Mulier Unit 05-22-E


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When he arrived at work, Adam was escorted into the office of the staff psychologist, Dr. Owens. Adam had to undergo a battery of testing -- both written and oral -- for hours. He was then sent to the staff medical doctor who performed a complete physical. It was 1:00 p.m. when he found himself back in Mr. Morris' office.

"Adam," he folded his hands on top of his desk, "can you tell me why your performance here has suffered such a sharp decline over the last few weeks?"

Adam just looked at him and shook his head.

"There's nothing that you want to tell me? I'm here to help you."

It wasn't like Adam could tell him that his work was suffering because he had fallen in love with his mulier unit. That he was too busy having sex with a robot to care about his career. So, again, he just shook his head.

"Then I'm sorry that I have to tell you this, but your services here will no longer be required." Mr. Morris truly did look concerned for Adam, but Adam said nothing.

He couldn't.

"Tina?" Mr. Morris spoke into his intercom and a moment later a rather large man came into the room to escort Adam to his car.

"I'm sorry, Adam," Mr. Morris said. "Good luck."

"Um-hum," Adam answered as he walked out of the office.

They had a pork roast and baked potatoes for dinner that night.

"Do not worry, honey." Oriella comforted him. "You will find another job."

"Yeah," but Adam was only thinking about Oriella and her amazingly lifelike body and how incredibly skillful she was in using it. He barely tasted the dinner that Oriella had cooked while he stared at her cleavage from across the table. When she got up to get butter, he watched her buttocks and hips swiveling under the fabric of her skirt. As she cut a piece of pork, he watched her slim, tapered fingers and thought of all of the things that she had done to him with them. He watched her lips as she chewed and her throat as she swallowed.

Finally, he couldn't take any more. He stood up, grabbed her hand, and pulled her into the bedroom. There, he tore her clothes off as she tore into his and within moments, they were writhing together on the bed.

One of Adam's hands found Oriella's vagina and his fingers clumsily fondled her folds. As he slowly explored her nether region, he could feel her getting wet. Adam had asked her about this and she had told him that even though humans and androids were forbidden to have sexual intercourse, all androids were manufactured to be as human as possible. And this included realistically functioning facsimiles of genitalia.

She was growing wetter and warmer under Adam's fingers. Oriella's hands were gripping Adam by his shoulders. Her pointed nipples were dancing against his own hard nipples. He could feel her heavy breathing against his neck.

"Ohhh," she moaned.

"Adam... Adam... Adam!"

He could feel slippery moisture coat his fingers as her teeth lightly bit down on his shoulder. "Ungh! Ungh!" Oriella wordlessly grunted and hugged herself to Adam. And then it was over. He held her in his arms as she trembled lightly against his body.

"Darling. I never knew it could be like this," she told him.

"Can you feel love?" Adam asked.

"I can feel you."

Adam held her tighter. "I love you, Oriella."

She looked at him. "And I love you."

They stared at each other like two lovestruck teens and then Oriella asked, "Darling, will you make love to me again?"

Adam gently rolled her onto her back and began sucking on one of her nipples. He teased her with his tongue and she giggled and held his face against her bosom. As he nibbled on her breast, his fingers found her opening again and slid inside her. She squirmed and moaned on the bed.

"Please make love to me. Hurry," she begged. "I need to feel you inside of me."

He climbed between her spread legs and looked down at her. His aching erection was swaying just over her and he watched a clear bead of liquid drip onto her soaking wet and engorged inner lips. She must have felt it, too, because she shivered in expectation.

Adam positioned the head of his penis into her velvety folds and she rocked her hips, rubbing herself against him. He pushed and they both felt every fraction of his entry into her. Oriella encouraged him with her hips while Adam slid deeper and deeper. Moaning with each movement, she threw her head back in exquisite rapture.

The two lovers searched for their comfortable rhythm, but this time their coupling felt different. It felt more frenzied. As Adam continued climbing towards his orgasm, Oriella was thrashing beneath him. Her closely trimmed and manicured fingernails scored lines across his back and her legs desperately clung to his thighs pushing him in deeper.

Adam could feel her tense under him and she suddenly screamed, pushing Adam to a simultaneous climax. He worked his feet on the bed trying to burrow deeper into his beloved while she convulsed and screamed for more.

Covered with a shared sheen of sweat, Oriella hugged him tightly. "I do not ever want to let you do, darling. Please tell me that we will never part."

Ears ringing from Oriella's orgasmic screams, Adam's answer was to press his lips to hers and lovingly begin sliding in and out of her again. They both closed their eyes enjoying the kiss and the greasy feel of their shared fluids.

It didn't take long for Adam to reach the precipice of another orgasm.

He broke their kiss and pulled her legs up pushing himself further inside her. Oriella's eyes first widened at this wonderful intrusion, then they rolled back into her head as more screams built within her. Adam pumped his seed deep into Oriella's belly while she cried out in unbridled passion and in perfect synchronicity with every one of his spurts.

Finally, completely spent, they collapsed in a satiated and exhausted heap. Oriella happily sighed as she felt a dribble of Adam's sperm tickling between her buttocks. She stared at the ceiling and listened to Adam panting in her ear.

The next morning, Adam awoke, again, to the smell of coffee and frying bacon.

He took a quick shower, mainly to wash the dried remnants of their copulation off of himself, and then walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Oriella didn't hear him in his bare feet and she jumped slightly when he curled his arms around her waist. She smiled feeling him press against her back.

"Breakfast is almost ready," she told him. "Sit down and I'll bring you your coffee."

As they ate breakfast, Adam perused the help wanted section of the local paper. It didn't seem like there was much in his field, but he had enough savings to last them for a little while so he wasn't very concerned. His main concern, as it had been for weeks, was getting Oriella naked and in bed again. Adam was actually in no rush to return to work and was looking forward to spending his days with Oriella.

As it turned out, Adam would never work again.

There was a knock on the door. Adam and Oriella looked at each other surprised at a visitor this early in the day.

Placing his fork down, Adam got up to see who it was. It was two serious-looking men in military uniforms.

"Adam Renovare, ID five, four, five, N?" One of them asked.


"Come with us, please."

"But --" Adam's protestation was cut short when each man grabbed one of his wrists and roughly pulled him out of his house. He heard Oriella call his name behind him, but he was already being dragged down the porch stairs. Adam saw her anguished face as the men threw him into the back of their van and slammed the door.

It was two and a half agonizing weeks before Oriella saw Adam again and when she did, he was accompanied by three armed men.

"Adam!" Oriella cried and reached for him when he finally came back home, but she was pushed away by one of the other men.

Confused, she reached for him again. "What is happening, Adam?"

The man stepped between them. "Stay back!"

Adam looked at Oriella with haunted and sunken eyes and told her, "Say nothing and do exactly what I tell you."

"Get whatever you want," another man told Adam. "We have to get you to the launch by 1500 hours."

Looking at Oriella, he commented. "So, this is the unit, huh?" He looked her up and down. "Not bad... For a robot."

"I can bring anything that I want?" Adam asked.

"Up to 500 kilograms in total," was the response.

Adam told Oriella to pack two suitcases, one for himself and one for her.

"You're taking this thing?" One of the men asked in disgust motioning towards Oriella.

Adam replied, "I can bring anything I want."

The man spat on Adam's shoes in revulsion. "Hurry up, you sick bastard. I want to drop you off and be done with you."

While Oriella hurriedly packed their bags, Adam piled non-perishable foods into a couple of boxes. He would need enough for the two of them for the 10-day journey. Although he didn't know exactly how much or how little Oriella could survive on, he didn't think this was the time for that discussion so he just grabbed everything he could.

They arrived at the launch site and their suitcases and boxes of food were loaded into the small capsule. Adam was taken into a brick building for briefing while Oriella, terrified, was left standing by the van. Adam had quietly filled her in on the ride.

Someone had found out about them and he was being sent away.

But at least he was taking her with him.

The men returned with Adam and told them both to climb the stairs and get into the interstellar capsule. Once inside, the door closed with a hiss and locked airtight with a hollow thump.

Adam and Oriella were alone.

"Oh, Adam..." Oriella moaned. Tears streamed down her face. "I am so sorry!"

"No, Oriella!" Adam took her trembling hands in his. "I wouldn't have changed a thing."

"But what is going to happen to us?" She bawled.

"We are being sent away," Adam said. "I was found guilty of improper relations with an android."

"But where are we going?"

"With the abolition of the death penalty and the overcrowding in prisons, The Planetary Counsel has been sending people out of the solar system for years." Adam looked around the interior of the small capsule, then added, "People they don't want on Earth anymore."

"Oh, Adam! This is all my fault!" Oriella's tears that had begun to subside returned.

Adam held her in his arms. "Oriella, my love, it will all be okay. I'm happy about this."

She looked at him through teary eyes.

"We're going somewhere where we can be together. They found another new planet and we are being sent there. Mild climate, no predators, no poisonous plants -- just us." Adam continued to hold her.

A speaker crackled to life. "Prepare for takeoff," a mechanical recorded voice informed them.

"10... 9... 8... 7..." Adam and Oriella sat on the floor of the capsule. There were no seats. Not for the likes of a "robot lover."

"6... 5... 4... 3... 2..." They held each other tighter than they ever had before and held their breath unknowing what was to come.


There was a rumble and a feeling of downward force, but all-in-all, their launch was wholly unremarkable.

Aside from the fact that they would never set foot on planet Earth again, of course.

Their journey was marked by nothing in particular. With no way to judge the passage of time, they simply ate when they were hungry, slept when they were tired, and sat staring at the walls for most of the flight. And with no way to clean themselves -- and not much room to maneuver about -- Adam regretfully decided against engaging in any carnal pleasures with Oriella.

But they had the rest of their lives for that.

At one point, while Oriella was sleeping and Adam was sitting up, eyes closed, thinking about nothing, there was a solid thud followed by the sound of machinery powering down. Adam shook Oriella's shoulder and she roused.

They both looked to the airlock when it hissed and watched in awe as it opened.

Oriella took Adam's hand and they both stood.

They inhaled the clean and lightly perfumed air that poured into the capsule and then looked at each other. Wordlessly, they took the few steps to the capsule's opening.

Before them lay a lush, green wonderland. They blinked at the bright blue sky. Adam stepped out onto the soft carpet of grass and turned to help Oriella out. Standing hand-in-hand and side-by-side, they took in their new home.

Oriella squeezed Adam's hand. "Darling," was all she said. But it told him everything that he needed to know.

They were together.

Adam led his love to a beautiful azure lake and they bathed for the first time in its warm waters. With no need for words, they tenderly washed and caressed each other, then still damp, they made sweet love in the dappled shade of a large tree while tiny birds sang them a symphony.

Lying on the richly fragrant bed beneath the tree, Oriella spoke. "This is so beautiful."

"It is," Adam agreed.

"Are we the only ones here?"

"We're the first on this planet, but there will be more."

"It is so peaceful," Oriella closed her eyes as Adam's hands lazily explored her body. One hand came to rest on her belly.

He looked at her and there was a single silent tear falling from her eye.

"What is it, Oriella?" He asked. "Aren't you happy?"

She looked at him, then looked away. Adam sat up, concerned.


Still gazing at the sky, she said, "Adam... I'm pregnant."

Stunned and confused, Adam just looked at her. Finally, he stammered, "But... You... A mulier unit can't become pregnant..."

"No. A mulier unit cannot."

Still uncomprehending, Adam continued. "So, you can't be pregnant."

Oriella looked at Adam. "I am pregnant."

Adam stared at her.

"You don't remember me?" She started. "We were in school together."

"So..." Adam floundered for words. "You're not an android?"


"You're a woman? A real human woman?"

Oriella laughed, but there was no humor in the sound. "Yes. I am. We went to school together."

Adam slowly shook his head. "I don't remember you."

"I am not surprised." Oriella frowned. "You joined in with everyone else to tease me. You called me ugly."

"You're not ugly, now."

"I was not ugly then. You just did not see it." She continued, "But ultimately, it seems, I was quite forgettable."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Darling, I do not blame you. We were young and everyone wants to fit in. No one wants to be an outsider."

"I never fit in."

Oriella sat up and held Adam. "Now, you fit in with me."

"But... How did you..." Adam trailed off, unable to put his thoughts into words. Not even sure what his thoughts were.

"I have loved you since school," Oriella whispered to him while the birds continued to sing. "I have always loved you, but you never noticed. After school, I started working for Vivus, Inc. and when your name came up, I saw my opportunity to finally be with you." She looked into his eyes. "I hope you're not angry with me."

"No. I..." Adam trailed off again.

"I am sorry that I deceived you. Do you still love me?"

"Of course!" Of this -- even in the midst of everything that had happened and was happening -- Adam had no doubt. "I will always love you."

Oriella thought for a moment. "Then, no. I am not sorry." Her voice strengthened. "I have spent my entire life in love with you and now I am finally with you and you love me back." She took Adam's hand and placed it on her still flat stomach. "And I am pregnant with your child."

She continued. "I have everything I have ever wanted. You."

"But..." Adam started, then fell silent again.

"What was your life like on Earth? Before me?"

Adam paused, then frowned. "Not good."

"And now we are together. We will have a family. We have everything we need right here." Oriella took his hands in hers. "What more do you need?"

"Nothing, I guess." Adam shrugged.

"We do not even have to put our clothes back on, darling."

Adam smiled at this. "So... What do we do now?"

Oriella smiled back at him. "We live, darling. We live."

šŸ’– šŸ’– šŸ’– šŸ’– šŸ’–

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Thank you so much!

Love, Frey

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FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi15 days agoAuthor

@RowWithFlow, thank you!! Sometimes my imagination is too much, though!!!

RowWithFlowRowWithFlow15 days ago

That was a really nice story for the end of my day and go to sleep think about. It was definitely a bit strange, indeed. But not so fantastical to be unbelievable. Well done Frey, thank you very much! You really do have an amazing versatile imagination.šŸ˜Ž

ThatNewGuyThatNewGuy2 months ago

This may have been my favorite bit of dialogue from the story:


Astonished, Adam asked, "You can blush?"


"Technology wow."


"Technology wow," Adam agreed.


Just a hilarious exchange and a nice callback to the first time Adam used this phrase. It's even more fun when you consider (spoilers ahead for anyone who may be reading this comment before the story ... ) that Oriella is a human trying to sound like an android.


As a reader, I enjoyed the guessing game of "is she a human or is she an android?" It's fun waiting for the big reveal at the end, and I genuinely didn't know if the story was going to take a dark, dystopian turn or have a more hopeful outcome.


This was a fun premise that had some great dialogue and a bit of an old-school "Twilight Zone" feel. Thanks for sharing your work. I look forward to checking out some of your other stories.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A few minor inconsistencies I saw with the story:

1. How did the company manufacturing androids not notice that one of their employees just never came back to work? It also did not make sense to me for Oriella to do this in the first place. She is losing a job/stable source of income, into a world of uncertainty. She has no way of predicting how Adam will treat his ā€œandroidā€ - he could use it as a punching bag for work troubles, for example. And he literally bullied her for her appearance in grade school - and her crush to him never went away?

2. How does Oriella flawlessly present as an Android? It seems like to me that one stutter and Adam would have reasons to be suspicious. Oriella would need professional acting skills and extremely quick thinking, to the point where it does not seem realistic

3. Who couldā€™ve possibly reported what Oriella and Adam did in complete privacy to officials?Why did Oriella not try to explain the situation when they are being taken away? If the explanation is that Oriella reported themā€¦ why? Chances are it will ruin Adamā€™s life, and it is quite likely Adam will not bring Oriella with him, so there seems to be no benefit to self report

However, the story was great, and I feel like this one wouldā€™ve been even better without the sexual scenes and act as a standalone love story. Of course, addressing the concerns I brought up probably results in a far less interesting story.

AlexFourwaysAlexFourways3 months ago

Freya, great story and nice twist, I had wondered at the 'wow technolgy'. Regarding some of the 'plot holes' queries, I would make the following supportive comments.

She eats and she... : To use digestion for fuel is not silly and batteries are not a good store. Bender in Futurerama drinks alcohol for fuel.

The human android swap: She worked at the firm and possibly the Android that should have gone to Adam is doing her job and in a few years will get a Vir assigned to it/her.

More single men: With declining fertility there is more chance that families will stop at one child if it's a boy and in some cultures 'sons first' is already a problem. Result - more single men.

Manual relief: Possibly until she knows he loves her she doesn't want to get pregnant.

Launch forces: Clearly not a rocket and clearly travelling interstella.

Getting caught: Possibly when she knows she's expecting, she reports them so they can have a new life on a new world.

I have more of a problem with:

How she hid her monthly problem, but possibly the manual relief was part of that? Also hair cuts and nails.

The risks of delivery of the baby on a new world with no facilities, or does the capule have that capability.

However, it's a story and I'm sure @RejectReality would not have any problems with the tale.


FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi3 months agoAuthor

@MLG1016, the April Fools' Contest guidelines are very, very open-ended. One of the requirements was that it had deception. And my story does have that. Either way, thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. It was fun to write!!

MLG1016MLG10163 months ago

I thought it well written and very enjoyable. Not sure about the April fools connectiontion but maybe I misunderstand the contest. Keep up the terrific writing.

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi3 months agoAuthor

@Foghorn, I loved the "this is Freya's world" phrase! I never really thought of it like that, but it's true. I can write whatever the heck I want to!! šŸ˜ƒ But, yes, there are possible explanations. In fact, right now there are more males than females in many Middle Eastern countries, African countries, China...

Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and above all else, for enjoying my story!!

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi3 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous, thank you! In the foreword, I wrote "I tried to keep the writing in the style of 'classic' Sci-Fi." I was thinking in the mindset of the early 20th century pulp magazine sci-fi kind of thing. Perhaps I should have made that more clear on that. Some readers had issues with the science end of the story (I get that! It's SCIENCE fiction, after all!), but I wasn't writing it using current technology as a jumping off point. You wrote: "Science fiction is about what may be possible." It also involves a HUGE suspension of disbelief. I mean, how did John Carter breathe on Mars...? šŸ˜ The flux capacitor? There are endless examples. Of course, I am in no way comparing myself to Edgar Rice Burroughs or Robert Zemeckis!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

First, I am not really an Anon (member name is Foghorn) I cannot login now but I will deal with that after tax season.

I enjoyed the story (5). However, it did seem strange that more men are unmarried at 25 than women (you know since there are more women on earth).

And then I thought about it this is Freya's world...perhaps in this world, like our own, more women are being used in combat roles. This could explain why more men are single than women. The tide might have shifted from losing more men in wars than women. Or women could have become targets to prevent more warriors from being born. There are numerous reasons this can happen.

But, in the end this is Freya's doesn't have to be like movies, books or any other stories.

As I said before I enjoyed the story, and it did make me think a bit about possibilities.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Thank you for a lovely story.

I feel some of the comments somewhat harsh. The comment on originality was unfair how many books, plays and musicals are based on the premise of other works changed by the new author but not plagurised, it's a little like a composer being critisized for writing a new symphony because it has th same tempo and notes albeit arranged differently.

As to the android needing recharging, that is now. Science fiction is about what may be possible., and it may be possible for a machine to produced power from food and as such need to dump waste products. As an example Arthur C Clark conceived in one of his novels that a satellite could remain in geosynchronous orbit, had he not we would not have satellite communication's and GPS.

It's 5* from me.

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi3 months agoAuthor

@Comentarista82, Thank you, again!! I will pop up some popcorn and check out that movie. šŸ˜ƒ

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