Molly's Muse Pt. 02


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Molly thrust harder; his strong thighs were choking her shaft as she fucked.

"Fuck, you're so hard," said Paul. "I like your shoving a steel rod between my legs. So erotic. I love you're big, beautiful, hard girl-cock."

His body always felt amazing no matter what she was doing to it, but this time it was his words that were bringing her close to her end. Paul seemed to have a way of saying the perfect thing exactly when she needed to hear it.

Molly ducked her head down and bit into Paul's shoulder, her orgasm close.

"That's right, sweet girl. I won't break."

She bit down harder on him after hearing his encouragement, making him wince, but loving that she was finally letting go, if only a little. He spat in his hands and brought them down where Molly's cock was thrusting through his legs and grabbed onto her, letting her slide in and out of his palms. She moaned at the addition.

Girlish, whining noises worked their way up from her chest and out her open mouth as she kept biting down harder and harder on Paul. He heavy balls clenched and launched a river of girlcum up through her cock-vein and sprayed out on to the bed in front of their cuddled bodies, soaking the already filthy bedsheets.

Her mewling became ragged and shaky, and her body locked up. Paul used his hands to continue milking her cock as soon as she stopped thrusting, helping her ride out her orgasm.

Molly pulled back and looked down at Paul's shoulder, worried she'd hurt him again. There was a very prominent bite mark, but no blood. She didn't break the skin. Paul was right, she was mothering him too much.

She couldn't help it. Not only did she like taking care of him, but there was always the possibility lingering in the back of her mind that Paul still didn't fully understand where her dickgirl urges might take them if she wasn't careful.

The 'barbarian-futa-warrior' might be a myth, a fetish, at least in her case, but stereotypes are born from kernels of truth.

"I know it's uncommon for men," said Paul, bringing Molly out of her thoughts, "but what about dickgirls? Can you cum twice like I did?"


Paul rolled his eyes, "You're taking care of me again. I have a feeling there's more to that answer."

Molly put her forehead to Paul's back and sighed, "As long as I'm hard, which can be always if I let it, and I have a warm hole to fuck, I can cum as much as a I want. Dickgirls don't need to recover like men do."

"Interesting. So, if I told you to put your dick in my ass right now and fuck me as much as you want, you'd just keep periodically cuming until I told you to stop?"


"I can see how that might be both cool and annoying."

"It's controllable. And you get used to it. Though it's more or less why most of my staff are futa... more understanding, less complications."

"You can, you know."


"Fuck my ass again. It's sore, but I can manage."

"I appreciate the offer, but we do have other work to do. I sent you the pages I have done to be edited, and Cassie is probably annoyed I haven't made my way to the office yet."

"OK, but if we are about to be around people, I'm going to need another shower. We smell like cum."

"Yes, we do. C'mon, I'll wash you."

Molly planned for the shower to be all business, but it didn't take much teasing or convincing from Paul to let him get her off again. He used his hands and mouth and quickly worked another load from her.

Molly made it a point when she came to cover as much of Paul in her seed as she could. She really liked the idea of using her soapy body to wash a warm, fresh load off of as much of Paul as she could.

Of all the things he'd done with Molly so far, for some reason, her insistence to wash and dry him was the one thing he thought was the most confusing. It didn't bother him, it was rather enjoyable be doted on in that way, but for someone as sexually charged as Molly, it was a weirdly non-sexual kink.

Clean and dry, they got dressed. Molly spent a few minutes on her hair and make-up before she was finally ready.

Paul couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was.

Yesterday she had worn jeans and a t-shirt, today she was a wearing a pleated skirt that fell just below mid-thigh with a thin camisole top, which made it painfully obvious to him that she had opted out of a bra. Her top hid absolutely nothing and her tits swayed and bounced with every move she made.

Looking further down, he also found that she was going 'tuck-less', leaving her girlcock to dangle and bulge through the front of her skirt. He could see the barest hints of her cockhead peeking out of the bottom hem when she walked. She was unapologetically lewd about her clothing choices today.

"You expect to me to get work done with you walking around looking like that? No bra, no panties?"

"You'll manage. And when you don't," she flipped up the front of her skirt to show off her cock and jiggled her tits for effect, "easy access."

"As much as I appreciate the thought, what about your other employees? Will they enjoy this look as much as I do?"

"Meh. Today is going to be a lot of just me and you stuck in the office doing screen work, but if we have guests, or if I need to venture out, I can always tuck and put on a jacket or something. I like how you ogle me to cover up too much, it reminds of the wide-eyed stare you gave me when I first walked in to meet you yesterday."

"You caught that did you? I thought I covered myself pretty well. I'm a professional after all."

"You did, and you are, but I was looking for it. It was brief, but it was there."

"You've been a step ahead of me since the moment Cassie called to schedule the interview, haven't you?

"Of course."

Paul walked over and kissed her. Pulling away he smiled and said, "you are so very fascinating."

Molly smiled in return but said nothing. He was doing it again, saying or doing something that caused her to lose a step and leave her off-balance.

They had admitted there was something more going on between them, but not really what that meant. The specifics didn't matter at the moment, though. It was enough that they both knew it was there.

Molly took Paul's hand and led him to the elevator. She pressed a button and it opened. They both stepped in, the doors closed, and they elevator moved down.

"Out of curiosity, how rich to you have to be to get your own elevator?"

"Very," said Molly.

"So... does that make you my sugar momma?"

He was obviously joking, but she looked at him seriously, "I'll be whatever you want me to be."

Paul was not expecting that, the way she was looking at him made the statement even more pointed.

"Ok then," he said, not knowing where else to go with it.

"Sorry, that was more intense than it should have been. I have an embarrassing amount of money, so the topic is weird to me, even when you're joking about it. I don't ever want it to be a thing between us."

"Why would it?"

"Money is always an issue, whether you have enough or not."

"I guess that's true. If it makes it any better, you being astronomically more successful than me doesn't make me uncomfortable. I admired you long before you seduced me."

"Let's keep it that way. You need to tell me when, or if, something like that bothers you."

The mood had darkened some with the serious topic change. In a direct attempt to break the tension, he pushed Molly up against the elevator wall, lifted her shirt, and buried his face between her tits.

Molly didn't stop him, instead hugging him closer into her chest and squeezing her tits around him. As if some stupid, unoriginal writer had been designing the scene, the elevator chose that moment to arrive at its intended floor and open its doors. A small group of women were waiting, all having different reactions to their CEO having her tits out, a man buried between them.

"Oh good, we were just coming to see you," said Grace, not bothering to comment on the scene. "We weren't sure if you'd be coming down today. Cassie has some papers for you to sign. Probably some for Paul too. If he's been hired on, that is." She leered at the two of them, "Something tells me he has."

Cassie was standing in the group next to Grace, smiling from ear to ear, and gave the elevator duo a quirky little wave.

Paul quickly removed himself from Molly when he realized his attempt at lightening the mood had turned into a show. His face was beet red.

Molly, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction. Not bothering to pull her shirt down and cover herself, she stared out at the small gathering with contempt, like they were the ones being rude by interrupting her.

"Great," she said dryly, "here I am."

"Here you are," said Grace. She turned slightly and watched as Paul tried to compose himself. She found his discomfort at being caught incredibly cute, especially considering she had seen him wrapped in only a few bed sheets a few hours before.

Molly noticed Grace's leer at Paul and her mood darkened once again.

"You said you weren't serious," said Molly.

"I wasn't," replied Grace, still looking at Paul.

"But not you are."

"Now I am."

Mollly then looked at Cassie.

"Cassie," said Molly, "please show Paul to my office where he'll be working. Have him take care of whatever employment documents you need and put the papers I need to sign on my desk." She turned her attention back to Grace. "Grace, a quick meeting in your office, please."

Paul had forgotten about his embarrassment for the moment, concentrating more on the tone in Molly's voice as she gave her instructions to the staff. It was incredibly sexy to watch her in 'boss mode'.

Paul briefly wondered if there was going to be any part of Molly he'd see that didn't make him immediately want to tear her clothes off. He'd have to get her to use her boss voice on him at some point. It wouldn't even have to be about sex. People make porn about being ordered around by a crazy hot boss with big tits.

So, maybe it was about sex. It was hard for it not to be with Molly looking like she did. She oozed sex.

Molly finally fixed her shirt, exaggeratedly took Paul's hand so everyone could see her do it and led him out of the elevator. She looked at him, still serious, "I have a few things to take care of before getting back to the office, you should have the pages I wrote yesterday in your inbox. Start working on those once Cassie has what she needs."

Cassie was still smiling at them, though not in the same way Grace had been, but Molly was on edge and took it negatively anyway.

"What you need legally, Cassie. Nothing more."

"Of course, Molly," said Cassie.

Molly frowned. She knew this was coming and should've warned Paul about it. She was confident he could handle himself but didn't feel any better about leaving him. She knew she was beautiful, but there were women in her employ more so, and it made her nervous for Paul to be around them. He was 'broken in' now, so to speak, and dickgirls could always tell.

She couldn't be around him all the time, however, as much as she wanted to, so she'd need to learn to live with him being alone around these other girls.

Cassie left in one direction, motioning for Paul to follow, while Molly and Grace took off in another.

Paul was missing something. Molly was acting weird. Almost possessive of him. He'd have to ask Molly next time he saw her.

Walking behind Cassie, she led him around some corners and down a few hallways before coming to a door that had "Molly Denton, CEO" posted on it. He didn't miss the smaller nameplate under it that read "Paul Becker, Editor", and felt a swell of pride that he had an office with his name on it.

Sure, it was Molly's office, and he was only working in it for now, but it was still a step up from his last job where he was forced to where a company shirt and nametag. Jobs that made you where nametags were always shit.

"Here we are," said Cassie opening the door.

Paul stepped through and stopped. He didn't understand what he was looking at.

"Where am I? Are you sure we have the right office?"

"I know, right," answered Cassie. "Molly is always so fastidious everywhere else, but her office is a disaster."

The room was large, which made it even more of a surprise that it was littered, almost from floor to ceiling, with stacks upon stacks or books, loose papers, folders, files, and just about anything else you can think of that would belong in an office. In one corner there was a small table with six printers on it, none of which looked to be plugged in.

There was a large desk towards the back of the room covered in clutter. It didn't look like there would be enough room for Molly to use it for anything clerical. There was hardly a space for her to put a computer.

"It's beautiful," Paul mumbled under his breath. Molly had once again outdone herself in being unpredictable.

"What?" asked Cassie.


Cassie eyed him "Sure..." She said, thinking there was no way she heard him right.

"Your laptop is over on that desk," she continued, pointing to a small desk off to the side of Molly's. "I'll help you get it booted and walk you through all the onboarding employee portal stuff. It's tedious, but necessary."

"Sounds good."

It was then Paul noticed the chairs.

"No way."


"Recliners... as desk chairs. Are those the same ones from the conference room yesterday?

"Of course not," said Cassie. "Why would we move them in here?"

"You know... it's getting kind of old that the people in this office look at me like I'm the weird one for asking questions like that. Who the hell uses recliners as desk chairs?"


Paul paused, thought about it, then nodded, as if that was answer enough.

They made their way over to the desk, Cassie pulling an extra, non-reclining chair up to the desk so she wouldn't have to hover over his shoulder. They got the computer up and running and started going through the various motions of new employment.

When Cassie had brought Paul to an especially boring and tedious part of the process, her curiosity got the best of her.

"Hey Paul?"


"Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?"

"You can ask, I might not answer."

"That's fair," agreed Cassie, "I was just curious, why did you take this job once it became clear what it entailed? You don't seem like the type."

"What type of person were you expecting?"

"I don't know exactly, maybe someone who was already into girls like us? Kind of a 'I know it when I see it' kind of thing I guess."

"You mean dickgirls?"

"Is that what she has you calling us? I was always fond of being called futanari myself, sounds more exotic."

Paul shrugged. Cassie copied the gesture.

"You didn't answer my question, why take the job?"

"I don't know how to answer it, honestly. It wasn't so much the 'job'," he said using air quotes, "as much as it was Molly. Something about her made me want to stay. Don't get me wrong, though, this job is amazing to. Don't think I would have even been considered by anyone but someone like Molly."

"That's... sweet, kind of. Do you think she'd say something similar if I asked why she hired you?"

"Not even going to pretend to know what's going on in that girls head. I can say I hope she would."

"I see." Cassie sat back in her chair. "Well, this is new."

"What? Am I doing this form wrong?"

"No, you're doing fine with that. It's you and Molly. She and her editors don't usually get... attached."

"Why does that matter?"

"It does and it doesn't. I probably shouldn't say anything. I'm surprised Molly hasn't already, though."

Paul rolled his eyes at Cassie's dodge. "You can't lead me on like that just to leave me hanging," he said.

"Yes, I can." She gave him a smug smile. "But I won't. It's nothing too serious. More logistical than anything else."

"Make's sense why you'd mention it then," Paul said sarcastically.

Cassie smiled, but continued, "Molly doesn't usually care if her editors stay exclusive to her while she's 'working' with them. It's not uncommon for us other girls to 'sample the goods' for ourselves. We can be a horny bunch, as I'm sure you know."


"And... something tells me that isn't going to be the case with you. I planned on hitting on you once we were alone. Shoot my shot, you know? You're very cute and 'fresh', so to speak."

Paul had no response.

"Then I saw how Molly looked at you, and especially how she looked at Grace when she started eye-fucking you."

"Is that what that was?"

Cassie nodded. "Get used to it. We lot can be both territorial and competitive when it comes to sex. You'll probably get hit on by most of the staff while you're here. At least until word spreads that Molly probably has no intention of sharing you."

"Any way we can expedite the news? Not that I couldn't use the ego boost of a few crazy hot women coming on to me, but I'd rather not be the cause of intra-office turmoil. I especially have no desire to upset Molly."

"It'll spread fast enough. Some won't care, like Grace, and try to seduce you anyway."

"And you?"

"Molly isn't the only one who could use a little inspiration these days. The look on her face when you had your head buried in her tits was the most peaceful I've seen from her in years. She deserves to be happy. If that means, just this once, I have to beg off, I will."

"Nice of you. One less person for me to turn down."

There were a few minutes of silence before Paul voiced some of his own curiosities.

"Cassie? Care if I ask something personal?"

"Sure," she replied.

"Are all dickgirls as hot as the ones in the office?"


"Any reason why that you know of? Seems unfair to the rest of us mortals"

"Evolution, maybe? We are a generally new gender compared to males and females. Then there is the fact most of us have oversized penises and hyper sex drives. Kind of hard to find a 'mate' with all that going on. Being hot might be nature's way of balancing that."

"I can see that. Are you all mostly into men? I don't know many men who'd be into what you girls are offering, regardless of how pretty you are. Though given my new experiences, I could be way off on that mark."

"Hell no. We'll get down with anyone, including other dickgirls. We'd go extinct pretty quick if it were only about mean. In fact, Molly is the only girl I know who is strictly into men."

Paul nodded, then indicated his screen, "I think I'm done," he said, meaning both with his questions and with the forms.

"So you are," she said in reply. "I know Molly has some pages for you, so I'll leave you to it."

With that, Cassie gathered her things, dropped some papers on Molly's desk and made her way to the door. Before leaving she turned back to Paul, needing one more answer from him.



"It's more than job to you, right?"

"As much as Molly will allow it to be."

Cassie nodded once and left.


Paul sat back in his desk recliner utterly devastated. He'd read through the few pages Molly had sent him three times since Cassie left, the contents of which sent him into a spiral of self-loathing and depression. If he tried all his life, he would never be able to write something as valuable as what Molly had written in less than a day. His career was over before it had ever even started.

He was a hack. A poser licking at the teat of immensity. Literally, as the case with him and Molly may be.

He came into the building yesterday knowing he would never reach the heights of someone like Molly, and he was ok with that. The majority of anything, anyone, drowned in a sea of mediocrity throughout their entire existence, regardless of how well they swam.

It was the law of averages.

To have it here, in front of him, unabashedly laughing and shitting on his dreams was an exercise in cruel honesty Paul had not been prepared for.