My Best Friend's Nude Scene Pt. 03


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"How else am I supposed to compete with you--you're out there, tits hanging out for everyone to see, bare-ass naked for every fucking set of eyes!" Emily nodded as Liz went pale, but didn't back down. "That's right. I saw your show--both nights. Is there any part of you I haven't seen? You are... such a fucking... tramp!"

"Stop it," I said. Though Emily threatened to hit me, I wasn't worried about it. I told her, with as much authority as I could muster, which wasn't much, that we could keep talking if we could be more civil--otherwise, I would walk out. I didn't think it was much of a threat. But it did manage to fence things in again.

The two of them sat down on the couch together and tried to keep their voices quiet. Emily kept airing her grievances, making accusations against the two of us, and some of them were harsh, wrong, or both. As Liz kept trying to explain things, and did a better job of it than I did, I backed off explaining myself. I became more of an observer to the conversation, only throwing in a few things periodically. What I had failed to convey to Emily was how close Liz and I had been even before we started having sex together--and while Liz told her we hadn't had actual intercourse, she did concede everything we had done was the same thing. I had gotten hung up on some distinction that didn't matter, but as Liz said, we had cheated on Emily together. I think Emily appreciated that I wasn't able to hide behind the difference any longer.

I went to the fridge to get some orange juice, but discovered we didn't have enough for three full glasses. Liz came over to me and rested a hand on my arm. I stared into her eyes. We had just a moment of privacy, and not much of it.

"You were right. This is way worse than I thought it was going to be."

"I'm sorry," I told her. "It didn't really make a difference, did it? I should have fucked you last night. I wanted to... as bad as I've wanted anything. It doesn't seem to make much difference that I didn't. You were right, I've been kidding myself that one thing is different--"

She put a hand to my lips, and I think it made Emily bristle from where she watched. Liz told me, "You probably did the right thing. I was too caught up in my impulses to appreciate you were being more considerate of Em. So let's concentrate on today. You got any vodka?"

"Still out--I think."

"Go get some more?" she asked, and as I was about to argue with her, I saw in her expression some plea for privacy. She wanted me to get out of the way. I was a little afraid of what would happen between her and Emily, though I couldn't really imagine they would get into some physical fight over me. I was probably just making it harder for them to talk. I felt responsible for the situation, like it was all my fault and my business to work out with Emily, but it wasn't like I hadn't tried to fix things already. I shrugged and bowed to feminine intuition.

"I'll go get some more vodka. O.J., too. Want anything else?"

"Don't hurry back," she said, then winked at me.

So I left. I wasn't sure what I could find to do at the grocery store, or how long I should stay away, but I had been asked to give them space, so I gave it to them.

Passing the time was torture. I stopped and bought orange juice and vodka--enough to go around a few times, I'll say that much--and then I tried to find something else to do. I keep a book in my car, just in case I need a distraction, but there was no way my mind could focus on another world while the two women most important to my life were discussing me in my absence. I thought about breaking out the vodka early and making sure it was up to the task, but I decided I wouldn't. I instead went to the bar just a block over from our apartment and sat down for a drink that turned into three. It at least helped me pace my hours away.

In my head, it was still "our apartment." It might be I was asking too much for Emily to accept we were really splitting up when I had been thinking about it for weeks and had not yet accepted it as real. As with a lot of our arguments, I came up with about a dozen things I wished I had said in the heat of the moment--and thought about the things I would have preferred to retract. The bartender, Silvio, kept trying to make conversation with me, but I tried my best to hint that I would have rather drank alone. Finally, after I finished the third drink, I left, promising I was going to walk for a bit for getting behind the wheel. I was so close that I could leave the car there, but I was worried about the groceries getting home if I did that.

My walk turned into a trip to the local Chinese place. It was approaching evening and I'm sure they were as hungry as I was by then. I placed the order and didn't even think about what the ladies wanted. I didn't have to, I had ordered food for them from the same place a few times before, Em just a few more times than Liz. But I knew Liz didn't like pork or beef and preferred lo mein to rice. Emily would eat a little of almost anything, but she had to have an extra eggroll. Did it mean anything that I knew so much about what both of them liked to eat? Probably not. As much as I knew both of them, there were things they had not shared with me. Any time I felt a little smug about how much I knew, all I had to remember was that Liz had hid this whole movie experience from me, and I might never have found out if I wasn't trying to play a prank on her.

I gathered the bags then went back to the car. It was a short trip back to the apartment complex. After checking my watch, I decided it was better to go back while the food was still hot; maybe it was all a ploy to get back to the apartment faster, with an excuse at the ready.

When I came home, I knocked--knocked on my own door--and Emily answered. She had been crying, I could tell, but I thought it better not to pry. Whatever had happened between her and Liz was supposed to be between them, or they wouldn't have asked me to leave. It doesn't mean the curiosity wasn't killing me.

"Thanks for giving us space," said Liz, and though Emily didn't join in, she didn't seem to disagree. "We've got things worked out... I think."

"Yeah. Kind of," said Emily, looking at her own knees as she sat on the same sofa where Liz sat.

"What's happening then? Anything I need to do--"

"If Em's as hungry as I am, it can probably wait for a bit," she said, smiling. I looked to Emily, and she didn't especially seem like food would solve her problems, but she took a carton when I handed it to her.

We ate and made light conversation. Mostly, Liz and Em shared a few thoughts, some of it entirely about food. I joined in when the topic seemed inoffensive. I was afraid to stray too close to the important stuff.

Eating seemed to take forever. I finished first, paced by my anxiety, and Liz and Emily took their time. I sat there and talked about the upcoming shows at the theater, but even that seemed a worrisome area of discussion. They didn't join in much. At last, Liz put away the rest of her food and Emily decided she didn't want the rest of hers. They sat quietly, sharing a look, then turned their gaze toward me. I had already felt as if I had done something wrong.

"You were arguing with Em... and you suggested she might be gay."

"Not..." I covered my eyes, feeling like I had been hit with something I least expected. Was Liz taking her side? "That's not what I said. Not exactly. I said... you know... maybe she's got an interest in women that she hasn't explored before."

"That wasn't what he said either," Emily said, then added, and I didn't dare object, "He said I had 'lesbian thoughts.' Something like that."

"Same thing, isn't it?"

"It's okay," Liz told me, looking toward Emily as if keeping her on track. "The point is... maybe you blame this for the sex life between you two."

"I didn't blame anyone."

"But it wasn't great, was it?"

"Emily," pleaded Liz, then she took a breath. "Stay focused. You said yourself you were... excited by thoughts of other people. Right?" It was an embarrassing admission to confirm, that much I could see by how red Emily turned. "This is something Em has been... working out for a while. I told her there's nothing wrong--and it doesn't mean she's a lesbian or anything. You know that, right?"

I shrugged. I didn't want to be made the bad guy, but I worried that was what was happening. "I never said anything like that. I thought... you know... maybe she was bisexual. And you're right--nothing's wrong with that."

Emily and I met gazes for a moment, and she seemed a little more forgiving this time.

"I did some awful things--I know," I told them, mostly speaking to Emily. "I betrayed you... and I can't make up for that--"

Liz took my hand and said, "Shh, come on, Mike. It isn't some test of masculinity to take the blame for everything. I made the moves on you. Me and Em have been through all this. I'm as much to blame as you are... if not more. Emily knows that, too. So... we talked all this out and... I don't think either of you want to be in this relationship anymore. Really."

I looked to Emily with a bit of shock. All of my impulses to say something smart or angry were suppressed. Hadn't I been through all of this with her? It's hard to say, but maybe Liz managed to put it to her in a way that bypassed her anger and just made sense. If I couldn't keep my mouth shut, I would put her on the defensive again. I just covered my mouth and nodded, agreeing with her.

When Liz looked to her, Emily took over the conversation, twirling her hair on her fingers in a way to force an easiness into her voice. "I need to find my own place. I don't really have anywhere to go, not as long as I'm working. I may take a vacation... a few days off to spend with my mom. But until then, I'll have to live here. I'll clean my stuff out of here and take the spare bedroom... if you don't mind helping me clean up the junk in there..."

"That's good," I said. "That's all good." While it might take Emily 6 weeks to find a place of her own in Chicago, a place she could afford, I could hardly argue with the proposal. It was a cleaner break than I had pictured in my head.

They were silent for a time, both of them staring at each other with expectations. Liz sighed, then turned back toward me. I suppose she had elected herself.

"Whatever happens between us, Mike... it's just how it works out. No pressure for the future. You're not splitting with Emily for me--and I'm not saying I'm going to guard myself. I'm crazy about you. I think you like me a lot, too. I just want to start us off... as free of expectations as we can get. I hope that's how you feel."

"I do," I said, thinking better of smiling when I noticed Emily watching me.

"I made another promise of a kind... and we need your help for it," she said. All of a sudden, I could tell she was nervous. "Emily told me... that while you and her were making love--"

"Don't tell him that!"

They whispered a bit, not exactly too quiet to hear, and I could pick up that Liz was insisting that I had to know. Eventually, Emily surrendered.

Liz continued, "She's been thinking about me... when you two are making love. Just a few times."

I said nothing. It wasn't a world-shaking surprise, having suspected that Emily was turned on by the tape, but I guess Emily had been uncomfortable with admitting it. She couldn't even look at me. Admitting that I had been thinking about Liz, too, would probably make things worse.

She thought for a moment, then Liz told me, "I wasn't sure how to make up for everything we've done... messing around behind her back and all. So maybe I suggested something you'll find offensive. But I thought... maybe we could help Emily sort out her feelings. Or at least make her feel like she wasn't left out. So I had the idea... that you and me... and Emily..."

"No," I said, shaking my head. I was telling myself she couldn't mean what I thought she was getting at, but was trying to head it off just the same.

Emily burned as red as a tomato. Liz licked her lips, rethought her case, then said, "If you're there, Emily thinks it won't be as strange for her. You two are already intimate. She likes you--loves you..."

"I don't want to talk him into it," said Emily, growing all the more embarrassed.

In spite of her plea, Liz kept talking to me. "I know you want to be with me... and I feel like I might help her tell her something about herself. It's not like I wouldn't enjoy myself, too. Are you really telling me you haven't thought about being with two women at once before?"

I covered my face, like I could share Emily's embarrassment. "Not you two--not at the same time. It's too... I don't know."

"Too real?" Liz scooted closer, then got on her knees beside my chair. "Mike... I know this isn't what you expected... and things seem messy enough like they are... but I know you still care about Emily. Or you wouldn't have tried so hard to not hurt her."


She went on, "And you care about me... I can tell that much. Are you really going to pretend there was some other reason you didn't want to make love to me? It's all your decision, hon. I wouldn't suggest something so crazy if I didn't think it would help. You and Em--me and you. Maybe we can even be friends after all of this... but if you say no... we'll accept that."

I looked to Emily and, through the embarrassment, I also sensed she was hoping I would say yes. I had held some hope she thought this was crazy, too. The fact she wanted it to happen made me feel selfish for holding out.

I confessed to Liz, quietly, "Do you want this to be our first time together? Every time we think about it... won't it be... tainted? It makes me feel... freaky. I guess. I wanted us to be a normal couple."

She pressed her palm against the back of my hand, grinning, and she said, "You don't know many normal couples... do you?" I tried to answer the question, which she hadn't meant for me to answer. "The first time we were ever together was the two of us cheating on your girlfriend... while we watched a nude video of me. I think our 'normal' is not going to be the same as for everyone else. But... that doesn't mean we won't make it work. Just... will you trust me?"

As I thought about it, I stared into her eyes. I swallowed. I took a long breath and mulled over the idea again. As bad as it felt to consider what they proposed, both of them wanted me to do it. I couldn't deny it would feel good--maybe an experience even more unforgettable than any I had enjoyed. I wasn't worried about hurting Emily or hurting Liz--and might hurt them worse by denying them. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked to Emily.

"Are you sure you want this?"

She pretended she wasn't sure, or maybe just didn't want to speak her commitment out loud. I insisted, though. I told her I would do if she said she wanted to make love to me and Liz together.

"I want that," she said, not looking at us. It was as close as I could get to her admitting it. "Yes. I think we should."

Liz, like a happy mediator, looked back and forth between us. She was the only one smiling. She took both of our hands. She stood up.

"Is there any reason we shouldn't... go to the bedroom now?"

She led both of us down the hall, to the bedroom, with Emily just a bit ahead of me. I admired Liz's ass in her tight jeans, and I flashed back to that early scene in the movie--Liz in her cutoffs, showing me she had a more perfect body under those clothes than I had imagined. Of course it drove Emily wild, too. Of course Liz wanted to show it off. I wanted badly to touch her--and at last, it would happen tonight. I didn't mind if we had an audience.

When she stopped beside the bed, I stepped in closer and wrapped my arms around her from behind. I kissed her neck and inhaled her fragrance as it rose from her skin. Liz turned her face toward me, leaning her head back, and our lips met. We kissed for breathless seconds, Emily standing there and feeling left out. I was slow to recognize her solitude and sympathize, but Liz looked her way and reached another hand out for her.

Their hands clasped, and the women entwined their arms as Emily stepped closer. As I rested my head against Liz's, my cheek almost to hers, she leaned just a little forward and kissed Emily. At first, nothing more than a tap, then they met two more times, finally staying together long enough that they could have shared the same breath. I caught a glimpse of Emily's tongue as Liz pulled away.

Her hands touched my friend's body and basked in her warmth. They moved only slightly, as if trying to keep on the surface of a slow-moving wave. I sucked on the muscle between Liz's neck and shoulder and she cooed.

Her hand reached between us, unseen by me, and groped my crotch. My breath wavered on its way out.

With one hand, Liz started undoing my jeans. I continued planting kisses on her and sucking on her neck. Emily was rubbing both of her tits through her shirt. It was strange, as much as I wanted to pretend it didn't affect me, seeing my girlfriend tease the breasts of the girl I wanted to be with. Liz arched her back, pressing into Em's touch. At the same time, she thrust her backside into the bulge in my jeans. I slid my fingers into the waistband and relished the heat of her bare skin.

As Liz's hand slipped into my shorts, cupping my groin awkwardly around my stiff member, I unbuttoned her jeans and began to work them down. I wanted to feel her wrapped around me so bad I practically forgot Emily was on the other side of her. I escaped her touch long enough to pull her jeans down, setting eyes on her flower-print panties, more innocent than I would have anticipated for this kind of scenario. I kissed her hip as she ran a hand through my hair. She and Emily were kissing again. I wondered if it wasn't me who was the unexpected guest. My hand edged around her leg, running up her thigh.

Emily put a hand on my hand and our eyes met.

Liz began to lift her T-shirt, and Em turned her attention back to our friend. She smiled at her.

"I love how flat your stomach is--I'm so jealous of it."

"Come on. Bullshit. You look great. You have a great body."

"I think you're just being nice. I'm in terrible shape compared to you--"

"You both have fantastic bodies," I joined in. While Liz's breasts were bigger and she was a bit slimmer, Emily had an elfish quality that I had always found sexy. If I didn't talk dirty to her or get crazy with her in the bedroom, that's because I thought she didn't want that. Our communication was probably always a bigger problem than our sex life.

Emily pulled Liz's shirt up over her head, and gawked for a moment at her large breasts. Her breath shuddered.

Liz played with one of her own nipples, like it was a nervous motion. She smiled as she looked Emily over. "Let me see you now."

Emily played with her fair hair for a few seconds, as if deciding. She wore sweatpants and a T-shirt, a purple robe over them, hardly the sexy outfit she might have pictured for this. But she shed her robe, staring Liz in the eye as she undressed. She took her sweatpants down part of the way, then shimmied out of them, revealing a pair of red panties that were among her nicest pairs; no doubt she had worn them out for the night before. Down to her last two pieces of clothing, outside of her socks, she girded herself with a breath and lifted her T-shirt. Though her breasts were smaller, they were shaped attractively. Her nipples were a faint pink, but as hard as I had ever seen them. I felt like I was seeing them for the first time again.

"So beautiful," said Liz.

She bowed her head and sucked on Emily's breasts, letting herself hang on each one for many seconds before moving to the other. I had to move my cock out of my underwear to free it from the strain of the fabric.