My Best Friend's Wedding Ch. 02

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Devin's fantasy might come true, with his best friend's dad.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/29/2022
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I retraced my path back through the house, to the office with gym equipment. I closed the door quietly and waited. Sixty seconds passed by, and then five minutes. I could hear my heart racing in my ears. Five minutes turned to ten and I was sure he only said to meet him here to get rid of him.

I was getting annoyed and frustrated. I went to grab the doorknob, but it jiggled. I stepped back, holding my breath. The door opened, and this 6'4" stud daddy walked in, locking the door behind him.

"Now, let's get to know each other," he said, grabbing his crotch through his jeans, a wicked grin painted on his face.


Jack's long legs closed the space between us in two strides. One strong hand reached around my waist and pulled me in tight. His other hand gently lifted my chin. His forest green eyes stared into mine. His tall frame started to bend, his face coming closer. I stood on my toes, meeting him halfway. I held onto his muscled arms, waiting with bated breath. Seconds felt like hours, and I couldn't wait any longer.

"Kiss me."

Jack pressed his lips to mine. His bushy mustache tickled my upper lip. My lips parted to his, and our tongues slipped together. His hand came to the back of my head, keeping firm pressure. Our tongues danced and we mixed saliva. I could feel Jack's hardon pressed against my stomach. Through his denim jeans, it felt massive. Even at 52, Jack's body was rock hard with solid muscle.

Our mouths continue to explore each other. We started slowly, but the passion and intensity built quickly. Jack was practically moaning into my mouth, his hands moving all over my back, arms, and chest. I let his kissing ravage me, practically melting into him. I held onto his bicep and reached down with my other hand to palm his bulge. HIs meaty package was firm and warm to the touch. I needed to see what he was working with.

I fumbled with the button of his jeans but managed to get it undone. I pulled his zipper down and reached into his pants. My hand immediately cupped his balls through his white boxer briefs. They felt heavy in my hand. I rubbed up and down into his taint, feeling the dampness from his sweat. His hard cock snaked down the leg of his underwear. I tugged his jeans down towards his knees for better access.

Jack pushed down slightly on my shoulders while breaking our kiss and I sank to my knees in front of him. Me being only 5'7'', the distance between us seemed so much greater, but I looked into his eyes as I pulled down the waistband of his trunks. His dick sprang free, nearly slapping me on the cheek. His thick, cut cock must've been almost 9", looking like a Lysol can. He had a full bush at the base. His natural scent and sweaty musk hit my nose, making my dick quiver. He smelled of pure testosterone.

"Holy shit, your cock is huge!" I exclaimed. Jack merely chuckled and smirked.

I held his shaft in my hands, feeling the weight of his dick. I opened my mouth and took in the tip, already tasting salty from a combination of sweat and precum. I relaxed my jaw to take more of his thick meat into my mouth. Jack sighed, his head lifting up and back, his eyes closed. I squeezed his hairy thighs and increased the suction in my mouth.

"That's it, boy, make daddy feel good," he growled.

I tried again, with gusto to take more of his dick, coating it with spit and pushing my mouth down until he reached the back of my throat. I gagged but was determined to please him. I sensually bobbed up and down his shaft, using both hands to stroke his meat. Jack was getting more into it, slightly bending his knees to get a better angle into my mouth. He started thrusting his hips forward, using my mouth and hands like a fuck toy. Gagging occasionally, I focused on my breathing and making sure this stud, my best friend's father, got what he needed.

"You've got such a sweet mouth, son," he whispered, holding onto my ears and the back of my head.

The pace of his hips quickened, and I hoped this meant I'd soon get his load down my throat.

"Oh fuck, son, you're getting me so close."

A knock at the door, followed by the door knob turning caught us both by surprise. Jack pulled my mouth off his dick and struggled to pull his pants up while I looked around wildly in panic.

"Honey?" asked Diane, Jack's wife. "Are you almost done with your business call? It's time to toast the kids."

"I'll be done in a sec," he hollered back, holding a finger to his mouth as if shushing me.

Soft footsteps could be heard walking away from the door.

"Sorry, kiddo, we're going to have to cut this short," he said to me while I got back to my feet. "Give me a two-minute head start and then get back out to the party."

I nodded. He finished zipping up his pants and left the room. I sighed. I was both annoyed and frustrated our time was cut short. I tried to neaten my tousled, shaggy brown hair before I left his home office to head out back and rejoin the engagement party. That's why I was here after all. To celebrate my best friend Sara, and her new fiancé, Josh.

Close to 6:30 pm, the sun was quickly setting over the far end of the lake. Lanterns and torches were being lit and Diane passed around glasses of champagne. While it had been a warm May afternoon, it was turning into a cooler evening.

In the center of the gathering, Jack stood tall and proud, with one arm wrapped around his daughter, Sara, and the other around his future son-in-law. He had a handsome smile plastered on his face, eyes twinkling while he recounted some childhood story of Sara. Sara's mom, Diane, stood to one side, gently sobbing joyful tears into a handkerchief. I admit, I also started to tear up at the happy memory. I was here for Sara, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her tall, former-Army, salt-and-pepper-haired father.

Less than 24 hours ago, I drove to upstate New York from Philadelphia. In my boredom, Jack and I had unknowingly exchanged messages on Grindr. And less than ten minutes ago, he had his beautiful, massive cock shoved down my throat. I only hoped there'd be more opportunities to continue our tryst.

More toasts were given, and more champagne was passed around. A large fire pit at the edge of the patio was lit to help warm guests from the cool breeze drifting in off the lake. I'd only worn shorts and a polo, so this was welcomed. I sat at the fire alone, watching Jack smile and shake hands, laugh, and give hugs to those on their way out. Few guests remained, but I waited it out.

Sara and Josh joined me, snuggling under a blanket and stealing kisses. I beamed at their happiness. Shortly thereafter, Jack and Diane pulled up chairs, with Jack to my right. I tried suppressing a shiver from the chilly air.

"Honey, go get Devin something to wear, maybe one of your sweatshirts?" Diane asked Jack.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, I'm fine really," I replied.

"Nonsense, dear. You can wear something of Jack's, though it might be a bit big."

Jack rose wordlessly, returning in a few short minutes with a gray sweatshirt that read ARMY in bold lettering on the front.

"Hope this works for you, son," he said, handing me the sweatshirt and taking his seat again.

"Thanks," I said, with a soft smile.

Our eyes met, and he gave a subtle wink that set my heart fluttering. I pulled it on over my head, swimming in the material. It smelled like Jack. A mix of his musk, aftershave, and cologne. It felt like I was wrapped up in his arms. It was comforting, and warm.

Sara and I spent the time reminiscing on old college memories. 9 pm rolled around, and she and Josh retired back inside. By 9:15 pm, Diane was also yawning, saying the excitement and emotion of the day were exhausting.

"Devin, sweetie, it's getting late. Why don't you stay the night," Diane suggested.

"Oh, no, I don't want to intrude," I started. "Besides, I'm staying only 20 minutes away in Syracuse."

"Now, now, we have plenty of space and extra toothbrushes. I won't take no for an answer."

I looked to Jack, but he kept his eyes on the flames.

"Oh, well, in that case, sure. Thank you, Diane."

Diane yawned again and hugged me.

"Now you boys don't stay up too late. Jack, lend him some sweatpants or something, yeah? And show him to the guest room."

Diane kissed her husband on the cheek, leaving the two of us alone.

We sat in silence, both staring into the fire. Jack had changed from his white linen button-down to a red and black flannel and dark gray sweatpants, his chest hair still exposed. I reached my hand towards him, but he shied away.

"We can't, we'll get caught," he started, shifting in his chair. "That wouldn't be fair to Diane, or Sara."

I sensed the urgency in his voice and understood his concern, but I also wanted to know more about him.

"What about just talking? No harm in that, right?" I asked.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Well, um, how did you and Diane meet?"

"Interesting choice of subject," he said, chuckling. "We met in high school. Very typical story. Dated to senior year, and after. We got married two years after high school. I joined the Army right after graduation. Things were heating up in the Middle East, and the next thing you know along comes Sara. I hate I missed her birth, but I was sent to Iraq."

I kept my eyes on him as he retold his past. He explained that in boot bamp and basic training, he realized he was attracted to men in addition to women, but his deep affection for Diane, and their marriage, prevented him from acting on it.

When he was sent to Iraq, he grew close with a fellow private, a guy named Anthony. Their friendship grew into affection for each other, but keeping it secret in those days was difficult. He further revealed that Anthony was the first man he was ever physical with, sexually. In the darkness and flicker long firelight, I could see the pain on Jack's face.

"I may have even loved him, but I was so confused by these new feelings. I wasn't about to leave Diane alone with a baby, but I was consumed by this affair with Anthony. The decision was made for me. He died in an explosion, in January of '91."

I saw tears in the corners of his eyes. This felt more than a story, more a coming-out story, and a confessional.

"I've never told anyone about that."

"Thank you for sharing with me, Jack," I said softly, once again extending my hand to his.

I rested my palm on the top of his knuckles. He sighed, then sniffed and wiped away the moisture in his eyes.

I tried to lighten the mood. I told him my own coming-out story. How my parents almost laughed when I was shocked they weren't surprised.

"You see, I used to play dress-up with my girl cousins. I'd been giving away a lot of hints for a long time."

Jack's smile returned.

"I bet you were a cute kid," he said, turning his hand over so we were palm to palm.

I was in my 30s, but I liked how talked to me, like one of his sons. I felt protected, and safe in his firm yet gentle grip.

"What do you say to a little boat ride?" he asked.

Not waiting for an answer, he stood up, pulling me with him. He grabbed the blanket Sara and Josh had left, and lead me down to the short dock at the edge of his property. There was a small power boat tethered at the end.

In a very gentlemanly fashion, he picked me up by my waist, and set me inside the boat, hopping in after me and loosening the ropes.

He pulled keys out of a small compartment, and quietly started the motors. In no time at all, he was steering us across the lake, towards a small island directly in the center. Ten minutes later he tied the boat to a piece of wood that you could barely call a dock.

He helped me out and took my hand again, leading me down a small sandy beach. He spread the blanket on the ground and sat down, patting the space next to him.

I joined him. He laid back, taking me with him. One of his arms was under my shoulders.

"Look at the stars," he whispered. "They're beautiful, just like you."

I snuggled against his body, enveloped in his warmth, and stared up at the cosmic sky. We laid there for a bit, him stroking my arm and me one arm strewn across his broad chest toying with his chest hair and dog tags. The only sounds were the clink of the metal, the gentle lapping of waves upon the beach, and our gentle breathing.



"Could I, if it's alright, could I kiss you again?"

I thought he'd never ask.

Without answering, I reached to his stubbled chin and pulled his face towards mine, leaning in to plant my lips on his. He rolled to his side to face me, pulling me right into his chest with his strong arms, kissing me back. He shifted, and rolled me onto my back, supporting himself with one arm, and keeping me cradled in close with the other. Our legs entangled, and our tongues went wild once again.

I managed to get Jack onto his back, straddling his waist. I could feel his hard cock through his sweatpants, rubbing against my own. He wrapped me in a tight bear hug, and we ground our erections against each other. Out in the open, in the middle of the lake under a starry sky, this most erotic moment took place.

He reached between us, grabbing for the button of my shorts. I sat up, feeling his hard dick on my ass, giving him better access. In his haste, he ripped the button off, but I didn't care. I got up off his body just enough for him to pull off my shorts and black briefs while I removed the sweatshirt. I shucked my clothes aside and Jack quickly slipped his sweatpants off and unbuttoned his flannel. It was clear he was freeballing. Jack's 9" pecker flopped to his stomach, a trail of precum getting caught in the hair.

I knelt at his side and quickly took his dick in my mouth, but Jack had other ideas.

"No, not that, lay on top of me again."

I did as I was told. I was fully naked on top of him, but his raging body heat kept me from shivering. Jack grabbed both our dicks in one hand, pressing them together. He started thrusting his hips against my pelvis, holding onto my ass to keep us tightly together. Both of his hands went to my ass, spreading my cheeks. He was kissing and sucking on my neck, making me moan with pleasure. His fingertips trailed down into my crevice and circled my tight hole. With his big pointer finger, he applied firm pressure until he was one knuckle deep, sending me reeling.

"Oh fuck," I gasped "Jack, you're gonna make me cum."

"Me too, son. C'mon, shoot your load for daddy," he said thrusting our cocks together faster and faster.

He drove his finger deeper into my ass.

"Fuckkkkk, daddy!"

I held onto his shoulders and shot my load all over his dick and stomach. Jack groaned and unleashed a torrent, splattering my stomach and chest with his seed. Our motion ceased, and I laid there on top of him, our cum mixing between our torsos, panting from the wild orgasm.

"Now, let's get you to bed, young man."

The heat of our passion dissipated quickly in the cold air. We put our clothes back on, got back into the boat, and 15 minutes later we were back at his lake house. The fire had died down to mere embers. He led me by the hand up to the house. I followed him down a hallway, to a small guest room and he saw me getting settled in.

"Our room is just upstairs if you need anything," he whispered.

He backed away and closed the door.

"Wait!" I said and rushed to give him one last kiss.

I got under the covers of the bed, falling asleep with a smile on my face.

To be continued...

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cdCindy1cdCindy1almost 2 years ago

Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I love Jack's sexy hairy body, and want them to exchange blow jobs as well as caresses and kisses. Love Devin caressing Jack's manly chest!

dnsontndnsontnalmost 2 years ago

Yes, Daddy, yes! Appreciate the sexy 52 year old. So many young authors paint us as decrepit after 50. Daddy Jack is clearly in his prime. Lucky Devin!

jonkingbrothersjonkingbrothersalmost 2 years ago

The daddy-son roleplay makes it very hot. This is well written, and really pulls the reader in. I'm definitely enjoying this series and looking forward to future events!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Jack is so masculine - his hard hairy body, big cock and total daddy persona. I really hope these two exchange blowjobs, and flip fuck. It seems like Jack is really captivated by Devin and will be into giving as well as taking.

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