Much To Do About Nothing

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Small things can ruin a marriage.
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With special thanks to Angel Love for editing this story.

They live the American dream with a nice house in the suburbs, two new cars, his pickup and her black mustang. Life has been good to them. They have two children; a boy 12 and a girl 14 and a dog named Spot. Both are professionals she is an advertising Exec and he is a Network Admin; both must or feel they must put in extra hour just to keep up. The pool in their back yard was seldom used by either of them anymore. Oh, she used it some time to suntan, but that took a lot of time the tanning salon was faster. Sex was great between them, he always said she gave better blowjobs than the best call girl that money could buy and she used to tell her friends that his cock was the best and he was the best fuck around. They were all envious of her. Anyway that's how it used to be, but now....

All their friends thought they had the perfect marriage, they had not ever seen two people so much in love, and this couple would be one of the ones that would stay together forever. Or at least that's what they used to think, but now who knew what the future would hold for them, well one can hope for the best. Their bosses; or at least hers' saw trouble for the couple. Her boss tried to tell her that she needed to put her family first. The job would be there tomorrow, but she was sure they couldn't get along without her.

Yes for the first fifteen years of their marriage things had been great, but the last few years things were not so good. Sex had dropped off from several times a week to twice a week, to once a week then to every now and then or never now. Every morning they kissed, hugged and said how much they loved each other. Now there wasn't time and when there was, they were just too tired or he was tired and she had a headache.

In years past when she walked into a room you could see his eyes light up. They were so full of lust for her she knew he was undressing her in his mind and it made her proud that she had that effect on him. When they went to parties she stayed by him so she wouldn't have to deal with all the other men hitting on her. Now she enjoyed the attention. It was nice to be noticed by men and nice to feel attractive again. Yes, she enjoyed the attention maybe a little two much. Some of the other married women thought she was a married lady and should be acting like one. Everyone wondered if their marriage was in trouble and who was cheating on whom. A few years ago things were different but now who knows.

She was a beautiful woman and could turn heads wherever she went. She had a nice figure but most important she had the kind of personality everyone liked. She was easy to work with and had a lot of friends both male and female. She always dressed nice and sexy, it used to be for her husband but now he didn't seem to notice how she looked at all. Other men sure did.

They were young when they married but she took her vows seriously. She never would have an affair. Cheating on her husband was out of the question. Or that's what she used to think but now she felt so alone sometimes. She loved her children, but now they were involved in sports and other activities plus they seemed to always be on their way to a friend's house. She knew that part of it was her fault. She was always busy when they asked her to do something with them. Work seemed more important at the time. Now they no longer asked.

Sometimes she resented her husband; he was still so close to the children. They seemed love him more than they did her. She had her work and the guys in the office were so nice and helpful to her, and she helped them too. If there was a problem, one of them would call her at home. The men who called would always flirt with her on the phone. She would be all giggles and smiles. This always caused her husband to give her a dirty look. She couldn't understand. She didn't think she was doing anything wrong. Their problems were his fault. She had done nothing wrong. He loved his wife and family and enjoyed doing things with the kids. They were growing up so fast it wouldn't be long before they were gone and then what would he do. His wife, god what a woman, for years theirs had been the storybook romance and he loved her with all his heart. They liked to attend parties with friends. He loved the attentions she gave him as she was always by his side.

But, the last few years she seemed to be tired of him and looked for others to spend time and dance with them. He knew the other wives gossiped about her and if there husband's got to close no sex for them. But that was just talk or was it. At first, this didn't bother him but now he was jealous and was beginning to think his wife may be cheating on him. Oh, he has heard her and her lovers on the phone. She tries to speak softly, but he could here her giggling and was sure that when she had to run to work to help a co-worker, she was having sex.

He missed her body and the way she felt and smelled, gee had been so long. He missed the way she looked at him. He could always see her love for him in her eyes but it was not there anymore. The only one who looked at him like that was the new receptionist: yes, the receptionist she is in her twenties and had made several passes at him. Maybe he should take her up on the sex.

He knew it was not true love like he and his wife had or did have at one time, but it was better than things had been the last year or two, and damn was she sexy. Those tits were always staring him in the face. How did she keep those big things in that tight top. His wife was built just as good. Maybe heir's sagged just a little but she had given him two great kids. His wife's nipples were much better mmmm so nice and long. But he hardly ever saw them anymore. He could only guess that her lover now enjoyed them. At least someone was he thought to himself, but if things didn't change .......

Well he didn't even want to think about that. He remembered back to their wedding day. They were so much in love and he promised until death do them part on keeping those vows. No, he would never cheat on her, never ever. But he was no wimp and would not be anyone's cuckold. He just hoped things would never come to that and he was wrong about her.

She had been put on a special project. It would take up more of her time. The 45-hour weeks would now become 50 or 60-hour weeks. This would only last for a few months, maybe two. She knew he was already upset with her about the amount to time she was away from home so she decided not to tell him. Her boss being the family man apologized for having to put her on the spot like this and told her to discuss this with her family. If it created too much of a hardship he would have one of the single guys take over for her.

She said that there would be no problems and that her husband and children would understand, of course, she was afraid to tell her husband so she didn't. She felt that her marriage was at an all time low anyway so why make it any worst. She saw the way he looked at that young receptionist at the last office party they attended. It was the same look that he gave her several years ago. What had happened to them she thought, she hadn't changed but he had. He was still the good looking guy he always was. No wonder that little slut would make a play for him. She was sure he was cheating on her with that little whore. She would find someone and make him a little jealous. That would teach him next time they were at her office party.

He hardly ever saw her these days. Something happened around the time of his last office party. He couldn't quite put a finger on it but something changed. He had run to her boss the day before and asked how he was dealing with the extra time alone. Her boss didn't know what he meant and told him about the special project. He was so mad but at least it accounted for part of the hours she was away from home but now some of his trust in her was gone. He had always trusted her before even with his very life.

He wondered what other secrets she was hiding. His office party was really a drag. He was hurting from the mistrust he felt. The only bright spot was when the receptionist from the office told him he had waited to long, her man had asked her to marry. Now that was something to smile about. He could not help it and turned to look at his wife smiling, just to get a cold stare in return. She was in a bad mood and he felt no need to explain that he was happy he didn't have to avoid this young lady anymore.

Things went from bad to worse. They were at a get together with some of her co workers and he was sure he saw one of the men feel his wife up. She didn't even stop it! She just moved closer to the man almost asking for more. She leaned in and this man whispered into her ear, she smiled as her husband walked away.

They left the party riding home in silence, both thinking, both in their own private hell. The kids were staying over with friends. In times past that would have meant a night of wild sex and love making. He would have eaten her to at least 1 orgasm and she would have sucked him for hours or until she needed his cock in her wet pussy. They would go wild and she would have possibly offered him her tight ass.

That did not happen that night. He got some of his things and went to the spare bedroom for the night. How had things gone so wrong? He heard her crying throughout the night and it had torn a hole right through his heart. The pain was more than he could stand. They thought they had hit bottom. They were strangers living in the same house.

Both of them resolved to say they were sorry in the morning and try to keep the family together for the children's sake. But things would not get any better for them. In fact their friends were sure this marriage was over. Things were cool around their house the next week or so then, all hell broke loose.

She had been happy, at least a little. The big project was coming and it was hard not to be happy with everyone being so upbeat. There would be a nice raise for everyone; an even bigger one for her and maybe a VP spot. She had worked hard to get to this point; putting her family and marriage second to her job. But now she could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

She also had enjoyed the interest of the men in her office more these past few weeks. After the party her husband had quit touching her. She knew she had let things go way too far at the party and all the men in the office thought she was a slut. She was sure her husband thought she was one also.

In a few weeks, she would take some time off and maybe she and hubby could take a trip together and fix things. He would just have to believe her because she had never cheated on him. She felt just because he had an affair with that young whore from his office didn't mean she would or even could. She truly thought that revenge wasn't an option. She had enjoyed making him jealous, just pulling his chain a little.

Then the big day had come; the project was complete. Because it had been Friday all her staff was getting to leave early. They were all in the parking lot together and in high spirits as she walked to her mustang. One of the more affectionate young men stopped her to thank her. Being a little carried away, he had hugged and kissed her on the lips. She had blushed and told him that was not called for. Her marriage was already in trouble and he had not helped things. But what she hadn't seen was a new pickup had pulled into the parking lot and then quickly left.

He had been thinking about their marriage all morning. She had lied to him and he felt that his trust in her had been damaged but he couldn't help but love her. He was sure she had cheated on him, but just maybe he could find a way to forgive her and they could move on. It was Friday around one when he decided that he would leave for lunch and on a whim, he thought he might ask his wife to have lunch with him.

He was determined to keep trying for the sake of his children. Just last night while she was at work, their daughter came to him and asked if they were getting a divorce. His answer had been that he hoped not, but that had changed as he remembered what he saw in the parking lot at her work. His eyes had been full of tears as he pulled back on to the street.

He had been so angry at what he saw that he knew he had to get away for a while. He left a message on the answering machine at home that there was a problem at one of the other locations and he would be away all weekend, maybe not returning until Tuesday. He packed a few things and found a motel near the airport; just a place to hold up a few days until he had time to think about his future plans.

She had been happy until she checked the messages. She began to cry. He hadn't even told her he would miss her. She knew any comments about love would be out of the question. She would just plan on spending time with the children, doing some special things until he returned. She knew he would call her from his cell phone later or she would call him.

The weekend dragged on. She spoke to him several times, but he had seemed so distant. She told him that they needed to talk. She sensed that he felt it was too late but he agreed to talk with her next week when things settled down and the things he had to do were done.

The weekend had been good for her and the children. She told them how sorry she was for not spending time with them and promised to do better and never let work be more important to her than they were again. They had asked her if she and daddy were getting a divorce, a question that she could not answer for them. She promised them that she would do everything she could to keep that from happening.

Monday was full of promise for her. Things were looking up. The kids were great and she was some what happier now. If she could fix things with her husband maybe she could forgive his cheating; maybe not but the one thing she knew for sure they needed to talk. She didn't notice the gentleman at the front desk asking for her. They sent him to her office. He had gotten her attention when he called her name, then the phone rang.

He had to tell her he was home. He told her how sorry he was; now things were going in slow motion. He hung up the phone. She had sounded ok so he assumed she didn't know he was divorcing her yet. He would pack his things but wait until she came home. He owed her that much.

She looked at the man. She read the page and shouted I will die first then ran out the door.

Her coworkers didn't know what was happening. They told the police she had talked of killing herself as she ran from the building. For a few minutes, they didn't know what the loud crash was until they ran outside and saw what was left of a black mustang under the front of that big truck. She had been thrown clear of the wreck but was now lying unconscious on the street near by.

She ran to her car hitting speed dial for home before he answered she prayed Please God give us a second chance.

He answered the phone. Crying she said why .....Why did you have sex with her? Do you love her? Before he could answer her, he heard the sound of tires squalling and a loud boom; then nothing. He stood in shock not being sure of what he had just heard. Coming back to his senses he realized the telephone was ringing again. He answered and heard the voice on the other end say his wife had been involved in a bad accident and was now en route to County General Hospital.

Now he sat in her room holding her hand. He has been there for the last 3 days; never leaving her side. The last few months of their marriage played over and over again in his head like a never-ending movie. The children have been with him most of the time, but even with them there to comfort him the pain was still with him. His life was at a stand still. Nothing mattered now except her. Now he didn't even remember how they had gotten to this point. He just knew that life wasn't worth living without her.

Tears continued to run down his face. He just couldn't seem to control his emotions. She and the kids were his life. He knew that now. He just hoped it wasn't too late. As he sat there in the hospital holding her frail hand in his in desperation he called out to God. Please ...Please just give me one more chance. I need to tell her I didn't cheat.

He felt her small hand grip his. He thought he was dreaming. "You didn't, neither did I," she said.

He looked down and saw her smiling at him, and she saw that sparkle, the look of love and lust in his eyes.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nicely twisted at the end. They were so close to break up all because they didn't communicate and because the "American dream" seems to consist of selling your soul and family life for success.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nice tale, maybe you should learn that 'there' and 'their' do not mean the same thing!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Average at best. Seemed rushed and choppy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ignore the nay sayers. Gave it a 5.......right up to the end I was sure these poor folks were doomed to crash and burn without either of them having broken their vows. Her dead and him doomed to a life of pain not having been able to tell her he didn't do anything so thank God for that twist at the end.

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

Neba eba right wen u iz drunked.

No seriously dont, and remember friends dont let friends drink and write. Im sure some idiots found this "good" but I'll go on record that they are either dumber than a stump or just so happy it isnt a cuck story they'll applaud anything.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Fuck… what a mess u write!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I couldn't read it after about four paragraphs. It is a real mess. One star.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

he seen her kiss and hug another man , so i don;t think he could believe her ,she on the other hand never seem him do anything like she did , he can't ever trust her again , divorce and move on .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

How the fuck u managed to meander your way through writing ten stories is a wonder by itself?

Ocker53Ocker53almost 2 years ago

This was just so hard to read by the way you had written it⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

there husband's got to close

their husbands got too close

3 errors in 5 words.

Don't give up your day job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

ZEROZEROZERO. Author need to "hold" up in a motel somewhere, and take writing lessons preceded by a brain transplant.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

4 stars for the great idea, but you lost one for the grammar and spelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A good idea which needed more development and was spoiled by the poor English and the many spelling errors. To an anonymous commenter; this story was written in the third person not the second person. Second person is 'You did this or that',

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Second person stories don't work.

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