More than Just Friends Ch. 01


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He'd never seen Tyler so upset before. Tyler put the letter, unfolded, back in the box, then rolled away from him, handing him the box. "Take it. I'm sorry."

"Tyler," he said, licking his lips, a nervous habit. "It's... Let's just forget it."

Tyler curled up on his bed, pulling his legs up to his chest. "I'm sorry, dude. Don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad," Danny said, and it was true. He couldn't stay mad at Tyler, not really. He put the box on the floor, then reached out and touched Tyler's hip. "Come on, don't be all down. We got the whole weekend to ourselves."

Tyler flinched at his touch. "I'm sorry you haven't had a girlfriend in three months."

"Who's counting?" Danny said, attempting a joke. "I mean, I am massively backed up, there's only so much you can do with your hand. I almost bought a cock sleeve in the mail but I can't trust that my mom wouldn't open it. I'd die from embarrassment, and she'd kill me if I didn't." He chuckled, making it a joke.

"Yeah," Tyler agreed, too seriously. Danny sighed, then pulled his friend over by his hip. "Sorry."

Danny shrugged. "I forgive you. We promised to share everything, right? Don't keep shit from me like this anymore. Just tell me. I trust you, you're the brother I chose. I know you think you were doing the right thing by letting my balls shrivel up from atrophy-ication."

"Not a word," Tyler said with a snort of sad-sounding laughter.

"You know what I mean," he replied. "Don't lie to me, don't keep shit from me. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Since we're on this topic, I hafta come clean-"

"There's more?" he barked, twisting to face his friend.

"Well, I can tell you that Sarah Shepard, in your third period honors math class? She asked me out so she could get closer to you."


Tyler looked up, thinking. "Last fall. About homecoming time. You were already dating what's-her-face. Lucy the I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't going with no-"

"Sarah Shepard? I don't even know her."

Tyler sat up, and suddenly they were so close their shoulders brushed. "Really thick glasses, wears her hair in a braid every day?"

"Kinda fat?"

"Yeah, that's her," Tyler agreed. "She asked me to try to break you and Lucy up so she'd have a chance. She tried to kiss me, ah, among other things."


Tyler shrugged, his shoulder brushing against Danny's again. Danny leaned into him without thinking about it and he felt Tyler reciprocate. It felt good, having Tyler as a friend, being this intimate with him. It felt like they were connected on a deeper level. "Dunno. Anyway, I thought I should just clear the air, clean slate. She kissed me, I turned her down, but then she gave me one of the worst blowjobs I've ever had. I can't even begin to tell you how big of a bullet I dodged for you there."

"She just blew you?" Danny asked, skeptical, but not upset anymore.

"Well, I kinda told her she'd need to prove to me that she was good enough for you. Sometimes fat girls can be real freaky in bed. Not this one." Tyler laughed, but it sounded nervous. He was still worried about Danny's feelings.

"Well, thanks for that, then. Lucy was terrible, too. Like, at least you got Sarah to give you a blowjob. Lucy wouldn't even touch me, and had to have the lights out if we had sex because she didn't want to see my dick. I think she would've made me wear three condoms if it worked, that's how much she didn't like seeing it. I mean, yeah, I'm uncircumcised, but it's not that uncommon. It's natural. She laid there like a dead fish, too, if she even let me have sex. Usually it was a half hour of eating puss til she came, then she'd be 'too tired'," he used air quotes here, "to do anything else. I'd end up jerking off in the bathroom because she said she didn't like the sounds I made when I came."

"I knew that bitch wasn't good enough for you," Tyler growled. "What a selfish cunt."

"Girls suck," Danny agreed.

Tyler shook his head. "Not all of them, but there's so many that do. At least Ellie could give a decent blowjob, even if she made me wear a condom. It's just not as good, ya know? What is it with girls not wanting to touch junk? I mean, I know it's not exactly a Rembrandt, but they aren't that repulsive. I always made sure I was clean, too."

Tyler lay back down on the bed, then reached over and pulled Danny down, too. His touch sent a strange spike of electricity down his spine, igniting his face again, re-awakening his dick. He shifted it, hoping that Tyler wouldn't notice he was starting to sport a chub. It was confusing, maybe he was so pent up that even talking about bad sex was making him hard.

"Hey," he said, turning his torso to Tyler. "What if, I mean, ah, we should share. Like, if we find a girl who's into it, who's worthy, we could, like, you know. We really could share everything." Tyler watched him for a minute and he turned away. "Nevermind. I didn't mean it. Just a joke."

Tyler grabbed him and pulled him back. "No, it wasn't. I'm down. If we ever find a girl who's worthy, we'll share her." He took Danny's hand and spit in it, then held his hand up in front of Danny's face.

Danny spit, and then they shook hands, their spit mingling. "Done. You don't, ah... You don't think that's weird?"

"I think it's fucking hot," Tyler said. "I, ah... It gave me a woodie, just thinking about it." He pulled his hand away and wiped the spit on his jeans, then reached out and grabbed Danny's hand again. "Feel?" He pressed Danny's hand over his crotch, against his hard cock.

Another zing of electricity through his body, into his dick, quickly growing just as hard. He pressed down, feeling the shape of Tyler's package through his jeans, then pulled Tyler's hand to his own crotch.

"Me too," he agreed, pressing Tyler's hand against his cock. The feel of Tyler's hand had him suddenly very horny. "Hey, ah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna go take care of this, it's just been hella long, you know?"

Tyler pressed down, then cupped his junk through his underwear. "Don't, you don't have to leave. I could jerk you off, you know, cause it's my fault and all. I'm probably better than a girl, anyway, since I have the same stuff and know what feels good. I know what you like."

"But, I mean, that's, I wouldn't, wouldn't that make you feel weird?"

Tyler rolled onto his side, his hand sliding down to the bed. "Do you? Feel weird, I mean? I'm, maybe I'm not normal."

"Are you gay?" he asked, staring at the ceiling.

Tyler snorted. "Fuck no." He exhaled slowly. "But, I mean, while we don't have girlfriends, we could just use each other to get off. Mutual masturbation or what not. People do that kinda stuff. I mean, it feels better when it's someone else than when it's just you alone, right?'

"Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm super fucking horny, Tyler. I haven't even been masturbating lately, I've been too busy with track, too tired when I get home, so I'm mega-horny."

"You're always horny," Tyler teased, slipping off the bed. "It's fine, I am, too."

"Where're you going?" Danny asked as Tyler fell to his knees on the floor.

"Um, I thought, I mean, you said that you haven't had a good blowjob in awhile... I could, I mean, I think I'd be good at it, if you wanted." Tyler's body language was timid, and he didn't like it. Tyler was usually confident, cocky even.

"Only if I get to grade you based on skill," Danny teased.

Tyler looked up at him. "It's my first time, so maybe take that into account." He leaned forward and pushed Danny back, then dipped into his underwear and pulled him out. "I haven't actually seen you hard before. You have a nice dick."

Danny blushed, so embarrassed he could die. "It's alright, I guess."

Tyler leaned forward to inspect. "Nah, I've seen a bunch of porn, your dick is nice. I've never seen an uncircumcised dick hard before." He leaned forward, sucking in a deep breath. "You smell weird. Like sex."

Danny went to pull away but Tyler's hands clamped down on his thighs. "Sorry!"

"Nah, man, it's hot. Don't apologize, not to me. You never need to apologize to me. Let me take care of you, since it's my fault you haven't gotten your dick wet lately." He leaned forward, looking up at him, his eyes fearful, but also excited.

"Wait, you're for real? Like, real-real? This isn't killing your boner?" he asked, feeling so many emotions at once that it was confusing, making him slow.

"For real-real. Why would it kill my boner? I just told you you have a nice boner. Shut up and don't think too much about it, Danny." He leaned forward and caught the tip of Danny's dick between his lips, slipping his tongue into his foreskin, pushing it back. Danny's hips danced back, he couldn't help it. "Shh," Tyler said when Danny opened his mouth to insist he was fine, which he wasn't. "Shut up and stop thinking. Just, if you need it, pretend I'm a girl. Pretend I'm Selma Hayek or something."

"No," Danny said, scooting his hips closer to Tyler. This was so freaking hot he couldn't stand it, so he gave into Tyler's demands. He always did, in the end, but that was because Tyler always had the best ideas.

Tyler pulled back. "No?"

"Not closing my eyes. Not thinking of Selma Hayek. I wanna watch you." He jumped his hips up off the bed. "Show me how you'd want a girl to suck you off."

Tyler didn't hesitate, leaning forward as he sucked Danny's cock head into his mouth, his eyes locked on Danny's. He moaned, it felt so warm in Tyler's mouth, then Tyler's tongue danced around his frenulum.

"Shit, Tyler, that's nice. I'm so horny, I'm gonna cum way too soon. I'm not usually this quick..."

Tyler slid deeper down his dick, half way down, then sucked hard while also brushing his fingers over Danny's balls. Danny fisted his hands in his blankets, fighting off an instant orgasm. Tyler bit down gently, the promise of those teeth causing pain bringing him even closer. A second later his dick was cold where it had been in Tyler's mouth.

Tyler looked up at him with those stunning gold-flecked brown eyes. "It's okay, just cum. I know you're backed up, I won't judge you for not lasting. The whole point is to get you off, right?'

"Why are you always so goddamn rational?" he asked as Tyler's mouth slid halfway down his cock again. "Shit, Tyler, that feels so goddamn good, and you haven't even done that much... Fuck, stop that or I'll cum in your mouth! Pull off, Tyler!"

The thought of coming in his mouth was so erotically charged that it pushed him over the edge as Tyler dipped down his cock. He tried to pull Tyler off, didn't want to actually cum in his best friend's mouth, but Tyler fought him, then took a mouthful of spunk. He could feel it when Tyler swallowed it, then sucked more. His hips bucked and he came, and came, and came. "Tyler, shit, don't stop, Tyler that's fucking amazing."

Tyler chuckled around his dick, still sucking and licking him all over. His hips stalled and his back returned to the bed before Tyler released his now deflating manhood. "Was that good?"

"The best," he admitted. "The fucking best. You didn't have to swallow. You shouldn't have. Wasn't it gross?"

"It wasn't great," Tyler admitted. He continued on fast, not waiting to let Danny interject. "But it was sexy. Like, hot. Dirty. Your foreskin is hot, too. I wish I had one, now."

"You really liked it?"

Tyler flushed, then crawled onto the bed next to him, his hand on Danny's stomach. "Ah, no, I mean, if I liked it, that'd be gay, right?"

Danny shook his head. "I liked it. Does that make me gay?"

Tyler watched him carefully for a minute. "I don't think so?"

"Mutual masturbation, Tyler. You said it yourself. Don't overthink it. We're just being creative with our methods."

Tyler chuckled. "Sure. Since we're being frank, it was insanely sexy. I don't know why girls don't do this. It's hot as hell."

He lay on the bed for a moment, catching his breath, then pulled his underwear up, covering himself again. "Your turn."

"Huh?" Tyler asked. "My turn?"

"We share everything," he reminded his best friend. "As it is now, it's not even. Besides, you just got dumped, let me comfort you."

Tyler flushed. "I didn't mean, I don't want you to think you have to..."

"I wanna. You said it was hot. I wanna try it out." Danny pushed his friend onto the bed, pulling his legs up. He parted his legs, then frowned, realizing Tyler was still in jeans. "Take these off, jeans are a pain. Aren't you all uncomfortable, anyway?"

Tyler nodded, then was fumbling with his jeans, escaping them as fast as he could. He took his underwear off with them, Danny noted. "Should I leave my shirt on?"

"No," he said, eyeing Danny's body. His cock was more slender than his, but longer, a darker skin tone than the rest of his body. "Take it off. You're sexy, Tyler."

"Thanks," Tyler said, pulling his shirt off. Danny studied Tyler's cock, then pushed his legs apart and dropped down between them on his hands and knees. "You are, too."

He shook his head. "Nah," he dismissed, then picked Tyler's cock up in his hand, holding it as if it were fragile. Tyler shuddered beneath him.

"You are. Oh, god, shit, that's nice," Tyler said as Danny licked him from tip to root.

"It does smell like sex. Tastes like it, too," Danny noted, then licked him again. He ran his tongue around Tyler's frenulum a few time, then teased the spot where the frill stopped and the edges met, sending Tyler's back up off the mattress. "What do you like? In a blowjob?"

"Fast and deep," Tyler admitted after holding his breath for a second. "But, I mean, whatever is good. Don't worry about it."

"No, I'm making you feel good," Danny said, biting the tip of his penis gently. "I wanna know what makes you hot."

"All of this," Tyler admitted. "You're so fucking sexy, and that's a super weird thing that I never thought I'd say, but since we're here, there's no reason not..." he faded off as Danny sucked him into his mouth. The smell of Tyler's cock filled his head, his mouth, the bead of bitter precum streaked the roof of his mouth, and it was so freaking good. He pulled back, then sank down again, trying to go a little deeper each time. Tyler was warm in his hands, in his mouth, and Danny suddenly wanted to know if the rest of his body was just as warm.

He sent one hand to quest over Tyler's firm belly, then up his ribs and to his nipples. His other hand held Tyler's cock steady so he could bob on it without worrying about it slipping. Tyler's back rose up off the mattress as he pinched down on Tyler's nipple while also gently biting the cock in his mouth halfway down.

"God, yes, Danny. More. Don't stop. I'm gonna cum soon, too. You're so freaking, this is so good. Definitely... in the... top five... mmm..."

Tyler's hips were jumping in time to his sucking. He found Tyler's other nipple and squeezed it, too.

"Harder! More, please, more. Faster, I'm so close."

Danny sped up a little, then pinched as hard as he could. Tyler grunted, then his hips rose up, shoving his cock deep into the back of Danny's throat as his back arched high. Cum sprayed the back of his throat and he could either swallow it or choke, so he swallowed it just as another pulse of ejaculate filled the space the first one had occupied. He swallowed that, too, and again until Tyler was done coming, the action of swallowing it exactly as naughty and dirty as Tyler had suggested. He hadn't meant to swallow it, but he was glad he did as Tyler's pleasure dialed back down.

He pulled off Tyler's cock and stood up, his own dick at half mast again. "Sorry," he apologized, covering his bulge.

"Don't apologize for that," Tyler said, sounding completely relaxed. "It was awesome. So good. You really know how to get me off. I, ah... If, ah, we could do this, this kinda stuff, I mean, until we get girlfriends again. If you wanted, you know, when you were feeling frustrated or backed up, or didn't wanna masturbate at home."

"Yeah, I want," he replied instantly, not even thinking about it. "We share everything, right?"

Tyler snorted a laugh. "Everything."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Holy fuck. I've been considering sex with another guy, now I can't wait to taste a cock and get my ass pounded. Great story!

sm1982sm1982over 3 years ago

This first chapter really shows the audience how well the two teens know each other as well as Danny's inner thoughts on how attractive Tyler is/touching each other means more than just being best friends for years! lol @ HarleyFinn’s comment re how the teen boys described the girls they’ve had sexual relations with.. I completely forgot how nice us women are when describing men and our take on when men do wrong ctfu

HarleyFinnHarleyFinnabout 4 years ago

I’ve read all of your writing and loved it but was really disappointed by the fat shaming and terrible portrayal of women. Yes, I get that it’s MM romance but I wish they could be attracted to each other and act on that without every girl being a slut, frigid, manipulative, fat or repulsed by cock.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Thank you so much for a story that is both tender and very hot! Great combination. I remember laying beside a friend in high school with surprising desire rising in me.


Bearjer69Bearjer69almost 5 years ago
Made me hard!

I only wish I had a friend like that back in the day. Hot story.

Rwa4768Rwa4768almost 5 years ago

It would be great to have a friend like that.

ByrdMan1960ByrdMan1960almost 5 years ago

That was a wonderful story. It felt real. Have always wanted a friend like that. Almost happened once, but no. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Bringing back the memories

What a fantastic story, it brought back a lot of great memories. Please don’t stop.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great story

Very realistic story. Many guys have had similar experiences after a break up. It is an excellent way to relieve stress and take friendship to another level.

uniliveunilivealmost 5 years ago

Nice story, hope there's more ;)

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