Mother-in-Law Fill In


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After eating supper, we'd then leave the table and go into the front room and watch the news. I'd pay attention, Emily would be reading some baby article on her tablet, and Karen would just be crocheting away. At eight, they'd retire to the bedrooms to get ready for bed. Fifteen to thirty minutes later, Karen would come out to get a glass of water or retrieve her phone. She'd always be in a different colored and completely see through shirt. Her nipples were always hard and now she was wearing thongs.

She'd catching me staring at her ass or her tits and she smile. She'd lean in and mention my hard-on before kissing me goodnight on the lips. Of course, as soon as I heard the guest room door close, I'd run into the bathroom and cum on a towel. I go bed and try to snuggle up to Emily, only to be pushed away. She'd say that she was too hot or not in the mood.

It was on Friday that things became clear. I had called my wife to tell her that I'd be late. One of the warehouses had four people call off that day, so they were behind unloading and loading trailers. By the time that I got home at seven o'clock, it was dark outside. Once inside the front door, I could see light coming through the backdoor. The girls were outside on the patio. I quietly walked towards the door, when I heard them talking. Curiosity got the better of me, so I stopped and listened.

"I don't know what more you want me to do Emily. I've done everything I can except walk out there naked and beg him to fuck me."

"Well you gotta do something Mom. Eventually, he's gonna go find a hooker or some bar skank."

"You're the only person I know, that complains about their husband staying faithful" I heard Karen say laughing.

"This isn't funny Mom. I love him and it's killing me to see how badly he's hurting."

"You think I don't know how much it's hurting you sweetie. You came to your mother and begged me to have sex with your husband. I agreed to this because keeping it between the three of us, would be the best way to save the life and reputation the two of you have built together."

"I'm sure it had nooooooooooooothing to do with the fact that you haven't had sex with anything but your rabbit and your John Holmes toy in ten years" Emily replied laughing.

Karen laughed and replied, "That certainly played a factor, but I've come to like Shawn too."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt anger at Emily for plotting behind my back and not coming to me to talk about what she was feeling. I was horny too. I'd been picturing Karen when masturbating.

"Look Em, Shawn isn't going to cheat and that's exactly what you are trying to get him to do. Why don't you talk to him. Explain to him that you want him to find a temporary friend with benefits relationship. Make sure he knows that you haven't cheated, and that you aren't angry, and won't hold it against him if he takes the opportunity to do so."

"How would I even start that conversation Mom? Hey sweetheart, I want you to take my mother to pound town. It took all the courage I could muster to talk to you about it."

"Let's say he does break down and has sex with me. You know he's going to feel absolutely horrible about it. I highly doubt he'd hide it from you. He'd confess to you, and then what would you do?"

"I don't have all the answers Mom. I just know that I have to do something for him. I love him and I don't want to lose him."

I decided that I'd heard enough. It was time to make my presence known and tell them what I thought. I opened the door the door and stepped outside.

We had a fifty-five thousand BTU rectangular propane firepit. There was a two-seat weatherproof wicker sofa that sat in front of the pit looking out towards the backyard. At the ends of the pit were two chairs made of the same material. Emily was sitting in the far chair and Karen was sitting on the sofa next to her.

"You could've opened your dicklicker and talked to me, instead of making me feel undesired and plotting behind my back."

I said as I picked up the unoccupied chair and walked towards Emily. I sat the chair down next to her and started walking around to the couch. Karen knew what I wanted, as she got up and walked over to the chair and sat down holding a glass of wine in her hand. I sat down on the end of the couch, where Karen had been sitting. I picked up the bottle of wine and took a sip. Both Emily and Karen were just watching me. I wouldn't have been surprised if they were holding their breaths, to be honest. We just looked at each other for a minute.

"I'm sorry Shawn. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." Emily said crying, as she broke the silence.

"Well how the hell else was I supposed to feel Emily. Wouldn't you feel that way if the shoe was on the other foot?"

"I just don't want you to leave me."

"What in the hell have I ever done, that would make you think that I would leave?"

Emily took a breath and wiped her eyes before answering.

"You've done nothing Shawn. I know that it's all in my head that you would leave."

"You should have come to me Em. I understand that hormones are making you crazy, but they don't make you stupid."

"I was thinking that you shouldn't have to suffer because of something you had no control over. I was thinking of you Shawn." Emily said.

"Look Em. I've had a ridiculously long day and I don't have the energy or desire to argue with you tonight. Why don't we all just get some sleep."

I got up, grabbed some boxers from the bedroom and took a shower. I bled the hot water heater dry. I grabbed me a Pepsi out of the fridge, sat down on the couch, and turned on a hockey game. I had no real "rooting interest" in either team, I just wanted to watch sports. I put my feet up on the coffee table and relaxed. I ended up falling asleep between the first and second period.

I starting waking up to something on my lap. I opened my eyes and saw Karen kneeling between my legs and looking at me. It took me about thirty seconds to realize that she was rubbing my cock.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Listen Shawn. My daughter is hurting, you need to get laid, and I haven't had sex with a man in ten years."

My cock was responding to her. We were looking right into each other's eyes. She reached into the flap of my boxers and pulled it out.

"Tonight, you are going to give me this nice big dick." she said, as she took me in her mouth.

My cock was almost at its full seven inches and she took it all. I felt myself finish getting to full mast as she sucked hard and dragged her lips up and off. She slow stroked, while smiling and looking at me.

"Then you're going to fuck my tight wet pussy."

She licked me from the base to the tip. She swirled her tongue around the head and then went fast and sloppy, while twisting her wrist. It felt so good that I was moaning and had my hand on her head. A few minutes later, she dropped her head and started licking and sucking my balls while still stroking my cock. It had been so long since anyone had sucked my cock, that I started to feel my balls churning. Karen sat up straighter on her knees and then deep throated me to the point where she was choking and slobbering. She'd then speed up and twist her hand.

My mother-in-law was a great cock sucker. She was better than my wife. I started panting hard and thrusting myself up. Karen took her mouth off my cock but continued stroking it.

"It's time for you to cum in mommy's mouth son. Give it to me now."

Hearing her say those words caused me to explode with a force that made me groan loudly. I felt her latch onto my cock and suck harder than before. I could feel her swallowing while jerking my cock slowly. Karen was moaning as I filled her mouth with ropes of cum. When I felt the last shots leave my body; I opened my eyes and looked down at Karen.

She was smiling and looking right at my face. She was kissing my now semi-hard cock and rubbing it around her lips.

"Holy shit that was incredible." I said to her breathlessly.

"That was a lot of cum and it tasted so wonderful. Emily wasn't lying when she said it was sweet."

"Oh no Emily. What have I done!"

"You've done nothing wrong Shawn. Emily wants this for all three of us. She told you that herself."

"As incredible as that was, I still feel bad about it."

"Don't feel bad sweetie." I heard.

I looked over and saw Emily walking towards us from the hallway. I quickly looked at Karen and saw that she was still smiling. Emily bent down and kissed me.

"I want you to do this. I need you to do this Shawn."

Emily put her hand on my chest, over my heart.

"I promise you, I'm OK with this. I love you more than I ever dreamed I would love someone. You need this sweetie just as much as mom does."

Emily kissed me again and then hugged her mother. Karen whispered something into Emily's ear which caused her to laugh.

"Hey, don't be laughing when I'm sitting here naked with a flaccid cock. You can hurt a man that way." I chimed in standing up.

They both laughed as Karen grabbed my hand and Emily kissed me saying.

"Mom said I'm the best pimp in the world."

I started laughing with them. The three of us laughing really made the mood much lighter. Karen started pulling as we made our way towards the hallway.

"Keep the noise down kids, I'll be trying to sleep you know." Emily said.

When Karen opened the bedroom door, I pulled her into me and picked her up into my arms. I saw her smile up at me as she put her arms around my neck.

"You're such a cheese ball." we heard Emily say.

We all started laughing again. Emily kissed Karen on the forehead as she walked by, to go to the master bedroom.

"Have fun mom, I want the deets in the morning."

I carried Karen into her room, kicked the door closed with my foot and laid her on the bed. She crawled to the middle of the bed and spread her legs open. I could smell her arousal. Her clit was swollen and poking out already. Her pussy was open, and labia was engorged with blood. She was ready to go. I started to dive right in and eat her to a few orgasms, when she grabbed my head and pulled up towards her.

"There's time for that later sweetie, I need you to get up here and pound my pipes clean Shawn."

For the next hour, I alternated being making love and fucking Karen. Even though she was very wet, her pussy was tight. After filling her so full of cum, that it was overflowing onto the bed; I held her in my arms as she told me all about her husband's constant affairs with women at work. It had gotten to the point where they don't even have sex anymore. She had been squirreling away money into a secret account, so she wouldn't be broke when she divorced him.

When Emily came to her and asked her to have sex with me because she was afraid I'd leave, she figured that it was the best for everyone involved. Throughout her crying she would kiss me and tell me "Thank you" for making love to her. That she never came that hard and that long before. It made me feel good that I could do that for her, and it made me feel good that I made her feel that way. This past week, she'd shown me a different side of herself, and I loved the kinder Karen. Eventually, she fell asleep curled up to my right side. I waited another half an hour before leaving.

I slipped out of the guest room and took a shower. I didn't want to go to bed with Emily while still smelling like Karen. While cleaning myself off, it gave me a bit of time to think. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on between my wife and mother-in-law, but they both seemed happy with the plan they had in place. I was still upset at Emily for devising this plan behind my back, but it wasn't like she was planning to cheat on me.

When I slipped under the covers in my own bed, Emily snuggled up to me.

"I love you Shawn."

"I love you too Emily."

"Thank you for fucking my mom. As you could tell, she needed it."

"Yes, and she was very grateful."

My eyes had adjusted to the dark so when she used her hand to turn my head to face her, I could see into her eyes.

"For the next few months, I want you to use each other whenever you need it. But the moment my libido comes back, I'm gonna fuck you so good, you'll go blind." Emily said as she kissed me.

I held her in my arms, and she started snoring pretty quickly. I laid there and knew that my life was never going to be the same again. I just didn't know at the time, how much it would.

Every weekday morning after Emily left for work, Karen would give me a wonderful blowjob. Because of her age, Karen and I wouldn't have sex every day. Once during the week was about it, but every Saturday Night we did. Emily would help her mom get the guest room all set up, and we'd tear the roof off. There was never any jealousy or anger from Emily towards us. She truly was happy making sure that I was satisfied, and her mother was feeling loved again.

Emily gave birth to our son Logan on Day 286. When I came out of the delivery room and into the waiting room to tell everyone, Karen and Dale were sitting in the corner having a quiet argument. I let Karen go in first and I asked him why they were fighting on the day of his grandson's birth. He informed me that he told her, he had filed for divorce and had the paperwork in the car.

In exchange for leaving his pension and retirement alone, he would give her all the proceeds from the sale of the house, the sale of the contents and an additional twelve-hundred and fifty dollars a month in spousal support. He had put in his retirement papers with the firm after twenty-five years. He already had agreements in place to sit on four different boards. Dale was going to live in his family's vacation home with a woman he fell in love with at work.

In the recovery room, Karen and Dale were the picture-perfect loving grandparents. They both doted on baby Logan and were smiling from ear to ear. I can honestly say that was the happiest I'd seen them together. I sat on the bed next to Emily and watched them sitting together not arguing with each other, shooting dagger eyes, or spitting little put downs at one another.

Karen continued to stay with us. A few weeks later, I came home from work and my wife was sitting on the couch waiting for me. When she told me that we needed to talk, I feared all those horrible things a man hears about, happening to me. She wanted to know how I felt about her mother permanently moving in with us. Karen had signed the papers and her divorce from Dale was making its way through the court system.

They'd already contacted a General Contractor and got a rough estimate. Adding a one-hundred-forty square foot bedroom and small hallway off the kitchen would cost sixty-thousand dollars. As I started to speak, she told me that Karen would pay for the entire thing. They would stay over at the other house during the day until the addition is done. Then she would sell the house.

Every morning Emily would take Logan ahead and Karen would stay behind and give me a blowjob or we'd have sex. I'd leave for work, and she would go meet my wife and son at her house. This lasted for months, even after Emily gave birth. Apparently, breast feeding can cause a woman's libido to decrease. Everybody was happy. Emily would kiss me and tell me she loved being a mother and was happy that I was making her mother happy. Karen was always smiling and thanking me for the incredible sex and giving her a second chance. I was getting my sexual needs met with the best blowjobs ever and a willing mother-in-law that would try anything.

Karen and Dale's divorce was finalized in March and the addition was finished in April. Karen sold the house for three-hundred-thousand dollars and got another fifty-thousand dollars selling off the contents that she didn't want. It was in August when Karen called me at work and told me to rush home. I left my rig at the lot and drove straight home in a hurry. I burst through the door and asked what was wrong. Karen was waiting for me just inside. I didn't see Emily or Logan.

"Where are Emily and Logan?" I asked.

She walked up to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Logan is asleep and Emily is in the bedroom."

"OK, then what's wrong?"

"Shawn, she is finally ready and waiting for you in the bedroom."

We were smiling at each other as I started taking off my boots. Karen started unbuttoning my shirt and I started in on my pants. I was soon naked. She grabbed my hands and said,

"Time for you to get in there and make me a granddaughter."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Fuck Emily, divorce her and marry your MIL, and keep around as your baby care person, and if she ever gets around in to liking to fuck again. It always helps to keep the babysitter happy on the side. Going with out was not an Option..

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The writing was very good , and the story line was enjoyable, but give me a break on his wife not wanting no sex or Cuddling. It's all in the bitches head, even if she is having his baby maybe, he should have an DNA check done. Just because she doesn't want to put out, why keep her. I would have divorced her after turn me down more then a month, what do you need her for. Sex is about 80% of a marriage. Now let me count the number of Problems with Emily's plan to have her mom stand in as her Substitute loving pussy! It's just wrong. Tell Emily your going back to fucking with at least once a week or your divorcing her right away! As far as fucking your mother in law, it'd be nice as a side piece, but not as your wife substitute!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well waiting for the next chapter, mom & daughter, dad & mum with daughter & boyfriend, boyfriend & dad shared mum & dad & boyfriend shared daughter

HotdiggitydogHotdiggitydogabout 1 year ago

Nice sweet, loving story. I liked it. Could have used a little more eroticism like MIL takes it in the ass but that probably doesn't fit here. There's plenty of time for that later. Excellent story. 5 stars

nyteramblernyteramblerabout 1 year ago

Would be fun to see how everything works after wife and hubby start having sex again and if wife allows hubby to keep her mom happy still.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Oh many a man’s dreams

vanyevanyeabout 1 year ago

Open your dicklicker? Really?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Often wife's or husband's Mom help out during pregnancy. In certain circumstances mom goes above and beyond. Often makes family stronger.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 1 year ago

If only! Great story.

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