Mrs. Montrose in Antwerp


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Underneath were the leather corsets, and that was all.

They picked up Martin and his partner. She was dressed in a similar dress, her hair oiled and piled high on her head.

The driver took them to a rundown part of town, mostly empty warehouses and factories.

Edie held Chantal tightly by the hand, butterflies in her stomach. Mike had told them nothing.

They were dropped off in front of what appeared to be an empty warehouse, a single dim bulb above the door. They walked through it, down a hall to a steel door. Mike knocked, and a slot opened. He passed a piece of paper through the slot, and thirty minutes later it opened. A man in a very expensive suit welcomed them in perfect English.

"Please, come in. You are expected. If there is anything you require, simply ask one of our attendants. Enjoy!"

They stopped at a booth that reminded Edie of an old fashioned coat room. The smiling, uniformed attendant asked their names. Checking them against a laptop, she smiled.

Welcome to our establishment. You may leave your clothes here."

Edie stood in shock as Mike and Martin calmly disrobed. The woman with Mike slipped off her dress to show off a deep green leather corset similar to the ones they wore.

Mike looked at them.

"Girls!" he said sharply, "Don't keep me waiting."

Chantal had already taken off her dress and was helping Edie. The attendant handed him two leashes.

"Have a good time. Remember the rules."

They walked through he double doors into a very well decorated night club. The music was muted, the furnishing tasteful, and all the patrons were naked or nearly so. Conservatively dressed waitresses circulated, making sure champange flutes were topped or more serious drinks were refilled.

"What is this place?" asked Edie, as both she and Chantal crowded up against him.

"It's a bondage club. Very exclusive and very private. I want you to stay close. If you get off the leash, it's a signal you are available. Anyone who can leash you gets to keep you for the duration of the evening, and some of these people are not pleasant."

They were led to a very nice booth, a large semicircular couch facing the floor.

The table was plexiglass, thick and clear. There were no legs. It was suspended from the ceiling by four metal, intertwined bars. Edie was soon to find out why.

She looked around. The patrons ranged from exceptionally attractive to vulgar.

They got a good bit of attention. Martin was almost as well endowed as Mike, and with three beautiful women in tow they stood out.

People approached their table, offering to exchange submissives. They politely refused, saying they were new and needed to get acclimated first. Despite disappointed looks, no one pressed.

The atmosphere was getting to the men. Mike tugged gently on their leashes and pointed down. His erection was magnified by the table.

Chantal instantly slid down underneath the table and started. He looked at Edie with a raised eyebrow. The woman with Martin was bobbing rapidly, her pale skin contrasting sharply with his darkness.

She looked around. Patrons had stopped and were watching, many making approving comments. She felt a tug on her leash and turned to see his frown. She slid down quickly, gently pushing Chantal to the side. She made a show of it, sliding slowly down to the base, sliding even more slowly back up, swirling and licking for a second before repeating the process.

She glanced up on an upstroke to see Chantal taking Martin down her throat while the redhead nibbled on her nipples. Soon she felt a nudge, and she moved over and let her have a turn. Soon she grew impatient, pulled her off and pushed her to the floor, straddled her head, and went back to pleasing Mike. The redhead was obediently licking and sucking. Between her servicing, the thrill of performing before a group of people, and Mike beginning to hold her head and thrust urgently, she had one of the biggest orgasms of her life.

Mike groaned and filled her mouth. She swallowed a bit, but held most of it. Martin was just behind Mike, and Edie grabbed Chantal and they shared, slipping it back and forth before leaning over the redhead, opening up and letting it dribble into her mouth. She looked up, hearing cheers and applause. There was about fifty people gathered around, and they were on every TV screen in the club. Apparently every booth was wired with cameras and sound. They could be turned off for privacy.

A voice came over a sound system, speaking in several languages before switching to English.

"Congratulations table seventeen! Quite erotic, wouldn't you agree?"

There was a smattering of applause from those who understood the language. Edie and Chantal glowed, pridefully. Martin and Mike just smiled and waved.

Mike slipped a finger in both women, pleased how wet they were.

"Enjoying this, my pets?"

Chantal licked his hand while Edie smiled.

Edie was amazed at the traffic by their table. A few offered to buy them from Mike. She was shocked when a man of middle eastern look offered him five hundred thousand for the pair, or three fifty for Edie. Mike politely declined the offers, taking their cards should he change his mind.

After a few drinks, they were escorted to the restrooms. He gave the leashes to one of the attendants and she escorted them in and out, returning the leashes.

"What would have happened if I had went alone?"

Mike looked grim.

"You would probably be on a plane to parts unknown by now. I'm not exaggerating. These people play by different rules."

Chantal was wriggling in her seat, watching Martin fuck his redhead on the table. They had fondled Mike erect, and he effortlessly lifted her to his waist and impaled her. Soon she was bouncing up and down, grunting, while Mike had a discussion with another patron about Edies' nipple size. Mike allowed him to suck them hard to prove his point. Between that and Mike fingering her relentlessly she came with a scream.

He lifted Chantal off and slid Edie on, coming with a grunt ten minutes later. She slid down under the table, nearly comatose, only to have Chantal lick her clean. She actually did pass out for a few moments.

She came to her senses, seeing Chantal snuggled against Mike's legs. Deciding it look comforting, she snuggled into the other side, holding her hand.


By then the smell of sex overwhelmed the room. Every imaginable combination of people and acts were in progress all over the room. There were more rooms throughout the club, but Mike had warned her sternly.

"You do not want to see what goes on in those rooms."

Occasionally over the noise of the club, a scream would pierce the air. Some would actually applaud at the sound.

Again a voice came over the speakers. When it got to English they listened intently.

"Attention, attention please. For anyone wishing to participate in The Run, it will commence in thirty minutes. A list of the rules will be distributed. Anyone having property they wish to keep private should escort them to the Playroom, where they will be attended to until you return. Thank you."

Confused, Martin asked a hostess for an explanation. They were immediately intrigued and decided to pay the fee and participate.

Chantal, Edie, and the redhead Clara were turned over to attendants and led to a large room. Every leash was tethered to rings in the wall. There were low benches for them to sit, and attendants circulated constantly with small whips. They could hear a lash and a grunt occasionally. It kept unacceptable behavior to a minimum.

"What's going on?" Edie asked the athletic looking young man beside her, noting the whip marks and the cock cage.

"You're new to this aren't you?" he said, smiling.

She nodded.

"The Run is held once a year. Anyone with a submissive they wish to enter registers. At the appointed time, all entrants are gathered and released into this maze of warehouses. Twenty minutes later the hunters are released. Any submissive they capture belongs to them for twenty four hours. You're allowed three captures, but no one has gotten that many for years."

They sat for over an hour before being led back. Martin and Mike came back to the table, laughing.

Mike had an attractive black girl on a leash and what appeared to be a small oriental woman over his shoulder. Martin was carrying a small woman with large breasts on his hip like a child. She was four foot eight they discovered later. He was leading a man with his leash. He was dwarfed between the two men, being only five eight.

A nearby hostess gave them leashes, and soon the whole group was situated around the table. They turned them over to the girls with strict orders to keep them there, and went looking for their owners. It was easy to find them, the collars all had table numbers on them.

They exchanged information about where they would be for the next twenty four hours, and got information on any restrictions or special qualities they might have.

They drank another round of drinks, watching as the black girl and the small woman ate each other out under the table.

Then they went back to the reception room, retrieved their clothes, and went back to their suite.


The next twenty four hours passed in a series of disjointed segments for Edie.

They slept for a few hours, had room service bring up a huge breakfast. Afterwards, she and Chantal ended up with the black girl and the small man. They were serviced by both, and then they took turns using a strapon on both.

She glimpsed Mike with the tiny girl, standing upright and effortlessly bounced her on his cock while she moaned and screamed. Later she saw him with the small oriental, slamming into her doggie style. It was then she got a full view and saw she was a transsexual. She also saw the look on Mike's face. He looked sad and alone for just a second. She had a flash of intuition.

"He still loves Shanna" she thought, before she got distracted by the petite woman sucking on her nipples.

At the very end, she found herself sucking on Mike while Martin pounded her from behind. Filled to capacity by two huge cocks, she almost passed out.

When the owners called to retrieve their property they found all exhausted. They gave them a generous tip, complimenting their training.

Martin talked privately with the owner of the transsexual, and bought her, arranging for her to be delivered to his home in Atlanta.

"Are you going to work her?" Mike asked on the plane back home.

"No. I finally see some of the attraction you had for your ex. I know it was her training, but she was desperate to please me, and acted like the sun revolved around me. I'll keep her until I get bored, then I don't know. It might be years before I get rid of her."

They were on a private jet and stopped in Atlanta to let Martin off before going home to San Francisco. When they were airborne again the girls snuggled up to him.

"Did you have a good time Edie?"

"This trip was so unusual I have nothing to compare it to. Yes, I enjoyed it, but for the first time in my life I know what the expression 'all fucked out' means."

She squeezed his hand.

"But it will be burned into my memory for one thing. I finally became your property."

She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling the bandaid and the stubble from the small strip of hair that had to be shaved off. Underneath the bandaid was a small tattoo, an almost exact replica of the one on Chantal.

They arrived back at home. He took the girls home and they spent the weekend mostly sleeping.

The next day Edie was subdued. Mike was playing in her hair, swirling it through his fingers.

"What's on your mind, Edie?"

"Just wondering things. Do you buy and sell humans as casually as those in Belgium?"

"Martin does, to a point. Not my scene, really. What I did to Chantal was about the worse thing I've ever done to anyone. I tend to buy people with kindness. It's how I got you, after all."

She wriggled around until she displaced Chantal on his lap. Chantal sank beside them, content.

"Do we need to get tested? I'm a little worried. It never occurred to me until this morning."

"We don't need to, but it would probably be a good idea. Everyone is required to submit monthly health certificates. And before you asked, we did. That's one of the reasons blood was drawn before we left."


They went over Sunday for Edie to collect Stanley.

Angie had promised her she wouldn't know 'her'.

Angie had him wait in a bedroom until they were settled on the couch.

"I didn't know how far you got in her training, but I saw where you were going and I nudged her a little harder. I think you'll be pleased."

She called out, "Dolly, come here."

"Dolly" walked into the living room and twirled. Edie knew her mouth was hanging open.

She had on a tight red corset that pushed her small breasts up and together. Her nipples had been pierced and small hoops were inserted. A small gold chain ran between them. There was a tight red skirt, barely wider than a belt. She was in gartered hose, and four inch heels. Completely shaven, something silver glittered between her legs when she twirled. She was holding a translucent vibrator.

Angie gushed, patting her bottom.

"Isn't she just the cutest thing ever? Dolly, show your Mistress your jewelery."

She walked her over to Edie and Mike.

"Look here" she cooed, lifting her skirt.

Instead of a cock cage, his penis had been measured, soft of course, and a jeweler had made a silver sleeve that was custom fitted to him. As long as it was on he couldn't get hard. It was held in place by two small hex screws. It was decorated, and had a space like one would see on an old fashion ID bracelet. Angie proudly held it up so they could read it, putting Dolly up on her toes.

"Dolly, owned by Mistress Edie."

"We could put your phone number on it, you know, in case she wanders off."

Edie felt her nipples harden with power. She had no problem calling him 'her'. Her husband gone, the last vestiges locked away in a silver cock cage. She looked at the vibrator Dolly was holding.

"What's that for?"

Angie beamed.

"Tell them, Dolly. And show them as well."

With no shame, she looked them in the eye.

"It's my lollipop. I'm to suck on it, for pleasure and practice. Watch."

She took the seven inch dildo and slid it into her mouth all the way and pulled it back out slowly, before plunging it rapidly in and out several times. She was looking at Mike's crotch the whole time.

Mike couldn't help asking.

"How is she with the real thing?"

Angie looked at Edie.

"If I may?"

Edie nodded her head, fascinated.

Angie snapped her fingers.

"Dolly, come."

She immediately dropped to all fours and crawled over, leaning against her thigh. She snapped her fingers twice more.

Dolly didn't hesitate, reaching under her skirt, fondling the eight inch cock under it. When it was hard, she slid it down her thighs and helped her step out of it.

They watched fascinated as Dolly worked on it, plunging it deep, stopping to fondle and lick her balls occasionally before going back to work. She went at a steady pace until Angie tapped her head twice. She immediately built up speed until Angie gripped her hair and stiffened. Dolly sank back on her knees.

"Show them" she commanded. Dolly crawled over to the couch and opened her mouth, showing it filled with cum.

"good girl, you may swallow now."

She made a production of it, swirling it around, allowing some to touch her lips before sucking it back in before she swallowed it all, opening her mouth to show it was gone.

Angie gave her a rhinestone encrusted collar and matching leash. She also gave her a small hex key on a silver chain. It was to unlock his cage when she felt the need.

"Thank you so much for letting me help train her. If you need help or want me to finish, just call. I've become quite fond of her."

She and Chantal rode in the back seat of her SUV on the way back to the apartment. Edie looked back and could have sworn they had their heads together giggling. Her head was aching slightly, wondering what type of rabbit hole she had fallen into.

It didn't stop her from using the strapon that night to take her virginity, the last barrier to total femdon.

She woke later to feel them snuggled under her arms. She hugged them tighter and went back to sleep.


Mike was sleeping peacefully, alone, when his cell phone rang at three in the morning. He looked at the time as he reached for his phone. It was never good news this late at night.

"Mike? Mike, I need you. Kevin isn't supposed to last the night. Will you come?"



The next segment will be in the Mature section. My wife says my pen name should have been square peg round hole, because most everything I write doesn't always fit exactly in the section I aim for. It's just the way I am.

As always, comments desired, votes appreciated.


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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sloppily written. Grammar, spelling, incorrect words, missed words, inconsistent plot. 2 stars.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago

Turning poor Stan into Dolly was too far. He will probably wake up one night, with a steak knife, and gut Edie like a pig!!! She disappoints the most.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Dolly's Story

If possible i would like to read a seperate story about the creation of Dolly,

i just love your stories

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