Mother Makes Daughter Her Pet


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"Are you ready for this sis? I mean I already know that my life will never be the same after me and Donna made love. Are you ready to give up the relationship you had with your mom before for this new one?" Katie asked softly.

"God yes, don't you understand there really was no relationship before with my mom. Don't get me wrong she was a great mother, always there if I needed her but I always had to go to her. She never noticed anything unless I brought it up first because she was so busy with work. She would always take the time needed to help me if I did go to her with a problem but sometimes I just didn't bother. Now if I give myself to her tomorrow I can hope for a real relationship with her, one that will also give me a level of intimacy with her that I could never have hoped to get," Trish explained.

"Well you better send me the same pictures you're gonna send my mom tomorrow you future incest slut puppy. Now how about giving me a good little puppy bark to show me you're gonna be a good puppy tonight and not play with your itchy pussy,"

Trish looked up at her and begrudgingly let out a little yip. She truly liked the puppy play, it made her feel sexy and wet to consider herself a little puppy who desperately wanted be petted and loved. She had never had pets while growing up but she knew her mom did but now she was going to get a full grown young girl pet willing to do her bidding.

They watched the end of the movie together and retired to Katie's room since her bed was bigger. Trish cuddled against Katie as they tried to fall asleep. She shivered with excitement and felt like she did when she used to believe in Santa Claus because of her anticipation of the morning. She was wondering exactly what her mother was sending for her to wear tomorrow but she knew it would be great because her mom had exquisite taste in clothes.

Just as they were about to doze off they both heard banging from up above. Not only banging but screams of lust which Trish found odd because their upstairs neighbors never made any noise. Now here they were not only making noise but obviously fucking each other's brains out.

Katie giggled while holding Trish when all of sudden they both heard Robbie clearly asking ....."Fuck me daddy, Fuck your little girl!"

Trish just looked over at Katie already knowing that she somehow had her hand in this. Her roommate just smiled at her and told her, "Just go to sleep I'll explain it all after you get back from your moms!"

Trish tuned out the cries of incestuous role playing and fell asleep in her best friend's arms. Right before she fell asleep she made a mental note that she wouldn't mind falling asleep in these arms again in the future but with lots less clothing on.

The sound of the doorbell ringing woke Katie from her sleep on Wednesday morning. She and Trish both had the day off from classes and usually made a point of sleeping in. They treated it as an oasis in the middle of the week and it usually meant that Katie had hooked up the night before. Last night there had been no thought of hooking up because both of their focus had been on what today meant to Trish.

Besides Katie didn't really feel the need to hook up with anyone either because she was now in her first ever relationship. That relationship was the cause of Trish's big day today too and left her for the first time in her life satisfied sexually. She knew she was a nympho but now she wanted to be a nympho only when her mom was around. Of course she would still be outrageous and wild but it all would involve Donna.

She heard the doorbell buzzing and separated herself from Trish who let out a little grunt at being displaced from her best friend's arms. Katie thought of the irony of how this was the first time she had ever actually slept with Trish and there had been no sex involved. For months she kept hoping her best friend would get up the nerve to confront the obvious attraction they felt for each other. It hadn't actually happened yet but now they were at least in the open about it.

That attraction was forced into the backseat of both of their lives by the events that would culminate today, Trish's date tonight with her mother Joanna. Calling it anything other than a date seemed silly to her, the tone of Joanna's text to Trish yesterday made it clear that Joanna was controlling the evening. After receiving the text yesterday confirming their date for tonight Trish had been even more anxious and nervous.

Katie was willing to bet whoever was buzzing the door was making a delivery because Joanna had commanded Katie to be wearing what she was sending today. She liked the tone of her best friend's mom's text after she read it. She was happy that Joanna was obviously a top in a relationship because her daughter Trish was a natural born bottom, a true submissive it seemed in every way. It became clear over the weekend as she watched Katie and Donna and had almost submitted herself to a waitress named Stacie.

Katie asked over the intercom that was at the door and sure enough it was the delivery person from Fed Ex. She buzzed the person in and opened the door not worrying about her state of dress because she was still in the completely sexless pajamas she had worn last night.

The person had three boxes to be signed for and Katie did Trish the favor and signed for them. The delivery person also had instructions to be forwarded to the recipient, nothing was to be opened until the receiver texted the sender. Katie wondered at that but was totally getting into the spirit of the game that Joanna was starting to play with her daughter.

She noticed one box from Nordstrom's, one from Coach Stores, and one from Fredericks of Hollywood. She was excited for her friend just seeing the names of the stores where they came from. Obviously Joanna had a busy day yesterday getting ready for tonight, she wondered if her mom was with her for all of this shopping time.

She noticed the clock and it was 9:30 and headed to the kitchen to start the coffee. After she set the pot she went into her bedroom and gently woke Trish. She whispered to her that she had three boxes waiting for her outside and it was if Trish was a little girl again and this was Christmas morning. She shot out of bed and was about to run into the living room. Katie stopped her and gave her the cryptic instructions that arrived with the boxes.

Trish was almost shaking in her skin when she ran into her room and got her phone, she immediately texted her mother that she had received her packages.

Joanna who had already been at her office for more than an hour had been waiting anxiously for her daughter's text. She had already checked the Fed Ex website three times to track the packages and was getting nervous. She had big plans for her daughter today and timing was everything.

Then she heard the chime alerting her that she had a text message and smiled when she saw it was form Trish.

"Mommy, oh my god, there are three boxes here! You wanted me to text you so I'm doing it but can I open them right now please, please!" Trish begged.

Joanna laughed and her heart beat even faster at realizing how anxious Trish seemed for the day to start too. She texted her right back instructing her to "Call me right now!"

Trish got the reply and felt herself get even more nervous which was silly because it was just her mother. She knew that calling her mom shouldn't make her nervous but this was and wasn't her mother asking her to call. It was her mother of course but it was also the woman who she was going out with tonight.

Katie re-entered the room with coffee for both of them just as Trish hit her mom's number on speed dial.

Joanna let it ring three times just as a power play to let her daughter know who was in control here. She knew it was a small thing but it was all part of the game in the world of who was going to be in charge. She knew that if she had been calling Trish her daughter's anxiousness would have had her picking up after one ring but she wasn't playing the game like Joanna.

Joanna answered coolly, "Good morning princess, are you ready for an exciting day........ and night?"

Trish almost melted after Joanna added, 'and night' after a pregnant pause.

"Yes mommy, oh god yes. I just wanted to......" she started to say before Joanna cut her off.

"That's good sweetie, relax and just listen to me. I remember how Cinderella was always your favorite story as a child. So today and tonight you get to be Cinderella, with one very large exception. Would you like to know what that exception is darling?" Joanna said in her sexiest voice.

"Yes mommy, please what is the exception?" Trish asked as her hands started to make their way to her pussy. Just the sound of Joanna's voice at this point had her dripping wet and she wanted to touch herself. That is before Katie saw what she was about to do and slapped her hand away.

"Well Cinderella had to be home by the stroke of midnight, if all goes well tonight and you prove yourself to me then there will be no concern about being home by midnight. In fact you will probably already be in someone's home and enjoying some special strokes at midnight if what Donna tells me is true. Is it baby, are the rumors Donna told me yesterday true, do you really want do things with me that daughter's don't usually do with their mommies?"

"Yes mommy every word is true.... I want to...." Trish started again but got cut off.

"Well since actions speak louder than words I'll wait and see about that. As for today you have a busy day ahead of you, does Katie have classes today if not put her on speaker with you honey," Joanna instructed.

"She wants you on speaker with me!" Trish said.

"No mommy, Katie is off today and we are on speaker together now!"

"Hello Mrs. Edwards, you sure have Trish all worked up over here you know!" Katie said with a giggle.

"Well that's kind of the plan for the whole day and you can lose the Mrs. Edwards for good Katie from now on it's strictly Joanna. I guess I have you to thank for putting these deliciously naughty thoughts in my little fireball's head don't I?" Joanna asked using her nickname for Trish.

"Well I don't know about putting them there because she says they've been there for awhile. Maybe I just helped her get comfortable with them!"

"Well whatever you did I think both me and my daughter owe you a debt and I like to pay my debts promptly so this is what I would like. For today I would like you to help Trish get ready for tonight, I have set up appointments at Erno Lazlo Institute, one of the more exclusive spa's in the city. It's an appointment for two people and it's for noon so I hope you enjoy it with her. Then the two of you are going for hair styling at the Drawing Room, the hottest spot in Soho for hair care. Does this sound doable for you Katie?"

After they heard Joanna both girls were in shock and then all Joanna could hear were squeals of delight through the speaker on the phone. She smiled because so began her day of treating Trish like her little princess.

After the dancing and squealing stopped both girls thanked Joanna excitedly over the phone. Neither of them had no idea what to expect from the two places because they had never been to a spa or an upscale salon before.

"Now Princess this is for you, I'm going to push back your pick up until 6 tonight. Be ready by then and like I texted, I want you to wear everything I sent. I want you to feel like the princess I've always seen you as tonight! Of course in one box there is an assortment of items but I tagged the one I want you to wear and one I want you to bring tonight okay?" Joanna asked as she allowed her hand to rub her pussy gently. There was no one there to slap her hand away and she knew that she wouldn't get herself off till tonight because like Katie had told Trish it will be better tonight.

"Yes mommy, it's very clear. I'll be ready at 6 I promise!" Trish gushed.

"Honey there's one thing I want to get clear right now. If you get into that car tonight you are basically giving me permission to do things with you, to do things with your body that some people might think is perverse and wrong. Do you understand, you have until you actually get in that car tonight to change your mind, but if you get in that car you and your body belong to me?" Joanna said seriously. She didn't want any ambivalence or doubt as to the reason they were going out tonight and she also was laying the groundwork for owning her daughter sexually.

"Yes mommy, I completely understand and there's no doubt I will be in that car tonight!" Trish giggled.

"That's good baby but I want to hear you say it now, tell me that you and your body will belong to me?" Joanna pushed.

"Every inch of me inside and out is yours to do with as you want mommy. There is nothing you ask that I won't do for you and yes I fully understand what that means!" Trish vowed.

"That's just what I wanted to hear Fireball because I have such wonderful plans for you! Until tonight baby have fun getting ready for your mother's bed!" Joanna said and hung up.

As soon as she hung up with her mother Trish threw her arms around Katie and hugged her as tight as she could.

"It's gonna happen, oh my god Katie I have a date with my own mother tonight!" Trish squealed loudly.

"You sure do you little slut and from what it sounds like she is expecting to get lucky too! So much for you playing hard to get I guess," Katie teased. She knew that playing hard to get was the furthest possible thing from Trish's mind right now. Her friend was so wound up she probably would go down on Joanna in the middle of Times Square and not even care who was watching.

"Oh god no, I'm the lucky one and I owe it all to you and your mom!" Trish gushed.

"Well I think I know how you can pay us both back after you get your fantasy tonight!" Katie said seductively.

"Anything the two of you want sis, as long as my new lover says it's okay I will do anything you and your mom want," Trish promised.

Of course it didn't escape Katie's attention how Trish was already giving control of her sex life to Joanna. It made her smile because she always liked to be proven right and for quite some time now she had her best friend pegged as a closet submissive. It seemed that Trish was more than ready to come out of that closet and allow another person to give her the guidance she craved. In getting that guidance she would feel comfortable doing anything her Mistress would ask without any guilt.

"Sooooo should you open up your Christmas in April gifts now or wait till we get back later? My god Trish I can't believe your mom is springing for spa treatments and a hair salon for both of us!" Katie said excitedly.

She wondered to herself what could possibly be in the boxes in front of Trish if Joanna was already shelling out hundreds of dollars for the two of them today.

"Hmmmm let me's a tough decision but I say OPEN THEM NOW!" she shouted as she grabbed the one from Nordstrom's first.

She pulled the wrapping off and opened the lid; inside there were three smaller boxes. She picked the largest of the three and as she held her breath she took the lid off. As she did she started shaking because inside was one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen.

She heard the gasp escape Katie's lips too as she help the striking Oscar De la Renta cocktail dress up against her body. She could already tell it would fit her perfectly and the color was amazing, a vibrant bold Magenta that would play off of her flaming red hair perfectly. It had the most beautifully embroidered black flowers running down the front too. It was then she noticed that the sales girl had failed to take the tag off before packing it and her jaw dropped.

"Katie, this dress.... I can't believe it. I....I......" Trish said as the shock of the price sank in. It was then she realized completely how serious her mother was in making her Cinderella dream come true.

"What is it, oh is that the price tag. I guess the girl forgot to remove it. How much is it, come on snap out of it!" Katie teased. She had no knowledge of the prices of high fashion but she knew when something was beautiful and Joanna had picked out a perfect dress.

"It's over 5,000 dollars! Oh God Katie, my mom bought me a 5,000 dollar dress!" Trish said with glee.

Katie smiled and realized that Joanna was going to play the part of sugar mama to her own little girl. She was happy because Trish deserved to be spoiled but she knew also that it would do nothing but help solidify Joanna's control over her daughter.

"No sis, not your mother but your lover, your future Mistress bought that dress for you! I think you can tell how much she wants you now!" Katie teased.

Then Trish took the time to open the other two boxes, marveling at the black pearl necklace and matching earrings. The tag hadn't been left on these but she didn't dare to imagine their cost. If the girls were surprised by the dress they were completely speechless by the jewelry. After a few seconds they simultaneously just let out a stifled wow at the beauty and extravagance of the gift.

Neither of them owned any real jewelry of consequence and just holding them in her hands made Trish feel like the Cinderella that her mother was aiming for. She gently put them back in their cases and lay them down almost reverentially before reach for the third box.

Then both girls gasped once again as she opened the box with the matching shoes for her new dress. They were stunning black and white open toed sandals that immediately had Trish thinking about nail colors from the salon this afternoon. Again it was a first for Trish but being a young woman even though she didn't own any high end shoes it had never stopped her from dreaming or window shopping; now Joanna was making those dreams a reality too.

As she reached for the next box, this one from Coach the atmosphere in their living room was electric. Trish was the target of someone who was obviously not pulling any punches in showing their interest in her. The fact that it was her own mother was what was making all of this so surreal and over the top.

If she were to say all of this wasn't getting her hotter by the second would not only be a lie but probably would be the biggest mistruth of her life. She was sitting there dripping wet between her legs at the level of interest she was getting from her mother. For the first time in her life she felt like she was the number one focus of her mother and it felt wonderful. She was sure that she finally would get to bond with Joanna on levels she had only dared dream about before this, not only as a mother and daughter but as two adult women.

After the last box Katie had removed her pajama bottoms and was flagrantly rubbing her own aroused pussy. She was getting hotter and hotter as she vicariously enjoyed the attention her best friend was finally getting from Joanna.

The next box when it was opened revealed a beautiful plum colored cross body bag. It had the cutest intricate hand applied leather flower blooms and was once again the perfect match for the outfit Joanna had put together for her future lover. As she playfully modeled it for Katie for the first time in her life Trish thought to herself how wonderful it was to be treated like a princess. She also giggled inside and thought how she could easily get used to this too.

Then laying the bag down she picked up what was obviously going to be the most risqué and hottest of her gifts. It was a box from Frederick's of Hollywood and both young women knew what would be inside. Trish slowly opened it up and right on the top was a brief note, it described what Trish was supposed to use tonight and also requested that she bring along one special item.

There was an assortment of panties and bras of different styles and colors, all of which were made of the sheerest of lace. The one that Joanna had picked out for her to wear this evening was scorching hot and slightly slutty too. It was a panty and garter belt combined that from the front view revealed a sheer see through panel. Then wrapped around the back were a series of black straps that criss crossed over the top of her ass basically kept both of her cheeks naked. It had the effect of caging her ass while exposing it at the same time. It wasn't technically a thong but it was ultra revealing from the back. The finishing touch was the black bow and 24 karat gold tassel that hung from behind. It was designed to just lightly settle into the exposed crack of her ass as she wore it.
