Mr. Basketball Ch. 04


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"I've never heard that one before but it was beautiful."

"It's country, I didn't know if you listened to it or not."

"No, but if they have songs like that I'm going to start. That was perfect."

"I'm sorry Teagan. I can't believe I was such an idiot."

"Jake, it's ok. I like what we have. I don't want to throw it away over something so stupid. I can see it hurt you more than it hurt me."

"You're so important to me Teagan. I don't want to lose you."

"I know," she said. "It's over, let's forget about it and move forward. I'm hungry, where is this dinner you promised me?"

"You want me to cook or do you want to go out? Although you're hardly dressed for the weather."

"Let's go out. Even if I freeze my ass off," she laughed.

We took off. We went to the edge of town to a nice little place and had dinner. We talked about her vacation and what I had been up to other than the incident. Sam never came up and I was glad for that. We came back home and quickly went inside to get out of the cold. She smelt her flowers again.

"I love them, they are so perfect."

"Not as lovely as you are though."

She laughed. "You're so smooth," she teased.

"Yeah, I think the fall did something to me."

"Knocked some sense into you I hope."

"Made me realize how important you are to me."

"Awe Jake," she sighed. "You don't have to butter me up. Just tell me you want me and I'm yours."

"Actions speak louder than words."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bedroom. She turned and kissed me once she was at the bed. A deep kiss I hadn't felt from her yet. I thought I had but this was different, meant something more. I gently let her fall on the bed. Kept kissing her as I lay next to her. I didn't rush things tonight. I kissed her for a long time before my hand moved to her leg.

I touched her at her knee. Felt her shift and raise her leg up and open her other one. I felt her skin and took in the smoothness of it as I moved towards her center. I reached the hem of her short skirt and moved under it. Touched the tender skin right next to her mound. The smallest little triangle of fabric guarding her center now. She gasped into my mouth as I touched her cunny hiding under the silky smooth material.

My fingers moistened as I cupped her sex. I just teased her a little from the outside. I let my fingers slide along her slit and stimulate her. I stopped kissing her and sat up now. Grabbed her leg and kissed her behind her knee as I unzipped her knee high boot. I tossed it on the floor as I kissed behind her other knee and did the same.

She parted her legs and wiggled out of her cloths as I tossed my shirt over my head. I took in her body as she lay there in just a red strapless bra and matching thong. She truly was beautiful. I hooked my fingers around her thong at her hips and gave it a gentle pull. Watched her cunny come into view as she lifted and let them fall away from her legs.

I loved the way she looked. She had the perfect pussy. I hadn't seen a nicer one yet.

"You have a perfect pussy," I whispered to her.

"Thank you I guess. I've only seen one up....." she stopped and waved her hand. "Never mind that."

"Shhh," I hushed her.

I leaned in and blew on it sending shivers up her spine. Then I kissed it. I tasted her as I pressed my tongue into her puffy folds. Her clit met my tongue as I licked it. She moaned as she pushed her tits together and released her bra. The cups fell off her breast exposing her hard little nipples.

Her hands found my hair as I dipped into her center. I tasted how wet she was. I loved the way she tasted. I probed her center as she pulled me tighter to her now. She lifted her hips and pressed me into her. Gasped as I sucked her clit into my mouth. I flattened my tongue over it and stimulated her. Her wetness running down my chin as she closed her legs around my ears. My hands scratched her legs as I worked her to the edge.

Yelped as she started cumming, flooding my mouth as her orgasm hit. I lapped her until she stopped bucking her hips and let her legs fall back to the bed. I kissed her puss before leaving the bed to stand and get my pants off. She turned to find my cock.

"It's been ten days, I don't need any help tonight," I breathed.

She pulled her legs to her chest as I got between them. Precum leaked from my tip as I pressed the head against her. I watched as her lips parted around the swollen head and opened as I pressed into her. I didn't stop until I was completely into her. Bumped her end as she whimpered. I started a slow rise and fall as we became one.

She let her legs fall back to the bed and arched her back as I felt every undulation inside of her. I pulled her nipple into my mouth as I built a steady pace of rising and falling. Just the soft slaps as we met. Her cunny gripping me as I withdrew from her. It pulled me back as I reached the beginning and started to fall back into her.

I started kissing her again as I let her nipple go. They were full, open mouth kisses. Our tongues were gliding over one another as we crashed together. Both of us panting into each other as we fucked. She wrapped her legs around me and kept me deep now. Just rocking my hips, only moving an inch or two with each thrust. She was so wet and sexy. I simply loved the feel of her. A trail of wetness leaking from her as her cunny started to grip me harder. I knew she was close.

I didn't change my pace. Just flexed and made my cock swell with more blood. I could feel myself on the edge with her.

"Yes baby," she gasped. "Fuck me. Fill me."

I started firing into her as she shrilled. Came so hard in her the room started spinning again. Never came so hard before. Rested deep in her, letting my cock twitch the last drops into her. Her cunt milking me dry as we looked at each other.

I wanted to tell her I loved her then.

"I love you Jake," she sighed beating me to it. "Don't say it back unless you mean it."

"I mean it when I tell you I love you Teagan. I love you Teagan."

I kissed her again. Rocked my hips with my spent cock. I wanted to make this last forever. I looked into her eyes as she cupped my face.

"You're the first guy I've ever said that to."

"I know baby, I know."

I pulled from her now. I just lay next to her as she looked a little uncomfortable.

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I have a lot of sheets."

She giggled and snuggled up next to me as we lay there for a while.

"I can't stay tonight."

"I know."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"It sucks you can't stay but I understand. It comes with the territory."

"I'm such a kid," she sighed.

"It's just us when you're here Teagan. Nothing else matters."

We fell silent now. She just drew circles on my chest with her hand. I lay there looking at her. I loved her green eyes and her flawless skin. I could stare at her all day.

"What?" she asked.

"You're so beautiful."

"Don't lie to me," she teased.

"You really are."

"I know."

I laughed.

"I know, I'm cocky right," she giggled her little girl giggle.

"Perfect," I retorted.

"Well, miss perfect has school tomorrow," she said. "I got to get home."

"I know."

She climbed from bed and went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

I dressed and waited on her.

I walked her to the door and started kissing her again. The doorbell rang just then.

"Oh boy, what now?"

Little bit of fear in her eyes as I opened the door.

"Hey man," I said to Justin.

"Hey," he said. "I got some mail for Sam."

"Oh, ok. Hey, you got a second?"

"I got to get to the club."

"No, you got a second. Go in and have a seat while I see her off."

"Ok," he said unsure of everything. "Everything ok?"

"Just give me a minute."

"Hi," Teagan said as she passed by.

He ate her up with his eyes. I can't blame him but it annoyed me.

"I'll see you tomorrow after school. Don't say nothing to the girls about anything. I'm going to break the news tomorrow to them."

"Words probably already gotten around but I won't say anything."

"Call me when you are in bed."

"Planned too," she smiled.

I walked back into the house and shut the door.

"Where'd you find that?" Justin asked.

I brushed it off. "Did Sam not say anything to you?"

"About what?" he asked lost.

"Well, I don't know where to send this too," I said holding the mail. "She took off yesterday to move back home."

"Geez, what happened?"

"She's having a break down I guess. You should call her and see if she's ok."

"Yeah right, she hates me. I guess I can't blame her though. I wasn't exactly a model guy."

"Just call her. Maybe you can talk some sense into her."

"I don't know what I can say to fix this. I guess I can try though."

"That's all you can do."

"What about you? Haven't you tried to call her?"

"She won't answer," I lied.

"What did you do to her? She never ditches you."

"I told her like it is and she didn't like what I had to say."

"That sounds like you."

"Just give her a call, even if she won't answer at least she knows you still care."

"I will try. I have to go. We open in ten minutes."

He darted out the door.

I walked into the gym the next day right at 4 to address the team.

"Alright girls, in case you haven't already heard, Sam is taking a leave of absence. That leaves me to run the ship. You know what I expect so let's not let this setback take away from what we want to accomplish. We've come a long way but we still have a ways to go. Let's stay focused."

"Where did she go?" Mandy asked.

"I can't reveal that information at this time. She's taking some time to sort things out in her life right now so let's leave it at that."

"You can't give us anything?" Kristy asked.

"Not now," I said firmly. "Let's move on."

They took the floor and practiced very well that night.

My love for Teagan only grew stronger. We kept everything quiet through the season. The girls won districts and regionals but couldn't get it done at states. They finished fourth which was a phenomenal finish for them. As Teagan had predicted I kept the coaching job. I was invited back in the fall if I wanted to coach them next season. I was undecided at that point. I was losing Teagan and Kristy but I still had Mandy, Mindy and Jamie. That wasn't the issue. I wanted to be with Teagan. She hadn't decided if she was going to go off to college or staying home.

The issue of us hiding everything from her dad was starting to become a problem. She wanted to stay but couldn't give her dad a reason for not going off to college in the fall.

I found myself face to face with the problem after Teagan and I had a fight over it.

"Thanks for seeing me Mr. Tilly."

"Please, call me Thom," he said.

"Sorry about that."

"You had a hell of a season," he said breaking the ice. "You coming back next season?"

"I'm thinking about it."

"You got a knack for coaching you know? I wouldn't let that go to waste."

"That's what everyone says."

"So, what can I do for you?" he asked. "See a car you like? I can get you a steal on it."

"No," I said. "I'm not going to dance around the bush here. I'm coming here to get something off my chest."

"If it's about my wife, save it. I know nothing happened between you two. I just have my reputation to protect."

"It isn't about your wife," I quickly shot in. "It's about your daughter. I've been seeing her for a while now and I'm tired of hiding it. I want to be able to live my life without hiding it anymore."

"Oh," he said like I had just told him the worst new of all.

"Well, before I get all bent out of shape, which one is it? I have four of them."

"Teagan," I said.

"I see," he sighed. "She was always the free spirit of the bunch. How long has this been going on?"

"Since November."

He leaned back in his chair now and sighed.

"I'm not stringing her along," I said. "I really like her. It's getting serious."

"I see," he sighed again. "Explains why she won't make up her mind about college."

I let him think for a minute. Didn't break my gaze at him as he thought.

"I admire you for coming down here and facing me man to man. Especially after what went down between us in the past."

"The past is the past," I said. "I'm over it."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is......"he trailed off. "Rather, what I'm going to ask you is....... What are you trying to say? Are you asking me to give you my blessing to ask her to marry you?"

"No. Not yet anyway. I'm asking you to allow me to date her out in the open. If we go on a date we leave town so nobody sees us. Everyone knows you and word will get back to you. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten back to you yet."

"So, you just want me to say its ok for you to date my daughter?"

"That's all I'm asking right now. Just let our relationship grow. If it gets to that point where I want to settle down with her I will be right back here asking you the other question."

He shook his head. I thought I had just made a big mistake.

"You do realize she is an adult and can make up her own mind?"

"Yes, but it's complicated. I was the coach of the team. You and I have a history. It's not just that easy."

"You aren't the man I made you out to be are you? I thought you were a player, but a player wouldn't come down here and lay his heart out for a girl. I like that in a guy."

"To be honest, Thom, I was until I met your daughter. She made into a better man. I haven't thought of another girl since her and I have been together. She is something else, one of a kind. You should be proud of her."

"I'm very proud of her," he smiled. "And I know you mean it and you're not blowing smoke up my ass either. I tell you what, come by the house this evening for dinner. We can both tell Teagan she doesn't have to hide it anymore."

"Thank you Thom," I said standing. "That's a weight off my chest."

"Think about coaching too," he added. "I got two more that are coming up the ranks."

"I will keep that in mind."

I got to the house later that evening. Thom let me in and we both sat down at the table. Teagan came down stairs and saw us both sitting there. She had a moment of terror pass over her face but she quickly hid it as she came to sit down.

"Hey coach," she said as she sat down. She never let on she knew me as anything other than that.

"Teagan," Thom now spoke. "You can stop hiding it, I know."

"Know what?" she asked still playing along.

"He told me everything in my office today Teagan. I'm ok with it baby, I really am. Let your love grow and don't let me stand in the way."

"Really," she beamed. I never saw her smile so big before. She ran and hugged him. Then came to me and hugged me. She kissed me a little but still had her shyness around him.

"You sure?" she asked again.

"I'm not going to get in your way, live your life. Just keep the affection to a minimum until I adjust to it."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Sweet! I think its awesome dad didnt turn out to be a douche, heh. Can't say as I would have told Tegan about the almost sex though, yeesh. Especially since its more complicated with it being his cousin. Honestly I'd be wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to keep my girlfriend and my cousin and make everyone happy together. He shoulda been pushing that harder! Marry the girl, cousin lives with you both.

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago

Did not expect that reaction from Thom

CrankThzJackInDaBoxCrankThzJackInDaBoxover 10 years ago
didn't read all:

did read good deal ............. can't believe that `" thom "` gonna actually

allow his daughter `" teagan "` date `" jake "` ..... didn't you say somewhere

in story -> `" jake + thom "` went school same time &&& `" jake "` almost

actually fucked `" thom "` wife { in which } `" thom "` knew something was

going down { in which } `" jake + thom "` never ever have truly gotten along ....

now suddenly `" thom "` allows `" jake "` actually date daughter of his .......

huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ................... guess that i'll have read the

whole thing so that i'll understand

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Story review

Keep up the good work. Keep some mystery and reconcile the situation with Sam.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

great series, hope you keep it going

betweenthesheetsbetweenthesheetsover 10 years agoAuthor
its not over yet

I have more. I have to wait until the site posts the stories before I submit the next chapter. I sent all my stories out at once one time and one of them got kicked back which made the whole thing a mess. I guess I am going to take my chances and post two chapters tonight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Did this just end?

It just seems like you just finished the series off real quick with this last chapter. Either way it is or was a good series which ever way it goes

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Don't know.

I'm like so not into these characters. Bland they are.

But despite my feelings, good story. Just not as good as others elsewhere.

Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I hope I don't miss the next one.

Seems likely the category will change if there is a part 5. Maybe skip ahead several years to where they are now married, he is coaching her younger sister, and she joins them?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Keep writing.....This is a great series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Very good story one of the best I've read it's not all about the sex the story was excellent it's just a pity it's over

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