Mom's Bed Ch. 05


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"Rhonda, you don't have to worry," my mother said. "My son wouldn't hurt you." I watched my girlfriend's face very carefully as mom spoke. It was obvious that Rhonda was disappointed.

"Unless of course, you like that," I put in, letting her know with my eyes that I meant it. Megan probably included pain in her sadistic sex play, but that wasn't really the point. Rhonda liked it. That's what was important.

"Is that it Rhonda?" Lisa gasped, her orgasm was growing close. "Do you like pain?"

"You seem to be enjoying it yourself," Rhonda said with an odd smile.

"It's not like I have a choice!" my sister moaned. "Little brother is anything but little."

"Rhonda, come here," I demanded. My own orgasm was starting to build and that always made me bossier. She came without question. "Hold my sister's hands over her head." Rhonda did as I asked, watching us both hungrily.

"Brian, I'm not sure this is a good idea," mom frowned. I pulled her to me roughly while I continued to fuck my sister. Mom's eyes got big as I crushed her lips with mine.

"I am," I said, confidently. "Now straddle Lisa's head." If possible, mom's eyes got even bigger, but she loved the idea. I could tell.

"Hey wait!" Lisa cried. Mom hesitated. I slapped her ass, but not that hard. Mom yelped, but continued to kiss me.

"Oh shush!" I heard Rhonda say to my sister. "You're going to love it and you know it!"

"But..." Lisa began. I heard Rhonda kiss her.

"Remember the taste of mom on my lips?" my girl asked. "You loved it."

"True, but..." Lisa began. I ignored her argument. It was a losing one anyway. I was focused on mom.

"Straddle her face," I demanded.

"That's so wrong!" mom gasped, but it was obvious that the idea got to her.

"Maybe even worse than fucking your own son," I offered with a grin. Mom smiled and shook her head.

"No, not that wrong," she said, still not moving.

"Then what are you waiting for?" I asked.

"I'm her mother," mom said. "I can't do something like this. It's terrible!"

"You want me to make you, don't you?" I asked. Mom refused to answer. I smiled and slapped her ass again. This one was a little harder.

"Ouch!" mom cried, but she didn't move away. In fact, I think she lifted her ass slightly in anticipation of the next blow. I was happy to oblige. My third slap echoed for a moment.

"Mom, are you okay?" Lisa asked in concern. I understood. She couldn't see mom's expression. I could.

"I'm sorry baby!" mom cried. "He's too strong. You're brother is forcing me to do this!" Yet, despite her words, mom straddled Lisa's head facing me without any further prompting. I grinned when mom settled down on my sister's mouth.

"Lick her!" I heard Rhonda saying to my sister. "Make your mother cum! You know you want to taste her again! Do it!"

Mom moaned a moment later. It was obvious that Lisa was listening to my girl. Her tongue was working the length of our mother's opening. I wasn't really surprised when mom started slowly thrusting her hips, causing her pussy to slide back and forth along Lisa's mouth.

"That feels good, doesn't it?" I asked as I thrust into my sister's now steaming pussy.

"No!" mom cried, but then a moment later she cried, "It feels amazing! It dirty, it's wrong, but my God, I've never felt like this before!"

"You hear your mother?" Rhonda asked Lisa. "See how much she likes it? Make her cum!"

"Oh fuck!" mom cried. "Her tongue is moving faster!"

"Rhonda, come here!" I snapped. A moment later she was standing next to my mother and me. "Kiss my mother." Rhonda did so without hesitation. I watched them, feeling my orgasm building. I was fighting it now.

"Are you going to punish me like you did your mother?" Rhonda asked. "For being bossy?"

I swung my arm with more force than I planned and the smack was far harder than I gave my mother. Rhonda cried out, but then smiled and held her ass in a way that let me know she wanted another. I was so worked up that I didn't even hesitate. I slapped her ass again.

"I'm cumming!" Lisa cried suddenly and her pussy grabbed hold of my cock and refused to let go for a moment.

"Me too!" mom cried, drenching my sister's face with her juices. By all rights, I should have joined them, but I wanted Rhonda too much to let go. I pulled my cock free from my sister's throbbing pussy and rolled away from her. I pulled Rhonda with me. We ended up on the floor.

I thrust deep into Rhonda who had her legs wrapped around me as if she were trying to pull me deeper. It was a wasted effort because I was as deep as I could go, not that I didn't appreciate it. I rode her hard, wanting to watch her explode. We kissed for a few moments, but our love making was too violent to keep it up. We both needed release now!

"Brian!" Rhonda cried as her orgasm took her. I didn't stop stroking in and out of her. I wanted her to cum again.

"Do it again!" I snapped. "Cum for me again!" It didn't take long.

"Oh yes!" Rhonda cried, exploding into another orgasm.

I think I surprised her when I rolled onto my back and took her with me. Now she was on top, but she wasn't even remotely in control. I thrust up into her and slapped her ass hard with both my hands. I did this three more times before she rolled into her next orgasm, and somehow I still held off.

"Mine!" I growled. "You're mine!"

"Yes!" Rhonda sobbed between orgasms.

"Brian, if you don't finish soon she's going to pass out!" Lisa said. I looked on the bed and saw mom and her watching us.

"You need to mark her," mom said. "Like you did Lisa and me."

"Mark me?" Rhonda asked. There was perhaps a little fear there, but also need and want.

"Like this," Lisa said, pulling her hair back and showing Rhonda the back of her neck. Mom did the same thing.

"Oh yes!" Rhonda moaned. I felt her pussy spasm again around my cock. "Please mark me as yours!"

Lisa pulled Rhonda off of my cock and back onto the bed. Mom took my girl's other hand. My sister and mother forced Rhonda onto her stomach and had her lift her ass in the air. They each slapped her ass once before holding her arms steady, not that Rhonda was trying to escape.

"Mark me Brian! Make me yours!"

I got behind Rhonda and thrust my rock hard cock back inside her. I held her hips and started fucking into her pussy as hard as I could go. She was still soaked, but clearly spent and not near cumming again. I couldn't say the same.

Mom took Rhonda hair and pulled it aside, letting me see my girl's neck. It was unblemished. I leaned forward and twisted her head enough to kiss her. Rhonda's eyes were lust filled pools.

"I'm going to mark you as mine," I whispered into her ear between kisses.

"And once that's done there's no going back," my sister interjected.

"The mark may fade," my mother said slowly, meeting my eyes. "But his possession doesn't. Not that you'll want it to."

"No, it won't," I said pointedly, looking at my mother a moment longer before focusing on Rhonda again. "Do you want me to mark you?"

"More than anything in the world!" Rhonda moaned.

"Mine!" I growled into her ear.

"Yes!" she cried as my mouth found her neck. I thrust deep into her pussy with my cock and sucked her neck hard, leaving a bruise that meant so much more than a mere blemish on the back of her neck.

"I'm cumming!" I grunted.

"Yes!" Rhonda said and somehow came again.

Our orgasms blasted through us. I filled Rhonda's pussy for the first time. She wasn't a virgin. Hell, I expect that she was far from it, but it didn't matter. This was our first time together and neither of us would ever forget it. She was mine now, just like mom and Lisa. I came so hard that she couldn't hold all of my juices. I pulled out and covered her pink ass. Afterward, I rolled off of Rhonda.

I felt her lie her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead as I began to drift off. Mom and Lisa somehow fit on the bed as well. I felt one of them at my back. I'm guessing the other was at Rhonda's. I was too spent to look. Frankly, I was far too gone to do anything other than pass out.


"Are you planning on waking up anytime soon, little brother?"

I opened my eyes. The bed was empty. Lisa was standing at the door. She had clearly showered. I blinked a few times, trying to focus.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Afraid Rhonda bailed after last night?" my sister teased.

"Not really," I replied, realizing I meant it. "She's mine."

"I know," Lisa laughed. "We've been discussing that downstairs. Why don't you take a quick shower and join us? Mom's making breakfast now."

"I'll be right down," I said, rolling out of bed.

It didn't take me long to shower and get dressed. I found Mom, Lisa and Rhonda at the kitchen table eating pancakes. It looked like the most natural thing in the world, despite the craziness of last night. Had I really spanked Rhonda? And mom? Wow!

"Penny for your thoughts?" Lisa grinned when she saw my expression.

"Pass," I replied as all three of them laughed. I noticed that they were all freshly showered and that all three had their hair up in a ponytail.

"You like?" Rhonda grinned, twisting just enough for me to see the mark on her neck.

"Rhonda didn't see the point of hiding our marks," mom said, blushing slightly. "At least not when we were at home."

"No complaint from me," I shrugged.

"Little brother, we need to talk," Lisa said suddenly. I tilted my head slightly.

"About what?"

"Well first," mom said. "We need to see what your plans are with Rhonda."

"I thought I made that obvious last night," I frowned.

"Long term, maybe," my sister put in. "But what happens now?"

"Whatever Rhonda wants," I said, meaning it.

"I want whatever makes you happy," Rhonda said.

"Oh brother!" Lisa sighed. "Look, she means it, but that's not really the point. She'd been explaining about her sister Megan and what her life's been like. Do you really want her to go back to that?"

"Of course not," I said quickly. "I want her here."

"So then, you want Rhonda to live with us?" mom asked.

"Well yes," I said. "If that's okay with you and her?" The two exchanged a knowing look.

"I'd like that," Rhonda said.

"She can have the guest room," mom said.

"No, I want her in my room with me."

"And what if she wants some privacy?" Lisa asked. "Everyone needs a place to call their own."

"That's okay," Rhonda smiled. "I want to be with Brian."

"That's all fine and good, but..." my mother began. I cut her off.

"You and Lisa are right. Rhonda should have a place of her own," I sighed, but then looked at Rhonda and added, "Only don't expect to spend many nights there."

"I won't," Rhonda grinned. "And thanks."

"What else do you three want to talk about?" I asked, knowing that mom and Lisa weren't done and afraid I knew where this was going.

"That's it," Lisa said a little too quickly.

"No it's not," my mom interjected. "You have Rhonda, but what about your sister? Who does she have?"

"I have you, Brian and Rhonda," my sister interjected. "I'd say that more than enough."

"No, it's not," my mom argued.

"Mom, you're being ridiculous!"

I looked back and forth between them. I knew what I had to say, but for a moment the words wouldn't come. I shook my head in annoyance at myself and finally spoke.

"No, she's not," I interjected. "You three are mine. I think last night proved that, but mom's right to be concerned about your happiness. I'm also concerned about mom's happiness."

"But I am happy!" mom interjected.

"Me too!" Lisa cried in frustration.

"That's good," I smiled. "But if and when the time comes for you to move on, I'll be sure to help you as best I can."

"Good," mom said.

"I was talking to both of you," I said pointedly. Mom acted as if she didn't hear me, but I knew better.

I really meant what I said, but I was a bit surprised how difficult it was for me to actually say it. Okay, it was more than that. I loved my mother and sister. I wanted what was best for them, but after last night I realized I didn't really know myself as well as I thought. You see, it all came down to one simple fact. They were mine and I didn't want to give them up. Oh, I would if they were unhappy. I loved them that much, but it wouldn't be easy. I'd just have to be sure they stayed happy.

"Anything else?" I asked. Mom and Lisa looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"So, you're okay with everything else that happened last night?" I frowned.

"I liked it," Rhonda grinned.

"Me too," Lisa said. I looked at mom, but she just blushed. Lisa laughed and added, "You know mom! She can't admit she liked it, but she did, especially getting spanked."

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked mom. This time is was Rhonda's turn to answer for mom.

"Of course you did," she grinned. "But that's the point isn't it?"

"Is your family going to be okay with you moving in?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I doubt it," she sighed. "My parents are clueless and I've been spending at least half my nights with Megan, but they'll deal. I feel bad for my younger sister Jess, but she'll be okay I guess."

"What about Megan?" I asked.

"Oh, this isn't going to go over well at all with her," Rhonda replied. "But that's to be expected."

"You're mine," I said, feeling the certainty of that deep inside. "If she tries anything, you need to call me."

"I will," she smiled.

"And you know she will try something, right?" I asked.

"Yes," Rhonda said, no longer smiling. "But I don't want to think about that right now."

"Just as long as you know," I sighed. I had a feeling that Megan and I weren't quite done with each other yet, but I didn't want to think about it anymore than Rhonda did. I looked at the three women and asked, "So, no other questions or comments?"

"Well, I am curious about one thing." Rhonda was smiling again.

"What's that?" Lisa asked.

"Gloria. You said you've slept with her too. Is she yours as well?" Rhonda was looking at me, but as she spoke I glanced at my mother quickly. Damn.

"Gloria!" mom cried in surprise. I groaned. This wasn't the way I wanted her to learn about what happened with Gloria and Bobby. Oh well.

"Just her ass!" Lisa laughed, obviously thinking the whole situation was funny. "The rest is Bobby's."

"Her ass?" Rhonda asked in surprise.

"Yep, little brother has a thing for asses," Lisa said. "Bobby, not so much. Gloria's ass is all his. He marked it and everything."

"You marked your cousin's ass?" Rhonda asked me. I shrugged. I couldn't very well deny it. Rhonda smiled. "I wish I'd known that last night. Oh well, there's always tonight."

"And today," I grinned. Rhonda's smile grew.

"Wait!" mom cried, trying to come to grips with what happened.

"Don't worry mom," Lisa said, ever so helpfully. "He let me play with Bobby while he seduced poor Gloria. I'm sure he'll let you have your fun too."

"Lisa!" mom cried.

I shook my head and stood. I hadn't eaten, but frankly I wasn't hungry yet anyway. I took Rhonda hand and led her out of the kitchen.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Back upstairs. I want to spend time with you."

"Sounds good," she smiled up at me lovingly. I took her in my arms and kissed her. She hugged me afterward and added, "Maybe we should go change the sheets on mom's bed?"

"What for?" I joked. "You're obviously just planning on making them dirty again."

"And is that a bad thing?" she asked with a sexy smile as she stepped back slightly and met my eyes. "Because if it is, I'm more than willing to let you punish me for it."

I pulled her close and slapped her ass as hard as I could from this angle. She half cried out and half moaned in pleasure. Rhonda eyes flashed and I pulled her lips roughly to mine. I slapped her ass again.

"I love you!" she gasped. It was the first time she said it. A part of me wasn't sure she really meant it. I was the first guy who accepted her for what she was. It could just be that, only deep down I knew it wasn't. Rhonda was mine. She was committed to us. So was I.

"I love you too," I replied, despite how sudden everything happened. I stood there a moment to let her see that I meant it before spinning her around so that she was facing the stairway. I slapped her backside a third time, directing her up the stairs. "Go to mom's bed and wait for me. Be ready. I want your ass."

"It's all yours," she said, her eyes promising me her complete and total submission. "Just like the rest of me." I watched Rhonda as she climbed the stairs. She stopped at the top and looked back at me. "Body and soul."

"Body and soul," I repeated, having no doubt that she meant it. My cock hardened considerably. Knowing someone was completely yours was a heady feeling. I might have to give up mom and Lisa one day, but Rhonda was mine forever. I could live with that.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love it!

Oh, I really like the turn this story takes from this part on. I'm sad that this story is ending "soon" (;-), but I will read this fantastic fantasy again.


IZT1962IZT1962almost 7 years ago

Awesome story, cant wait for the movie. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Lol, interesting twists and turns! I just get a kick out of the back of the neck thing, heh.

...I think Megan needs tied to the bed and let everyone in the family have their way with her, hehe, better tie her down ass-up with a pillow or two propping the i portant bits up! Dont forget to video it, lol!

Honestly though, I could do without any confrontation between Megan and them. Why would you send your new girlfriend back over there alone to pack up and move out while dealing with the little nut job?! Rofl.

Thanks again! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

story teller (storyteller)

way Megan talking (Megan’s)

Any time (Anytime)

anymore (any more)

we go lay down (lie)

really want too (to)

heart wrenching (heart-wrenching)

could care less (couldn’t)

been (-a) busy

can't be worst (worse)

mother in law (mother-in-law)

my mother legs (mother’s)

did it's best (its)

wasn't really (ready)

love making (lovemaking)

Rhonda hair (Rhonda’s)

lie her head (lay)

Long term (Long-term)

SirCarlSirCarlover 12 years ago
Well done!

This entire story has been a "fiver." Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Mom's Bed

Superbly done. a fiver

BigBadWolf66BigBadWolf66over 13 years ago
Loved it!

Have to agree with the two previous comments, when's the next chapter comming?

You have to give us at least one more chapter, altough I would hate to see the Mom breack with her son and master, a much better ending would be for her to realize she is happy at his feet!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
awesome just awesome

i love this whole series do you think you will be making another chapter telling how things go from rhonda moving in and how her sister deals with it please write it soon if you do

Greybear42Greybear42over 13 years ago
Great Story

I had to give it 5 stars like all your series. The one that really has me hooked is High School Again? Ugh and I am going nuts waiting on the next chapter so I was just a little bummed to see this one before chapter 6 of that one

atastofuatastofuover 13 years ago
This was great

Not just this story, but this whole series....DAMN GREAT Job....

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Excellent story

I love D/s in an incest story, even more so when it's Son/mother. I would love to read about what sounds like rhonda's forced sex, humiliation, punishment and ultimate journey into submission at the hands of Megan.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
Fantastic, superior, mind blowing totally erotic

Are just a few thinks that come to mind when talking about this fine story. Completely off of the erotic scale, and down right good reading.

I hope to see more soon.

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