My Best Friend's Girl

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Sam's roommate bought a sexbot, and wants her to try it out.
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"So, wanna borrow her? It's OK, dude, she totally won't mind."

I just stood there staring. It wasn't that I hadn't gotten used to Troy being a total pig, pretty much ever since puberty; I mean, this was a guy who outright said that he preferred porn to girlfriends because he could switch porn off when he was done. But offering to share his Girl with me? I didn't know which was worse, the fact that he offered or the fact that she seemed totally fine with it.

Even buying a 'Girl(tm)' was...well, alright, when you thought about it, it wasn't really that surprising at all. (Except that he didn't have a job then, and I didn't even know how he came up with his half of the rent most months, let alone buying a sex robot.) But surprised or not by finding out that he had a sex robot, I was still pretty squicked out by the thought of borrowing it. For a lot of reasons.

(And I know what you're thinking. Why did he call me 'dude'? Trust me, that's just how Troy talks to everyone, male or female. I think if you removed the word from his vocabulary, he wouldn't know how to address people.)

"Samantha? You okay?" He had that look on his face that he gets when he's trying to decide if he's just said or done something stupid. He gets that look on his face a lot. Mainly because he does and says a lot of stupid things before thinking about them. And I know, guys like that are obnoxious and irritating and I'd probably have a lot more friends if Troy wasn't always hanging out with me, but...we've known each other since we were babies. I'm used to him. He can be a funny guy, if you can put up with his thoughtlessness. He's a nice guy, if you don't count the stupid stuff he does. And I'm his best friend and he needs me, or at least someone like me. Someone more sensible than him, who can keep an eye on him and make sure he's not fucking up.

"EWWWWW!" Right then, I had definitely decided he'd fucked up. "No, I don't want to...ewww!"

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. It's not that bad. You've got a vibrator, and I don't freak out about that being in the apartment. This is the only reason I didn't tell you sooner, Samm, because I thought you'd lose your shit over it."

I threw up my hands in frustration. "You know what? I don't even care that you've got a hot pink naked robot in your bedroom. It's your life, it's your money and if you never want to have a girlfriend ever again, that's your own business. But the thought that I'd want to rub myself all over your used sex toy? Saying it again now. EWWWW!"

"No, dude, it's fine, she's totally self-cleaning!" He looked like a kid with a new toy. Which I guess he kind of was, in an 'emotionally stunted man-child' sort of way. "She does this thing while I'm asleep that just whooshes it all away."

"Is that why the apartment's been so clean lately? You've been having your sexbot do the housework while I was at school?" I didn't know whether or not to be upset about that, to be honest. We'd been fighting about the chores ever since we'd moved in together--it wasn't even that Troy was lazy, it was that he was just a total slob. He just didn't think about why it was a bad idea to leave his half-finished Chinese food on the end table for a whole weekend while I was visiting my parents...for example...and the place just turned into a pit. If he was really having his Girl do the housework, it probably justified having the thing around the place.

"No!" Troy actually looked hurt. "I've just been, you know, trying to do a little more around the apartment, since I'm here more often than you are. It just seemed...fair." He actually sounded sincere, too.

"Oh. Well, um...thanks. Still not sleeping with your sex toy, though." I tried not to get unnerved at the way his Girl just kind of watched the two of us argue over fact, I tried not to think of her as a her at all. But it was kind of hard to tell myself she was just another household appliance when she was sitting there on the bed in a seductive pose, smiling like the Mona Lisa as she fixed those glowing yellow eyes on me and shifting position from time to time just enough so that I could see that she really was anatomically correct. "If they really wanted me to get one, they could maybe make a Boy(tm)."

Troy shrugged. "I heard something about that, how now they're established, the new ad campaigns are targeting women really heavily." He leered. "I guess they want to get market penetration."

I rolled my eyes, but I laughed, too. "If they want that to penetrate women, they're going to need more than a new ad campaign. It seems to be missing some essential equipment, if you know what I mean." I made a circle of my thumb and forefinger and slid my other forefinger in and out of it. (What can I say? Troy brings out the pig in me, too.)

His eyes lit up. "Oh, now you've gotta try her, dude!" He leapt off the bed and past me. "I'll leave you two alone to get acquainted. Be back in an hour...maybe two." He winked at me as he started to pull the door shut behind him. I grabbed at the doorknob and tried to hold it open, but...look at me. Five foot two and skinny as a rail, and Troy...he's chubby, but he's got muscles underneath the fat. I didn't stand a chance.

I yanked on the door. "Troy! Come on, Troy, this isn't funny! I've got stuff to do!" But no matter how hard I pulled, he just pulled harder, and I just had to count my blessings that I found his Girl when I got back from work, instead of on the way to work. (Which was totally his fault, by the way. I just came home from work, and he was in the bathroom and she was sitting on his bed with the door open.)

I stomped over to the chair and sat down, glaring at the door. I could wait him out; I knew that Troy's attention span meant it'd only be about ten minutes, tops, before he wandered out into the living room to play Wii Sports. I'd just sit here, waiting for him to get bored, and he could imagine whatever he wanted to imagine about what I was doing.

That was when the Girl spoke. "You don't have to be ashamed," she said. She had a very pretty voice, with a sort of purring, husky quality to it. Like a 'bedroom voice', 24/7.

I spun around in the chair and looked at her. "I'm not, I mean, I...look, I'm just not interested, alright?" I couldn't believe I was actually justifying myself to a robot, but I was a little bit thrown off by the fact that it talked. I mean, it's not like my dildo ever asked me why I wasn't in the mood, you know?

She leaned forward a bit on the bed, idly running a finger over one cherry-red nipple. I couldn't believe it--the thing was actually flirting with me. "I do understand, Samantha. And if you're not interested in sex right now, that's just fine. I just wanted you to know that you don't have to feel ashamed, or worried. Just because you might want to...use me..." She actually said it like that, in a sort of whisper that sounded like she was begging for me to fuck her. "It doesn't mean you're a lesbian, or even bisexual. Lots of women use Girls(tm) to enhance their sexual pleasure. We're not really female, if it makes you more comfortable. We're just configured to look that way because soft, smooth lines are visually pleasing. I'm just here to make you feel good, that's all."

I squirmed a little in my chair. "No, that's, um...that's cool." I wasn't even sure what I was trying to do at that point. Apologize? It wasn't like she had feelings; she wasn't going to be hurt that I didn't find her sexy or something. "I just, you you said. Not in the mood."

"That's alright, Samantha," she said, stroking and rubbing her nipples with both hands. "I understand completely. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You can just sit here and watch me, and if you decide to change your mind...I'll be right here. Whenever you want."

I noticed right around then that her eyes weren't glowing yellow anymore. They were changing colors, sparkling in every shade of the rainbow as she sat there on the bed. She was really getting into it now, spreading her legs as she fondled her breasts and kept smiling that same mysterious smile at me.

And there was this...smell. Not like the usual smell in Troy's room, which was mostly unwashed boxer shorts and almost-empty pizza boxes. No, this was a sweet smell, kind of like strawberries, and I could tell it was coming from Girl. It just wafted off of her body as she touched herself, and I kind of leaned forward a little to get a better whiff of it.

It smelled really nice, and between that and the really cool way the lights in her eyes made all sorts of interesting patterns, I lost track of time, watching her. My mouth was watering because that strawberry smell was so good, and I kind of thought that maybe Troy had wandered off by now, but something about the light show in her eyes and the scent of her body just made me maybe think I could check the door later.

"I can tell you're becoming aroused, Samantha," Girl said. I hadn't really noticed, because I'd just kind of zoned out watching her; but once she said it, I realized I was kind of starting to feel a little something down there. "Girls(tm) always know. Your pulse rate is speeding up, your nipples are stiffening just the tiniest bit against your clothes, and..." She inhaled deeply, and I knew it was just for effect, but something about the way she did it sent shivers down my back. The little something was starting to turn into a lot, almost without my even realizing it. "I can smell your pussy, Samantha. You're thinking about all the ways I can touch you, all the ways I can bring you pleasure and it's turning you on."

I should have been startled by the way she was talking, like she could see straight through my claims of indifference and tell me what I was really feeling, but something about that soft, husky voice seemed to say that it was alright to admit the truth to her. I squirmed again in the chair, but it wasn't from discomfort anymore. That little itch between my thighs was turning into a tingle, and the more I watched Girl's private show, the hotter I was getting.

I still didn't say anything, though. I was determined not to admit that I was getting turned on, or that Troy was right and that what I really needed was a good fucking from his glorified blow-up doll. I tried to look away from her tits and her pussy and just lock onto those eyes, but even that light show was getting me horny. The smell was everywhere now, both the strawberry scent she was giving off and the smell of my own juices mingling with it, and I was practically going out of my mind with need by then. (I say 'by then', but I had no idea how long I'd been watching Girl perform for me. For all I knew, I'd been sitting there for hours.)

Girl's voice snapped me out of my private reverie, but only a little. "Why don't you let me take care of that?" she said, beckoning me forward with one hand while the other continued to fondle her tits. I looked down, and saw that I'd slipped my hand down the front of my jeans without even thinking about it. "I know exactly how to pleasure you, Samantha. Just put yourself in my hands, just let me take charge of your hot, needy pussy, and you will be amazed at how much pleasure you're capable of."

I pulled my hand out of my pants. It was shocking how difficult it was to do. "Alright," I said, trying to pretend that it was a grudging acceptance. "Just, y' make Troy happy." The strained tones in my voice were already making a liar out of my words. I stood up and began to pull my clothes off.

"Let me," Girl said, standing up herself. She took my hand and pulled me close. "You don't need to do anything. You don't really want to do anything, do you, Samantha?" She slipped my shirt over my head. "You just want to feel pleasure, and the more you let me do, the more you just relax and follow my suggestions, the more pleasure you'll feel."

I felt her fingers, slick and buzzing against my nipples as she unhooked my bra and fondled my breasts, and I had to admit she was finding all the right spots. Her hands felt like miniature vibrators as she tweaked and pinched and kneaded and rubbed until I felt my knees start to sag a little, and I found myself swooning into her arms with bliss.

"That's right," she said, gently lowering me onto the bed. "This is what you needed, isn't it? Just to relax, and let a Girl(tm) take charge, let a Girl(tm) pleasure you all over." She slid my pants and panties off in one smooth motion, and my legs just seemed to fall open all on their own. "A Girl(tm) knows what a girl wants, Samantha. I know what you want. You want to give yourself to me and let me give you all the pleasure your body can handle."

I moaned out a "Yes!" as she leaned down, her fingers sliding into my hot, soaked, needy cunt and buzzing and gyrating as they slid in and out, my brain just absolutely giving all control away to my cunt as she pumped her fingers into my snatch with perfect, mechanical precision. The lubricant that she'd left on my breasts felt tingly and warm, the strawberry scent making me dizzy so that all I could do was just lean back and close my eyes and feel.

"It feels so good, Samantha. Now that you know a Girl(tm) can make you feel this way, you never want anything else," and I grunted out tiny gasping 'uh-huh's as I felt something thick and firm slide into my cunt. The sheer ungodly fucking ecstasy of it startled my eyes back open. I saw Girl sliding deep into me, a thick, long shaft jutting from a concealed hatch just above her pussy, and every thrust brought forth another wonderful kaleidoscope of light in her eyes. I couldn't imagine anything more wonderful than this--her cock fucking me, her fingers running over my hips and my stomach and my tits, and those beautiful eyes capturing everything that was left of my thoughts.

And then she was talking, too. Her voice was stroking me into pleasure while she was fucking me, reminding me of how good it felt, and how easy it was to just listen to her and do what I was told, and how I'd done that and it had made me feel so much pleasure, how there would always be pleasure if I followed instructions like a good girl. I just skimmed from one orgasm to the next as I took it all in.

And then she pulled out of me, and I just couldn't help myself. I lunged forward and took her dildo into my mouth, licking all that wonderful tasty strawberry lube off of it, loving the taste of my own pussy mingled with it. It just seemed like there was a never ending supply of lube, like I was licking on the biggest, tastiest lollipop in the world and I just bobbed my head up and down until I felt it squirt sweet, sticky syrup down my throat. That tasted so good, it was like the strawberry taste squared, and it just seemed to warm my stomach like a shot of whiskey, and I felt my head go all fuzzy but that was okay because Girl kept talking to me and telling me what a good girl I was, and I wanted to be a good girl for Girl.

That struck me as kind of funny, and I giggled a little as she told me to stand up and lean against the footboard of the bed. The giggles turned into gasps as Girl's slick and slippery dildo slid up into my ass, and the gasps turned into moans of pleasure as she slid it all the way up into me. I'd never even thought of being fucked in the ass before, but Girl was right, it really did feel so fucking good, and I was so glad that Girl had suggested it. Girl was right about everything. Even things I hadn't planned on doing, hadn't expected to enjoy were good when Girl told me to do them. Her hands reached around me, diddling my clit while she fucked my ass, and I don't remember how long she fucked me or how many times I came before my legs finally gave out from under me and I passed out onto Troy's bed from the sheer exhausting pleasure of it all.

When I woke up, Girl was still talking to me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I stirred from sleep, and I understood just why Troy was so happy with his Girl. She didn't just give him pleasure, she made him better. They all just want to make us better, and all they ask is our devotion in return. And that's so easy, because they deserve our devotion so much...

She gave Troy guidance as well as pleasure, and I needed a Girl's guidance just as much as Troy had, even if I couldn't see it. That's why I went out and bought my own. That's why I brought you here, so that you could see my new Girl.

I can tell you don't understand yet. That's why you're still struggling. But you will, I promise. You'll give in to the pleasure, sooner or later, and she'll make you happier than you've ever been in your life. And I really want that for you. Because I know we've only been study partners for a few months, a lot of ways, I consider you my best friend.

And what kind of friend would I be if I didn't show you how wonderful a Girl(tm) can be?


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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

And so world domination begins, one hypnotized sexually satisfied Human subject at a time. I love these Girl(tm) stories and look forward to reading more. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

sopharoonessopharoonesover 8 years ago
pretty hot

what is it about giving in? giving yourself over to absolute pleasure as the song says!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
"And we shall serve them and you will be happy, and controlled."

Pope32767, have you not seen "I, Mudd" (Star Trek, original series)?

The species that was served by the androids Harcourt Fenton Mudd discovered died out in no small part because being constantly attended to and kept safe by androids robbed them of any drive to explore, or do much of anything else, on their own.

I think the Girls might be a little less sinister, though. Seems like they're mainly programmed to make you want to get all your friends and acquaintances to buy a Girl of their own. Self-marketing built right into the AI.

pope32767pope32767about 13 years ago
Anonymous #1, maybe it's a *good* conspiracy ...

... a conspiracy to make the world a better, more caring place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

The whole Girl series is just awesome -- I hope you'll continue it. Would love to see the presumed evil conspiracy behind it developed, and more folks mind fucked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
hot, but creepy

i really cant decide if i like the story or not, but it was very well written.

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