Mom's So Hot! Pt. 06


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"I...I'm just so glad I could unload this on you" Mom said. "I had to talk to someone. Uh huh. Yea, tell me about it. No I'm not mad, believe me I know how good Tom is in bed"

Holy shit! Mom and Aunt Mary had obviously confessed to one another about them both sleeping with me! I could barely catch my breath as I listened to them talk about me.

"I...I just can't stand it anymore Mary! I'm so sexually frustrated I could scream!" Mom confessed. "I don't know how I put up with it for so long with John, but ever since I took up with Tom and Pete, I feel like my sex drive has been reborn."

This was interesting, considering I was contemplating trying to get Mom back in bed.

"Yea, I know" Mom continued. "I...I've made up my mind that I'm going to try to seduce him back into my bed. Do you think he's still mad about Pete?"

All right! Mom was actually talking about getting me to fuck her again, something that was music to ears. She had no idea how easy it would be on her.

"Yea, your right" she said. "I..I..just have to put the incident with Jim behind me."

Wow! Mom even told her about fucking Jim in the pool! Sorry I missed the start of the conversation.

"I..I don't even know how it got that far" she continued. "I can't stand the son of a bitch! He's so arrogant and sure of himself. What? Yea, I suppose on some level that's attractive. The fact that he's gorgeous with a great body doesn't hurt either! But, I just feel if I can get Tom back I'll be much stronger in putting Jim in his place. He was definitely taking advantage of my present sexual frustration. Yea, your right"

She seemed to be finishing up, so I got away from the door and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. My dick was hard just thinking about Mom putting a move on me! I wondered when it might happen and how.

I took my coffee outside and joined Nan and Jim by the pool. We sat around and chatted for a while, watching the kids swim. Jim seemed very attentive towards Nan and I wondered if he was feeling guilty. He went out of his way to touch her and on a couple of occasions grabbed her and kissed her. In a way I could hardly blame him. Nan looked hot today in a pair of black silk shorts and deep purple tank top. She had her hair pinned behind her ears and then falling behind her neck, just the way I like it. Shortly, Maggie came out, followed by Brad. She had a nasty look on her face and seemed intent to cool off in the pool. While she was wearing a much more conservative suit today, it was a two-piece that showed off her figure quite well. I couldn't help but admire in her the same attributes that Jim pointed out last night.

The firm, round ass, the long legs, the pert, upturned tits. If I hadn't overheard Mom's conversation just now I might have thought about making a move on Maggie, even if she is my baby sister. But, I was feeling quite good, knowing my sex life was about to take a turn for the better.

Brad had a real hound dog look on his face and I could tell he was at a loss in what to do to make up with Maggie. Nan noticed it too and at one point went over to where he was sitting and talked to him for a bit. We hung around the rest of the morning, swimming and eating and drinking. Mom had joined us shortly after she got off the phone and I had a hard-on all morning watching her swim in the same suit she had on the night Jim took her in the pool. Jim continued to be all over Nan and grabbed her at one point while she was talking to Brad, roughly kissing the back of her neck.

"Not so rough! I tell you that all the time!" Nan complained, a slight giggle in her voice as a way of hiding her real displeasure.

Jim and Maggie played in the pool with the kids while Mom floated on a raft, soaking up some sun. At one point I saw Nan pat Brad on the leg and got up and went over to where Jim was in the pool. I saw her watch Maggie playing with the kids and then quickly whisper something to Jim. He shook his head in agreement and then she went back over to Brad. She said something to him and then started walking towards the house. She noticed my watching her and rolled her eyes to the sky.

"Trouble in paradise" she whispered to me as she went by and into the house.

Shortly thereafter, Brad got up and went into the house. Something told me that they were going to carry on their conversation inside. Typical Nan, always the social worker. She must have told this to Jim and probably asked him to keep Maggie occupied.

Due to the low life, fucking peeking tom, scum I have become, I couldn't resist listening in on this conversation. I snuck into the house and crept into the dinning room, peering around the wall into the living room where Nan and Brad were sitting on the sofa. I was a little surprised that Brad would unload this on Nan, since they hadn't seemed to gotten real close since Brad arrived. But knowing Nan the way I do, he probably relented to her sympathetic approach.

"I....uh...don't know what's wrong. She keeps telling me that I need to loosen up" Brad was saying.

"Ohh, hon, that must be real confusing to you" Nan responded. "Do you have any idea what she means?"

"Well...uh...I think...uh........this is embarrassing" Brad hesitated.

"It's ok. Were all family" Nan assured him.

"Uh....she usually says this when...I'm know....romantic" he said.

"Oh" Nan replied with a slight smile. "You mean when you touch her or kiss her."

"Well....sort's.......everything..." Brad struggled. "When...when I her the know?"

"Yes, I think I do" Nan said. "Do you think it's in response to anything your doing in particular?"

"I....I.....God this is hard....I starts out when I kiss her" he mumbled.

"How do you mean, sweetie?" she asked.

"Uhm...I guess....she means she wants me to...kiss her...differently..." he replied.

"Oh? How so?" Nan asked, trying to understand.

"I....I don't really know" Brad answered, frustrated.

"It's ok" she said, very much in her social worker frame of mind. "Tell me how you usually kiss her"

"Well...I....I've been taught that you should always be respectful to a woman. You know, gentle and kind" he replied.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that" Nan told him.

"That's what I think" he agreed. "But....but she seems to think that....that it lacks...passion...."

"Oh. I see" she responded.

"I...I just don't know what to do" he said.

"Uh, well, let me think" Nan said, deep in thought. "How do you normally start kissing her when you're trying to get her in the mood?"

"Uh...I...I...usually start kissing her...her..neck and shoulders." Brad answered.

"And how do you do that.....I mean when she complains...what is it she's unhappy about?" Nan inquired.

"Uh....well...that I'm not putting any passion into it....I guess..." he said.

"Do you agree?" she asked.

"Uh...I....I'm trying to be gentle...not.....not... like some kind of animal" he replied.

"I know this must be hard for you Brad, but maybe she just needs a little more desire and a little less gentleness." Nan suggested.

"I don't know what you mean" Brad said.

" time you kiss her on the neck...uh...pretend that it's an ice cube on a hot day and you need to suck as much water from it before it melts as you can" she said.

"I...I couldn't do that...I...don't...." he didn't finish.

"Of course you can." Nan insisted. "It's easy."

" couldn't What....what if...... if I didn't do it right? She'd just get mad again" he replied.

"Oh, I don't think so" she said, looking into his eyes for some glimmer of confidence.

"No..I...know she would. I....I...just couldn't.." Brad insisted.

Nan studied him for a while, thinking. "Tell you what. Why don't you try with me" she said.

"Huh?" he responded.

"You heard me. Try it with me. Then you'll know you can do it and you won't be too afraid to do it with Maggie" Nan encouraged.

"Oh....I...I...don't think....." his voice trailed off.

"Sure you can! And, do you know why? Because I won't criticize you if you're a little awkward. I'll just help you get the hang of it." Nan explained.

"Oh...I don't know" Brad replied.

They were facing each other on the sofa, each with an arm resting on the back. Nan reached out and took a hold of his arm. "C'mon. It will be all right" she insisted as she tugged on his arm, trying to get him to sit closer.

"Oh....I....don't think..." he protested as he scooted closer to Nan.

When he was close enough to her that their knees were barely touching, Nan returned her arm to the back of the sofa and smiled at him.

"Now, give me a little kiss right there" she instructed, pointing to the middle of her neck.

"I.....don't know...." he whimpered.

"C'mon. Don't be shy" Nan told him, tilting her head to expose more of her neck to him.

Brad hesitated for a moment and then leaned in. As he got real close to her neck he jerked his head back several times, quite unsure of himself. Finally he found the nerve and planted a quick peck on her neck and moved back.

"Brad! Now c'mon, you know that's not what I meant. Now try again." Nan instructed, tilting her head again.

He hesitated again before leaning back in. He paused for a moment, breathing on her neck before he placed his lips in a soft kiss. He held it for a couple of seconds before pulling back.

"Well, that was nice. Very gentle. Now show me how you do it when you try it on Maggie" Nan said.

Again Brad hesitated before moving back in and planting another soft kiss on Nan's neck, which was followed by another, then another as he planted a trail up her neck. After the fourth kiss he quickly pulled back and straightened up, looking very nervous.

"Well. That was quite lovely Brad. And a lot of women would find it..uh..quite..uh stimulating. But, like we spoke about, Maggie is looking for something different." Nan said.

"Uh...right" Brad agreed.

"So, remember how I described the ice cube?" she asked.

"Uh...yea" he responded.

"Well that's what I want you to try now. Pretend my neck is an ice cube and you're trying to suckle water from it" she instructed, tilting her head once again.

"I...I..." he protested.

"Oh, hon, I won't bite. Now try." Nan said.

He looked at her and then at her neck before leaning back in. As his lips touched her neck he froze for a moment and then opened his mouth and gently sucked at it for a few seconds. He once again quickly pulled back, looking at her for some kind of approval.

"See. That wasn't so hard. You did that really well." Nan encouraged him. "Now, I want you to try several of those up my neck, ok?"

He paused, then shook his head in agreement. He leaned back in as Nan tilted her head and once again laid his open mouth on her neck, sucking gently. He held each kiss for a few seconds before trailing up her neck with another. As he kissed it the fourth time Nan seemed to tense up.

"Uhhmmnn" she moaned softly.

Brad quickly backed off, panic on his face.

"What? What did I do wrong?" he asked, worried.

"Nothing at all." Nan replied, smiling. "I just reacted to the feeling, is all. You should expect that reaction."

"Oh....I see.." he said. "But..I...I'm a little confused. Where should know....go?"

"You mean with your kisses?" she asked.

"Yea" he answered.

"Well, just follow my neck up to my jaw and then try following my jaw line" she suggested.

"Oh...ok..." he said, not looking too sure.

As he leaned back in and Nan tilted her head for him, she suddenly stopped.

"And Brad!" she said somewhat forcefully.

"What?" he replied, jumping back.

"Hon, don't stop if I make a sound, all right?" Nan said, laughter in her voice.

"Oh....oh...right" he replied, looking like he was making a mental note.

He leaned in once more, Nan offering her neck to him, and placed an open kiss on it again. He kissed his way up her neck, pausing each time to lightly suckle before moving on. He made a trail of wet kisses to where her neck meets her jaw line.

"Uhhhmmmnnn" Nan softly moaned as he made his way up her neck.

He didn't stop this time and continued to kiss his way across the bottom of her jaw and then on her chin. Nan tilted her head down as he kissed her chin and then he stopped, his lips inches from hers. They looked in each other's eyes before Brad suddenly pulled back.

"That was really nice Brad." Nan said softly. "How did you feel?"

"Uh...well..I wasn't as self-conscious as I thought I would be. Did....did I do all right?" he asked.

"Yes, yes you did. I think the only thing I would try if I were you, is to start lower on the neck. You know, where it meets the shoulder." she suggested.

"Oh....I..I...knew I would screw it up" Brad complained.

"You didn't screw it up. It was just a suggestion. Here, why don't you try it once more" Nan said.

"Oh...I..don't want you to get the idea...." he started.

"I'm not, don't worry." Nan replied, giggling. "We're just trying to help you. So, try it once more."

"Uh...ok" he responded, nervously.

"And don't be afraid to apply a little more pressure" she advised.

"Oh...oh...uh...ok" he said.

He leaned in again as Nan lifted and then tilted her head, giving him access to her lower neck. He nestled his mouth on the base of her neck and kissed it, sucking tenderly. He steadily kissed his way up her neck, pressing more firmly at each point and lingering a bit longer.

"Uhhhhhhh" Nan moaned, shifting a bit in her seat, her hand leaving the back of the sofa to land softly on Brad's head.

Brad continued to make his way up her neck, opening his mouth at each spot and laying his tongue on her flesh before closing his lips around it and suckling.

"Ohhhhhhh" Nan moaned a bit louder at Brad's kisses, her fingers brushing through the back of his hair, her eyes fluttering.

I looked down at her chest and thought I could detect her nipples protruding through her top. Brad seemed to be getting the hang of it and Nan sure seemed to be reacting to it. He made his way up to the top of her neck slowly and then followed her jaw line to her chin.

"Uhhhhhmmmm" Nan moaned as he firmly sucked along her jaw, her eyes half closed and breathing through parted lips as her hand grabbed at his hair and released in rhythm with his kisses.

He reached the end of her jaw and Nan lowered her head as he captured her chin with his lips. As he released it their parted lips hung inches from one another for a moment until Nan tilted her head and slowly pulled his head forward. Their lips lightly brushed, paused and then slid together, sealing in a deep, full kiss. The kiss went on for 10-15 seconds, their mouths fused in a tender embrace. They gradually parted, their lips peeling apart until they were mere inches away. They looked at one another through slits in their eyes, their breathing heavy. Nan's other hand came up and caressed his face gently while his hands softly landed on her waist, his fingers lightly caressing her sides. She laced her fingers through his hair and slowly pulled his head back towards her, their lips meeting again in another full kiss.

Nan's hands released his hair as her arms gradually encircled his neck, bringing her chest up firmly against his. At the same time he tenderly slid his arms around her waist as their kiss deepened.

"Uhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm!" Nan moaned into his mouth as their heads gently swayed, their lips sealed together in a kiss that was at once both tender and intense.

They froze on that spot, lost in their kiss for over a minute, with the only sound being a soft whimpering moan from deep in Nan's throat.
I was insanely jealous watching Brad kissing her like this, something I was dying to do. Finally they slowly broke apart, out of breath and a dazed look in their eyes.

"Uh...I...I...better go...go...back kids...." Nan mumbled.

"Uh....uh...oh...sure...." Brad replied, embarrassed. Nan got to her feet on wobbly legs and managed to leave the room.

Chapter 4

We all decided to eat early. It was during clean up that I finally got an answer to the question that was dogging me all day. I pulled k.p. duty and was in the kitchen rinsing out the dishes and stacking them in the dishwasher as everyone brought something in. Mom brought a stack in and set them on the counter next to me. She still had on her suit, but over it was a green, sleeveless cover-up that went down to her knees and snapped in the front. It was made of thin cotton and right now she had it completely open.
"Oh, I've got to get out of this suit before it drives me crazy!" Mom said to me. "I'll be right back Tom and I'll give you a hand"

"Sure" I said, thinking very little of it.

A few minuets went by and I heard Mom come down from upstairs. I glanced at her once and did a double take. She had removed her suit and had just the cover-up on, which clung to every curve. She had it snapped up to just show a start of some cleavage, but it was obvious she was naked underneath by the way her nipples stuck out though the thin material. She also only had it snapped to the top of her thighs and showed quite a bit of leg as she walked.

I started to breath quickly as excitement ran through me, certain that this was the moment I waited for all day.

"Tom, I need to speak to you" she started as she helped with the dishes.

"Sure Mom" I responded, acting totally unaware.

"Well, things haven't been quite the same between us since I... left with Pete" she stated.

"That's true." I agreed.

"I...I was wondering if we could...settle this between us and ...bury it" she asked.

"I...I don't see why not" I answered. "Why don't we just agree never to bring it up again."

"Uh...that's fine..hon, but...uh..." she stammered as she came around to the side of the counter and leaned against it.

"What Mom?" I asked, knowing I was being difficult.

"I...uh...was wondering..." she started and took a quick glance outside to see where everyone was. "...if we couldn' this out just the two of us" she said, looking into my eyes as her hand reached up and unsnapped the first snap of her cover-up, revealing half her full, freckled breasts.

"Oh...I see.." I said, my dick shooting to full hardness as I took in the sight of her half exposed tits. "Uh....sure...I ..I'd like that."

"Really?" Mom asked, inching closer to me, her tits wobbling slightly.

"Oh, yea" I answered, finally looking up into her eyes.

Our heads leaned in as our lips parted, slowly closing the gap between them. As they were just about to touch the screen door opened and we quickly leaned away. It was Jim and he seemed to be somewhat preoccupied as he looked at us both.

"Uh..hi....uh...Vicky..could I....uh..speak to you a minute?" he asked.

"Uhm..yea...I guess" she replied, looking at me and then back at him.

" You don't mind, do you Tom?" he asked.

", not at all" I answered.

"Uhm...welll.uh..why don't we go into the living room" Mom suggested to him.

"Great" he replied and proceeded into the next room.

Mom shrugged her shoulders and followed him, not realizing she forgot to re-snap the top snap on her cover-up. I had too much riding on this night coming off and decided to sneak over and see what this was all about. From the dinning room I could see Mom with her ass leaning against the arm of the couch, arms at her side, looking impatiently at Jim, who was standing in front of her.

"Well?" she said, somewhat irritated.

"Uh..I don't know where to start" Jim said, not displaying any of the cockiness or bravado he normally does.

"Try!" she said, impatient.

"Uh....I was wondering if you think much about what happened in the pool..." Jim started.

"If that's what this is about I'm out of here!" Mom interrupted and started to leave.