My Adventures with The Annes Ch. 12

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Nanny Ruth and Nanny Mary outline Martin's duties...
6.8k words

Part 12 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/01/2018
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Loving Nanny Mary.

The story so far;

Martin rescued Anne from a torrential summer downpour. She was soaked, even her panties were wet, she'd told him. He offered her a clean towel and the use of his clean rugby shirt. She climbed into the back of his Transit van and stripped, naked. She seduced him, took his, long past its sell-by-date, virginity and over the next two weeks taught him to fuck and please a girl. She then introduced him to her Mother, also named Anne. He called her Anne-too and was happy to meet the sexual appetite of both beautiful women. Shortly after this his Aunt then his Mother seduced him. They, in turn, sent him to his cousin Sally, who was waiting naked in the bath for his arrival. They had strict instructions to report to the farm, where the two Anne's lived, by nine pm.

When Martin and Sally arrived Martin found that all of the women that had seduced him and he had subsequently fucked, regularly, were waiting for him. His Mother explained that although he had thought he had been screwing lots of different, unconnected, for the most part, women he had actually been having sex with his sisters, or more accurately, half-sisters. That everyone in the room, including himself, had the same Father AND that the man he'd thought was his Father AND that which he'd thought was his Uncle and Sally's Father, were his half-brothers. His Father had had a harem of five beautiful women. He had made them each pregnant a few times and their subsequent daughters.

Martin was expected to assist his other Brothers, the actuality of half-anythings being totally ignored within the family, in servicing the females in the family and, if he was 'up to it' take over as the family cock and produce the next generation.

In order to prove himself 'up to it' Martin was required to satisfy the five women of his Father's harem and produce a child with one of the younger family females.

This is part 12 of an ongoing story. If you have not read the preceding chapters then this might not make a great deal of sense on its own.

Loving Nanny Mary

"You two go up and get comfy, I'll be up directly."

If you'd had your eyes closed it would have been simple to imagine a kindly Grandmother just putting the finishing touches to the tea tray prior to taking it to her guests. Open your eyes and you'd have an entirely different picture. Nanny Ruth was naked. From the top of her silver blonde hair to her red, high, fuck me heels, was skin, soft, smooth, glowing, inviting, sensuous flesh. She wore the satisfied smile of one who had been very recently fisted by her lover and fucked... by her Grandson.

The two who were going up to 'get comfy' were her lover, the woman who, until recently, I believed to be my paternal Grandmother and myself, her Grandson. And where were we going 'up' to? Her bedroom...

### ### ###

The bed was large, very large with three sets of double pillows. Mary shooed me into the middle of the bed where I placed the pillows against the headboard and sat up. Mary sat beside me, adjusting her own pillows and instructing me to rearrange Ruth's. I put my arm around her shoulders. She rested her head on my chest and her hand on my cock.

"Ruth's told me how she met Bob Martins, would mind me asking how you met him?" I asked tentatively.

"She sold him some knickers!" came the voice of Ruth from the doorway, "tell him Mary, it'll give him an idea of the impact Bob had on us girls."

I reluctantly moved my arm and Mary sat up, took the cup of tea from Ruth and paused, gathering her thoughts.

"Ruth's right," she started, "I sold knickers. I worked in a lingerie shop in Guildford..."

"Guildford? But that's..."

"Miles away? I know but that's where I worked for two little old ladies who'd had the business for years, long before the war. Their clientele were mostly older ladies, like themselves and they wanted to attract the younger ladies who were mostly buying their undergarments from mail-order catalogues. I was engaged to attract the younger ladies and or their boyfriends or husbands... or both," she added with a devilish grin.

"I was good at it! My standard lines were simple, 'what would you like your man to see you wearing, however briefly?' or 'what would you like your lady friend to be taking off?' naughty but nice, I thought. Anyway one sunny morning this little white sports car pulled up right outside the shop. The chap climbed out. He caught my eye immediately, devilishly good looking, wide shoulders. He came straight into the shop, no hesitation, nothing. Bold as brass. Back then men would try to sidle in, hoping nobody would see them but not this chap. Straight in, no messing.

'Morning ladies!' he said as he pushed the door to.

He looked at the two old ladies and headed straight for me. His blue eyes sparkled. He didn't quite lick his lips but I knew his head was undressing me. I stood up straight and pulled my shoulders back. He smiled and I melted there and then and made my panties wet.

"Good morning Sir," I said politely, "How may I help you today?"

"Panties," he said without batting an eyelid, "my girlfriend lost hers when we were on a picnic and I'd like to replace them."

"May I ask how she came to loose them, Sir?" I whispered cheekily.

He leaned in towards me conspiratorially,

"I hid them in my pocket" he said quite unabashed.

"I see, Sir and what style of panties would you like to hide in your pocket next time?"

"Ohhh, you know, small, frilly, lacy, that sort of thing?"

I asked him to wait a moment and went out to the stock room returning with one pair of every small, frilly, lacy, that sort of thing, that we had in stock and laid them out on the counter for his perusal. He looked at them for quite a while. Picking them up, checking how soft or rough they felt.

He explained that he didn't want anything too harsh in case it made her uncomfortable. At length he just stood up and looked me straight in the eye. I could have melted. He had the look of a pirate, dangerous, exciting, rude! I liked rude men. Men that knew what they wanted and asked straight out rather than waste time pussyfooting about.

"What style do you wear?" he asked directly, then smiled a winning smile.

I flicked through the panties on the counter, by then there were in complete disarray having been picked up and examined a number of times.

"I'm currently wearing a pair of these, at the moment Sir," I said holding up a pair of small panties so that he could see the shape, size and how transparent they were, "what size is your girlfriend?"

He stepped back and looked at me. Again I felt his eyes stripping me. I wet my panties some more.

"Would you mind stepping out from behind the counter, so I can get some form of comparison, please?"

I looked around. The old ladies had gone into the back of the shop leaving me to make my sale. They knew I'd sell him something. I'd never failed. I stepped out into the center of the shop, still holding the panties in front of me.

"I'd say she's almost exactly your size. Could I see them on?" he smiled again.

If he'd asked me to strip off and try them on I'm not at all sure I wouldn't have done exactly that. I turned, put the panties back on the counter then turned to face him. I didn't take my eyes off of his face, just bent down, took the hem of my dress in both hands and slowly straightened up. I watched myself in the mirror across the shop floor. Just before the hem reached the top of my stockings I paused briefly and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Nice legs, very nice legs." he said.

"Thank you," I replied and lifted the hem a little higher, exposing the bare flesh of my upper thighs, just below the bottom of my panties I paused again. There was the beginning of a bulge in the front of his trousers. I looked directly at it.

"You like my legs?" I asked directly.

"I do, very much." he replied.

I parted my legs slightly, to gain better balance of course. Nothing to do with showing how wet he'd made me. I looked at myself in the mirror and carefully lifted the hem revealing my little panties and how transparent they were, little by little until my dress was as high as my navel. I gathered up any spare material to be sure that nothing, nothing at all spoilt his view. He studied me carefully and I just know I became wetter and wetter. He made no sign that I should cover myself and I wasn't in any hurry. By then my nipples were pressing hard against my bra and I was on the verge of cumin'.

"How many pairs of those little panties would a girl need, d'you think?"

"Well at least a clean pair for every day..." I started.

"Plus extras in case she accidentally made a pair wet?" he suggested mischievously.

"Oh yes, of course but how many would depend on how lucky she was. Then she'd probably want some extras in case she was going out with a gentleman friend in the evening. If she wore panties on those occasions, that is."

He stoked his chin, still looking at my legs, thighs and getting steadily wetter panties.

"How many pairs would you have?" he asked directly.

"Oh, at least a dozen Sir," I suggested.

"Ummm, so you don't wear panties when you go out with a gentleman friend?"

I looked him directly in the eye and smiled.

"I prefer not to Sir,..." I paused, "I might loose them, Sir."

He studied me for a few more moments then...

"I'd like to take two dozen pairs, do you have that many in stock?"

"We do Sir, had a fresh delivery only yesterday."

"Then I'll be back to collect them at five o'clock. Then I'll take you home, young lady."

"Thank you Sir, but you don't know where I live."

"I'm hoping you'll say Edinburgh."

"Edinburgh? Why Edinburgh?


"Because then I'll have your company all night. Might be late for work tomorrow, though."

"Oh, you wouldn't need to drive that far Sir, and I'm off tomorrow anyway."

He looked at me, almost weighing me up. Was I worth the effort? One thing for sure, by the following morning he'd know I was!

"There's an acceptable hotel out on the Hogs Back?" he offered.

"That seems to be exactly the right distance, Sir." I agreed then, "We close at five thirty, Sir."

"Thank you young lady, I'll be back at five, give us time to settle up. Maybe you'd be so good as to wrap them for me? Maybe an extra pair to replace your wet ones?"

"Thank you Sir, but that won't be necessary."

He was back on the dot of five. He settled up in cash and they weren't cheap. The whole stock of that style, in my size sold in one day! To one man! We'd finished everything by five fifteen.

"I have the good fortune to be driving in the same direction that this young lady lives, would you mind if she skipped off a few minutes early?" he asked the old ladies.

They couldn't disagree.

By the time we were halfway up the hill to the Hogs Back he'd discovered I'd removed my wet panties. By the top of the hill my dress was up around my middle, I'd put it there!

He was finger-fucking me before I'd even sat back in the seat. About a mile along the Hogs Back there's a turn off, a country road. We went down it. He stopped in a tiny lay-bye and I was swallowing his spunk ten minutes later. We sucked, licked and fucked most of the night. Went down for breakfast then returned to the room for more. Over lunch he told me that his Personal Secretary/PA was doing an excellent job but that he was too demanding for just one girl. Would I like to help out? I told him I'd love to help her look after him, wouldn't she mind? He said she'd be relieved.

After lunch he took me shopping, so I didn't have to go home to get fresh work clothes. We stayed in the hotel that night, fucked etc.. all night and in the morning he drove me to work. He came in with me and told the old ladies that he'd been fortunate enough to entice me to work in his organisation and that he'd be obliged if they would release me at the end of the week.

To seal the deal he told them that I would not require paying for the week and that he would pay for me at his normal rates. He'd pick me up from work at close of business, Saturday.

That was it! Simple as that and the best job I've ever had!

"That's not all either!" exclaimed Ruth, "she was so worried about treading on my patch that she didn't want to meet me! I soon put her straight on that score. Told him that Bob needed a damn good fucking session at least twice a day, more often than not and that I really needed her help."

"Too right! First day Bob bent Ruth over the desk as soon as he came in. Told me we'd take it in turns in future. He lifted her skirt, spread her legs and fucked her, there and then, before my very eyes!"

"Yeah! And after he'd finished fucking me she went straight in and cleaned up his spunky cock. I knew we were going to get on just fine! Isn't that so, Darling?"

After Mary had told me her story they both snuggled into my arms. I cuddled them like you would cuddle your Grandmothers, especially after you'd just fucked them, lovingly. They rested their hands on my cock. Not stroking or anything, just resting there as if it was the most natural place in the world for a Grandmother to rest her hand on her Grandson's naked body.

"Whilst we rest and let you recover for the next round we need to tell you about the family and everything," said Nanny Ruth, "background, so you have a good understanding of what's happened."

"The hows and the whys," interjected Nanny Mary, "you tell him Ruthie, I'll keep quiet."

"Fat chance!" responded Nanny Ruth cheerfully, "anyway..."

"Bob always refereed to us as 'his girls' and was older than us, a lot older. He never said how old he was but when he died we had to get the paperwork together. He was twenty five years older than me and I was the eldest!

I suppose you could call Bob Martins a sex addict. He certainly loved his sex and the more the merrier. He admitted as much to me within weeks of him picking me up in the High Street. He also said he didn't like just picking a girl up, loving her then leaving. He wanted something more permanent but not marriage. He knew he could never be faithful to only one woman. What he wanted, he said, was a group of women that he could rely on for regular sex without them becoming jealous of each other. He asked if I thought that was possible?

We'd been fucking three, sometimes four times a day, especially on weekends. I admit I was totally enjoying it BUT I was getting a little jaded. Not to the point of 'oh no, not again?' but a little break would have been nice now and again. He didn't even feel the need to stop during my periods. Nor did I actually but...

I told him I wouldn't be jealous but I'd prefer it if any other woman he wanted lived in the house with us. I would rather he didn't disappear off for periods of time and me not knowing if he would come back or not.

He liked that idea, sort of returning home to his harem, he said. Never having to look for a good fuck or fun sex again. Always on tap. I couldn't agree more. I'd still get loads of fantastic sex with a beautiful cock and wouldn't have to worry about him getting bored and trading me in for a new model.

Bob made his money before the war and built on it during and afterwards so he was comfortably off and still worked hard to build his empires. He realised that the country needed places for people to live, work and food to eat. He invested in land and building and construction industries. Quite quickly he could offer land for sale and also the necessary services to create housing, industrial or shopping facilities. Local government loved that! Nice, simple, all in one solution.

That's mostly changed now. What land we hold is essentially farming, all types, all over the place. We do hold the freehold on a great many properties but the building/construction industries have merged or been taken over and are major conglomerates. We only hold shares now and often shares in the companies that hold the shares. We have shareholdings in mining, oil and gas. Dave and Henry's little building business is just that, a small business that generally looks after company property as and when.

We build a few houses now and then. Nothing much. It's as much a training scheme operation as a going concern. Somewhere for the family to learn useful skills and keep things running smoothly.

Anne looks after the farming side with support from Carol. Mary here, looks after the shops we have."

"Yes," Mary chimed in,"Bob bought the knicker shop where I worked when the old dears wanted to retire. They'd supplied us with undies ever since Bob whisked me away and Bob liked the idea of owning a shop specialising in ladies requirements. We've expanded the range quite a lot across different types of requirements ladies need or want."

She gave me a saucy wink!

"So, that's the money side background," Mary joined me in keeping Bob happy. He was still more than a mouthful and we suggested additional help would be useful. Carol joined us in the autumn that same year. Carol is the brains of the outfit. She soon came up with the idea that we girls could be better than just Bob's private whores. That we could probably contribute to his business. She put a couple of plans to Bob who thought about it for ages. Thought he'd not liked the idea and was letting it just fade away. After about three months he called us all together, the three of us that is, Angela and Kate weren't with us then. They joined in the summer, the following year. Bob said he'd been thinking a lot about Carol's ideas and wanted to bounce a few ideas around with us all together.

The outcome was that we went to college to learn the various things about running a business. It took a while and our sex duties weren't in the least reduced. If anything they increased. Bob just got hornier and hornier.

The following summer he came back from Yorkshire and told us Kate and Angela, twins, identical, would be joining us the following weekend. It was such a relief! We really needed the extra bodies to keep up with Bob. When Bob recruited Mary I got a much needed rest. Bob fucked her twice to every once for me. I was sooo grateful, although she didn't realise it."

"Until Carol arrived," interrupted Mary, "I thought Ruth was just being kind but when Carol arrived and she got the extra duties I was as relieved as Ruth. I fully understood. A quick chance to recharge the batteries as it were. We had the same bonus when Kate and Angela arrived. They couldn't really believe how pleased we were to see them. It took a while. I think Bob was really trying to help them understand how much demand he had put on us so they wouldn't feel they had hogged the cock, as it were."

"So, Bob's got five willing whores available whenever he calls, his harem was built and the five of us were just about right number to satisfy him and keep us all happy and well fucked," ended Ruth.

"You ready to fuck again?" asked my maternal Grandmother.

"A threesome?" I suggested hopefully.

"Of course." they replied together.

They reached for my slightly unprepared cock. Ruth got to the root first while Mary had the knob end. They started to reposition themselves.

Mary released my knob and lowered her mouth onto the helmet. Ruth started to stroke my length while Mary sucked and licked.

"Well done, that was quick!" murmured Ruth appreciatively.

She kept stroking and Mary kept sucking for a couple more minutes.

With my knob end still in her mouth Mary took over from Ruth, wanking me carefully. Ruth repositioned then took my knob into her mouth and started to deep throat me. That felt incredible mainly because she was taking much more than either my Mum or my sisters.

"Careful," cautioned Mary, "don't make him cum yet."

"You think I don't know what I'm doing?" came back Ruth's reply when she came up for air, "you want cock first or face?"