Mortal Justice


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"Gordon... Belle Gordon. So, do you look often, Mr. Hammer? Boys are cute, but I think I need a man for my purposes tonight," she said, before biting her lips and licking them like she'd just swallowed my pent-up load and wanted another.

"What... purposes... would those be?" I asked, stepping closer to let her feel the heat that was radiating off my body in waves.

"Nude modeling, of course. I can't allow myself to get out of practice," she said, her fingers feeling up my chest until she reached the knot of my tie and straightened it.

"Well, uh... how do you do that? Sculpt somebody when you're... like you are..." I said, quietly reminding myself that I needed to inhale as well as exhale, as her fingers moved up my neck to my lips.

"Why don't you come and find out, Mr. Hammer... or find out and come... besides, it was the last place anyone saw her go," she said.

"Saw who?"

"Why, Athena, of course. Isn't that why you're here today? You don't strike me as an art lover, Mr. Hammer," she said, her other hand traveling down to where my cock was ready to take up fencing. "Mmmm, but then again, maybe you are... nine o'clock tonight, my place," she smiled, tucking a business card into my shirt pocket.

*** *** ***

That night, I stood outside her building under a flickering streetlight, watching her walk around her loft apartment and art studio in the warehouse district. She'd changed from her black dress into a slinky something close to nothing, designed to tease the eyes out of a man's head. I still wore the tired suit I had on this morning, accessorized with the smell of beer and old sweat, a handful of rubbers in my pocket, and a Colt.45 under my left arm. Some nights, a man can never have too much protection.

The street was crawling with young punks. Bastard sons of gods looking to make a name for themselves, thinkin' their daddy's glow musta rubbed off on 'em when their mortal mommas was raped. Some call 'em demi-gods... some call 'em heroes. Me? I just call 'em out.

I crossed the street to the building and two of the punks flanked me, a third blocking my way to the door to heaven, his gym muscles sparkling in the buzzing neon sign from O'Malley's bar next door. Their problem was, I got no time for heroes when there's a dame to fuck. "You don't wanna be goin' up there, Mister," said the leader of the sparkly cockblockers. "You don't wanna be goin' anywhere near there..."

"And why's that, Edward Cullen? Ain't you got a mousy, insecure virgin somewhere to go not-fuck till she decides she likes things doggy-style? Cuz you gotta know, if you keep blockin' that door, I'm gonna be messin' up that fancy hair of yours real quick," I said.

Well, maybe the punk didn't like me bagging on his girl, or maybe he just wasn't a Twilight fan, but he seemed to think punching my face would make him feel better. I re-educated him on that with a knee to his solar-plexus and introduced his pals to the garbage dumpster while he curled up next to the door learnin' how to breathe again. "Breathin's just like fuckin' kid... it's all just in and out until you're done doin' it," I said with a smile, kicking the groaning sparkly vampire aside so I could pull open the door.

I went up the dark stairs to her penthouse floor, when after hearing a scream and a slap, the door to heaven opened up and a golden glow lit up the stairs. Down came Poseidon, god of the sea himself, and by the looks of the tent in his robes as he stomped down the flight, Mr. Zeus F. Almighty's brother hadn't gotten what he came for.

"Guess she didn't like your seamen, huh?" I said when we met on the landing halfway up and down the stairs.

"You shouldn't have come here, Hammer... she's a viper," he rumbled, staring me down.

"Huh... I thought she was a sculptor... but I guess even a dame like Belle can't make a hard version of some things," I replied. "Maybe those horny guys down by the docks can help you out." Poseidon's nostrils flared, ready for a fight, but the fight went outta him real quick when I stepped on the hem of his robe and kicked his ass down the stairs. When he stopped falling, I called down, "Next time, you should make an appointment... or get some fucking consent."

I knocked on the door to heaven, whistlin' "Popeye the Sailor Man" and was greeted by an angel in marabou slippers. Her ripped see-through slip of a nothing was black, but it was the bruises around her neck that had me seein' red. "You should keep better company, Belle," I said, walking in through the open door and checkin' the place out for stragglers.

"I agree. Why do you think I opened the door, Mr. Hammer?" she said, her voice more hoarse than husky now.

"That, I can't figure. Guess there's no accounting for taste. How did you know it was me?" I asked.

"You smell more like a man than a spray tan... all that gun oil, sweat, and regret," she murmured.

"Seems like you got a nose for trouble."

"Trouble's got a nose for me, Mike. I'm glad you're here. It's been a long time since I've had a visit from someone that didn't want to kill me."

"That's hard to believe with a dame like you. You look like you get more action than that."

"Well, I didn't say they didn't want to fuck me first."

"Did Athena?" I asked.

The angel's head turned to me at that, bitin' down on that pouty lower lip like I wanted to. Those black wraparound shades covering the windows to her soul. Without answering, she walked to the bar at the corner of the room and felt the bottles until she settled on scotch. Her hands shook as she opened the decanter and poured two glasses. When she turned, she didn't seem bothered that I was right up against her. "D-do you like scotch, Mr. Hammer?" she asked, handing me a glass.

"Yeah... I like a lotta things," I said, running my hand up the side of her slip, "But bruises on dames ain't one of them," I said, draining my glass before I leaned down to kiss her soft lips before traveling down to the marks around her neck. Belle shivered, dropped her head back, and fell against me, her body growing softer as I got hard. That's the thing about sex, it just makes us more of what we already are.

I lifted her up and set her down on the bar. I figured talkin' could wait. I reached up and cupped her tits, pinching her nubs until they perked up real nice and tight. The spaghetti straps on her slip fell off her shoulders and unwrapped my presents. Happy birthday to me.

As I took her creamy white tit into my mouth and clamped down hard, I couldn't help thinkin' about that sayin' that "More than a handful's wasted..." That's bullshit, because I gulped down and sucked on every square inch of those beauties, and from her squealing and moaning into my hair, I don't figure I wasted a thing.

"Lie back and spread 'em, Belle," I said, and pushed her down onto the bar, sending glass crashing to the floor as we made room.

Her heels were on my shoulders as I pressed my face down to her perfect hairless dripping pussy, and ran my tongue up and down that pretty flower. I put a couple fingers up inside her and wiggled them as I sucked on her clit. From the way she was screaming and wriggling and calling my name, I'm guessing she was ticklish.

"Ohhhh fuck me, Mike... take me like there's no tomorrow," she begged, sitting up and wrapping her arms around my neck.

Well, I didn't need any more encouragement than that, so I dropped my pants and pulled her to the edge of the bar and pushed my cock up into her. Funny thing, for someone blind, I coulda sworn she was watching me do it... watching my cock slide in and out of her hot snatch. Then she had her legs wrapped around me as I pumped her and I was swearing for another reason completely. "Oh fuck!" I grunted, feeling her walls squeeze down on me as she came. She didn't seem to mind the language, though, so I kept swearing as I fucked in and out of her. "Goddamn, Belle, you want this cock, don't you? You love having this thick rod pounding your pussy... you're gonna make me fill you so full of cum, it'll make your eyes roll bac--"

I never finished whatever it was my cock was making me say, because that was the moment I knew. I'd figured out what happened to Athena. I knew where I could tell her daddy to find her. I even knew why Belle wanted me to fuck her like there was no tomorrow... because for her, there was no tomorrow.

Well, never let it be said that I'm a man without compassion. I picked her up off the bar and fucked her against the wall. I bent her over the sofa and rammed into her from behind. I fed it to her mouth as I had her bent backwards over her purple velvet ottoman, and then I stuck it to her ass sideways on the bed, just to be traditional. I gave it to her every way either of us could think of until we were too covered with sweat and cum to think anymore.

When I'd remembered enough English to speak again, I rubbed her hair as she rested her head on my chest. "Well, I hope that did it for ya, cuz there's no way my cock's getting hard again unless you take off those glasses, Belle... or should I say Medusa."

"You... you knew?" she whispered, lifting her head up to look at me through the blackout glasses that kept me from turning into a pillar of stone. "Are... are you going to kill me, now?" she asked, still clinging to the few hours she had left.

"Why don't you tell me how you got mixed up in all this, kid, and I'll decide."

Her story started out the way a lot of dame's stories do. Young and innocent, chased by all the cocks that could still get hard. Decided she'd had enough of it all and went to serve Athena as a virgin priestess. Even then, she still got chased. Poseidon started coming around more and more, but being all strategic and political, Athena didn't see a point to getting into a fight with another Olympian over her little mortal virgin priestess.

"Then, everything got worse when the contest came," she said. "The largest city in Greece wanted a sponsor, a god to whom they would dedicate their city for the protection and benefits they would receive. Athena and Poseidon came head-to-head over it. He gave them a fountain, she gave them an olive tree. The city was a dry place... and water is life. Poseidon should have won it hands-down, but Athena spilled the platter of olives I was holding just as he was creating his gift. I guess the sight of me crawling around on my hands and knees distracted him... he made the fountain with salt-water instead of fresh. For a city by the sea, a saltwater fountain was pretty much useless. They chose her gift, and called the city Athens."

"And I'm thinkin' Poseidon didn't take that loss too well," I said, running my fingers through her soft, silky hair.

"He didn't. He sent storms pounding on the city for days, but it didn't change anything. The temple was a mess. I was cleaning up again after another night of wind and debris when his shadow fell on me. Athena was gone, planning things with the leader of the city. Poseidon had been humiliated... rejected. His terrible storms fruitless and flaccid, making him look more powerless than if he'd just shrugged and moved on from his loss. He wanted revenge... and he wanted me. So, just like a god, he took what he wanted. When Athena returned, she found me on the altar... broken, defiled, and pregnant."

"He took you there... in the temple?" I asked.

She nodded. "Raping Athena's virgin priestess in her temple was the worst thing he could think to do."

"Scuse me for sayin' but all things considered, I'm wondering why he's not standing somewhere having birds crap on him, instead of Athena..." I said.

"Because what she did was worse. Women survive rape. They survive forced pregnancies. It's hard, but they do it. What they don't survive is the shame. When Athena found me there, still bleeding and begging her for help, she just stood there shaking for a long time. Then, she blamed me. Asked me what I was wearing as I cleaned the temple. Demanded to know what I said to him... how I said it. Asked me if I'd had anything to drink. Then, she just disappeared."

"She go to take a chunk outta his ass?" I asked, thinking that even if all I had was a bucket and a sponge, I'd still be trying to empty the sea after what that shithead had done.

"Come on, Hammer, you're smarter than that. Goddess of Wisdom fight her own battles? She doesn't even give mortals gifts without disguising herself. What did she go do?" she asked.

I growled with realization, "She went to Daddy..."

"Of course, she went to Daddy. Problem was, as much as Daddy loved his little princess, he wasn't going to go to war with his brother over a little fucked mortal. He'd fucked enough of them himself to know he'd be laughed out of Olympus for even raising the issue. So, then Athena went back to where I was stupidly trying to clean up the temple again. Trying to make it look like it had never happened."

"And then when she didn't like the truth -- that Daddy wouldn't defend her - she changed the story... and things got ugly," I said, remembering what Arachne had said.

"They sure did. She started screaming that I was a whore that had seduced Poseidon... that I was obsessed with my own beauty. Then, to punish me for my "vanity" she turned my hair into snakes and turned my eyes into portals of cold death. I was a monster. She made me unable to speak, too, just in case anyone was willing to listen to my side of the story."

"And then every single punk in existence chased you down and tried to kill you, just to get his name in the books," I growled.

"They did... and they died. I almost wished they'd succeeded. I hated snakes. The constant hissing... I couldn't even sleep, they were always twisting and writhing and..." she cut off with a shudder.

"Then Perseus... the son of Zeus and another raped mortal... he got the job done," I concluded.

"Not by a fucking long shot," she snapped. "You think I hadn't killed dozens of demi-gods by then? Perseus would have been just another hunk of rock, if Athena hadn't realized her mistake by then and made sure that I would die at his hand. She gave Perseus 3 divine gifts that enabled him to do what he did. Hermes' winged sandals, an adamantine sword from Hephaestus, and Hades' helmet of invisibility."

"What was her mistake?" I asked.

"That in her anger, she had given me, a mortal, a terrible power. She knew I hadn't seduced anyone... that I had been attacked by one of the strongest gods out there... and in her punishment, she gave me a weapon that would work against even the strongest gods. Why do you think she didn't just send a god to kill me when all those heroes had failed? She couldn't risk having her arrogant mistake known -- that she had put the lives of all the immortals into the hands of a poor little wronged mortal. There would be no "Goddess of Wisdom" if that story ever got out."

"Shit... but how are you even here? You died... you crossed the Styx. There's no coming back from that. Hades doesn't run a revolving door operation. He's--"

"Yeah. Hades is really touchy about people taking his stuff, isn't he? He likes to keep what's his. Doesn't stop them from trying, though. The one god who tries to live by some rules and he gets no respect at all... not even from the other gods. I'm thinking Athena will have plenty of time in that museum to think about it. Maybe she shoulda gotten his permission instead of just taking his helmet of invisibility for her own use. It kinda pissed him off," she said, a smirk curling her perfect lips.

"So, he gave you a new head with the old eyes, a day-pass out of the underworld, and let you get some revenge on his niece... damn, that's cold," I said, in pure admiration. For a guy everyone tried to ignore, Hades had style.

"It wasn't cold, Hammer," she smiled, taking out my cock and licking it from my balls to the tip, making me rock hard all over again, "it was easy..."

Mortal Justice

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inka2222inka22226 months ago

An absolutely brilliant story. 100/10. Hit my soft spot (deconstructing the cesspool of shitfacedness that Greek gods were) perfectly. Thank you for the pleasure of reading it.


For future enjoyment, if you liked this story (or are the author), check out Eric Flint's book "Pyramid Scheme" - it's humorous sci-fi with very thematically similar take on Olympians (including Athena).

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtover 2 years agoAuthor

JuanTwo - you're absolutely right about those sentences! Thanks for spotting them and pointing them out. I do that a lot, unfortunately. I'm usually writing fast when I do it, or I change how the transition goes (transitions are a beast) and I miss a word or two. I'm glad you had a good time with it anyway. Thanks so much!

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNoover 2 years ago

A big fiver! Nailed it, LingeringAfterthought! The first of the Hammered challenge stories I've read and I'm not disappointed! Just amazed at the creativity and originality you've poured into the Mike Hammer mold.

The only flaw I see - and this is not a criticism, just a heads up for editing - is this sentence: "I left Hephaestus to his blow job and went to the art people had crowded around a person near the statue, squawking like geese to give their congratulations." Obviously a word or two left out or another or other's not edited out for the sentence to make the readable sense you're shooting for, and after reading it over a tinne or two, I'm betting a word left out, "where." As in, "I left Hephaestus to his blow job and went to WHERE the art people had crowded around a person near the statue, squawking like geese to give their congratulations."

And to you I give my congratulations, and thank you for an immensely enjoyable and fun stiry and introfduction to the Hammered challenge.

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtalmost 3 years agoAuthor

J.D.: Thank you! I agree that this or that could have been tweaked a bit. Having a contest deadline to work with (as well as other unfinished works needing attention) tends to make me submit and then wish I could re-do half a dozen (or dozens) of things. Still, if it weren't for the contests, I probably wouldn't get things done at all. Original ideas are my strength and my vice - I get a bunch, but when it comes to getting them into practice, I grow impatient. Thanks for your comment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was a really new twist on an old story and it came off brilliantly. You managed to come up with a well thought out story that is unlike any other which shows great imagination and creativity. While I am sure some will think it could have been better by doing this or that, the fact that you even thought up this angle and then pulled it off shows that you have originality which is more than most authors. As far as being a better way to go, there is always a better way hence the impossibility of true perfection but that doesn’t take away from this story one bit. Very well done and thank you for creating and posting it.


LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Anonymous: Thanks, I'm glad you did! And thanks for commenting!

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Ardieff: Well, I had the gods self-illuminated, so I figured the demi-gods would be sparkly, then I wondered what Hammer in the modern day would do with that.

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Proverbial: Holy cow! I didn't even think of the cloak! I just figured everyone saw something different (wisdom being in the eye of the beholder) and Hammer saw nothing because he was jaded or just didn't believe in anything anymore. What a cool twist!

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks, Old Scally! I used to listen to these kinds of detective stories on the radio when I was a kid. It was fun to re-visit the memories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very good. Really enjoyed this one.

ArdieffArdieffalmost 3 years ago

Edward Cullen - lol ;-)

proverbialassholeproverbialassholealmost 3 years ago

So Medusa basically turned Athena into a statue which, with the calcified cloak of invisibility, was to always remain an invisible statue for all time! How fitting for such a bitch...

Good writing, and a good knowledge of Greek Mythology!


Old_scallyOld_scallyalmost 3 years ago

If it was fun as hell to write then believe me I found it was fun as hell to read.

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