Mom's Errant Panties


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I spent the rest of the day trying not to obsess over where she was and what she was doing at every moment. It was hard to focus on my work without thinking about her, wondering what outfit she'd decided to wear before she left the house, or if her hair was up or down.

I even found myself fantasizing that she'd elected not to wear panties and I thought about her little peach, perhaps a bit slick from fresh memories of her exotic performance the previous evening.

I jacked off at my desk, simply fantasizing about her coming home in one of her cute little skirts that I'd only ever thought of as her work attire before I'd become obsessed with her.

I wondered what she'd do if I greeted her in the kitchen, lifted her onto the dining room table and spread her legs so I could finally see if her soft little pussy would fit entirely inside my mouth. I wanted to lick her asshole and suck on the round, fleshy cheeks flanking it.

I wanted to commit all manner of lascivious acts with her body, but I also found myself fantasizing about just hanging out with her, feeling her near me, seeing the expressions on her face and hearing her talk the way she had when we smoked weed together.

I was missing her company, I realized, which was a real mind fuck because a little over twenty-four hours earlier, I'd been thinking it was best to avoid her lest she make some derogatory comment about my lifestyle.

I also remembered how she'd called out my deceased father's name, presumably while climaxing at the end of the vaginal stimulation I'd remotely participated in. I wasn't sure what to do with that bit of trivia, nor was I sure if it really mattered to me.

Dad was dead and while I loved and missed him, his opinion no longer mattered.

So, why did I feel guilty for, and jealous of, non-existent perspectives he might have had if he could have them?

As the day went on, and my thoughts continued to drift between solacious daydreams featuring my mother's naked body, the soothing nature of her company, her unfinished comment about being unable to bang dudes, and whether I was dishonoring my dead dad's memory, I started to realize that the only thing I really cared about, was how she felt.

It was around 10:00PM when she finally walked in the door.

I heard her high heels click across the kitchen tile, her keys clattering into the ceramic dish one of my sisters had made for her back when they gave a shit, and then the fridge opening.

I wanted to hear her footsteps coming down the stairs, but they went into her room instead and a few minutes later I heard her shower turn on.

I enabled the camera in her armoire to see if I was supposed to be observing round two of her performance, but the scarf seemed to be back in place as I could hear the feint sound of her shower and the counter ticked away in the bottom right-hand corner of my screen.

I turned the camera off, feeling confused and a little frustrated as I sat back in my chair, wondering if she'd ended up going into a shame spiral after all.

I was a little annoyed at the prospect of sitting there, pining for someone who seemed indifferent to recent events that I considered monumental, but I also didn't want to jump to conclusions, so I decided to just give

her space.

To help myself do that, I smoked some herb and turned on an old British sitcom about a guy stuck on a spaceship, three million years from earth with only a robot, a hologram, and a creature that had evolved from his cat, as companions.

The show was very campy with a laugh track, and I knew all the dialog by heart, but it always cheered me up for some reason.

I didn't notice when the water stopped flowing through the pipes above me, but I heard the doorbell ring and started to get up to answer it, feeling annoyed that someone had the nerve to show up, unannounced.

I heard Mom run down the hallway towards the door and then I heard a quick, muffled conversation.

Then, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I paused my show, sitting up and peering under my monitor to see who was there.

"I'll share mine if you share yours," Mom's voice said as I saw her feet come into view at the bottom of the stairs.

I stood up and saw that she was wearing another baggy nightshirt and holding a plastic bag with some kind of Asian writing on it.

"Share my what?" I asked, suddenly smelling the food she'd had delivered. I hadn't even realized how hungry I was.

"Oh... Are you out?" She asked, doing the little pouty lip thing.

She crossed her arms and I saw that she was, once again, wearing just a pair of panties under the shirt.

"Out of what? Oh, you want to smoke?" I asked, forgetting that I'd even been smoking out of the pipe still sitting next to my keyboard. I lifted it up and added, "Is that Chinese food?"

A very cute smile stretched across her face as she nodded, saying, "Yep."

"Hell yeah! Sounds good," I said, returning the smile and sitting down to refill the pipe with freshly ground herb.

"Wanna bring it upstairs? We can smoke and watch something while we eat," she said.

I held a hand up over my monitor and gave her a thumbs up as I picked up my baggy of weed, letting it unroll and saying, "Dealio!"

I think that was the first time in my life that I'd used the word: dealio. It felt kind of weird as it came out of my mouth, but I felt weird, almost giddy in a way I'd never experienced.

I couldn't wait to spend time with her. The possibility that something sexual might happen was in the back of my mind, but I was completely thrilled at the prospect of just hanging out.

"Hey handsome," Mom said as I walked into the living room to find her sitting on the far end of the sectional sofa.

"Hey, you," I replied awkwardly, sitting down a couple cushions away from her, where I normally would have sat when we watched one of our shows.

She frowned at me when I looked over, so I held the pipe out, thinking she hadn't noticed it in my hand. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, then smirked and pushed herself up onto her knees.

All fours up on the couch cushions, she crawled towards me, maintaining eye contact as she did.

I grinned dopily back at her, trying to hold the eye contact but finding it difficult as her shirt began to slip forward towards her waist, her tight, round ass cheeks parted by a thin strip of pink lace that disappeared into her crack.

She followed my eyeline back and giggled when she realized what was causing my slack-jawed expression, saying, "You're just a total ass man, aren't you?"

She snickered as I nodded dumbly, sliding into a sitting position next to me.

I handed her the pipe, saying with a shrug, "Me and Cosmo Kramer, and yours is... perfect."

"You're so sweet. I picked these panties for you," she said, looking up at me as she held the pipe to her lips.

I don't know if it's possible to have an orgasm without an ejaculation, but the warm zap that ran through my body at hearing her say she picked panties out for me, felt pretty damn close.

I handed her the lighter and she took a hit, then curled a finger, beckoning me closer as I felt a rush of heat flush through me.

I leaned towards her, and she brought her lips to mine, parting them and blowing smoke into my mouth. I understood what she was doing then, and I inhaled, feeling tingles all over my body as our lips touched and I breathed her smoke into my lungs.

"Now you do it to me," she said as I blew out the smoke we'd shared.

I did as she suggested, pulling a hit off the pipe and then leaning towards her. She met me halfway and I began to slowly blow the smoke into her mouth, watching her eyes close and feeling her tongue flick just inside my mouth as she inhaled. My cock responded with a single flex against the inside of my jeans.

She blew out the smoke I'd given her and asked, "Are you hungry, baby?"

I was dizzy from both the weed and her pretty face so close to mine.

"Yeah," I said dreamily as I felt myself leaning closer to her.

Then, her hand was on my neck and her lips were on mine, kissing me softly with light flicks of her tongue against mine.

The kissing started to intensify, my hand finding her neck and her tongue forcing itself deep into my mouth, but then she pulled her face back and looked at me for a moment, before saying, "I meant hungry for the food. We should eat it before it gets cold. We'll take care of that hunger," she smirked, looking down at my crotch before adding, "later."

Her touch was like a ShamWow for anxiety, pulling it from my body wherever her little fingers made contact with my skin.

I beamed back at her, completely lost in the moment and feeling numb from my chest up, saying, "Okay. Sounds good."

I would have been content to skip the food and move right to whatever she had planned to satiate my other hunger, but I wanted to follow her lead. She'd controlled the pace and performance of the previous evening and I'd loved every second of it. If she wanted to teach me something else, I would be more than happy to learn it.

Our upstairs living room had a pretty nice theater setup and after some discussion, we turned on the next episode in a series we'd been watching together. We were behind almost a whole season, we realized, which was a glaring testament to how long it had been since we'd hung out like this. But it had felt almost obligatory before. Now, there was no place else I'd rather be.

We ate, we smoked another bowl, she got the giggles and laughed hysterically several times, which made me laugh. Eventually, she got up and dimmed the lights and laid down on the couch with her head in my lap, watching the television.

I stopped watching the show about the time her head hit my leg, zoning out on little details I noticed, like her large eyes reflecting the images on the flatscreen, her little ear with strands of brown hair lying across it, her long feminine neck, the little divots of smooth skin on either side of her clavicle, and the white strap from her bra loosely arcing over her shoulder.

She was stunning. There was no better word for it.

I continued to watch her, looking up at the tv every time she glanced up at me, and I'd feel her body giggle when she caught me. She was clearly enjoying being adored. I didn't know if she was enjoying it as much as I was enjoying adoring her, but she looked happy.

After a few minutes, I noticed that the bottom of her shirt had slipped down to her waist, and she'd rotated her hips so that a good portion of her ass was visible.

I'd noticed the exposed skin from the corner of my eye, but until I saw a wad of her T-shirt balled up into a fist, I hadn't realized she'd been doing it on purpose.

When I looked down at her face in my lap, I caught her looking at me even though she tried to quickly return her gaze towards the tv.

"Yeah, you totally got away with it. I didn't notice you looking up at me or the wad of T-shirt you have in your hand. You're like a ninja," I said, smirking down at her.

Her smile appeared first, and then her eyes shut, and her giggling started, which turned into hard laughs.

It was cracking me up how she'd thought she was slick and while I laughed with her, I moved my right arm off the back of the couch and placed it on her exposed hip, which startled her slightly and her eyes opened.

Her laughter simmered to a titter, and as I began caressing her supple, smooth skin that she'd made accessible for me by virtue of the thong panties she'd picked out, she closed her eyes and rotated her hips further, encouraging me to explore.

As my squeezing and caressing intensified, slowly approaching even more intimate parts of her body, she looked up at me and our eyes met. She smiled and turned her head back towards the tv, but she wasn't watching it.

She'd shut her eyes, and her lips parted, taking in slow deep breaths, her hips slowly undulating under my touch as I worshipped her perfect ass with smooth caresses that followed the curving contours of her hip up to her little waist and then back down, letting my fingers dip into her crack a little as they passed over, then moving my hand from one cheek to the other.

I stretched my fingers out wide over her right buttock, somewhat surprised to find that the perfect roundness of the toned muscle mostly fit within my grip. I'd never thought of her ass as being fat; it was too well toned for that, but I had thought of the overall shape as being curvy and voluptuous.

And while it's true that I have large hands (my sisters used to tease me about it, saying they were disproportionate and a sign that I would have early onset 'all-timers', which was their moronic way of pronouncing Alzheimer's), I was intrigued by what seemed an optical illusion. Her curvy hips and ass were actually kind of small, but on her small frame, it looked juicy

as fuck.

I squeezed slowly, feeling the firm, yet yielding resistance, my hand relaying every sensation directly to the erogenous parts of my mind and my cock responded immediately, pressing against my jeans near her resting head.

She blew out another slow breath and I felt her quiver slightly as I released my grip on the cock-straitening ass meat I'd just pulled into a tight squeeze.

I adjusted my hand slightly before the next squeeze, resting my pinky on the thin strip of panty running across her asshole and feeling the slightly warmer temperature of the delicate skin underneath.

As I continued to caress and rub, inching closer and closer to the sweet little peach I knew was just around the corner from my exploring fingers, I started to feel a warming sensation in my lap, and then I felt light pressure close around my cock head, kneading it aggressively through the jeans I was wearing.

I looked down and saw my mother's jaw moving near her ear as she spread her mouth around the bulge in my pants, applying lip pressure to it and breathing warm air through the material.

I slid my pinky under her thong and continued to squeeze her beautiful tush, eventually moving the tip of that pinky over her little anus and feeling her shiver on my lap the moment I began massaging it in slow little circles.

Mom slid her head back against my stomach, making room for the hand she'd brought up to begin searching under the zipper flap of my jeans, searching for the key to the prison my cock was trapped in. When she got her thumb and forefinger onto the flat metal tab, she pulled it down.

I watched as her hand plunged into the opening, feeling her little fingers probing, finding, and then gripping me through my boxers.

Her breathing became heavier as she held me in her hand, gripping me with tight little squeezes as she pushed her ass back against my hand and the finger massaging her asshole, trapping it against the couch cushion.

I leaned slightly further to my right, my fingers crawling down her ass crack as she unbuttoned my boxers and reached through the hole to fish my fully inflated cock up through the tunnel she'd created.

I watched her face as she looked at the cock she'd freshly prized from the depths of my underwear and jeans. There was a very cute, very sexy, almost hungry look in her eye as she regarded the warm, blood-filled erection she'd created.

She ran her fingers up and down the sides of my shaft, watching intently as she touched and explored. Then she lightly caressed the underside of the mushroomed head, placing her thumb and forefinger on either side of it and squeezing the swollen helmet, which she seemed to find entertaining as her grin broadened across her face.

She ran a finger over my cock hole, collecting the pooling precum on her finger and bringing it to her mouth, tasting what I'd involuntarily made for her.

My fingers crawled further down her ass, quickly finding their way to the bottom of her crack, and across the short gap of perineum to her already slick, soft opening.

Her lips softly kissed the side of my cock, then her tongue was on me, licking and tasting the length of my exposed shaft.

I dipped the tip of my middle finger just inside her pussy right where the skin split. I left it there for a moment, feeling her tightness wrapped around my fingertip up to the cuticle. When I wiggled it inside her, her breathing became heavier, rushing past my erection and chilling it where she'd applied moisture with her exploring tongue.

I inched my hand further and wiggled my middle finger deeper, dipping it to the middle knuckle, and marveling at her tightness, so snug against my skin, gripping it hungrily as I began to slowly move it in and out, feeling the slippery textures inside her.

Some part of my mind relegated to taking meeting notes, registered that this was the first real pussy I'd ever touched, but I was too in the moment to consider the novelty of that milestone for long.

My cock twitched again as she wrapped her lips around the tip, taking it inside her mouth, the first mouth it had ever entered. She began running her tongue around it in a circle and she moved down, sliding me further in, giving me more of her wet mouth until she reached the shaft, her lips letting some spit past as her sucking and slurping became more animated.

She moved quickly down after that, gobbling more and more of my length, and then I heard her gag slightly as I hit the back of her throat, but she didn't back off, instead, she pushed down further, almost like she enjoyed the choaking sensation of my cock head sealing her airway.

I felt warm spit dribble down to my balls and then she did back off, taking several breaths while kissing and licking, almost like she was making out with it. Then, she went right back down on me, sucking and slurping her way down until she was choaking herself again.

She pooched her ass harder against my hand and I pulled the finger out, using the wetness it had collected to lubricate her outer lips, rubbing my fingers across them until all of her pussy was wet.

I ran my fingers over the soft tissues, rubbing and massaging her as I continued to return to the source of the moisture, dipping my middle finger back inside, sliding it into her hole as far as I could go, then feeling her grip as I withdrew it to coat her pussy lips again and again, fondling every fold and crease between her legs with hungry, exploring fingers.

Her moans and slurps were intoxicating, and I could have cum several times just listening to it, but my desire to please and impress her was, thus far, keeping the building sensation in check. I didn't think that would last much longer, however.

She began rocking her hips forward and back against my playing fingers. I inched my hand further between her legs so I could play with her clit, caressing the little hood of soft flesh covering it, and then I started to rub in little circles like I'd seen so many porn stars do.

She seemed to like what I was doing, for a moment, shaking and moaning as well as she could with a mouth full of my cock. Then, she suddenly slid her pelvis forward, pulling her pussy just out of reach of my fingers and reaching back to grab my wrist.

"Sorry," I said, not sure what I'd done.

She slid my cock out of her mouth and giggled before saying, "She's very sensitive, sweetie. She loves your touch but too much sensation gets overwhelming. It's kind of like this."

She moved to put her mouth on my cock again but then I was feeling her teeth, lightly biting around the hole of my urethra and on the sensitive bit of flesh at the underside of my tip. It felt like little electrical shocks running through me. I pushed my ass down, withdrawing my dick from her mouth, saying, "Okay. I get it. Sorry, Mom."

"Way fee," she replied, after resuming her much more enjoyable slurping and licking.

"What?" I asked, having no idea what she'd said with my cock between her lips.
