Money for Nothing


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We've both grown up since then. Also, having a son together has forced both of us to think about someone besides ourselves.

"The whole thing has worked out marvelously, hasn't it?" Laura asked after Junior had left for the kitchen.

"You mean the plan to put our marriage on hold for a while, snatch a rich guy, relieve him of a large sum of money, build up a successful business and live happily ever after?"

"Yes, exactly that plan."

Just make a new plan, Stan I thought. Surprisingly, I found I could even laugh at that damned song now.

"Haha, nice try, my dear. That's not what happened, unfortunately."

"I know," she said, suddenly serious again.

"Do you feel sorry for him?"

"Olli?" she seemed surprised that I even asked about him. "Not really, no. A bit, maybe. He really loved me, probably still does. What can I do for him? Stay with him out of pity? What good could possibly result from this? No, he had a while with the woman he loved, and losing a bit of money means nothing to him. I don't feel bad about him."

I just nodded in silence as we were both lost in thought.

"I was pretty much a shallow, self-centered asshole back then, wasn't I?"

She smiled ruefully at me. "Shallow and narcissistic. Yes, we both were."

The fact that she was right didn't make it sting any less. "All the times I shouted at you about money, when you were doing the best you could. I wonder how you put up with me."

She gave a little snort. "I didn't, remember? I left you for money." She shook her head. "I can't believe I was actually selfish enough to do that to us."

I took her hand in both of mine. "I think we've changed since then. Grown up, maybe. I don't think it's just that we have money now, I think we've both really changed. Do you?"

"I hope so. I know that even if we lost everything and were dirt poor again, I wouldn't leave you. I would never be that selfish again. Maybe that whole mess made us both grow up. That, and Junior."

"Yes, Junior," I said. "Now we both have someone to think about besides ours..."

I was interrupted by a crashing noise coming from the kitchen.

"Junior!" we both shouted, running to the kitchen to see what needed to be rescued this time. Weighty discussions would just have to wait.

"Thanks for taking me back. You won't regret it," she said as soon as we had prevented the looming disaster and Junior was busy in the garden.

So far, I haven't, not even for a moment. We really are meant to be together, just like everyone always said, but there's a lot more to Us now than just good looks. As for the damn song: "Paul who?" says I.

* * * * *

Many thanks to my friends for their help, George Anderson in particular.

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Wow, people amaze me. I didn't read many comments but those that I did read are arguing over who is the whore.

Do I some news for most of those writing the comments...all of the MCs are morally corrupt. There is no redeeming quality for any of them. None of the characters have any morals at all!

She left to whore herself for money, Ollie bought her and her ex-husband was sleeping with a married woman. That is just the start of the this immoral tale.

Now is the time to admit I did enjoy the story (5*). But, it seems it is for a different reason than most. I truly hope the intent of this story was to show how people justify their actions...while treating each other like a piece of shit. Nobody in this story was right by any reasonable measure!

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Wholeheartedly agree with Anonynous poster from 5 months ago. This should be rated higher. 5 stars. Lot of commenters missed the forest for the trees. She cheated on Olli with her ex-husband relentlessly. She left her ex husband because financially they were beyond separate and her ex (the MC) was terrible with money and didn't appreciate all the sacrifices she was making to try to get by. She was on the edge of a complete nervous breakdown. This was not about trading up in the traditional sense. She wanted basic aspects of life and security. Once she got her MBA, he had no need for Olli anymore. Yes she flirted with Olli and developed a failsafe backup plan, which is technically an emotional affair but like the other poster said, she actually had zero emotions for Olli beyond feeling guilty for cheating on him with her ex. Love wasn't the problem. They were both selfish and immature in different ways and not compatible to be married in terms of the challenges of life. She chose poorly and selfishly, but her ex was every bit as selfish about the money problems in his own way. Their marriage was doomed anyways. She abandoned a sinking ship. Was it honorable? Hell no. It hurt the MC badly. But even he admitted she didn't cheat on him. She filed for divorce and left him before any sexual contact. Was she true to him? Again hell no. She had to entice Olli into the promise of a real relationship. But she did that by artfully stringing Olli along for months. She lied by omission by not telling her ex about her backup plan, but she clearly was planning on exiting rhe marieage for some time and only stayed longer, hoping her ex would outgrow some of his narcissistic tendencies. At the time he failed miserably and she lost it. But she too was selfish and made a terrible choice. They simply shouldn't have been married when so young. Money issue blow up a lot of young marriage. Such is life. It is as big or even a bigger factor than adultery in leading to divorces.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Lol. She married the guy. She wasn't a prostitute. Yeesh. The story was about the MC effectively being a prostitute. Yikes. How can you miss that?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She was still a prostitute, still had sex for money.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Surprising this isn't rated higher. She was selfish but not willfully evil. He was selfish and didn't recognize the sacrifices she made while his mishandling of money buried them in poverty.

They were married only 2 years and maybe dated a couple more. They were 22 when she left him. Cold-blooded? Yes, but she was miserable and though love wasn't the issue they were both living a sh$tty life and she cracked. Yes it would have been better if she had straight divorced him without a failsafe. But with zero money and a ton of debt us that practical?

Also say she had clean divorced him and he found out 3 months later she was dating a rich guy, would that really have hurt a lot less.m? Yes, less because would have softened the "big night", but he would have been left with insecurities and then had all gmhis fears affirmed anyways.

Even according to the MC, she didn't cheat. Well to be clear she had to woo Oliver probably for a couple of months, met at her restaurant, but she had zero sexual contact with Oliver prior to leaving and filing, maybe not til marriage to Oliver, and while technically an "emotional" affair to seek a failsafe with money, she certainly had zero emotions for Oliver besides some guilt later. All the rest of her guilt is devoted to her ex husband who she certainly loved. Yes she lied by omission but she never actually lied and confrontednhin with her (selfish) decision. Suspect she was on edge of a nervous breakdown and Oliver offered her an escape. Not heroic or indomitable and quite immature in hindsight, but not evil.

Their prior marriage had been beset by money woes and they both had some narcissistic traits they had to grow out of. Was she in the wrong, sure? She even adnitted that multiple times. But a lot of marriages end due to money problems in the first 2 years. It is why young people today really key on finances before getting married layer, after living together for years.

She chose to leave him, a decision that she really was remorseful about. She cheated on Oliver at the drop of a hat because she she still loved and lusted the MC. He grew over time as well. The both were mismatches when it came to financial problems and lack of financial empathy and sacrifices. In that way her ex husband sucked.

Eventually Oliver's choice to pay off the MC and stop all contact actually killed his marriage. She got her MBA, which seemed impossible before with all their debt, and she no longer needs Oliver. Remember she didn't leave the MC to get rich. She wanted basic things like heat, clothes, maybe a car, a roof over he head, not starving, and paying for school. With her MBA she coukd work and make a.livibg and not care about about the riches of Oliver. Oliver knee this hence his panic, agreeing to paid discreet cuckolding.

But she also saw what she lost during those two years of separation. Oliver was an idiot to come clean to her about his agreement with the MC. That ultimately killed their marriage. She certainly suffered for it so it isn't a RAAC. But not a full reconciliation as despite having a kid and both of them growing up in a hurry (what they are 25 now, when they got back together?), and while she is wooing the MC with a one sided prenuptial that would make it hard for her to ever leave him, he still has not proposed to remarry her. He might, he might not. Probably will in a few years and trust is repaired.

Be fair she is not your normal cheating wife. If anything it was reverse in that she cheated on Oliver relentlessly with her love of her life, her ex husband that she abandoned for security and getting out of poverty. So yeah what she did was cold and the MC was rightfully heartbroken, but it could have been a lot worse. Think of all those suckers with kids and married 12-20 years who learn their wife is a serial cheater or in a mulitmonth affair.

Even he admitted it was worse to be in Oliver's shoes, who was hopelessly smitten but couldn't handle his new wife, though he didn't feel too sorry for Oliver, and rightfully so. Oliver was projected as the "villain" but he was more of an opportunistic sh$t, and after all she wooed him.

Again was creative, but sad, warped, but unique. 5 stars definitely. They finally found a path forward. Not much to btb here. Heck she even saved his business for room, board and being with him, byt mostly out of penance and love

.And definitely not a RAAC. There were plenty of costs paid by both sides but a lot by her during those lonely 2 years of no contact. He faired much better during that time apart.

dark2donut2dark2donut29 months ago

Entertaining even though it is a fantasy.

TheOldStudTheOldStud10 months ago

Stan and Ollie...brilliant...

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon11 months ago

Bored to fucking tears.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter11 months ago

The story was interesting and thankfully not predictable. The characters, apart from Oliver, were not easy to like. Oliver you just had to pity!

redboat7redboat7about 1 year ago

Great Story!! loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Okay, this was a story that I have not heard before, I enjoyed the characters, and the plot was intriguing, and I liked the story. This seemed an extreme version of people changing over time for the better, extreme in that it had really questionable sexual morality, so....

Good work

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