finished."

AngNaveena stood silently, his head tilted, studying his wife, as she stroked her rod with increasing impatience. Mira could now see that the rod was thin and flat, like a narrow, silver yardstick. InSorrel, still bent over the table, was quiet, but Mira could tell from her shaking back that she was crying. She had a wide band of bruised-red skin across her fleshy bottom and a few thin welts on her upper thighs.

Finally, angNaveena said, "InSorrel, stand up."

InSorrel slowly pulled herself into a standing position, and faced her Master, a look of acute distress on her round face. Her plump breasts were smushed from lying flattened across the table.

AngNaveena stared at her sternly. "InSorrel, is this true? Did you display yourself in front of the ladies?"

"Yes, Master." InSorrel's dark-blue eyes looked pleadingly into his face. AngNaveena gazed back down at her, puzzled. For a long moment, all onlookers---including the crying Captives---were silent, waiting for angNaveena's response.

"InSorrel," he said at last, the words emerging slowly from his mouth, "Did the Mistress . . . command you to sit on the bench and play with yourself?"

"Yes, Master." InSorrel began to sob.

"Naveena . . . . " AngNaveena still spoke quietly, but his skin darkened, and his stance grew rigid. The purple spirals on his arms glowed through his shirt sleeves.

Naveena laughed. "Well really, husband, I don't need any excuse to beat your whores. It is my right as Mistress of this house to beat them simply for my own pleasure." The Tiran women seated around the table tightened their mouths and nodded their elaborately coiffed heads.

"And it is my right as Master of this house to forbid it. Naveena, you are no longer permitted to use the bandy rod. Hand it over, please."

Naveena, for the first time, looked flustered. "This is unheard-of, husband." She clutched the rod with both hands.

"Naveena, you will give me the rod, and if I find you have used it, I will redden your backside with it. Do you understand?"

Naveena drew herself up, taller than her husband, and handed him the rod. AngNaveena took the rod without saying a word. As Mira watched him, her breath grew shallow ---The sight of her Master holding the rod in his two fists sent a bolt of fear and arousal through her inner thighs.

AngNaveena turned around and looked at his weeping Captives. "InAsha, you will take inSorrel to her tree house and care for her. Use all the bandy oil you need, and give her every pleasure that she requests."

The dark-haired Captive who had been keening loudly since their arrival turned her puffy, tear-stained face toward angNaveena, and then threw herself at his feet, kissing his boots. "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

AngNaveena turned back to his wife. "Naveena, you will act as personal maidservant to inSorrel and inAsha until they emerge from the forest. You will carry their food and drink to the tree house and bring them anything they need or desire, for as many days as it takes."

Naveena's eyes flew wide open, and she drew in her breath. "You shame me in front of my friends, husband. My mother will speak to you about this." She was trembling. Her friends, on cue, turned toward each other and began to speak quietly and shake their heads.

"InHabibi, you will wait for me in my chambers," he said, in a softer tone, ignoring his wife and addressing the heavy-breasted Captive who had been comforting inAsha.

"Yes, Master," inHabibi purred, a little smile sneaking into her face. It occurred to Mira that her Master fucked all his Captives with the passion and desire that he had shown her. A little arrow of jealousy jabbed her heart.

"InElise, you will take Master angKov to your chambers and serve his needs for as long as he wishes."

The Captive with the long, red braids who had been crying on Eesha's shoulder croaked, "Yes, Master" and her pale face brightened. She gave angKov a quick grin, and he grinned back.

As AngKov began to walk away, the spear of jealousy in Mira's chest twisted in a little deeper. She had grown fond of angKov, felt him to be her first true Tiran friend. She also felt a strong current of sexual attraction between the two of them. On Earth, she would ask angKov out for coffee, invite him home, take him to bed. Here on Tir, she was not allowed to make that choice. For the first time since her capture, Mira thought about her home planet with longing. . . . And then, she rejected that thought. In a lifetime on planet Earth, she had never once come close to feeling the desire that she had felt when angNaveena ran his finger lightly down her torso. She had never had an orgasm like the two she had experienced with angNaveena in the orchard. Compared to her experience as a Captive on Tir, her Earth life, so far away now, seemed pallid and bland.

As though sensing Mira's returning loyalty, AngKov turned back to face her and crouched down, opening his arms like an affectionate uncle. "Come, inMira, give me a hug; I shall miss you!" Mira felt a flash of joy and ran into angKov's arms, and he hugged her tight. "Little whore," he whispered in her ear, "Do not tell anyone that you fucked the Master already. Do not, especially, say anything to Eesha---She is sweet, but she talks too much."

"Thank you, Master angKov," Mira murmured.

"I can't wait to fuck you, inMira," he whispered.

"Nor I you," she whispered boldly, and angKov drew back, eyes wide with astonishment. Then he laughed.

"You naughty girl!" He stood up again, turned, and strode over to inElise, then scooped her up in his arms and slung her over his shoulder, making her giggle and shriek. In the now-dark courtyard, Mira turned and watched angKov carry inElise away, until they were a small, laughing shadow wriggling up the ramp of the vine-less tower. Then Mira saw her Master walking toward the same tower, alongside inHabibi, disappearing into the shadows without saying a word to Mira. Two bright moons rose over the castle, casting blue light on a pair of Tirans who moved slowly along the edges of the courtyard, lighting torches in recesses in the stonework. Soon, warm balls of firelight dotted all three walls. In the moonlight and the flickering firelight, Mira watched Naveena's friends, and Naveena, and inAsha ---arm-in-arm with inSorrel ---trickle away.

Eesha touched her arm. "Come, inMira, you must be tired and hungry. I will take you to your chambers." They turned and walked silently toward the vine-less tower. Their steps were quiet on the velvety leaves. Eesha led Mira onto the ramp and they ascended the tower, spiraling upward past four oak doors and then stopping in front of the fifth.

"Here you go, inMira; the fifth-floor chamber is yours." Eesha pushed open the door and entered first, going straight to a small table near the back of the round room. She placed her purple, glowing hands lightly over a little silver bowl, holding them slightly apart as though gathering air between her palms, and a fire sprang up.

"InMira, come in. Eat your supper---It is still hot." She gestured toward the end of the table. Mira sat down before a plate which held a thick slice of crumbly cake, and a bowl full of undulating, dark-green grass. Eesha sat in the chair beside her.

"Don't just stare at it---The Surdan River grows the best riverweed on the planet. To not eat it would be criminal."

Mira grasped one of the swaying grasses and shoved it into her mouth. It tasted sweet, like honey and roses. She reached in and grabbed a fistful, closing her eyes and eagerly chewing.

"And do not ignore your bandy cake, either." Mira pressed a small chunk of cake onto her tongue---moist, heavenly, crumbly bandy. The joy of Tiran food sent heat into her face. She ate greedily, stuffing her food-filled fingers into her mouth.

Eesha sighed. "Not to speak badly of your new Mistress, but Naveena has really gone too far this time. Beating inSorrel! She is angNaveena's favorite of course; he built a tree house for her, deep in the forest, with a garden and a bathing pool. He built it with his bare hands. But it's not just angNaveena who loves her; we all adore her as well---Captives, servants---everyone except Naveena."

The cake stuck in Mira's throat, and she coughed it out, and pushed her plate away. Her Master already had a favorite, and Mira was just an extra cunt.

"Ah, jealousy," mused Eesha. "InMira, you will need to learn to share. It is the only way you can be happy here. Now, drink some bandy wine, and I'll give you a stroke-down."

Mira obediently took a sip of bandy wine, and followed Eesha to the bed and lay on her stomach. The Tiran woman lightly stroked Mira's back, and Mira felt a thousand thoughts and feelings unwind.

"This is strange," murmured Eesha. "You do not feel like a new Captive. Your vibrations feel . . . well . . . satisfied."

Mira felt herself stiffen again. Eesha giggled.

"I think you have been a naughty girl, inMira. Come, you can tell me about it. AngNaveena's Captives always talk to me."

Mira silently thanked angKov for his warning. She so longed to speak, to spill out her love and desire for her Master, her deep, mind-blowing delight at how he had fucked her in the orchard, her frustration at being ignored now that she was in his house---But angKov had warned her not to speak, and she trusted him. She remained silent.

"Let it out, inMira." Mira didn't speak. Eesha chuckled. "Stubborn girl. Well, then, I hope you know to be careful, inMira . . . AngNaveena always knows when his whores have felt an orgasmic shift. Leebu---his dragonfly---tells him everything. Leebu is a Sensitive, and he is your Master's oldest friend. If you touch yourself, or cum, or interact sexually without your Master's permission, Leebu will know. If you pretend to cum, Leebu will sense your deception. If you are disobedient in any way, Leebu will know, and he will whisper in your Master's ear, and your Master will punish you."

Mira let this new information sink in while Eesha stroked down the length of her back, her arms, her legs, the bottoms of her feet. Mira felt herself relax again, and she began to dream of dragonflies, dozens of them, perching lightly on her clitoris and then flying to her lover's ear.

"Ah, tired thing, you can sleep like this, on your stomach, but I will need to tie your arms to the bedpost." Eesha gently pulled Mira's right wrist and fastened a cold, thick cord around it. "Your Master has ordered it. Tomorrow is your first fuck . . . " Mira detected a note of irony in Eesha's voice. Eesha paused, as if giving Mira one more chance to confess. When Mira didn't respond, Eesha resumed, "If you play with yourself, even by accident, in your sleep, it will take the edge off your desire. Now, of course, the Master must make you cum with the first fuck; that is the protocol. If you don't cum, his wife is required to spank you. And we wouldn't want that, would we, inMira?"

"No, Mistress," said Mira sleepily, offering up her left arm for binding.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Ughhh if I would kill myself. I don't share and having to be 6th yuck. What a horrible story.!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Please finish!

I hope you will continue this. I have love it so far and must know what happens in the end!

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