Mother Makes Daughter Her Pet


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It was sexy, slutty and ultra decadent, the type of panties and garter worn for a lover and not to be mistaken for anything other than that. Every panty that Joanna had purchased came with a matching bra and the one for this evening was no exception. Trish gasped outwardly when she picked it up, it was a gorgeous black lace shelf bra and when worn would leave her nipples completely exposed. In essence it would give the effect of her going braless while still wearing one.

In her mind she could already feel Joanna's fingers teasing her nipples while they were together. Maybe even brazenly doing it right in front of everyone around them. That thought made her shiver with excitement wondering how it would feel to let her mother expose her to others maybe even offer her pussy up for them to play with. She desperately needed to cum because her mind was racing with scenario after scenario in which her mom would use her for her own pleasure before offering her to all of her friends and she knew now that her mom had lots of sexy friends too.

Then she picked up the one item that had a tag that said 'for later tonight' and had to squeeze her legs together to keep from openly leaking anymore. There was nothing reserved or demure about what she held in her hands, it was a red and black corset. It was fringed with lace and was made to do nothing but frame her curves and offer them up to Joanna on a lace and sating platter. There was a second note inside the corset near the lace up back, it simply stated 'I like to unwrap my presents too!"

Almost unnoticed in the box was an envelope and Trish picked it up and noticed that it had Katie's name on it. She handed it to her roommate who was by now flush with her own need to cum.

Katie opened it and her jaw dropped once again, it was a gift card for 1,000 dollars for Fredericks. It had a note that said, 'This is for you and my best friend to enjoy together, I can't wait to see the both of you in whatever you pick!"

"Trish your mom is amazing; I have to say the jealousy factor has jumped here just a little bit!" Katie said jokingly. She could never be jealous of Trish because she truly did love her like a sister. She was so happy that Joanna was going so above and beyond to make her feel desired and wanted because she deserved it.

Trish just stuck her tongue out at her and laughed thinking back on her confession to both Donna and Katie over the weekend. She had told them both how she had bouts of jealousy over how close they had been as Katie was growing up. She didn't say it begrudgingly or with any hint of it making her resentful towards her friend instead it was just some insight into what she had wanted with Joanna. Well she had to admit to herself that her mom was going all out now, it almost made her wish she had been bold enough to confront her fantasy earlier.

So after all the presents were opened and both women stood there in awe of how over the top Joanna had gone for the evening Katie smiled and laid one hand on Trish's naked ass.

She leaned over and whispered to her, "You had better be ready to do some serious pleasing tonight because I think that your mom is deadly serious about making you her bitch!"

Trish just smiled at her, "That won't be hard to take since I'm already a dirty little puppy dog!"

She yipped twice for effect and pretended to pant like a dog and both girls laughed as they got ready for their appointments.

Back in Connecticut, Donna was going all out in preparing all of Jack's favorites for dinner. Veal Marsala with her very own homemade wild mushroom ravioli, Roasted Butternut Squash soup and her very special Tiramisu was on the menu for tonight.

Of course she had a slight ulterior motive for going all out for her husband tonight. It had nothing to do with her newly awakened desire for his body but it did involve their sex lives. After yesterdays revelations about Jack's conversation with Steve about cuckolding Donna felt like it might be time to try and push the envelope with her husband.

Push might actually be a strong word more like she was going to just lightly test the waters. She was going to bring up Joanna and Steve's relationship and ask what he thought about it. She was curious to see if Jack would admit to talking with Steve about how he accepted being a cuckold. If he asked her about her earlier ideas of including other's in their sex life and whether they originated from Joanna she would be completely honest.

The trickiest part and she wasn't sure how to handle it would be if he were to ask her about the root of her questioning tonight. If he came right out and asked whether she was having or wanted to have an affair she knew she would have to lie, it was way too early to be honest about her and Katie. Maybe she could start to manipulate his thinking in the direction of being acceptable to her having a lover or lovers. She thought multiples on the lover question because after this weekend she knew that Katie and she would be playing with others too. In fact she now had a brand new deepest fantasy to replace the one that became reality this past weekend.

In her newest fantasy Jack had accepted his role as her cuckold and was sitting in a chair in the living room. While he sat there and watched he would get to see his wife being ravished not just by their daughter but also by the boy toy from this weekend, Scott. In her fantasy her daughter and Scott would do everything humanly possible to wreck her for the night. They would DP her with Katie wearing the hugest strap on they owned and she would suck Scott's cum from her daughter's freshly fucked pussy.

This would go on for hours and Jack would see and accept his wife as a wildly open sexual animal just the same as Steve had accepted Joanna. In the fantasy Jack wouldn't be allowed to touch her for the entire weekend that Scott and Katie would be using her but after they left she would fuck him into oblivion.

As she stood there with her pussy bubbling with moisture from her visualizing all the dirty things she wanted to experience her thoughts quickly turned to Joanna and Trish. She smiled with the knowledge of what Joanna had planned for her daughter tonight. She had been overwhelmed by the amount of money Joanna had spent yesterday but when Joanna explained the desire to make Trish feel like a princess tonight she smiled.

Then a thought occurred to her, one that kind of made it seem even more imperative that they somehow get Jack on board. After tonight both families would inadvertently be involved in the whole wild sexual lifestyle that she knew she craved and wanted now. The only one of both families that would be in the dark and unaccepting yet would be Jack. With that thought she went back to her task of making Jack's dinner with a renewed gusto swearing to herself that all of her efforts and with a little help from Steve would make Jack see the light.

As Joanna sat in the back of the stretch limousine that she had requisitioned from her company for the evening she was actually feeling butterflies in her stomach. She knew that if Trish got into this cat tonight their lives would be forever changed, all the innocence of their mother and daughter relationship would be swept away in a new form of relationship based on mutual attraction and lust.

In their new relationship Joanna would once again be the nurturer even more so probably then she been just as Trish's mother. She would take her daughter down avenues that even her husband Steve couldn't imagine. She would marry the mother in her with the wanton slut that she had become in exploring her own sexuality and she would try her best to remake her daughter in her own perverse image.

In her one hand she held a small box, the size of a ring box and it contained two keys. If her daughter accepted both keys this evening she would know that she was accepting completely of their new relationship and everything that Joanna had planned. She privately wondered if the one key was too soon to spring on her daughter but she wasn't going to go softly with the young woman because Donna had painted a picture of Trish as a closet submissive. Well tonight would be the true test of whether or not this was true. If she accepted the second key and then returned it into Joanna's hands willingly then the real games could start for mother and daughter.

Back in the lower east side apartment that Trish shared with Katie the two young women were standing next to the one full length mirror they owned. Katie was amazed and so turned on as they both looked at Trish in the mirror. She truly did look like a princess and Katie couldn't help but get wet at the sight of her.

"Katie, the last time I felt anything like this in my whole life was when we went to prom together! I'm so nervous I can't stop fidgeting!" Trish said.

"Honey, the woman in the mirror in front of me is so far removed from that girl who went to her prom. Your mom is going to be so amazed with you tonight!" Katie said reassuringly.

The two of them had reveled in both the spa treatment and the stylist they had gone to. Neither of them had ever been pampered the way they were this afternoon and both of them admitted it would be very easy to get used to. The stylist had cut Trish's blazing red hair to just above shoulder length and gave it an offset balance in her bangs that was chic and modern. She had taken the hair of a beautiful young woman and turned it into the hairstyle of an alluring sexy young woman.

Her nails were done in a perfect French manicure and her toenails were done to match. She had left the garter belt and stockings off for later to wear with the corset her mother had sent. So her beautiful legs were visible and their shape was shown off perfectly by the dress she was wearing. As she got dressed both she and Katie were doubly impressed by Joanna's ability to put together such a stunning ensemble from afar. She had picked each item perfectly for her daughter without her even being there.

Just then Trish heard her phone signal an incoming text, she noticed the time and it was 5:55. She picked it up and looked, it simply said 'downstairs in 5 minutes'. It was followed by another that reminded her about getting in the car.

"Katie, she's here! Oh my god, can I really do this?" Trish said nervously.

Katie knew it wasn't second thoughts that Trish was having, she was nervous about being able to satisfy Joanna.

"Honey you go down there and just follow your mom's lead all night. Do whatever she tells you just like the good little puppy you are, understood. I somehow think that your mom will totally enjoy being in control of you tonight!" Katie said while handing Trish her new coach purse and the small overnight bag with her corset and stockings.

"Okay, well here goes....." she hugged Katie and went down the stairs. As she was going down Robbie from upstairs passed her and gave her a wolf whistle. She had never seen Trish decked out like she was and realized the limo out front was probably waiting for her too.

"Big date tonight huh? Anyone we've seen around here before? Is that your car outside too?" she quickly asked.

"Ummm I guess you could say it's a big date. I guess the car is for me but it's my mom picking me up!" Trish said innocently not knowing anything about Robbie's knowledge of Katie and Donna.

Robbie almost sputtered out her reply, "Well have fun and by the way you look good enough to eat!"

Trish giggled and ran down the stairs and out the door. As she did Robbie was wondering if Trish was also bitten by the incest bug.

As she left the building she saw a shiny black stretch limousine waiting in front and she remembered the only other night she had ridden in one. It ironically was the night she lost her virginity and it was the very same prom she was talking about to Katie. Now she knew that if she got in that car she would lose another type of virginity and it would probably turn out a lot better than the first one because she knew the person waiting for her truly did love her.

As she exited the apartment building the driver came out of the car and came around to open the door. As he did he greeted her, calling her Miss Edwards so he obviously knew the relationship between her and Joanna. She found that just a touch disappointing because she had fantasized already about some possible fun and games in the car with her mom. She guessed that now they would have to maintain their prim and proper demeanor till later.

As he held the door for her and she started in Joanna sat on the far side watching eagerly and taking in every inch of her daughter's body as she entered the car. It started with her gorgeous delicate toes that she noticed the manicure on. Then she took in the legs that she knew would be wrapped around her waist at some point tonight. She could imagine feeling their grip as she drove a cock in and out her little girl.

Then Trish bent down and got in completely and in front of her that little girl was gone forever. In her place was one of the most stunning young women she had ever seen in her life. It was obvious that her little girl was woman and had all the equipment needed to drive anyone crazy with lust. She had always found her daughter's hair to be one of her most striking features and the stylist had taken that to heart too.

It now framed her beautiful face perfectly and made her appear as if she belonged on the cover of vogue. Her lips were glistening with a lip gloss that was a darker shade of pink that made them look tantalizing and delicious, just begging to be kissed and nibbled on. Her makeup was done in a way to highlight her natural freckles and make them sparkle, again another touch of the salon.

Both women just stared at each other as Trish settled into her seat. She couldn't help but notice how beautiful her mother looked, even more enticing than usual she thought. She was wearing an elegant black cocktail dress that accentuated her abundant cleavage without looking slutty. She also was wearing pearls but they were white and surrounded her neck in a way that made Trish think about licking and kissing that sensitive part of Joanna's body.

Unlike Trish Joanna had stockings on and there were a sheer black that molded her legs perfectly. Trish could see the perfect curves of her mother's calves, and using her imagination traced the curve always the way up to her inner thighs and the prize that awaited her there. She was completely undressing Joanna with her eyes with her mother's complete knowledge for the first time in her life.

Both women knew the implication of Trish getting in the car and there was a definite moment of nervous awkwardness between them.

The driver whose name she now realized was Hugh, got back in the car. He was a well built black man and he made Trish wonder if her mother had ever been with him or another black man before. She of course would soon learn all about her mother's sex life but she could only speculate for now. She then quickly wondered if Joanna would want to share her with the driver but she remembered that he knew who she was so she quickly squashed that particular fantasy.

She then realized that she didn't need to squash anything because Joanna broke the nervous silence by asking her, "Not even a kiss for your mom, now what kind of greeting is that?"

Trish swallowed nervously and leaned over and gave Joanna a quick peck on the cheek.

"Honey, if that's the best you can do than I think Frank needs to turn this car around and take you back home. Back to where you can stay the proper little daughter for me, or you can slide over here and give me the kind of kiss you have been dreaming of for a long time now!" Joanna said seductively.

"But mom the driver will see....." Trish started.

"Honey lets clear something up right now, Frank has seen me do a lot of things and has done a lot of things to me. He knows exactly who you are and why you're here tonight so there's no need for subterfuge or discretion. Now if you truly want to be here in this car with me and take this where we both want it to go come over here and let me taste those lips that are glistening so beautifully." Joanna said while reaching out to her daughter.

Trish felt like she was going to faint from the anticipation as she leaned into her mother's embrace. She could feel every nanosecond pass as their lips moved towards each other. Then when they made contact she shuddered and felt her pussy explode. As her mother's lips opened and their tongues met for the first time she spasmed in Joanna's arms and kissed her hungrily, losing herself entirely in what she had been dreaming of forever.

She relished the taste of her mother's saliva and the scent of her skin as she breathed it in. She was lost in a kiss that she never wanted to end. Her mother's lips were so soft and demanding that she just wanted to stay molded to them for eternity.

Joanna was feeling the same things that Trish was; she couldn't remember a kiss that had affected her more than maybe her first kiss ever. Her lips had touched many another pairs of lips over recent years and she always loved kissing but this was another thing entirely. She felt like she was molded to Trish as her arms held her. Both of their pent up fantasies and desires were going to become realities tonight and it all was starting with this kiss. She had often heard about a kiss that changed people's lives and now she was living that. It just made her desire and decision to own this beautiful creature in her arms even stronger, she never wanted to let go of this.

She also realized her daughter had an orgasm when they first kissed and she herself came very close. She would have such fun teaching Trish orgasm control and bring her to the point where she could orgasm on Joanna's command. Now that they were in each other's arms with their tongues dancing and licking and probing each other's mouths Joanna's resolve to take control of Trish's entire sexlife was affirmed.

It was Joanna who reluctantly broke the kiss with her lovely daughter and as she did she inadvertently answered one of Trish's questions. She also made her shiver when she said something as if she was reading her mind from moments ago.

Joanna whispered in her ear, "Honey, Frank is hung like a bull baby; if you are a good little girl for mommy maybe I will let you ride the bull some day. How would you like that my darling?"

Trish hated breaking the kiss with her mother and she wondered if Joanna knew that she had orgasmed during it. When she heard what her mother just whispered to her it confirmed her own thoughts and fantasies about what she wanted out of this new relationship with her mom.

"Mommy, anything you want me to do I will. In getting in this car I am giving myself entirely to you!"

"Be careful little girl don't make promises you won't keep. Anyway I have to tell you how gorgeous and amazing you look baby. I hope today was special getting ready for tonight!" Joanna teased.

"You did it mom, you made me feel just like Cinderella like you promised. I just hope that this Cinderella is worthy of you being my prince for the night!" Trish said while blushing.

"Oh so I'm going to be your prince for the evening am I? You do realize the implication of what you just said don't you?" Joanna said playfully. She so badly wanted to skip all the plans she had made for the night, the Broadway show and dinner. She wanted to take her daughter to her company's apartment and ravage her all night long.

Looking down shyly Trish responded softly, "Yes I do."

Joanna leaned in closer and asked her, "Do you want your prince to make love to you tonight darling, do you want him to penetrate you and make you his own?"

"With all my heart, and every inch of my body mommy!" Trish said softly once again.

"Then that's exactly what you will get my darling, from this moment on you will be mine like you want to be. I will take you and guide you but you must agree to follow me and obey me in everything I ask of you, is that understood?" Joanna pressed on. She realized now that Trish would gladly take the second key in the box because Donna had been right, her daughter was already submitting to her.
