Mrs Johnson Gets Extra Detention

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Tim keeps up the blackmail.
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Continued from Mrs Johnson Gets Home Schooled...

Debbie Johnson was equally as confused and happy about the photo session and subsequent sex with her neighbour's son, Tim. She was confused as to what this decent looking nineteen-year-old lad had found attractive about her thirty-nine-year-old body. Surely girls his age were much better looking? He'd admitted himself he'd taken pictures of lots of girls, although Debbie hadn't seen them so only had his word for it. She was happy that he'd deemed her attractive enough despite the age difference to have sex with, even if she'd made it really easy for him being both virtually undressed and getting progressively more turned on during the photo shoot.

She'd seen him a few times over the last two weeks since it happened. He behaved like nothing had happened, smiling and saying hello. Had he used her? If anything he was more pleasant than previously though. He had been a little mischievous when she'd returned his mother Denise's underwear, now washed and dried of course, that she'd borrowed, by making her put them back in the drawer herself. Denise almost caught her doing so, Debbie making an excuse has to why she was looking around the house and the bedroom in particular. Debbie would have been gone long before being discovered, had she not found a couple of large lifelike dildos hidden amongst the sexy undies in the drawer that she took a very keen interest in.

Despite being almost forty Tim was only her third lover. Having married her now ex-husband at nineteen, she'd only had two very fumbling attempts at sex when she was eighteen, attempts that had almost put her off sex for life. Her ex-husband and herself had a decent sex life, although he was very much a missionary position man most of the time. Debbie kneeling on all fours and begging Tim to fuck her hard, and come over her arse, was a turn up for the books for her, she hadn't realised she had it in her. Maybe Tim had unleashed a beast within her.

Debbie had almost forgotten about Tim's threatening of another photoshoot. He hadn't made any inclination of a repeat performance at all, so Debbie had put it down to him showing off that he was in control of her, his youthful arrogance showing through. She was bought out of her thoughts by her phone pinging.

"Parents out later if you want to come around and look at some of my other willing photograph subjects, may get some ideas for our next shoot," the email from Tim read, "Come round at about 7 pm. Only have about an hour though."

Despite him not saying about taking photos of her, Debbie showered and changed, putting on some decent underwear and some holdup stockings, but covering them with jeans and a t-shirt. Tim would get a surprise if he asked her to strip for him. She found herself realising that she intended to if he asked, rather than just turning him down. Perhaps she'd been more turned on than she'd thought. Did he really have that much of a hold over her? Not wanting to have the photos leaked in public didn't help.

She went around and knocked on the door, Tim let her in and led her to their sitting room. He asked if she wanted a drink, but she told him a coffee would be fine. He switched on the kettle then quickly ran upstairs. He returned with a large storage box, which he put on the floor by Debbie's feet. Inside were several photo albums, all with initials in marker written on them. She found the one with her initials on it and recognised most of the photos. A few extra were at the back, from the photo session. She found one she couldn't stop staring at, and she felt her pussy tingle. It was her come splattered arse, with Tim's cock half inside her.

Tim returned with her drink and set it down on the table.

"I like that one too, only took me two minutes to come when I looked at it after developing it," he laughed. "You have a great ass for your age."

Debbie blushed and playfully punched his arm. She asked if there was any album, in particular, he'd wanted her to see.

"Not really, I thought we could search through them and see what you like for our next session," he answered.

"There's going to be another session? Or are you just trying to fuck me again?" Debbie asked him.

"I was happy taking pictures, you asked, no begged, me to fuck you if I remember right," Tim told her.

She had no answer to that, she'd been that turned on she'd been gagging for it. She started to browse through the albums. She recognised most of the girls, she taught them all at some point. Each album was much like her own, starting tame and getting more and more unclothed, with the last few pictures like sex stills from a porn magazine.

"When did you take all of these?" Debbie asked him.

"Since my course started last year. The girls are all over eighteen, I'm not some kind of pervert. After plying them with drinks and getting them to pose in very little, it's amazing how most want me to have sex with them afterwards. Well, I don't need to tell you that do I? Only the best ones get invited back for a second photo session though."

Debbie finally realised his cunning ploy. It had worked perfectly for him judging by how many albums he had made in just a year.

"Do you do any life drawings then, or his that part of the ruse?"

"I do, but normally just the faces and bodies. I can imagine my lecturer's face if I handed in work of several naked women spreading themselves open, or me impaled in them, I'm not sure she'd be too impressed!" he told her.

She'd seen some that puzzled her, a girl handcuffed to a tree in some woods. She asked Tim about them, he said it was her idea, she actually got turned on by the prospect of being found naked in public, and being handcuffed had no choice but to be seen when a couple walking their dog stumbled across her. Tim had remained silent and out of sight, still taking pictures.

"Of course, you can't do that, can you? No public exposure for the teacher," Tim teased her.

The idea actually intrigued her, her mind wandered to her being like that with Tim taking pictures, but he was right. Her heart told her she'd be turned on being photographed like that, her head told her there was no way she could do it. Anything like that would need to be far away from the place where the majority of people knew her. She couldn't believe that she was even contemplating it.

She handed an album to Tim and asked him to explain. The same girl was in the pictures, but people could be seen in the background. Debbie didn't recognise her. Tim explained it was someone he'd met at a party, told her he wanted to take photos of her and had convinced her, after a lot of drinks had been poured for her, to pose in various places around the house. She'd eventually ended up naked, walking across the landing and leaning out of windows, always running the risk of someone seeing but just managing to remain just out of sight. Right at the end, she'd just walked into the main room naked in front of everyone.

Tim told Debbie that was how he wanted the next session to be.

"But people will see me, I can't have that?" she told him.

"No isn't an answer, you'll do this or the pictures get sent out. The local newspaper would get a great story out of them. I'll ask other people from my art course to come around, none of them will know you. To them, you'll just be another photo session model."

Debbie went to object but realised it was pointless as she couldn't risk Tim exposing her, and the idea of having photos taken while people were nearby was turning her on.

Tim emailed her a few days later, saying they'd come around on Friday night. The photos were to be taken at Debbie's house again, and there were six people from his course to be there, four guys and two girls. Tim told her they were going to take advantage of using Debbie's pool while Debbie posed around the house.

Friday arrived and Debbie had got back from the school where she worked. She showered and got dressed. She'd been to a shop out of town, where no-one would know her, and had treated herself to some lacy black underwear and a black suspender belt, and some new black stockings. Despite Tim saying others from his course were going to be at her house too, she had dressed as sexy as possible, finding herself hoping to turn Tim on enough that he'd fuck her again. She covered these over with a black dress.

Tim's parents Denise and Ian had gone away for the weekend, and Debbie saw more and more cars arrive and park up at Tim's house next door. She heard a knock at the door and answered it to see Tim standing there. He'd directed the others to the side of her house, telling them to follow the path to the rear of the property and they'd see the pool. Debbie invited him in and led him to the living room.

"How do you want me? Lying along the sofa? On my knees again?" Debbie asked him, hitching her skirt up a little to show her stocking tops.

"Erm no, I wanted to take a few pictures around the house, in normal poses," Tim answered. Debbie looked at him disappointedly.

"Oh," continued Tim, "Did you just think we were going to fuck while I took pictures again? If I wanted to wank over those pictures later I could just find porn to watch online. I want you to act natural."

Tim noticed her frown but beckoned her to follow him as he headed upstairs. Debbie smiled a little as she followed him, her smile becoming more pronounced as he entered her bedroom.

"Lean over the bed and pretend you're straightening the quilt on the other side," he asked her.

Debbie realised she'd have to put one leg up on the bed to reach over, and in doing so her skirt rode right up, showing Tim her thong which wasn't covering a lot. She smirked and looked back over her shoulder. Tim didn't look impressed.

"The underwear is lovely, but I want you naked. Forget I'm here, just pretend you've just got up and gone about your normal routine."

Debbie did as she was told, noticed Tim's smile once she was fully naked. Maybe he didn't like the underwear. She walked around the house while he took photo's, now and then he'd stop her for instructions. They ended up in her kitchen where she was pretending to cook bacon when she heard the door to the back garden open.

"Oh wow," exclaimed a startled female voice, "great model Tim."

Tim introduced her to Debbie as Gina, while Gina eyed her up and down. Gina was doing the same course as Tim. She was wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, her large breasts very noticeable.

"Are you sure she's not our age Tim, she has a fantastic body," Gina said. Debbie blushed while trying to cover up. "Do we all get to take pictures later?"

"Yes, once I've finished with the private shots you guys can photograph her around the pool," Tim answered. He looked at Debbie. "I have someone who is going to pose with you."

"You didn't say anything about the others taking snaps, nor me posing with someone else? I don't want to," Debbie snapped.

"My rules, my game. You know what happens if you say no don't you?" Tim answered. "Anyway, I think you'll like who your fellow model is."

"Oh boy, you haven't told her about Martin have you?" Gina giggled.

Debbie turned to Tim and told him she wasn't happy with the new arrangement. Tim walked over to her, rubbed her pussy and held his fingers up to show her they were coated in her juices.

"They say otherwise. Go upstairs and put on your pale blue bikini and meet us outside by the pool."

Gina asked Tim how wet Debbie was, and Tim told her to see for herself. Gina walked over and rubbed Debbie's pussy. Debbie, not expecting it, jumped backwards. Gina giggled and put the fingers in her mouth, tasting Debbie. She smiled, patted Debbie on the arse playfully, and wandered off back to the pool still giggling with Tim right behind her.

Debbie went upstairs to find out her bikini. She hadn't thought to ask how he knew about it, or why he'd chosen that one. It was a very good fit on her though, with just enough fabric to cover everything up. What she didn't know was Tim had seen how see-through it became once she'd been in the pool and it was wet. She found it out and placed it on the bed, then went to the window which overlooked the rear garden. She could hear a few voices but could only make out Gina and Tim through the trees between the house and the pool. She wondered whether to put on the undies and stockings again and tap the window to get Tim to come back into her.

Her hand had wandered to her pussy, which was soaked, as she gazed down at him. She thought about Tim's attitude and realised she was much more wanting to fuck him than he was her. She grabbed some tissues from by the bed, she knew she would need to dry herself before putting on the bikini bottoms, or they'd be wet through without needing to get in the water.

She looked at herself in the mirror, cupping her 34C bust. She'd never really looked at herself properly before, but she was in very good shape for her age, she just didn't appreciate herself, nor had her ex-husband told her. She just hoped she measured up for the others by the pool, she knew her breasts weren't as big as Gina's were. She debated slipping on a gown over the bikini but decided against it.

She walked down towards the pool, Tim turning to greet her.

"Here she is, today's willing subject. Say hello to Mrs Johnson everyone." A few greetings rang out.

"Call me Debbie, please." She looked around nervously, Gina handed her a large drink.

"Gin to relax you, Tim told us to bring some."

Debbie looked around the pool and noticed a few different bottles of spirits dotted about. There was another girl as well as Gina, and three boys. Debbie thought Tim had said six others were coming? Suddenly the surface of the water broke, and a large figure swam up and in one movement turned to be sitting on the edge of the pool as he pulled himself out. Debbie's jaw dropped open and she gasped out loud. Gina giggled.

The guy was very tall and extremely well toned. His shoulders were broad, and his tan very evident. He slicked back his wet hair as droplets of water ran down his bare chest and across his nipples. Debbie felt herself get nudged, and turned to see Gina with a big grin on her face.

"Dreamy isn't he?" she asked. Debbie nodded sheepishly, still staring at this fine figure of a man. "That's Martin. I told you that you'd be impressed with your fellow model."

"How do you guys know him?" Debbie asked her.

"He does photography with us, although he ends up in front of the camera more than he takes pictures," Gina replied.

Martin stood up as Tim threw him a towel. He started to dry himself off, his arm muscles flexing as he wiped. He put a hand down and adjusted his shorts, not quite quick enough for Debbie to notice they were clung to his penis. His very large penis. She gasped out loud again. Gina giggled at her again. Debbie gulped down her drink quickly.

"Right," said Tim, "we'll take a few pictures around the pool first, on one of the loungers perhaps, then some in the pool shots. That sound good for everyone?" The others all nodded eagerly.

Martin sat on one of the loungers with his legs on either side. He patted the lounger in front of him to tell Debbie to sit in front of him.

"You sure you want me to pose with him?" Debbie asked Tim. "Surely Gina would be better suited, I'll look like his mum."

"Don't put yourself down, you'll look great together," he complimented her.

Debbie sat on the lounger, and Martin reached around and moved her legs to either side of the lounger in front of his. His touch made her shudder. He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back so she was leaning on him. She could feel his nipples on her back, and more importantly his penis at the base of her spine. My god, he was big! She hadn't seen it, but she already knew it was much bigger than any she seen before.

Martin's hands reached around and covered Debbie's breasts. He remarked on how big her nipples were and smoothed his hands over then while they were being snapped. Debbie was trying to hardest not to think of his penis rubbing against her when he suddenly put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her forward. This lifted her arse slightly, and his cock fitted very nicely into the gap. Only a tiny piece of fabric was stopped it from entering her arse. She knew exactly how wet he was making her, she just hoped he couldn't tell.

She felt the bikini top being untied, and Martin quickly removed it and threw it aside. Debbie threw her hands up to cover up.

"Great tits, move your hands so I can photograph them," shouted one of the lads. Martin obliged for him, his strong hands pulled both her arms behind her back.

Debbie looked at Tim, who was nodding at her. He was happy, so Debbie relaxed again. Maybe if she kept him sweet he would fuck her after all. Martin reached around and tweaked each of Debbie's nipples, in turn, making Debbie squirm with excitement. All thoughts of everyone else taking pictures was lost as she starting daydreaming about that big cock poking into her back belonging to Tim instead.

Suddenly she realised Martin had released his grip and wasn't sitting behind her. He was stood up, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw him throw his swim shorts where he had threw Debbie's bikini top. She turned to look behind her, just as he rested his giant length across her shoulder. Her movement made her mouth brush against his cock. It was the first time she'd seen it properly, he was at least nine inches long and still soft.

"Kiss the end of it. Try and get your mouth around it," she heard shouted out. She looked over at Tim desperately.

"I'm not fucking him, no way. That thing would probably break me in two anyway!" she cried out.

"You don't need to worry about that, he won't fuck you," shouted Gina. "Martin is gay."

"Oh, ok," stammered Debbie.

"I know, such a waste," giggled Gina, "but I've tried to no avail, he just doesn't fancy women in the slightest."

Debbie looked over at Tim, she had been expecting photos but this seemed to be going too far for her liking. As big as Martin's cock was, she hadn't planned on any more risque pictures unless Tim was fucking her. She saw Tim mouth to her "Do it or else." She was disappointed but knew the consequences of upsetting Tim. Reluctantly she opened her mouth to look like she was just about to blow him. Tim's face turned to a smile, she was happier now she'd seen his approval. Her head was telling her not to act like a slut in front of her camera-wielding audience, her heart was telling her it was impressing Tim and that made it okay.

Cameras starting clicking away, and Debbie started to react more naturally. She flicked out her tongue, marvelling at how hot Martin's cock felt, like a red hot poker. Martin had been holding his cock, and Debbie removed his hand and replaced it with her own. His cock looked even bigger now her smaller hands were around it. She started to stroke it, but Martin showed no sign of getting harder. She put the end of it in her mouth and carried on stroking. Her hand slipped down into her bikini bottoms, and she started to rub at her pussy. She was soaked.

Martin noticed this and pulled her into a standing position facing him. He put his legs between hers to keep them apart and put a hand on the back of her head pulling it down towards his lap. Reaching around with the other hand he untied the ribbon on the side of Debbie's bikini bottoms, and they slid to the floor.

"Jesus, you can see her juices glistening from the pool lights," one of the lads shouted.

Debbie grabbed Martin's cock and fed it into her mouth, and wanked him as fast as she could to try to make him hard. It didn't work. Although they'd said he was gay, she felt disappointed that she couldn't make him erect, even if just to marvel at his full length, not that his flaccid state wasn't impressive enough for her.