Monstergirls, Heroes and You Ch. 02

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Time to deal with the succubae. This can only end well...
8.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/21/2018
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Climbing a mountain with a boner is difficult. Unfortunately, Mount Madhollow is infamous for its horrible terrain. Being as high as it was with sheer, smooth walls that gave very little purchase and were too hard to drive a piton into, nobody sane ever climbed up here voluntarily. It was said that in the Eld Times, villages and towns would send their condemned to climb up -- a death sentence as sure as any guillotine or gallows. If the treacherous drops and the bitter night's cold didn't get you, it's said that vile monsters lurked in the caves. You know that one's true (even if 'vile' isn't quite how you would describe them), which isn't much comfort, but somebody's got to do it, and you'll be damned and drained dry if you'll beg the College for help so soon.

Therefore, armed with a hook, twenty feet of rope and a throbbing hard-on that doesn't look like it's going away any time soon, you fling the hook as hard as you can, and watch in disappointment as it bounces off. There's a small cleft in the otherwise impenetrable granite that looks like it could support some weight, and you take until midday to get a decent purchase on it. Finally, hoisting yourself up the rope, you cling on to the edge of the next ridge; arms aching as you swing your body onto safe ground, you yank the rope and hook out of the crevice, before collapsing spread-eagled onto the ground, gasping for breath.

Climbing up that rock face after fighting off the two succubae took a lot out of you; your limbs feel like they've been pounded with a hammer, and that erection still hasn't gone. Must be magically induced... you'd pleasure yourself to get rid of it, but those succubae are still relatively close by, and the old books in the College's library had said they could smell a man's lust from miles away. Hopefully it'll go down eventually. You don't want to meet them again.

After regaining your breath, the next thing to regain is your bearings. Trying not to look down, you swivel your head around, noticing that you're lying on a mountain path. What...? A path up Madhollow? You'd never heard of anything like this, but... come to think of it, this looks freshly carved. Not much dust, no wear on the route ... did those succubae make this? They seemed magically powerful, but to carve through granite like cheese like this... they couldn't have done this by themselves. What a comforting thought. Still, this path should make it easier than climbing all the way up...

You drag yourself back upright, and begin the process of marching up the slope. It's steep and difficult, but it still beats another climb. A couple of miles in, you notice a figure sitting on a rock at the side of the path. It's dressed in a green hooded robe which is pretty bulky, so you can't make anything out. "Hello?" you call out from a safe distance. The figure starts, before seeming to turn its head towards you.

"T-there's somebody there? Henny? Penny?" It's a girl's voice, tinted with a slight, unknown accent. Pretty high-pitched and cute, too.

"N-no, I'm here to stop the succubae."

The hooded girl pauses, apparently in thought. "Are you? I thought they were a peaceful lot."

"The men from the village have been disappearing... they sent me to get them back."

"Get them back...? Are you a Hero?"

"Freshly graduated," you state with a smirk.

"Oh, that's impressive. I don't hear much of Heroes from up here, but if you're here then they must be a bigger threat than I thought."

This stokes your ego a bit, so you puff your chest out and move closer. "To tell you the truth, I encountered two of them a few of hours ago. Nothing I couldn't handle."

"Really?" she asks, interested. "What happened to them?"

"They..." you begin to say, before visions of the incestuous lesbian sex flash before your eyes. "They've been defeated for now."

"That's good. Too often you hear about Heroes mindlessly killing monsters. I'm glad to see somebody remembers the old ways," she says, a smile in her voice. You decide not to mention that you probably would have done it if you could.

A short and awkward pause. "So," you say, resorting to small talk. "What are you doing up here?"

"Me? Oh, I'm just meditating. There's something about this mountain... it really calms the thoughts, allows you to think clearly. You're welcome to join me if you'd like?"

The offer does sound tempting... "I'm sorry, but I can't. I need to deal with the succubae, and I don't want to wait while more men end up disappearing."

"Ah. That's understandable. Do you mind if I go with you?"

"What!? Go with me? They're dangerous monsters, you might get hurt!"

"Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. The meditation was getting boring anyway!" With that, the girl jumps up and stands beside you. "Well? You want to deal with them, right?"

You sigh. She seems pretty pleasant... "Well, fine. Just don't blame me if something bad happens to you."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine, worry about yourself!"

And so, the two of you set off, the winds of fate howling.

"...So what's with your clothes?"

"These old things? They keep me warm."

"It's surely not that cold, is it?"

"Heh... not to you, maybe. I'm originally from the southern wastes, so I need to keep wrapped up."

"Really? How did you end up here?"

"It's a... long story," she says, somewhat wistfully. "Maybe one day I'll go back, but the succubae come first, don't forget."

"Y-yes," you agree, flustered. "Do you have any weapons under there?"

She laughs. "That's hardly a proper question to put to a woman, Hero."

"I'm sorry," you quickly say.

"Isn't it how you say, 'a good lady never reveals her secrets'?"

"I-I thought that was magicians..."

"Hmm, really? I confess I haven't spoken to many of your kind since I came here..."

That made sense, what with living up a mountain and all.

"Are you sure you'll be able to defend yourself? Succubae are fast and tough, and I might not be able to help you if you get into a predicament..."

"Mister Hero," she says seriously. "I can handle them, don't get in a fuss over me. Worry about yourself." By the strength in her tone, you believe her. Not just anybody can live up a mountain, after all.

Another pause as you both trudge up the path. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, me? I'm Cassandra, but you can call me Cass. It's fine if you don't tell me yours... names have power, as I'm sure you know."

You grunt in agreement. The next section is especially steep, and it looks like whoever carved the path gave up at this point. Boots slipping as you desperately try to gain purchase, disturbing loose rocks that fall beside you -- this is the Mount Madhollow that people told stories about. Embarrassingly, Cass has no trouble negotiating the treacherous path, even with that bulky robe. Determined to not humiliate yourself in front of a girl, you pull yourself up as hard as you can, discovering only seconds later that your handholds couldn't support your weight.

You don't even have time to scream, you just blurt out a meaningless syllable in your surprise -- and then you tip backwards. Or, you would. Cass, at the last second, reaches down and grabs your right hand under the robe. "Damn it, Hero, you can't die here. Come on!" And she wrenches you back upright, waiting as you manage to scramble up a slower but safer route.

"Thanks," you say as you reach the top, releasing the patchy grass you'd used to drag yourself up. You wanted to say more but you looked up into an abyssal cave. A massive crack in the granite face... this is probably where the succubae are. You could fit two horse-drawn carts side by side into it.

"You sense it too, don't you? Powerful magics..." she says.

You nod. Even a non-magician can sense it if it's strong enough, and you don't need Magic Powder to recognise the tingling ozone smell, or the sensation that seems to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.

You're not sure if the impending sense of dread is part of the magic, though. Saying "Let's go," in a tone of voice much more confident than you are, you unsheathe your sword and softly tread into the cave as Cass trails behind you.

The only light in the entire cave was the sunlight that streamed in through the entrance. Once you stepped out of it, it quickly became too dark to see. You couldn't even see how far the cave went back... or if there was anything lying in wait for you.

"There are only two succubae here, and they're further in," Cass confirmed quietly.

"You can sense them?" you whisper excitedly; a witch could be a powerful ally.

"You can't!?" she whispers back, surprised.

"N-no, I'm not magical."

In the darkness, you're not sure whether or not the ensuing pause includes a withering look.

"Anyway, they're further down the cave, to the... left."

"Thanks," you say, as you both creep down the passage. The floor here is bumpy, and you can hear the faint scraping sound of Cass' cloak dragging across it. After walking into a few walls (eliciting a faint giggle), you end up groping your way through, keeping a hand on the wall as you attempt to navigate down the path that leads furthest to the left. A few stumbling incidents later, you find yourself facing a massive stone door. Spilling through the seams was a pulsating, actinic light, bathing the surrounding area in disturbing illuminations and shifting shadows. Stepping closer, the walls looked like they were... oh.

Carved into the stone are bas-reliefs, varying in number of participants and anatomical probability, but the common theme was sex. Debauched, filthy sex. You try not to look too long, wrenching your eyes to the floor, which you see is covered with the engravings too. Human men, human women, succubae, lamiae, dragons... a veritable panoply of erotic imagery. The extent of the carvings stretches far back into the cave, beyond what the light shows... squeezing your eyes shut, you resolve not to keep on staring -- fighting a succubus while horny was tantamount to suicide.

"One of them is behind this door," Cass whispers in your ear. "It's too heavy to move by yourself, so give me the word and I'll open it with magic."

"I'm ready," you growl, readying your sword. Cass begins to mutter an incantation, and seems to gesture under her robes. Suddenly, the sound of grinding stone starts, as the doors slowly swing inwards, displaying the light fully. It's blindingly intense, even through your closed eyes, and you tense up, preparing for an attack.

As the doors stop moving, a voice speaks, echoing through the chamber. "Oh my, we have a guest. Is this him?"

The voice is low and smoky, almost musical, and ripe with erotic promise... dear Goddess, you could bathe in that voice. It fills you with a sort of balm, much subtler, much deeper than the raw sex that the twins had exuded. Then you realise what she just said.

"Sure is, Your Majesty!" pipes up the high-pitched, excited voice of... Cass.

"Your... Majesty...?" you say, realisation slowly dawning.

"Yep! A novice Hero... I almost feel sorry for you! Your first time adventuring and you happen upon the Queen Succubus!"

What? N-no... no, this can't be happening. You can almost hear your old instructor's voice.

Hm, yes, monsters operate on a matriarchal social structure. Naturally, of course, as they are without exception female. The actual power structures tend towards monarchic; the most powerful member of each race of monster will be the Queen. You'd best hope you don't come across any Queens, indeed!

...Damn it, old man.

You sigh. "And you're the second succubus, I take it?"

A slight rustle of the cloak, probably indicating a nod. "The cat's out of the bag, Hero. In all -- I hope it's not too early to reveal? In all, we only number four. There's Henny and Penny, who you had the pleasure of meeting earlier. There's me, and of course, Her Majesty the Queen. Hehe... you're a lucky boy."

"I trusted you, Cass," you say.

"Hey, it's not fair springing the guilt trap on me like that! We've known each other for all of two hours! But now? Now you'll be getting much closer to all of us..."

"S-so what did you do with the men!?"

"We're succubae, what do you think we did? They're all at peace now."

"You... you killed them!"

"Didn't I just say that? A hunter disregards the rights of her prey."

You shiver... trapped in the care of four literal man-eaters... you would never survive. You don't have a verbal retort that really expresses how you feel. Instead, you sweep around and viciously slash at Cassandra. The blade moves too fast for her, slicing through her robes with a tearing noise. She staggers back, gurgling as she falls.

The blinding light dims significantly. You open your eyes without being blinded, and take a look at the fallen succubus.

"Ouch, Hero," said the bundle of robes. "That hurt. Not in the physical sense, of course, but I thought we had something. A rapport. A frisson. Ah well," Cassandra says as she emerges from her bulky clothes, entirely unmarked.

As you suspected, Cassandra was rather small. A head shorter than you, the cute girl dusts herself off. Her hands rub across her luscious tanned skin, her thin arms travelling down her flat chest, across her smooth belly and slender waist...

"And look at you! Even now, you can't stop staring at me." Her red eyes gaze at you in disappointment as she flicks some dust from her rich, dark brown hair. "Succubae hunt men, Hero. You can't deny nature. Just give up."

"It's no use," said the queen, that regal voice once again causing a soporific fog to cloud your mind. "No amount of talking will change his mind. He will require... a more practical demonstration."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Cassandra says solemnly. "Shall I do the honours?"

"Oh, there's no need. I'll show him personally."

"Yes, Your Majesty," says Cassandra. "Goodbye, Hero. Hopefully we'll see each other again."

With that, she bows to her queen, walking out and magically closing the door behind her.

As the grinding noise of the doors stops, the light changes from intense blue to a warm orange, like a sunset. You turn towards the queen, sword raised. "I'll never submit willingly," you say with the conviction of a man who knows he's about to die.

"You may surprise yourself," she replies. The light poured from behind her, so you see the silhouette of the tall, voluptuous queen rise effortlessly from her throne. "Drop that sword; you won't need it, nor will it be of any use to you."

"I'd prefer to keep it where it is, thanks," you snarl back, readying your stance.

"It's treason to disobey the command of a Queen," she counters.

"You're not my queen."

"I will be shortly," she says, spreading her large bat-wings, light shining through the translucent, purple membrane. She takes a step forward. You brace, preparing yourself for the blinding rushdown. A couple of seconds pass. You take a breath. You nearly collapse.

The air is filled with an all-pervading scent. A sort of floral musk, at once the perfumed bouquet of a beautiful garden, and the unstoppable pheromonal lust of an animal in heat. Your erection throbs hard, and for all the world it feels like you'll ejaculate just from inhaling her scent. Feebly attempting to regain your posture, you keep looking at your opponent, who paces forward slowly, nonchalantly. You hold your breath as you tense your hips, desperate to halt your impending orgasm.

"Not breathing won't work," she states, getting ever closer. "Everything has to breathe at some point; you're just delaying the inevitable."

Your lungs are already bursting for fresh breath; your mind kicks and screams against its instincts, but your body betrays you, obediently gulping down another breath that sets your soul aflame. You collapse to your knees, almost weeping with the effort it takes to resist pathetically ejaculating in your trousers.

"See?" the queen says, pleased. "You're already kneeling before me. That's a good start..."

Each breath brings you closer to the brink. Each lungful makes you throb, makes you ache... you can't stop the tears, or the panting, or anything. You're an ant being slowly crushed under her heel, and she isn't even touching you.

"If it's any consolation, you're doing better than many men," she sighs. "Most can't stop themselves on the first breath. It's a curse, really... you think they'd prefer to spurt their semen in more productive ways, but they come just from being near me. Such a shame..."

Her words barely register. Your entire being is focused on not cumming, and you're giving little by little. Each breath, each heartbeat, each step she takes closer to you drives you further back. It's like you're being inexorably pushed towards the edge of a cliff... you don't even notice you've crumpled on the ground in the fetal position until you notice everything's sideways. Sucking in that hateful air through tightly clenched teeth, you squeeze your eyes closed, sobbing with effort.

"Ara... you dropped your sword for me, Hero. You're so cute... it's alright if you can't stop yourself, I won't think any less of you."

Her gloating, that imperious contralto, washes over your mind like molasses, trapping you like a fly. You don't even think of the powerful succubus coming closer until you feel a gloved hand gently caressing your face, softly rotating you until you lie face-up on the ground, unbuttoning your shirt and leaving your chest bare. Then you make the mistake of opening your eyes. You fall in love.

Perhaps unfitting for such a devilish creature, her face is nothing short of angelic. Those arrogant scarlet doe-eyes, the smirk playing on her plump, wine-red lips, her flawless alabaster skin... you're so close.

"Mmh... such a delicious little morsel I see before me. I smell a virgin. Your body hasn't known the touch of a woman. Hehe... I'm honoured to be the one to give it to you."

Her face comes closer, like an eagle swooping in on the hapless rabbit. You can feel her warm breath on your lips. The hand is back, cupping your cheek, almost fondly. She's going to kiss you... this goddess of a woman is going to kiss you.

Should your eyes be open or closed when you kiss a woman? You're not sure, but when her lips meet yours, your eyes shut of their own volition as you savour her sweet taste. It just feels right to be here, giving yourself to the Queen Succubus. Her supple, pillowy lips feel heavenly against yours... then she parts them, sliding her tongue into your mouth, inviting you to play. You respond with as much energy as you can muster, her agile tongue deftly wrestling with yours for a few blissful moments. Eventually, you have to come up for air. At this point, it no longer registers as flowers, or pheromones. It's just... her.

Leaving you to fill your mind with her scent, her mouth goes exploring downwards. After tenderly smooching your neck, she leaves a trail of playful little kisses down your chest and belly, and dipping her tongue briefly into your navel, she looks you in the eye as she finally reaches your penis. Her oral assault has left you near-catatonic, and it's all you can do just to make eye contact with her. Your erection makes a conspicuous bulge in your trousers, the tip weeping with precum that's soaked through the material. She laughs.

"For me? Hero, you shouldn't have," she says, winking as she pulls your trousers and pants down, finally exposing your boner.

It looks harder than you've ever seen it before, twitching with the need to cum.

"Ahaha... you're full of surprises, Hero. You have such a cute face but you're so manly down here..."

She brings her face close to it. Her hot breath plays around the sensitive head, and she licks her lips as she regards it. "So, would you like me to do it?"

The question confuses you, given how consumed you are in lust and denial.
