Missing Dolores - A Novella


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"What did you do today, Billy?" Linda finally asked her son. Sarah snorted, almost choking on her food. Linda shot her a glance.

"Nothing much," the boy furrowed his brow at his aunt. "What's so funny about that?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about something else." The two sisters exchanged amused glances.

After they had stuffed themselves on most of the casserole, Linda leaned back in her chair, exhaling.

"Whew, I'm a pretty good cook, if I do say so myself!

"Mom, that was great, thanks!" Billy let out a grand belch, punctuating the compliment.

"Oh, gross!" Sarah grimaced as she collected the plates and dinnerware. Linda put the lid on the casserole remnants, taking it to the kitchen. After a quick cleanup, the sisters returned to the front porch. The food was setting in, and Linda poured her second glass of cabernet. Or was it her third?

"Sarah, honey." Linda murmured, eyes closed. The day had depleted her. "Would you grab the cigarettes from my purse?"

"Okay, Sis." Sarah hopped up, her fingers brushing across Linda's arm as she passed. "Just as long as you don't fall off the wagon."

"Oh, it's just one." Linda briefly put her hand over her sister's. She was counting the minutes to when they could be alone again. "And the ashtray, please."

Sarah returned with a pack of Winstons, the ashtray and a black butane lighter, passing them off.

"Thanks." Linda pulled a cigarette from the pack, lighting it with the quick, expert flick of a seasoned smoker. She quit the habit several years back, but still enjoyed partaking on the rare occasion.

"Jesus Christ, I've had this pack since Easter." Linda took a drag, holding it in for a moment, then exhaling. "Tastes like it, too."

"Can I try one?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, me, too!" Billy chimed in.

"Oh, hell, no, kids!" Linda was quick to respond. "It's enough I let you drink wine, so be content with that." She took another puff. "This is a nasty, addictive habit." She tapped the cigarette against the small Bakelite ashtray. "You can sneak them behind my back, like any normal child would."

Several minutes passed without talk. The only sound was waves crashing in the distance and the squawking of seagulls. Linda pulled her thoughts away from what she and Sarah would do once they were alone and in bed. She finally spoke.

"How about a trip into town tomorrow? Mill about with the hoi polloi?" She was only half-serious. She abhorred the summer crowds and wished she could come during the winter, when Port Edmund was quiet and peaceful, with only random souls dotting the beach and freezing fog that rolled in off the water, making it perfect for a warm hearth and a cup of coffee or glass of wine. Perfect for two lovers cocooning themselves under thick blankets, creating a furnace of moist body heat.

Linda remembered their family trips before her mother's death. Visits to the beach house were more frequent, but it was always the two weeks spanning over Christmas and New Year's that she enjoyed the most.

To winter here with Dolores once my babies are off to college. I'd have to quit my job, though.

She recalled her drunken jest of selling her body to pay for necessities.

Better pack that one in, Linda-Momma. Doing tax prep would get you more customers.

The summer break troglodytes notwithstanding, she did enjoy looking through the seasonal arts and crafts displays lining Port Edmund's main street. There was one particular woman, about Linda's age, who liked to paint nudes of her young girlfriend. Linda loved the delicate, vaguely abstract images of the girl who was also by the artist's side constantly at the displays.

Oh, my. To share your heart and bed with this young girl. I certainly wouldn't turn her down.� � � � � � � � � � � � �

Most people assumed the girl was the artist's daughter and, with the general lack of permissiveness in those days, she didn't discourage that belief. Linda only discovered their relationship when overhearing a casual exchange.

"When we get home," the girl asked her lover, "will you go down on me? I really need it."

Dolores happened to be occupied examining some jewelry at another booth, and Linda kept the revelation to herself. Of course, she thought about the pair making love while Dolores devoured her pussy that evening. Linda so wanted to purchase one of the paintings, but chickened out every time. Now, Linda had her own young lover, all while keeping it in the family.

"Wading into the unwashed masses? Let me get back to you on that one," Sarah responded, sipping her wine. "I don't have any desire to get molested like last year."

Linda chuckled. She knew Sarah was overstating things.

"You protest too loudly, young lady." Big sister looked across the space to her sibling. "I think you got off on it."

"Oh, please!" Sarah drew her knees up, crossing her arms in an exaggerated manner, like a child. What a show! Linda couldn't help but taunt.

"Cover yourself up and that wouldn't happen."

"Fuck that, Sis!"

Linda's provocation elicited the desired effect, and now it was Sarah who was on the defensive. Kid sister scowled.

"Why is it up to me to cover myself? Guys can keep their fucking hands off."

Billy watched the two, silent but smiling. No way was he getting into this.

Linda couldn't help but laughing. "Now look who's so sensitive?" She pointed a finger at Sarah. "Gotcha!"

Still red-faced, Sarah couldn't help but smile as well. Linda then turned to her son, who had started fidgeting like he wanted to go.

"Have a hot date tonight?" Linda was tired and tipsy and now the nicotine was affecting her. "You look impatient."

"Can I go inside?"

"Stay here just a little longer, son." Linda took another drag from her smoke. She was on a roll. "You know this is the only time we get to talk as a family, and..." She flicked another ash, mindful it went into the ashtray. "In a year or so, both of you are going to be off to college or whatever and I'll never see you again." She was also manufacturing small talk to distract herself from her true desire, to get Sarah alone, in bed.

"Oh, Mom." Billy snorted. "So much drama!"

"Well, this is what a mother thinks about, dammit!" Linda wanted more wine, but chose to abstain. She couldn't help but gaze at the renewed bulge in her son's swim trunks. That was the reason Billy wanted to get off, literally, to get that thing under control.

Poor kid. Bet I could tame that monster.

"Oh, I'm sure you and Dolores can keep yourselves occupied." Sarah's voice teased.

Linda shot her a harsh glance. Sarah stuck out her tongue.

"You just concentrate on getting into college and not getting knocked up, okay?"

"Bitch, bitch, bitch!" Kid sister stretched out her long, slender leg, brushing her toes behind Linda's knee. "I'll have you know I'm on the pill."

"Sarah!" Linda's mouth fell open. Then she realized the wisdom of her sister's move.

I have to keep reminding myself she's an adult. She's nineteen and ready. God, we've had sex, but I'll never stop thinking of her as my kid sister, and my child!

She didn't say anything else, knowing she would come off as a prude. Even worse, a hypocrite.

"All right, Auntie Sarah!" Billy cheered, unable to keep his words in any longer. � � � � � � � � � � � � �

All the bickering and teasing was getting Linda hotter and hotter. The almost-mother and older sister part of her brain was overridden by the thought of her hungry mouth on Sarah's silky, blond pussy. Thinking of how Sarah so readily mounted her on the beach that afternoon had her teetering on the brink. She rubbed the insides of her thighs.

"Can I go now? Please?" Billy could be such a whiner.

"Okay, son." Linda acquiesced. Her son hopped to his feet. He had already pitched a tent and Linda clasped her hands together in case she was overcome by the impulse to reach out and touch it. "Go take care of things," she said in a low voice after he disappeared through the screen door.

"Oh, my!" Sarah kept rubbing her toes gently against the back of her sister's knee. "You're so soft right here."

Linda reached down and squeezed Sarah's foot. The touching made her pussy smolder! � � � � � � � � � � � � � "Well, he'll be occupied for a while." Sarah sat up, moving to the edge of her chair.

"No doubt," Linda responded, stubbing out her cigarette. She looked to her kid sister.� � � � � � � � � � � � �

I can't stand it any longer!

"I know it's early, but..."

Sarah didn't need any more prompting.

Within minutes, they were both naked in the shower, helping each other wash off the residue of the day, hands lovingly caressing and exploring every square inch of each other's flesh. They gave no thought to what Billy might think of them showering together. They had done so the previous evening, but now they couldn't use the pretense of being out of hot water. They were so focused on getting clean and under the covers, or on top of them, nothing else mattered.

Once in the bedroom, bathrobes came off, although Linda made sure decent nightwear was within reach, lest her son knock on the door.

"Sarah, I think there's a bag of cotton balls in the nightstand." Linda had them there for what few times she had to remove makeup. "Stuff a few into the keyhole."

"Good thinking."

The moment they slid under the covers, their naked bodies intertwined. Linda put her finger to her lips. "He can hear us as much as we can hear him, so be careful, my love." She compared Sarah's lithe body to Dolores's ample, curvaceous form. It was like driving a little sports car after years of piloting a full-sized sedan.

Filled with lust and need, both their bodies had become sensitive beyond belief, as if every nerve ending was on heightened alert. Sarah gasped as their nipples touched. She wrapped her legs around her older sister, pressing her tingling clit against Linda's thigh.

Moonlight filtered through the thin curtains as they made out, hungry mouths devouring each other's, slowly undulating, trying to keep the bedframe from squeaking.

"God, Sis, this is so fucking hot." Sarah panted into Linda's ear, then returned to countless eager kisses.

"Oh, yes, my love, yes! I just hope I'm not scarring you for life."

Sarah interrupted her sister's words with more deep, aggressive kisses before lowering her mouth to an erect nipple. Linda moaned in response as she nursed Sarah. Heaven!

The next moment, the covers were pushed down and Linda slid to the foot of the bed. Sarah understood what was happening and propped herself up on a couple of fluffy pillows, spreading her knees.

"May I?" Linda whispered, teasing, knowing the answer as she covered her sister's pale flesh with kisses, kisses which moved ever so slowly toward Sarah's throbbing pussy. The young woman, wet and aroused beyond belief, nodded quickly, eyes wild with desire.

Sarah tried not to whimper and writhe as Linda nuzzled her silky floss, taking her time, or trying to. She luxuriated in the feel of Sarah's pubes against her lips, nose and face, and the delicate scent of her need. A few minutes passed and Sarah impatiently started rubbing her clit against Linda's mouth. Linda responded by slipping her pointed tongue underneath Sarah's clit. Her head gently undulated, eliciting a strong response.

"Ohhh, yes!" She tried to keep quiet as Linda held her hips in place, lapping at her slick pinkness, teasing her erect nubbin within inches of madness. Sarah tried not to grab her sister's head and hump against her mouth, but it was difficult. "That's it, that's it...ahhh..."

The climax came quickly as Sarah's body quivered with pleasure, forcing another moan of satisfaction out of Linda. With her face coated in juices, Linda quickly slid back up beside her sister. More impatient need as they licked and kissed, both reveling in Sarah's copious wetness.

The next moment, Sarah again took a nipple in her mouth, spearing one of her sister's dangling fruits. Linda quelled a loud yelp, bracing her hands on the headboard as her sister's hungry mouth began sucking aggressively.

"Oh, god, yesss!" Linda hissed. "Let Mama nurse her baby."

You fucking incestuous pervert!

Sarah moaned as she took Linda's other breast in her hand, squeezing it and rolling the nipple between her fingers. Linda couldn't help but start undulating against Sarah's leg, her pussy dripping with need. After several minutes of nirvana, Linda spoke.

"Switch," she commanded. Sarah released her breast and took the other one. More sparks of pleasure as Linda fought to keep from raping her sister.

"God, I love this." She whispered. "But I need you on top of me."

Immediately, they switched positions and again Sarah mounted her big sister just like she did on the beach. Without a word, Linda gripped Sarah's slim buttocks and the urgent friction began. She marveled at how light and manageable Sarah's body was, although she missed Dolores's large breasts rubbing and mashing against hers.

Six of one, half a dozen of another. Both incredible.

Extremely mindful of noise, they quickly found a rhythm, keeping an ear out for an errant squeak, desperately trying to refrain from moans and gasps. Clit rubbed against clit for what seemed like forever. The two siblings gazed into each other's eyes as the pleasure built to a crescendo. Sarah, mouth agape, crested first, soon followed by her sister.

"Yes! Yes!"

Linda growled as they extinguished the raging fire between them, or at least held it back for the moment. Siblings writhed together, shuddering, panting, as the spasms subsided. Soon, they lie in each other's arms, Linda accepting the slight weight of her sister's body, now resting on top, still nestled between her thighs.

"Oh, my god." Linda breathed into her sister's ear. "Where did you learn to love a woman like that?" Linda knew she was prying again, but after what just happened, she had to know. "Someone had to teach you."� � � � � � � � � � � � �

Sarah again nuzzled an erect nipple, kissing it repeatedly as she delayed responding. Her sister certainly didn't mind. "I want to tell you," she finally spoke against her sister's breast. "But you may get angry with me."

Linda, her mind, heart and body blissfully spent and peaceful, looked down at her sister's face.

"What, practicing with the boys? Or do you have a female lover? How?" Her voice had developed a pleading sound. Desperate to know, she never imagined her kid sister could give so much pleasure.

"No." The young woman hesitated.

"I'm sorry to pry, but after what we've done, what's the harm in exposing another secret?"

"Well, I..." Sarah fought to get the words out. "I've been spying on you and Dolores at night."

Linda, instead of feeling angry or embarrassed, smiled. "Oh, my god." She kissed her sister's hair again and again. "You naughty little voyeur. But how?"

Sarah, relaxing somewhat, continued. "Well, all of us know you and Dolores are lovers, and we're glad." She rested her cheek against Linda's smooth, warm skin. "Even Grampa, although he never says anything outright."

"That part just blows my mind." Linda whispered, her eyes gleaming in the dull, silvery-blue moonlight.

"I couldn't shake the image of you and Dolores having sex. I was so curious, I just had to see."

"But how did you watch? Dolores and I were so careful, even blocking the keyholes to our rooms."

"Yeah, that was disappointing. At first, I just pressed my ear against the door, listening. As quiet as you two tried to be, I couldn't help but hear." Sarah snorted. "Fucking isn't a quiet process, no matter how hard you try."

"You can say that again, honey."

"Anyhow, I tried looking under the door, but I couldn't see a fucking thing in the dark. Then I came upon an idea."

"Do tell." The thought that her kid sister watched the two women in their most secret moments of passion was getting Linda aroused again.

"I put on my slippers and snuck out the back door. Then I'd hide behind the lilac bushes and look into your window, the one next to your bed."

"Oh, my!" Linda chuckled again, now fully aroused and ready. Envisioning Sarah peering through the window and getting an education was really doing a number on her. "When did this start?"

"Oh, just about a year ago. It took me a little while to figure out a process, but when I did..."

"You got a nightly show."

"Yep! And no one was the wiser."

"Why you sneaky little turd." Linda's voice conveyed amusement, squeezing her sister tight. "I'm impressed by your initiative."

"And god, what an education! You two were so hot, I couldn't help but masturbate watching you."

"Oh, sweet Jesus." Linda found herself moving against Sarah again, clit swollen and sensitive beyond belief. Her voice quivered with fresh lust. "You're such an attentive student. You certainly learned a lot."

"Uh-huh." Sarah returned the friction, lips again brushing across her sister's nipple. "A girl's gotta know."

"And what about last night, when we woke up in that most shocking and delicious way?"

"I swear, Sis, that wasn't planned, but it did convince me how sex with you wouldn't be a mistake."

Again, they were at it.

"Fuck...fuck..." Linda gasped as they climaxed again. "Oh, sweet Sarah, my love."

"Yes...oh god, yes..." Sarah again rested atop her sister.

Soon, they fell into a deep sleep, bodies melded together, while the moonlight receded. Sometime past midnight, after the moon sank below the horizon, the room was entirely devoid of light, silent, except for the light wisps of two sibling lovers breathing.

Sunday, June 9.

Creak creak creak creak...

A now-familiar noise filtered through the ceiling sometime in the wee hours. Linda and Sarah were still dead to the world, entwined in each other's arms but, in time, Linda started her ascent to the surface.

Creak creak creak creak...

Although she fought against it, the persistent noise pulled her toward consciousness. The next moment, Linda opened her eyes.

Creak creak creak creak...

Her brow furrowed.

What the fuck? Oh.

She realized what was happening.

Ah, my son. At it again.

She looked over to the yellow glow of the electric Westclox. One twenty-three. Linda felt her sister moving, her breathing disturbed. The next moment, Sarah looked into her sister's eyes in the virtually non-existent light.

"Here we go again," Sarah whispered in a sleepy voice, rolling her eyes. The noise quickened, then they heard a muffled groan. A few creaks of the floorboard above and the rhythmic creaking slowed to a halt.

"All of that wasted come," Sarah lamented with a gentle sigh.

"That poor kid's just wearing his cock out." Linda gazed at the ceiling. "So sad. I wonder if he has a girlfriend?"

"No. I can guarantee you that." Sarah pulled away from her sister's embrace, stretching her naked body out like a big cat and emitting a muffled groan. "Otherwise, he wouldn't be home all the time." She switched on the lamp atop the nightstand, creating a soft, incandescent glow around the bed. Sitting up, she turned to her disheveled, sleepworn sister. They eyed each other's nakedness, exchanging smiles.

"He'd be out dating and getting laid, like any normal eighteen-year-old." Sarah reached out and placed her hand flat between her sister's breasts. Linda placed her hand over Sarah's.

"What will we do with that boy?" She asked. Sarah arched an eyebrow and smirked, saying nothing.

"Oh, please." Linda was fucking her sister, and loving it, but her son was something else.

"So, I'm okay, but Billy is forbidden?"

"Sarah!" Linda caught herself, covering her mouth. "That's different."

"Billy and I are just a year apart." Sarah crossed her arms, again raising her brow. "Although he's not nearly as mature as me."