Ms. Rhonda's Finishing School Ch. 02


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Based on the look she gave me it was as if a large weight had been lifted off her shoulders. I knew she would do everything in her power not to let me down now, working hard to pay me back for the faith I had in her. I however, was not done yet.

This was going to be tricky, perhaps like walking through land mines. "Patricia, what about if one of our clients desires you in a...sexual way?"

Bless her heart, the blush which rose to her face turned her as bright as a rose and I had to stifle the laugh which threatened to escape. I watched her eyes, seeing the internal struggle going on, as I walked out from behind my desk. I sat down next to her before taking her hand in mind. "It's okay hun, you can talk to me. I'm certainly not going to tell you that what you desire is right or wrong. But if we're going to make you happy, then you need to tell me what it is that you want."

She seemed to be thinking so hard, perhaps even overthinking the subject when I leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. She didn't resist, but she didn't join me, as my lips were pressed against hers. It was only when I let my tongue flick out, to trace the soft flesh and taste her lipstick, did I hear a soft moan escape her. I got a bit bolder, my tongue seeking entrance and she granted it, her tongue playing with mine as I felt her arms go around me. I let it go on for another second or two before gently stopping, opening my eyes to see hers closed in what seemed to be ecstasy.

When her eyelids fluttered open, her breathing was a bit shorter, her eyes sparkling as I smiled at her saying, "Did you enjoy that Patricia?" She nodded, quite vigorously as I went on to say, "I would say then that you are interested in other gurls like us, would you agree?"

The blush on her face now seemed to be a reflection of the kiss that we had just shared. I won't lie to you; I had felt the same thing. The beautiful young woman who I had said I would happily have served me would not only be in service but in my bed as well if I had my way. For now though, we had other matters to discuss. I continued to ask her questions and as we moved on she became a bit more forthcoming, giving me more information about what it was that made up this unique gurl next to me. By the time we finished, I had her go see if my manservant might need her assistance, and I began to type up my notes.

By the time I was finished, I had Randolph bring the car around and to her surprise, I asked Patricia to join me in going to New Beginnings. I promised her we would go in the back entrance so that no one on the street would see her but I could tell she was still apprehensive about doing so. It was going to be another step in her learning experience; one that I had a feeling might begin with this very excursion.

When we arrived I made sure we went straight in, already having alerted my staff in advance and DeeDee was waiting. When she saw Patricia she ran up to her, giving her a big hug and the maid's eyes shone at the sight of her new friend, instantly putting her at ease. "DeeDee if you'll be kind enough to give Patricia a tour of the store. I'm sure she would love to see all the things we have to offer. Oh, and please ask Michelle to step in here for a moment."

They left and it was only a couple of minutes before the gurl I considered my best friend stepped in. "I saw Patricia with DeeDee, how is she doing?"

I gave her a grin saying, "Well, I brought her down here under false pretenses. I have an idea how we can socialize her. Let me tell what I'm thinking." By the time I was done Michelle had a smile to match my own and went to do as I had asked of her. It was about ten minutes later that she returned with the items in hand and after dropping them off on my desk she went to get our first student.

When the two of them returned hand in hand I stood up, walking over to join them as I said, "Patricia, I need a favor dear. We have some new products in and the company has sent us some lovely trial sizes. I need for you to mingle with the customers and offer them a free sample. If they say anything to you about how you are dressed feel free to tell them why. As I said, you should be proud in your service. Oh, and one final thing."

I took one of our nicest collars as her eyes grew wide. "Now, this isn't an official collar but while you are here in my store people need to know you are under my protection, so will you wear this for me, please?"

Her eyes were fixed on the black leather adornment as she nodded happily and I put it on her. Immediately her hand went up to her neck, touching it as if to confirm it was real. It was only a symbolic gesture but one I had an idea meant a great deal to her. I handed her the basket with the fragrant lotions before giving her a smile and saying, "Well, get on with it young lady."

She walked out and Michelle and I watched proudly as she walked right up to one of our long time customers who we had made sure would be the first person she would see when she stepped back onto the floor. Sandra was a dear and I knew if anyone could make the shy maid feel more comfortable in not only the task I had given her, but in her appearance as well, it was her. We both watched as Patricia's face began to light up, the small smile growing even wider as her confidence grew, and by the time they had finished she walked proudly to the next customer.

Sandra gave us both a grin as we got closer only to hear, "Okay Rhonda, where have you been hiding her? I wanted to have my way with her right here in front of everyone. She is adorable." I couldn't help but smile as I told her about my plans and she immediately said, "Mark me down as first on the list. I can think of many ways she can service me, if you know what I mean." Michelle blushed as Sandra and I joined in laughter.

After we had parted company Michelle and I walked through the shop, greeting some familiar faces and some others, perhaps first timers, while keeping a close eye on our newest charge. Her shyness still in play but it seemed a part of her personality which drew others to her. Besides, who could resist a free sample from such a beautiful young gurl? I felt myself smiling from ear to ear as I heard three people giggling as one as Patricia shared a word with two other newcomers to my establishment. I couldn't help but wonder what they had been talking about and I got my answer shortly when I heard a voice eerily familiar to the maids say softly, "Excuse me, Miss Rhonda?"

I turned to see a young gurl biting gently on her bottom lip, unsure if she was to make eye contact or what would be the proper thing to do as I said gently, "Yes my dear?"

"Patricia said that you were going to be helping her to learn how to be...I mean, to show her how she could learn about...that is...," as her words trailed off and once again I felt my heart go out to another individual.

I took her hand as she gave me a tentative smile. "Patricia is correct. She's going to be the stores first attempt at helping her find her way and if it proves to be as successful as I think it will be then we'll be looking for others to assist. Are you interested in that love?"

By the time she had left New Beginnings she had a bag full of various items in hand and I had her contact information. I had promised her that I would call her as soon as our plans to move forward were in place. She had given me a name, Abby, and though I only knew a little about what her special desire involved, I had a feeling I knew someone who could assist me in helping another's dream come true. I had a feeling this young lady was just as special as Patricia and I felt like perhaps I had found a new purpose in life.

By the time we were ready to close up business at the end of the day, we had refilled the basket, the demand for not only the items within but also for a moment of the young beauties time having been the result. I asked Helen to join us as we went back to my home, the smile on Patricia's face and the look on her own showing the personality which was slowly coming out with each step she was taking. She would occasionally touch the leather garment around her neck, the move an unconscious one, yet pleasing to see none the less.

When we arrived home I had already let Randolph know my plans in advance and he was ready. Dinner was already prepared as Helen took the young gurl into the kitchen and a few moments later she appeared with a glass of wine, her tutor behind her. Patricia knelt beside me, holding up the offered beverage with eyes lowered while saying, "I hope you find this wine and my presentation to your liking Miss Rhonda."

I took it from her hand which still showed a trace of her trembling as I replied, "I'm sure I will young lady. How lovely you look." She rose, the smile playing on her lips showing her pleasure at having accomplished a simple task. The two of them, student and teacher, went back into the kitchen before returning shortly with the main course. I ate as both of them kept a close watch and the maid needed no prompting when my water glass emptied. She refilled it gracefully, nothing spilling, as I gave her another few words of praise and you could see her basking in them.

By the time the delightful dinner had finished I stood up from my chair but before I could move I heard, "May I please ask a question Miss Rhonda?"

"Of course Patricia, go ahead."

By the time she finished the smile I gave her in encouragement and the nod of approval sent her back into the kitchen as I took my wineglass into the living room. A few seconds later both Helen and Randolph joined me, though the gentleman looked a bit perplexed as to why. He got his answer a few second later as Patricia walked in with two glasses, each held precisely as Michelle had shown her to. She presented the first to the woman who had helped in her lesson this evening before moving over to kneel before my silver haired friend.

Her voice was warm in saying, "I hope you find this drink and my service pleasurable Sir. I just wanted to show my thanks to you for allowing me to share your kitchen and your wisdom in helping me serve Miss Rhonda."

Randolph looked absolutely stunned as he took the wineglass from her, but as always, he recovered quickly. "Dear child, it is a joy to share this home with you. I can only think that when the time comes and once your training is finished that you will be just that, a joy to have and be around." It was so different from just a couple of days ago and as she heard yet more words of encouragement instead of condemnation you could see her embracing her new life.

When she had returned to the kitchen I knew that the man sitting between the two women couldn't resist as he took a sip of wine before saying, "Well, it's about time I got the respect I so rightfully deserve. Perhaps the two of you are in need of my wisdom?"

I was glad I had swallowed the wine I hard partaken of or I fear I would have shot it across the room as I rolled my eyes at him. His only reply was to sit there as if he were on his throne, king for a day, or at least an evening.

"Randolph, Patricia wanted to thank you for your kindness to her by that gesture and by cleaning up the mess I'm sure you have left in the kitchen. Don't be getting any ideas about how she's going to become your assistant, doing all your dirty work, do you hear me?"

He seemed to pay little attention to me before saying, "I'm sorry Madame, did you say something? At my advanced age my hearing is not what it used to be I fear. Perhaps I might require assistance soon in maintaining the household as I grow older and feebler by the day it seems. I may not be long for this world."

Helen was a bit of a quiet soul herself but there was nothing silent about her laughter as it spilled out. Her eyes dancing with delight as she watched and listened to my multi-talented friend try his best to appear to age before our eyes. Now, I had two people to roll my eyes at in mock disgust.

And so it went. The following days the young woman assisting Randolph in the day to day work around the house. I would catch glimpses of her and see how happy she would be in completing the simplest or more difficult of tasks. I had my friends over again and as where our first attempt had been a bit of a disaster this time it was filled with laughter and smiles all around. Even amongst all that Patricia shone as she served us all with a grace and style that proved the promise I had seen in her all along.

I did have something on my mind though, a thought which had been nagging me for a few days based on a conversation I had with Deidre. She had said something about how Brenda might not only seek revenge on me but also perhaps on the young maid I had taken under my wing. I knew I could handle myself but I feared if something might happen to Patricia then I would possibly lose my temper and in turn the woman who had tortured her might lose far more than that.

When I called the young lady into my office she came with a smile, beginning to present herself before I stopped her and asked that she have a seat. She did so gracefully, her rather short skirt showing off her nylon encased limbs but she crossed her legs, looking as ladylike as she could in the process. I couldn't help but drink in the vision for a moment before I got down to the business at hand.

"Patricia, something has been bothering me for a few days and I have something I need to discuss with you my dear."

"How may I be of service Miss Rhonda?"

I gave her a smile before continuing, "When you associated with Maid to Order and more specifically the woman Brenda, did you sign anything or verbally make any sort of commitment to either?"

She really didn't even give it a moment of thought before saying, "No Miss, may I ask why?"

"I have a feeling dear that if that dreadful woman saw you right now she would immediately try to get back in your good graces, simply so she could get her hands on you. I want to make sure that she doesn't have that opportunity and that you are protected from others who might wish to take advantage of you."

I had never asked for it back, knowing how much it meant to her as once again I watched her touch the collar as I went on. "I am asking you to do this for two reasons Patricia. One, so that when someone requests your service that they are well aware from the start that you have an owner, in this case me or one of my associates. That means they will have to answer if they do or say something inappropriate to you and will have to pay for their actions in anyway your owner feels is required."

"Secondly, by signing a contract that allows us to speak on your behalf to anyone who requires your service. The time of the document will be thirty days at which time you can either sign again, or if you so desire, leave us. I in no way wish for you to do that but if you might find your lifetime owner then I want the period of time between us and that individual not to be so long that you feel trapped or threatened. Does that make sense dear?"

I got quite a surprise as she stood up, walking around behind my desk as she had seen the document on it, and without a seconds pause signed her name. "Young lady, don't you think it prudent to read over this, to make sure everything is to your liking?"

It was most unsubmissive like as she hugged me around the neck, her voice soft in my ear saying, "You wrote it, I already know every single word in it tells me what I already know. You want only the best for me so there's not a lot more I need to know. I trust you Miss Rhonda and I always will."

I returned the hug, unsure of my voice as she said softly, "May I return to my tasks Miss, please?"

I nodded and she left the office, her step confident, her pride evident and I loved watching every moment of it.

It was quite evident that things were progressing quite nicely with Patricia so I decided to move on for now to my second candidate, Abby. The beautiful blonde gurl who I had only met for a brief moment intrigued me. She had many of the same desires which Patricia had finally shared with me but there was one aspect of her which to me made her quite unique. I guess now was as good a time as any to see what I could out about pet play. I gave her a call and set up a time the next day for her to come down to the store with a specific idea in mind.

The next afternoon, Brandy, a caramel colored dominant stepped into my office. I knew she was my resident expert on the subject and I told her about Abby and asked her advice about the subject which I had little or no expertise with. She gave me a beautiful smile before saying "Well pet play will reinforce the Owner relationship between a submissive and their dominant. A gurl like the one you met wants to be owned and completely dependent on their owner in many aspects of play. They get fed when their Owner decides, they wear what he or she wishes, sleeps where they are told and follows the rules set by their Owner. It can help with submission, as taking away some parts of the submissive's humanity can help take away their sense of equality. It can help the submissive orient their mind to their dominant being their focus in life."

She must have sensed my confusion as she went on to say, "It's a fairly new form of kink Rhonda, but if it's practiced with two people who have such a connection it can be quite fun and strengthen the bond between them. One problem I have is when not enough thought is given as to the issues that can arise during play so please make sure before you turn your animal over to someone that the potential Owner is aware of the possible pitfalls. A pup slave put into a kennel can find the space to be very cramped. You do not want the animal to be injured for being restricted in their normal everyday movement by being kept in one for a long period of time. Some like to use a training method involving a shock collar but as with any play involving electricity, you have to be careful and most importantly, safe."

"For me one of the best aspects of pet play is concerned comes from the fact that if the animal has had their ability to move or speak restricted it then it makes non-verbal communication between the dominant and submissive to be extremely important, especially if something might be wrong either physically or emotionally. A trainer has to remember in the end, it's supposed to be enjoyable for whatever type of animal they are responsible for. When you take away a person's humanity, especially if communication is restricted, the dominant must be that much more aware of the submissives frame of mind."

Well, that gave me a basic idea of what she was looking for but I had an idea I might learn more about Abby by getting a practical demonstration. I had Helen bring her into the office where I saw Brandy's eyes light up at the vision of such a lovely young lady though her attitude changed drastically. "Is this the animal you were speaking to me about Rhonda?"

Now it was Abby's turn to have her interest peaked as the dominant beauty patted her leg and said softly, "Such a pretty pet. Come here girl." I felt my eyes open wide as without a moment's hesitation the rather shapely young lady dropped to all four, the rather short sundress she wore sliding up to show a cute little bottom, as she crawled on all fours over to where Brandy sat.

I had to smile, seeing how Abby looked up at the woman in the chair who gave her a bright smile, her hand finding the animal's head to stroke her hair or in this case fur while saying, "My, oh my and obedient pet I see." It was obvious that Abby wasn't pretending. She was living the role as she laid her head on her new friend's lap, seemingly enjoying the simple attention she was getting. This went on for a minute until she heard, "Let's get a good look at you girl. Sit."