Mom Got Me a Date

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A divorce for infidelity, Mom facilitates meeting.
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I'd like to thank kenjisato again for editing, and also to my lunchtime friends for their input.

Sexual activity only involves characters over the age of 18. Any similarities to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Mom Got Me a Date

Hello, my name is Dave Polk. I am twenty-eight years old, stand five foot ten inches tall, weigh about 195 pounds, and have a full head of sandy blond hair. I own my own construction company, Polk Homes. I inherited it when my father, Jim Polk, passed away, and he had inherited it when my grandfather had passed away. I had worked for dad from high school through college, and into my married years; dad was grooming me to take over the company, but I was still only an employee. Dad had me basically running the company, so I was putting in a lot of time at work.

Before my dad passed away, I caught my wife, Joanne, twenty-seven, cheating with her supervisor from where she was a secretary.

Joanne was an attractive woman, I thought I was lucky. One day when I was off work really early, I saw her driving down the street when she should have been at work. I followed her. She pulled into a motel, where I saw her knock on a room door, and her boss opened it, and they proceeded to embrace with hot passion.

At first, I wanted to bust in the door, but I got my camera and found where the curtains did not quite close against the window frame, and I got a couple of pictures. As I was about to leave, just for the hell of it, I decided to try the door. In their haste to fuck, they had not shut it completely! I slowly pushed it opened and got about six or seven quick pictures before they saw me. Joanne screamed and tried to cover herself up and her boss stood up with his dick standing out like a flagpole.

I went straight to my attorney and filed for divorce that day. Adultery was the reason for my asking for the divorce decree. My lawyer had a template for "Divorce for Adultery" paperwork. A process server met Joanne at her office, as she attempted to leave at 5:00pm. I used a "Find My Friends" type app, so I'd know where to find her. I had called in a favor from a friend who was a cop, and he did a civil standby, in case she showed up at home. I had a bunch of my friends pack up all her clothes and stuff, as I found out she went to her mom's house. I got a polite call from her mom a couple of days after, and she asked for my side. She apologized to me for her daughter.

Somehow, the company found out about the numerous trysts they had; I am sure some of my friends made sure of it. It was a mess; both the supervisor and Joanne were fired for taking company time to go fuck.

Since I was only an employee of my father's company at the time, she could not claim that the business was part of our marital assets. Oh, she tried. Dad's lawyer showed the limited liability company, LLC, paperwork to the court; I was not in the LLC, at that time. The judge would have none of her lawyer's bullshit, and she told Joanne's lawyer to sit down!

Right after I filed for divorce, my wife found out she was pregnant. I had my lawyer demand a DNA test to be administered; I did not think I was the father (basically I knew). We actually had two tests done; first, an amniocentesis, (amniocentesis DNA tests are 99 to 100 percent accurate), then her lawyer wanted a post-birth DNA test, hoping it would give a different result. The judge bifurcated the child issues until the parentage of the baby could be verified by the second DNA test (she had to pay for it), and the baby flunked both my tests. She later took the baby's daddy to court and got child support from him; the baby passed his test. I did feel good that she was able to support her child.

We did not own the house, we rented it from my dad and mom. So, there was no house to split. Was dad clairvoyant? I came to think she thought I owned the house, as before we married, it was where I lived.

She had just gotten herself an expensive BMW. I had a motorcycle that was free and clear, and a Ford F-250 pickup truck that was owned by Dad's company.

The judge got real when she found out the child was not mine; she really took a dim view of my ex. Joanne's lawyer, a relative of hers, just out of law school two years, tried to get alimony from me because "she was going to be a single mother." My lawyer objected to it, pointing out that since the child was not mine, AND one of the reasons for the divorce... plus, we had established the parenthood of the bastard child.

Her lawyer did not argue, what a jackass; he might have got a better settlement for her. I was glad for his inexperience; in some jurisdictions, any child born during a marriage was considered the husband's.

I felt sorry for the supervisor's wife, but she took him to the cleaners in their divorce, good for her; he is paying support for two children and paying alimony to his stay-at-home wife.

My ex got her BMW and its payments because it was in her name! Our bills were split into his and hers.

A couple of years before, she had insisted on having her own checking account and credit cards in her name, so the judge, in her wisdom, gave her all her bills and her school loans which were still quite large. I also got half of any savings accounts that each of us had. I did not have one, but Joanne had a hidden one with about fifty thousand dollars in it— that shocked me. Somehow, she had snuck money (embezzled) out of our joint accounts BEFORE taxes. I don't know how, but my lawyer proved it. AND I was able to get half because of the adultery criteria of "Concealment of community or joint property," the injured spouse gets satisfaction, since my lawyer proved concealment.

I later found out that she was building up an account to use, "IF" we divorced; she was not sure whether or not to stay with me, as I could have ended up owning the company, but that "IF" was still over at least a year away on any timeline she had; I beat her to the punch. She had been listening to a couple of divorced friends.

All I ended up with was my school loan which was very small, and a couple of credit cards I had used sparingly during our whole marriage; plus, I got over half of what was left after the IRS got its cut from her fifty thousand dollars. She had not claimed taxes on the money. My lawyer proved she was at fault for the failure to pay taxes, so she was only able to keep around ten thousand of it, after paying the taxes and penalties. I was able to keep most of my half (I called it a cheating refund); it was called, "Innocent Spouse Relief." It paid to have a good lawyer, Robert J. Jones Esq., who was also a men's rights advocate.

I heard the ex got a new job with one of my competitors, Davis Homes, but was living with her mom to save money while she paid off her bills. Her mom was not happy with what Joanne had done because Joanne's dad had basically done that to her mom.

Mom and I lose Dad

After the divorce, dad took me in as a partner, and my income soared. A year after the divorce was final, and ten months after dad brought me in as a partner, dad passed away at his desk, three months before his fiftieth birthday. No one knew that dad had high blood pressure, hypertension, "the silent killer". He wasn't good about seeing his doctor; both mom and I made sure that the other saw our doctor religiously from that moment on.

The change of command at the company was easy, only one employee quit, he was an asshole, so it was no big deal.

Before Dad passed, we had finished the "Silver Ridge" development. After Dad left us I moved into one of the houses we built. It had a mother-in-law suite and I moved mom into the suite. We sold mom and dad's house. Mom was only forty-seven when dad died. We ate dinner together most nights, as mom loved to cook; occasionally, we would go out to eat at a nice restaurant.

Life goes on

After dad's passing, I settled down to be a bachelor company owner. Mom worked in the office with me, just like she had for dad for over twenty-two years. She also watched my lack of romance and protected me, without me knowing, when she saw I was not aware of women who were not in my best interest.

I was very gun shy after Joanne, so I did not date much at all.

I dove into working to make the company better.

Mom finds love

It had been two years since Dad had passed. Mom started to get out, and actually was beginning to date. At first, I was apprehensive, but mom told me that she and Dad had discussed if one of them passed before the other. They both had agreed that they loved each other deeply, and did not want the other one to mourn and shut themselves off for the rest of their lives, and not to live alone without someone to stand beside them.

Mom began to see a man she had met while working. John was new to the town, and was a widower with a grown daughter, Katherine, or Kate, who was named after his wife Katherine Rose. Her mom had contracted meningitis when Kate was a senior in high school and passed away in just twenty-four hours! He was a salesman-slash-owner of a supplier, Householder Building Supplies. We had started doing business with him when he opened operations and moved his main office to our town. I was really happy for mom.

After Mom had dated John Householder for almost a year, she invited him to have a special dinner with us one Friday evening. Special because Mom had him bring his daughter— I smelled a set-up. I did not know that Katherine was his secretary, office girl, his "Girl Friday", just like mom was my "Girl Friday". I had visited his office a few times while we negotiated business, and I had noticed his office girl. She was quite beautiful, but after Joanne, I was reserved in my dealings with women.

I was late getting home that night; Mom knew there had been a problem on one of the job sites. I fixed it easily, but it took some time out of my day, and it did cause some stress, knowing I would be late for Mom's dinner.

As I walked in, and hung up my jacket and ever present cap (today, it was a CAT cap), I turned around to give my apologies for being late and I became mute. I saw Katherine. Kate lifted her head from the picture album Mom was showing them to kill time while waiting for me. Our eyes met, and we both froze for what seemed like ten minutes, but really only a second or two.

Mom saw my dilemma, came up, gave me a hug, and told me to go wash up for dinner. She whispered in my ear, "Put something nice on."

I excused myself, explaining, "I need to wash the day off of me."

Mom said, "Okay, hun, I'll start serving in thirty-five minutes."

I took a quick but complete shower, I shaved, and put on some Old Spice; heck, it worked for Dad, it should work for me. I re-entered the living room after about twenty-seven minutes.

John gave me a handshake. Since I had done business with him, I knew him professionally, and it looked like I'd get to know him even better. John then introduced me to Kate.

I put my hand out, but she was a hugger, and she hugged me. She took a deep breath, and said, "You smell like dad."

Mom agreed, saying, "All my men wear Old Spice."

John and I both blushed. Both Mom and Kate had a good laugh.


Let me tell you about Kate. She was about four inches shorter than me; she was a strawberry blonde, and had wonderful curves. She looked like she had nice breasts, hopefully 'B cups', as they were my weakness. I had to say I was enamored by her immediately, she actually was a step up from Joanne. (Joanne be damned!)

We sat down to dinner. I sat at the head of the table, Mom sat at the other end next to the kitchen, Kate volunteered to help Mom. In no time, we had a meal fit for a king before us. Mom had taken the afternoon off; her boss was very understanding. Mom made her delicious pot roast with mashed potatoes and some vegetables, which I didn't eat, and Mom knew I was not much on vegetables; for dessert, apple pie!

After dinner, I got up and started the dishes; Kate volunteered to help me. Mom and John went into the living room. Kate and I had a nice talk, it took longer than normal to do the dishes because Mom had used her best china, and Mom never used the dishwasher with her best china.

Kate told me, "I am twenty-six and divorced."

I said, "No way! Who would give you up?"

"Well, he was a player and a male gold digger. Dad had a background check on him, and I was crushed to find out he did not really love me. We married right out of college, I should have listened to dad. After being married for one year, we caught him in bed with a woman who was ten years his senior at a local motel— we got pictures! Thank God, dad had talked me into a prenup; we had all the proof, so the divorce was a slam dunk."

I told her of my marriage and divorce with the "old school" judge.

I found out she had a construction management degree just like I had, but I had a second major, in design and drafting technology; Dad had pushed me to expand my knowledge.

A number of times, Kate and I bumped hips, touched hands. We were moving in synchronization, she was rinsing and drying, I was washing. I'd hand her the dish, she would rinse and dry. One time, I just put my hand out like I had a dish, but it was empty— she reached out and got my hand. She turned and looked at me, and I swear, I could see stars in her eyes again. I felt like I was hit with one of Cupid's arrows.

She giggled. "If you wanted to hold my hand, you could just ask."

I answered, "I just might do that." I gave her my best flirting wink.

When we finished, we went into the living room with Mom and John. They were sitting on the couch. John had his arms around Mom and her head was on his shoulder. Kate and I sat on the loveseat. Mom had a romantic comedy on the TV. I put my arm on the back of the loveseat behind Kate. During a romantic moment in the movie, Kate took my hand and moved it to her shoulder. Kate looked at me with those darn stars in her eyes again.

During a commercial, I asked John where he lived. When he told me the address, I said, "My gosh, that's one of our homes with the 'mother-in-law suite'."

He said, "I know..."

Kate added, "... and I have the suite."

I continued, "I worked on that house myself." I looked at Kate, and with a big grin, told her, "I have been in your bedroom."

Kate leaned into me and whispered, "Let me know if you need to do a re-inspection."

During the credits, I asked Kate, "Would you like to go to dinner sometime?"

Like a little girl, Kate turned to her dad and said, "Can I go, Daddy?"


All eyes looked at me. I knew that in four weeks there was the Annual Home Builders Gala. It was a way many of us, who ended up working a lot of overtime with our companies, could take the wife out to make up for working so much. Joanne and I had gone a couple times.

"Would you like to be my plus-one to the Annual Home Builders Gala in four weeks?"

John turned to Mom and said, "Hey, I need a plus-one if she goes with Dave."

Both Mom and Kate said, "Yes!" at the same time.

"Well, I was going to take Kate, so it looks like this is working out."

Mom, with a big smile, said, "You two are lucky we have planned to go so we have our dresses!"

Kate nodded her head.

"Mom, Kate and I are going out for a walk in the garden." I got our jackets.

We walked out to my mom's pride and joy— her garden. I had a crew set up the whole back yard to Mom's specifications— we had Mom's garden, a lawn area, and an area reserved for a future in-ground pool; we had lighted walkways and accent lights.

I had a sound system put in for outdoor entertainment. I used my phone app to bring up my "love song" playlist. We walked, hand in hand, and even sang along with some of the songs. We both felt comfortable holding hands. I stole a kiss at the end of one of the songs.

Kate said in a breathy whisper, "That was nice."

I moved in for another kiss, and this one was not stolen, but given with passion. This kiss lasted long enough that we had to come up for air and we had to catch our breath.

It was getting late, so John called from the kitchen door, got Kate's attention, and said it was time to go. I got Kate's cell number, and I gave her mine.

Mom kissed John, and Kate gave me a peck on the cheek.

Love is in the air, times two

With that, Kate and I started having a nightly call to each other. I stopped in, to take her to lunch, just about every day. And I took Kate out a number of times before the Gala.

The night before the Gala, Mom and I went out to dinner.

When we returned to the house mom said, "Sit down, David."

I sat down, and Mom started, "John has asked me to stay the night tomorrow at his house and I said yes."

With a big smile, I said, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Mom!"

Mom gave me the 'mom look'.

Mom went into her apartment, and I retired to my bedroom. I changed into my sleeping shorts and got into my king-size bed; Mom had made sure I had great bed linens.

I called Kate... "Hello, this is Dave."

"Hi Dave," she giggled, "you checking to see if I am still going with you?"

"Well, something has come up, has your dad told you?"


"Mom told me she is going to stay the night at your place tomorrow night."

"Why that old dog, dad's still got it."

I then said, "Kate, I was wondering if you'd want to give the love birds some privacy? I have a guest bedroom, some good refreshments, and a few movie streaming subscriptions..."

Kate responded, "Well..."

With a joking tone, I said, "If you are afraid you can't keep your hands off me, my bedroom door has a lock."

"Yeah sure, does the guest bedroom door have a lock?"

"Yes, I should have told you that first before I joked."

"That's okay, I like your humor."

I asked, "What do you like for midnight snacks?"

Kate replied, "I haven't said yes, yet. But I like those little pizza snacks, popcorn, and Coca Cola..."

"Kate, I want to tell you I have enjoyed our times together."

"Dave, I have enjoyed them, too."

"Well, meet you at the Gala?"

She replied, "I can't wait."


I slept in since we had poured cement on Friday, and I wanted it to cure 'til Monday.

Mom and I were ready at 6:30pm. I drove us to the venue, and we arrived at about the start time of 7:00pm.

We found a table, and when John and Kate arrived, they joined us. It was nice— mom and John sat together, and I pulled Kate's chair out for her, and she sat next to me. Kate was dressed to the nines, even a fairy godmother couldn't have done a better job, she was gorgeous!

The waiter took our drink orders; I was driving, so I ordered a Coca Cola. John ordered the same since he was driving also. Both Ladies ordered mojitos.

John tapped my shoulder and whispered, "Dave, I know you are a gentleman, so please don't let Kate have more than two or three of them."

Behind my hand, I whispered to John, "I know you are a gentleman, too, so please don't let mom have more than two or three, either."

John and I did a fist bump and smiled at each other.

Both John and I were true to each other, and the ladies only nursed two mojitos each.

The meal was steak or salmon; we men ordered the steak, medium rare, and the ladies ordered the salmon.

I didn't know what John and Mom talked about, but Kate and I had a conversation about our lives. We talked about what we both wanted in our futures. Surprisingly, we were almost exactly the same. We talked about how we had both wanted children when we were in our marriages. It seemed we were fitting into each other's checklists without trying to.

She told me she admired me owning a company. I was a little embarrassed since I just took over the company from Dad and ran it like he did; Dad was a great mentor.