Miranda and Geraldine Ch. 05


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Miranda ran to the study and switched to the security view, on the computer. A couple of clicks had the gym camera on screen. She swivelled the camera remotely until they were both centred. Zooming in she could see him being intimate with the woman, now Miranda had left the room.

The expression on the pet's face was familiar enough. From the humiliation of having a lowly gardener touching her, she was becoming aroused! One hand massaged a breast, while the other was busy between her legs. Geraldine looked as though she were breathing hard, the way her chest was rising and falling. She had better get back.

A thought struck her and she hesitated. An old cheque book was found after rummaging around in the desk.

Making some noise, before her entrance, she gave him time to stop the exploration of her pet. "Sorry about this, there's no cheques left," Miranda told him, fanning the empty remains in front of him.

The look of guilt on is face turned to anger. "I'm not interested in stupid games, I need that money," he began, with a familiar complaint. It seemed the richer they were the more reluctant they were to pay up.

"Hold on, don't blame me. I can go get a new cheque book. It's obviously been ordered, probably at the bank waiting to be mailed out. You look after the boss and I'll go fetch it, deal?" Miranda asked.

"Well, I guess so. What should I do with the bitch?" he asked.

"Do what ever you like, I don't care. Get her to do some exercises, or send her for an early shower. It'll take me about an hour there and back, can you hang around?" she asked.

"I've got little choice, I need that money, I've got bills to pay you know," he repeated.

Miranda gave him a sympathetic look. "Be a good little puppy-girl for your master, while I'm gone. Do as your told, be an obedient little puppy-girl," Miranda cooed, while patting pet's head. The look on her face was one of agony, pleading with her not to leave. She even whimpered like a puppy!

Geraldine remembered being left with her master before, and didn't like it. She opened her eyes wide, realising the bizarre mistake. She had left their pet, Susie, with her husband, and every time, she arrived home to damage. One time it was an expensive shoe, rending the pair useless. Another time, it was an even more expensive item, a designer handbag.

It was because of the damage they purchased a cage, to teach Susie not to destroy things. Geraldine would have preferred the safety of a cage right now, rather than being left in the hands of their gardener. The humiliation could be withstood, after all that had happened recently, but it seemed so dangerous.

There were cheques in the desk, so what was her mistress playing at?

Miranda drove to the end of the drive, turned around, and coasted back, neatly abandoning the car in the garage. The electric doors couldn't be heard from the gym, which was on the far side of the house, and if they were, it would be interpreted as the security system closing them behind her.

Quietly returning to the study, she examined the screen. She hadn't missed anything. To her disappointment Geraldine was working-out, on the treadmill again.

An almost exact routine as before had her stopping, and crawling over to him. She watched Geraldine roll over for him to tickle her tummy. Miranda loved that, for it looked so cute. He stopped and said something to her. Miranda watched as pet lifted her hips, off the hard tiles, to slip her panties down to her thighs.

Pet reached up and pulled her top around her neck then pulled the bra up, exposing her breasts, with a pair of already engorged nipples. Her thighs were pushed apart as wide as possible, with the panties around her thighs, so his hand was a snug fit at her crotch.

He stopped exploring her crotch and lifted her bottom off the ground. He had evidently discovered the butt-plug, and was wondering what it was, or why such a self-important bitch was wearing it.

Miranda wasn't sure if this was a touch of genius or madness, leaving her pet with him. Having to obey him would reinforce the woman's role as a submissive slut which was a good idea. Though it was unforeseen, not liking what he was doing to her cute little pet.

Geraldine turned over as ordered onto one of the soft exercise mats and knelt on all fours. She knew her sex was exposed, as well as the butt plug, to the grubby gardener. It left her feeling vulnerable and ashamed. The only way she could stand the humiliation of it was by continuing to pretend to be hypnotised.

The familiar feeling of being controlled, and no longer responsible for what was happening, helped to endure it. Besides, how could she possibly stop him now? He would be sure to discover it had all been a ruse.

She felt his rough jeans pressing against her soft bare bottom. He reached round to fondle her breasts. Weighing them and squeezing the hard, swollen nipples. She lifted her head with an open mouth to moan, quickly suppressing it, not wanting to reveal how sexed up she was. Damn! He had her aroused like a bitch on heat.

She shuddered with anticipation on feeling him fumbling with the jeans, knowing exactly what he was doing. Geraldine felt a hot hardness pressing against a bare cheek. What she was about to endure, with a dirty gardener was so squalid, she wanted to crawl away and hide. She couldn't move! Her mistress told her she was his bitch, and to obey him! Such an order left her as helpless as if she had been hypnotised!

Geraldine had often given him a hard time, and now she was about to be given a hard time in return. She had demanded perfection in the garden, so would he provide satisfaction now?

He never did say much, though now he just grunted, shoving in his cock, hard. Geraldine let go a gasp, unable to hold it back. He began to thump his hips up against her bottom burying his cock, with each powerful thrust, deep into her body.

She wanted to yell out to him, thanking him for fucking her. She needed to encourage him to keep banging her hard, to rough ride her like a bitch in heat. She wanted to tell him she was his bitch, to keep going, for she was nearly there. Instead, she yipped and yapped like a puppy-girl.

The doggy noises were clearly a plea for more. He continued rough riding her, banging away at the stuck up bitch, teaching her a lesson for causing him so much trouble. He was fucking the woman with all his worth, with mighty thrusts from powerful muscles developed through hard work.

Geraldine threw back her head to wail, like a wolf howling at the moon. Her juddering body was the obvious sign of a powerful orgasm. He reached round to her breasts, gripping them hard in calloused hands. He twisted her nipples eliciting a yelp of pain.

Miranda watched in outrage as her pet writhed in pain and pleasure. The frustration was unbearable, for there was nothing she could do now to stop it. She looked at her watch, seeing only half an hour had passed. He had teased her, all the time gaining confidence then fucked pet per hard.

Geraldine slumped onto the mat, sated. She had never been treated so roughly before. The orgasm was all consuming. The gardener stroked her belly and breasts, leaving the sopping pussy alone. His cum was leaking from her and he wondered if he was in trouble from what he had done.

"Get up bitch," he told her. His face was a picture of guilt and satisfaction all rolled into one. "Go take a shower. Thoroughly clean up there, between the legs," he told her firmly. He wasn't sure what to say other than that.

Miranda watched on the monitor, guessing pet had gone to the small bathroom in the gym.

It was humiliating to be told to cleanup his cum then summarily dismissed. She felt humbled, like a naughty puppy, sent away by her owner, after being a bad bitch. The humiliation of being fucked by the gardener hung heavily with her, especially so, as she had enjoyed it so intensely.

Her mistress was right to treat her like a puppy-girl. After years of suppression her sexual needs had been released; the desire was now uncontrollable. She needed to be looked after and especially needed her mistress to control her.

Miranda watched him tidying up the evidence, with her arms folded across her chest, and a look of disdain on her face. She would have to go back in there acting as though nothing had happened. It would be difficult to act like the chirpy maid after that distasteful scene.


"Here's the cheque," Miranda said, flourishing a piece of paper. "You should add something extra for looking after the naughty little puppy. Has the little puppy-girl been satisfactory?" She asked.

"No! She's been on the treadmill again. I gave her some water but it got spilled," he said. He neatly explained away the obvious clean patch on a mat.

He wasn't used to household chores, Miranda guessed. She couldn't resist slapping the pet's ass. "Naughty pet-girl!" she told the woman.

The gardener frowned in disapproval at Miranda, but didn't say anything. After all, what he had done to her was far worse than a slapped ass. He just hoped it wasn't discovered.

"Have you charged enough for you're time, keeping the bitch happy?" Miranda asked. He nodded. "Sign this, puppy-girl," Miranda said, trying to keep the cross tone out of her voice.

He quickly left, mumbling his thanks.

Miranda turned on her pet. "You dirty little bitch! I can't leave you for five minutes before you're humping the first cock available. Fucking the gardener makes you a right wanton slut, you little bitch," she shouted.

"Your puppy-girl is so sorry mistress. Your puppy-girl didn't mean to, puppy-girl couldn't help it," she whined. She even made pathetic little puppy noises, trying to gain some sympathy from her mistress.

"You paid that gardener money, to fuck you, you know that?" she scolded her pet.

Geraldine nodded her head in shame, with tears running down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry mistress," she humbly whimpered.

"You are nothing but a bitch on heat, ready to be humped by the first dog that sniffs your asshole. It's a good job you're wearing that butt plug, or he would have fucked your ass. You would have loved that, you bitch," Miranda told her.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Miranda asked.

"Please, mistress. Pet-girl is a dirty little bitch on heat," the woman said, between sobs. "Pet desperately needs mistress to look after her wanton little pet-girl. Please keep your pet on a leash and spank it if it misbehaves. Please mistress, don't leave your pet again. Pet-girl needs her mistress. Pet promises to be an obedient little puppy-girl," Geraldine sobbed.

Miranda's temper had flared and gone out. She looked down at her pet, snivelling at her feet and felt sorry for it. It had been her fault that guy fucked her pet. She had set it up not considering it might all get out of hand, or had she? The end result is what she wanted. Her pet was now even more dependent upon her.

Miranda roughly grabbed the collar and clipped a leash to it. "I'll have to keep you on a tighter leash from now on. I'll get that cage brought in and put in the basement. Pet will sleep in it whenever pet displeases her mistress."

"Yes, mistress, thank you mistress," the woman answered. If the tail had still been attached, it would be waging vigorously.


In the lounge Miranda fitted a larger butt plug. The new game was interrupted before it could get going.

"Crawl around pet, to get used to it, while I answer the phone," Miranda told her.

She watched her pet dutifully crawling around the lounge. This butt plug was just an ordinary plastic one, slightly bigger than the last, yet she accepted it, despite looking uncomfortable. The woman was being especially dutiful, after letting down her mistress.

"Hi, mom. Yes, I'm looking after her. Yes, everything is fine. No problems, everything under control as promised. How are things with you? Good. That shouldn't be a problem at all, don't worry. Yea it's OK, I'll tell her, no problem, bye," Miranda said.

"Over here, pet," Miranda ordered. "I've changed my mind, lets try on the pads," Miranda said. She gave her pet a big smile trying to reassure her. Puppy-girl looked worried about what was going on.

On hands and knees, caught in the paw-pads, with a butt plug up her ass, Geraldine felt vulnerable. She was worried too, feeling there was something her mistress had to tell her.

Mistress placed her chin on her thighs, where she could almost taste her pussy. It no longer disgusted her, rather, it was a pleasant smell and she wanted to lick her mistress's pussy. She wanted to excite her and please her, to remove the frown on her mistress's face.

"Now listen, good little puppy-girl. I have something important to tell you," mistress said.

Geraldine knew the term had once been used to demean her, but she was now pleased to be a good little puppy-girl. She was a mature, married woman no longer, she was this young girl's plaything, and wanted to be played with.

"Have you wondered where your husband, Mathew is?" she asked.

Of course she had, though since yesterday afternoon she hadn't given her husband a thought. Their relationship had always been touch and go, which described their sex life too. He hadn't been here when she needed him, he never was.

"For the last six months he's been seeing someone. It's more than just 'seeing them', of course. He's given up golf to spend more time with her and now he's moved in. He won't be coming back, pet," Miranda sympathised.

"Oh! Mistress, I need looking after!" Geraldine wailed. Miranda slid off the sofa to comfort her, wrapping both arms tight around her cute little pet. She no longer thought of her as the bitch woman, and was more than willing to look after her.

Miranda dare not tell her pet the other woman was her mother. Her mother was older than pet, and a vey sexy woman, which was what Mathew wanted. He wanted a mother figure and a mistress, which is what her mother was good at providing. She was adventurous enough in bed to keep his interest too.

"I'll look after my pet. Don't worry your silly little head puppy-pet," Miranda said, while stroking her, comforting her tenderly.

"Thank you, mistress, so very much," Geraldine said, with a heartfelt sob. "Let me be your little puppy-girl. Protect your little puppy-girl from being a wanton bitch on heat. Fuck your pet so she doesn't want anyone else. Control your pet so she doesn't get into trouble, mistress. Pet promise to be good and do as she is told," the woman pleaded.

From the moment Geraldine realised her husband wasn't coming back it was accepted there would be no rescue, and no escape. There seemed no alternative to accepting the young girl as her mistress, for she needed looking after, needed controlling.

From that moment she relied upon her more and more. All she had to do was obey and everything was taken care of. All the worries of life melted away, leaving her a contented little puppy-girl, devoted to her mistress. She settled down in her role as a submissive puppy-girl, happily wagging her tail in the presence of her wonderful mistress, wanting nothing more than to be her obedient little pet.

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88girfriend88girfriend8 months ago

Thank you for this series. It is quite enjoyable.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 12 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comment

The submiisve boy? Worked it out eventually! The boy referred to and that whole scene is in Brandi and Kelley ch 09. he is the young guy who comes into the store and plays with the two captives. Brandi tries to pass him a message.

This is the same store Miranda takes Geraldine into. Read chapter Brandi and Kelley ch10 and see the connection of the two stories. They are independent stories and only slightly connected. In the next chapter of Miranda and Geraldine they connect again with the store owner.

M and G Ch06 will be ready in a few days time . . .

GeneseepawsGeneseepawsover 12 years ago
Miranda & Geraldine

Oh, damn that was a wonderful romp! Oh, I would love to see more. The college girl in the porn-shop did recognize her. The missing submissive boy? Something needs to be tied up there. And the husband will need his affects, and clothes. And, ...and, ... And! So many loose ends, to finish off. Please?

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 12 years agoAuthor

Yep! A couple more at least. So far it has been a continous and relentless game. Now the twists and turns of a plot are planned. Hope you appreciated the hints about her husband being absent!

Some other people and places will be brought back into the plot too! You might like to read the last 2 chapters of Brandi and Kelly to get a feel for those characters and a hint for the next 2 chapters of Miranda and Geraldine.

I'm saying no more!

MartinimanMartinimanover 12 years ago

This was an excellent chapter & the story has been fabulous! Hopefully there will be at least one more chapter & maybe more.

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