Mom and Me - Adventures with Spunk Ch. 04


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Yeah. Totally. As if I would EVER have the brass balls to even think about doing something like that. I didn't say anything but simply nodded. Boy, did my throat feel dry. I was a bundle of nerves as Mom suddenly reached up to the front of her brassiere and unclipped it. Still holding the garment to her chest, she looked up at me under her halo of Doris Day hair.

"Ready?" she asked.




Mom dropped her bra onto the floor.

Leaving her standing there with her right arm across her firm bust. Then she slowly let it drop until the fruits of her chest spilled over and her abundant charms swayed, jiggled, and bounced in a way that made me gasp out loud. Well, there you go. My first ever look at real honest to God boobs and they belonged to my own flesh and blood. The more I stared, the harder I had to pinch the head of my dick

Mom saw I was having penile premature ejaculation problems. "Take a deep breath, sweetie," she urged, "I'm going to take my panties off and I don't want you to make a mess on the carpet."

Deep breath taken, I stood there in a heightened state of excitement as I watched her slip her thumbs into the elastic of her sexy black underwear and slowly ease the panties down to leave them in a puddle at her feet. Then she sort of stood there a little self-consciously as I looked her up and down with my rapt attention fixed on the light fuzzball vee at the business end of her crotch.

What can you say? She looked amazing standing there in nothing but her black garter, stockings, and suspenders. No doubt about it, Mom was a looker and carried herself with a confidence that age and experience brings. Sometimes you really can't see the wood for the trees even if you're living under the same roof.

For some unexplained reason, I had the strangest feeling that events were beginning to take on some sort of predefined shape as if pieces were being moved on a chessboard and that my life was being subtly altered both physically and emotionally for the better.

"Alright?" said Mom, breaking me out of the pussy spell I was under.

Lifting my eyes from her hypnotic crotch, I realized she was staring at me with an amused look on her very pink face. "Uh, yeah," I nodded awkwardly, "I just, what I mean is, I don't know what to say."

"Sometimes," she said, "You don't need to say anything at all, sweetie. Maybe you just need to remove your clothes and then we can take it from there."

Okay. That's doable. I quickly reached up and pulled my t-shirt over my head then set to work on my jeans which followed in double quick time leaving me standing there in just my boxers. Sensible plain blue ones this time.

"My, my," smiled Mom amused, "Looks like Mister Ed wants to break free," She nodded at my painfully erect penis which was pressed back against my stomach with the head reaching my belly button.

Time for real talk. "Uh, Mom," I mumbled, "I'm not sure I can do it properly. This first time. I feel like I'm going to squirt just by looking at it. I mean, your uh vagina," Geez, I sound like it was the first day at school. Which is exactly what it was. First day of term at learn all about sex school with special guest star - your Mom!

The woman in question came over and we both looked down at my distended pecker. She with amusement. Me with consternation. "In that case, Henry," she smiled reassuringly, "You just be a good boy and listen to what me and my vagina tell you and we'll all get along just dandy."

There was another thing on my mind. Something seriously important. "Uh, Mom," I said, pointing at my weeping sausage, "Don't you think I need to, uh, like, put something on it? You know, just in case."

"Oh," said Mom as the penny dropped, "It's fine, sweetie. You don't need to worry about that sort of thing. See, before you popped out, you decided to rearrange the furniture so I had to get a little plumbing done to fix things. Only child remember."

Well, there was a thing. You really do learn something new every day. Funny that it's just before you lose your virginity to your own Mom. Trust me to come out ass first.

"So it's okay then?" I asked, "You know, to uh do it inside you."

Mom put her hand on my arm. "Isn't that the whole reason we're doing this?" she smiled, "To give everything a good mix and stir the pot?"

Well, that was certainly one way to put it. Even if it was the most ridiculous thing we'd both ever heard. Which was something we both needed to hear as it kind of broke the ice between us as we both laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of what we were about to do.

Sitting down on my single bed, Mom shuffled back to rest on her elbows with her thighs pressed enticingly together as if to hide her hidden charms from my lusty gaze. "Now sweetie," she said, looking up at me as I stood there with Sir Lancelot standing proud and throbbing between us as I shuffled off my boxers, "Take your time. Just go easy. Get between my legs and lower yourself down until you feel comfortable."

Doing as I was told, I nervously approached the bottom of my bed and knelt forward as Mom slowly opened her thighs to reveal her perfectly defined vagina looking wet and ready under a tuft of trimmed blonde pubic hair. My heart was bouncing around inside my chest like crazy as I stared at her snatch. Wow, fucking amazing. Knocking on that door could easily become an obsession in no time. But this was the here and now. I could hardly believe this was happening. Me with all my lumps, bumps, and insecurities about to have sex. This was it. One of those defining moments in life that can change you from the person you were into the person you're meant to be even if the moment itself isn't the natural way of things at all.

"Oh," said Mom as if it was an afterthought, "No kissing, dear. Understand?"

No kissing. Okay. Why would I want to kiss my own Mom that way anyway? It's not like we were going to get all lovey-dovey about all this. The love we shared wasn't that kind of love for either of us. Letting my weight ease forward, I covered Mom carefully and waited until she felt me get into position.

Settled down on top of her, the most obvious thing I immediately noticed was the living breathing warmth of her nakedness rising towards me as she eased her firm stockinged thighs further apart to accommodate the greater width of my own spreading her apart. I raised my arm's either side of her making sure I supported my weight on them as I felt the hard buttons of her nipples pressing into my bare chest.

The top of her head just about reached my chin with us both looking down to where my dick and her pussy were playing dodgeball. I was as stiff as a poker with the head of my prick already slick with my pre-cum juices. Mom wriggled around for a second as she got into position under me before she reached down with her small right hand, gently grabbed my twitching member which was bouncing around between us and presented the flared dome to her waiting pussy.

Hang on. Was I missing something here? Slick Willie was leaking juice like a tap but what about Mom? Didn't she need to do the same and lube herself up? Maybe I should ask her. Munching on some hairy beaver to get her ready for penetration sounded scarily awesome but I was more than willing to give it a go. But Mom, as ever, was way ahead of me.

"Listen, I'm not a block of wood you know," she laughed, "It's not like you're going up me dry. Everything still works down below last time I looked. Here hon, just ease forward with your hips and I'll tell you when to push."

Push? Push didn't even begin to explain the urgent surges making my whole body twitch like a tap dancing frog. More like a slam dunk. More than anything right now I just wanted to ram my cock right into her hole and fuck that pussy until I filled it to the brim with my freshly made spunk.

The corona of her sex felt red hot and slick as Mom pressed the head of my penis against the lips of her sex and eased it an inch or so inside. Holy cow. You really need to let me shove it in, Mom. Going to lose my tiny mind here. All I could think about was GOTTA FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. Come on, Mom. Knocking on your door real loud now. LET ME IN. Boy, my blue balls were aching like crazy now.

"Alright, Henry," Mom said excitedly, "Now I just want you to give a little shove and ease that nice big cock inside my pussy a little bit at a time."

Thank fuck for that. Flexing my quivering ass cheeks, I pressed forward on my journey into the unknown feeling the tingles running up and down my spine as I experienced the first moments of penetration.

"Oh!" she gasped suddenly as the slick head of my dick popped through her outer ring with the mouth of her sex snapping behind the mushroom dome to grab me tight, "Ooo!" Mom let out a soft grunt as she rocked her hips to either side easing the pressure inside her slot as my large cock throbbed wantonly as I slid it further up inside her stretched hole.

Go slow? Take it easy? Who was she kidding? No chance. The only thing that mattered was getting my whole God damned dick inside this surprisingly tight pussy ASAP. Mom must know that I'm not going to be able to control myself once the heebie geebies take over. Seconds later, my hips responded spasmodically and with two quick shoves, I buried my long schlong deep inside my Mother.

I was a virgin no more.

Thank fuck.


As I'd often imagined, sex was the best thing ever.

"Take it easy, sweetie," breathed Mom as she held onto my hips to control the pressure my cock was starting to exert as I moved slowly back and forth. The last thing Mom would want was me going at her like a bull at a gate, "Just let it come naturally. Oh my, I never realized your cock was that fat, dear!"

Uh. Holy shit. Hearing Mom talk like that wasn't helping me one bit. Blinking, I could feel my whole body covered in sweat as I concentrated like fuck trying to last as long as possible. This was the one fuck I'd remember to my dying day and I wanted more than anything for it to be one to remember for the both of us.

Steady as she goes, skipper. Push in. Pull out. Nice and smooth. Pressed up on my elbows, I hung over Mom as she had her head slightly turned away from me with her eyes closed tight, her skin flushed pink, and a smile on those lips she told me not to kiss.

More than anything, I loved the way her black stockings felt against my skin as they gripped me either side of my torso. Her legs were arched back which made her pussy tighten around my persistent thrusts which added to the sheer kinetic joy of our fucking.

Wanting the experience to last forever but knowing the best part would only happen when it came to an end, I began to thrust harder which made our dueling crotches bounce on the single bed which was squeaking away merrily as our passions rose to their individual peaks.

"Henry," gasped Mom suddenly with her body rippling erotically under me, "Keep doing that, dear," she urged, "Only faster!"

Yeah. THAT felt REAL good. I was beginning to feel the rhythm and judge how to fuck properly so that we both experienced the full benefit from my deep penetration. But that didn't last long. Emotion began to take over and the sheer animalistic thrill of my first time overwhelmed my senses until I was going at it hammer and tongs. The headboard was banging the wall as I pounded her pussy like my life depended on it. Mom had wrapped her arms around my neck and was hanging on tight. Her soft sighs, girlish squeals, and breathless whispers filled my head as I neared my climax and it sure as fuck felt like I was about to shoot a serious amount of spunk into her hot wet eager sex.

Instinct had captured us both and we rutted away like Mr & Mrs. Bunny until what I can only describe as an indescribable rush of pleasure flooded my senses, tripped my sex reflex, and lit my rocket for liftoff. Fireworks were going off in my head. Here we go. The familiar twinge surged between my asshole and ball sack making me jerk forward involuntary.

Hunching over her like a rutting gerbil, I gave a strangulated gurgling groan of ecstatic release. "Ah, shit. Coming, Mom!" I yelped as my thrusts pushed her up the bed.

Grasping me tighter to her, my Mother buried her face into my shoulder as she stroked my hair and cooed into my left ear. "Do it, baby," she whispered, "Fill Mommy's pussy with your thick spunk. Oh, there it is. I can feel you spurting inside me, Henry!"

Swept up in a blinding whiteout, I hung there for a moment in suspended ejaculation as I became nothing more than a flesh and blood piston delivering sperm to where it was meant to go. Each release was better than the last until my testicles had given Mom's pussy all they had to give. Once empty, I collapsed onto her warmth like a deflated balloon and drifted off on my own little ocean of bliss.

After what felt an age, I felt her shifting under me. "Henry," she urged as she gave me a shake, "Wake up, Henry. You're getting a little heavy, sweetie."

Uh. What? Oh. I was still floating around on cloud nine in a post spunk daze but her words made me ease of her and roll to my right forgetting we were on my single bed. And so I blindly rolled straight over the edge onto the floor with a loud thud and groan from a thoroughly sated and spent Son.

Which, when you think about it, was where this whole adventure started to begin with.


Later, alone in my bedroom, I looked at myself in the wardrobe mirror wondering what my identical twin was thinking right now. An hour ago, I was a completely different person to the person I was now. At least I had the impression I was. Like I had taken the next step on the ladder of life. I guess I wasn't such a teenage dirtbag anymore.

There was a soft knock on the door and Mom put her head around. She was in her sensible flowery dressing gown and wearing slippers. "Thought I'd see how you were before going to bed," she smiled warmly, "Everything okay?"

Mom had definitely changed in my eyes. She meant so much more after what she had done for me both mentally and physically. Whatever I said to her would never ever be enough. "Yeah, I'm fine, Mom," I replied, feeling slightly sheepish as I nodded.

"Good, I'm glad," she said, "Remember, whatever happens, you mean the world to me and I will always be there for you when need me, sweetie. All you have to do is ask. Now, you get yourself into bed and we'll call it a night,"

She started to close the door.


"Yes, hon?"

I stared at her. "Tomorrow," I asked, "What do I, what I mean is, do we, you know, do what we did earlier again?"

"Do you want to do it again?"

More than anything. "Yes, Mom," I told her, "More than anything."

Mom smiled. "Then we do whatever it is you want us to do tomorrow," she replied as she slowly closed the door, "Goodnight, Son. Sleep tight."

The last thing I wanted to do was sleep. So many things were going through my head and as I lay there in my single bed staring up into the dark all I knew was that my sexual adventures with my Mother were going to continue...


The end of part 4. Concludes in part 5.

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KnobboyKnobboyover 1 year ago

Fab story..

Kept my knob well hard. Thanks

MiniwandMiniwandabout 5 years ago
Too fast

In the first three parts the story was going along nice and slow and BOOM they have sex in chapter 4. It came out of nowhere. Before this his mom giving him a BJ was a huge deal and nothing followed. Then the doctor says he have to have sex and that's it.

It feels rushed.

dispatcher59dispatcher59almost 6 years ago
Great story

And great build up. The first couple of stories were really funny, too, along with the steady build to the climax in this episode. Looking forward to part 5.

One nitpick if I may: please review the correct usage of an apostrophe. You don't use it for a plural. Otherwise, well written.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57almost 6 years ago

Loved it! Can't wait until chapter five! Five stars and a favorite point!

kennyboy82kennyboy82almost 6 years ago

Oh My Fuckin' Word! Simply amazing, I loved it. Humorous and erotic at the same time. Going to have to go back and read the preceding chapters now.

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