My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 03


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I went straight for the controls and switched the machine off. Dave was just stood there looking at the naked girl with chains attached to her tits and pussy.

What's more, as I got off and went for my towel, the other 3 people in there were looking as well. All had smiles on their faces.

Wrapping the towel round myself I told Dave that I thought that I'd had enough of that machine.

Dave asked me if I'd like to try any other machine and I told him that there was only one other machine that I'd managed to master.

"Which one?" Dave asked.

I pointed to the thigh spreader but said that I didn't think I should use it as I wasn't dressed appropriately.

Dave said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have all seen how Tanya here is dressed; would any of you be offended or upset if she used the thigh spreader machine?"

Bloody hell, this man was inviting the others to see me spread my pussy for them.

I got zapped again, a long, strong one. That pushed my AF up a notch and gave me another wet rush. I looked round at everyone; they all looked like they were waiting for the others to say something. I wanted to run and hide -- and make myself cum.

"Well I for one have no objections," the woman said, "it should be quite a sight."

The other 2 men nodded so Dave got hold of my hand and led me to the machine. The others gathered round.

My heart was pounding an I thought,

"Am I really going to do this? I can't, they'll see my spread pussy. It will be horrible, I'll be so ashamed."

Instead of telling Dave that I wouldn't do it, I told him that I wasn't very strong and needed it setting on low.

Dave turned me round and sat me on the machine. I had to part my legs to get on the seat and the towel opened giving my audience a view of my closed, but wet pussy.

As Dave adjusted the machine I sat there thinking,

"This is horrible, why am I doing it? It's wrong; but why am I so wet? Why is my body about to betray me in the worst possible way?"

I got zapped again and let out a loud moan.

"I think that she's enjoying this." One of the men said.

"I KNOW that she is." The woman said.

Dave came back and said,

"Right Tanya, push your legs as wide as you can."

I took a deep breath and pushed wide.

My legs instantly went from being a few inches apart to as far apart as they could possibly be. I never even had time to feel my little lips opening, or the towel sliding off the front of me.

I was shocked. It took a few seconds for me to realise what had happened and that I was totally exposed in a way that only girls can be, in front of those people. Well not totally naked, I still had the chains and clamps. I was so shocked that I never even thought of pulling the towel round me again; not that it would have covered much.

"Ooops sorry Tanya." Dave said, "I got that wrong didn't I?"

"Not from where I'm standing." One of the men said.

The other man laughed a bit and the woman smiled.

"Let me try again?" Dave said, and went to the back of the machine.

After a few seconds Dave said,

"Try it now please Tanya?" Dave said.

Another deep breath and I slowly squeezed; and squeezed; and squeezed. I squeezed so hard that I felt my pussy muscles clench. I thought that I might pee myself.

"Sorry Tanya, too far the other way; let me try again."

I was still spread wide for another minute or so as Dave played with the machine again. Was he doing this to me on purpose? I started to wonder.

Finally Dave said,

"I'm so sorry Tanya. I'm sure that I've got it right this time."

"He better have." I thought.

Another deep breath and I got zapped again.

It was just too much for me and I started having the ultimate humiliation -- having an orgasm whilst being watched by strangers. I moaned (loudly), shook, arched my back and I felt my pussy convulsing.

As the waves receded I just sat there with my eyes shut; I didn't dare look at any of them.

The woman spoke,

"That was some show honey; what would your parents say if they knew what you've just done?"

"Leave her alone, she's just experimenting. No harm's been done." One of the men said.

Still keeping my eyes shut I squeezed as hard as I could, only to find that Dave had finally got the setting right. As soon as my legs were in a position where I could get off that damn machine I opened my eyes, got off it, grabbed my towel and ran out.

There was nowhere for me to go. I stopped and wrapped the towel round me, but not before another young man, who was just arriving, saw me.

"Cute jewellery!" he said.

I went straight through the ladies changing room to the rest area outside the sauna. I sat on one of the sun loungers and felt sorry for myself.

It took about 5 minutes, a long zap, the constant purring from the other vibe and the slight, pleasurable pain from the 3 clamps for me to start to come round. My body was starting to take over from my brain -- again.

I decided that a swim was called for. With the towel wrapped round me I walked out to the pool. There were 6 people there, 3 girls who looked about 18, and 3 middle-aged men. I waited until I thought that none of them were looking, threw the towel to the edge of the room and dived in. As I glided along underwater, the thought crossed my mind that the sudden pleasure of the dive might have ripped the clamps off me and maybe caused me some injury. A quick mental check ended that thought and I got to the other end before I surfaced.

I stood up and felt a lot better. The thing was I in the shallow end and stood up right in front of the 3 girls. They noticed my nipple clamps straight away and stared at me.

"Fucking hell," one of them said to the others, "do you see what that kid's got on her nipples?"

"Hey kid," Girl 2 said, "what's with the nip clamps?"

I looked over to them, thought, "What the hell" and said,

"My daddy makes me wear them."

"Fuck," Girl 3 said, "and why haven't you got them covered up?"

"Come over here." Girl 1 said.

I walked over and stood in front of them. Girl 1 reached over and gently tugged the chain going down to my clit.

"Does this go where I think it does?" she said.

"It goes to my clit," I said, "and daddy says that I have to wear it because I've been naughty; and by the way, costumes are optional in this place."

"Is that right?" Girl 2 said.

"Come of kid, get out of the water, I want a closer look." Girl 1 said.

I got out and stood there as all 3 of them got out and inspected the clamps. One of them told me to part my feet so that she could get a closer look. That didn't do anything for me, but the quick zap did, and as I jumped, so did the girl.

"Piss off kid; we've got more important things to think about." Girl 2 said.

I jumped back in the water but didn't swim away. As I stood there I heard Girl 1 say,

"Do you think he'll take more notice of us if we take out bikini's off?"

Girl 3 said,

"I bought this bikini just for him."

"If I take my bikini off and come out here naked, he'd better make it worth my while and fuck me." Girl 1 said.

I smiled and thought, "And you're welcome to him."

With that the 3 of them went to the changing rooms and after 5 minutes they were back; all 3 of them as naked as when they were born. All 3 pussies were as bald as the day they were born as well. They dived in swan around.

By that time I'd got out and was in the jacuzzi feeling good and horny. The water in there seemed warmer than before and I got out and sat on the side dangling my feet in the bubbles. There was no one else there so I didn't care about anything. I felt good; so much so that when one of the male swimmers came and got in the bubbles I just sat there and let him ogle me.

After the man got bored and left I went and picked up my towel and went back to the sun loungers. I spread my towel, found a magazine on a table, sat on the sun lounger, not caring if anyone came in and saw my clamps; and then looked through the magazine. Apart for a few words I didn't read it, it was in German.

I closed my eyes and must have dozed off. I don't know how any girl could doze off with 2 vibes running inside her; but I did, I must have really been tired.

I think that it was a long zap that woke me with a jump. When I opened my eyes I saw that the 2 sun loungers opposite were taken by a young man and a young woman. Both had swimming costumes on and were looking at me. I felt quite self-conscious so I stood up and carried my towel into the sauna.

I went and sat in one of the top corners like the German girls had and decided that I needed to cum. I planned on bringing myself off right there, then going and having a cold shower.

I was just getting warmed-up when the door opened and the 3 teenage girls walked in. Girl 2 was worried that they might miss him, but Girl 1 was sure that they wouldn't. None of them had put their swimming costumes back on.

Girl 3 looked up at me and said,

"Hey kid, you need to go back to your perv dad cos there's gonna be some real action in here soon."

I ignored her. In fact after that my right hand went back to my clit and started rubbing again. As the 3 of them described what they were hoping that 'he' was going to do to them, I started bringing myself to what was to be a fantastic orgasm.

When I started moaning and 'Aaaarrrrghhhhhh' and 'ooooooowwwww' ing, and jerking about; the 3 of them turned and stared at me. After I started to calm down, Girl 1 said,

"Fuck, the bitch kid really is a big time slut."

Girl 3 said,

"I wish that Toby would make me cum that good."

Girl 2 said,

"It takes a big black cock to make me cum that good."

I ignored them and lay there as they watched me get hit by another Zap that triggered a couple of after-shock small orgasms.

I left the teenagers to their fantasy and went and had a cold shower. When I finished I found my towel and dried myself. I wanted to go and lie down again, but I was still so horny that I walked into the gents changing room. Ignoring the shocked expressions that a naked girl with nipple and clit clamps was causing; I wrapped the towel round me and walked out the other end.

I saw that the workout room was empty apart from Dave, and went in. When he saw me Dave rushed over and said,

"Hey Tanya, I am sooo sorry about the way I treated you earlier. I totally got it wrong and I apologise. I should not have messed about with that machine the way that I did and I want to make it up to you.

"That's Okay," I said, "I understand why you did it. I guess that you've seen the video as well?"

Dave blushed a bit and said,


"No need to be, I enjoyed making it. In fact I'd like to do some more of those exercises right now, if that's okay with you?"

Dave looked round. We were still on our own.

"That's okay with me, where would you like to start?"

I slid my hand under my towel, rubbed my stomach and said,

"My stomach needs toning up; can you help me with some sit-ups please?"

"Yeah sure Tanya, why don't go and use that mat over there." Dave said, pointing to a mat up against the mirrored wall.

I went and lay down with my feet about a foot from the mirrors. As soon as I lay down my towel fell open.

"What the hell," I thought; "It isn't as if he hasn't seen me naked before," and left the towel where it was.

I got into the bent knees position and started the sit-ups. Dave was stood beside me, looking into the mirror at my pussy. It had been leaking even before I woke up that morning, and it just got a bit wetter. Where does all that juice come from? I decided that when I left that room I was going to get a drink of water.

On about the fourth sit-up I got zapped and collapsed back onto the floor.

"Are you alright Tanya?" Dave asked.

"Yes and no." I said. "Did Jim tell you about the punishment that my dad is making me do?"

Dave blushed then said, "Do you mean the vibrator that keeps zapping you?"

"Yes, but this morning he's been really cruel to me. I've got to wear a second one that's going all the time. As well as that I've got to wear this (I touched the chain); and he's left me here with no clothes for the whole day. I just can't stop having big 'O's and I don't know if I will survive the whole day."

Why was I telling this stranger why I was so horny and behaving irrationally?

Why was I letting this stranger ogle my naked body?

It wasn't like I was going to let him screw me. No way.

Dave was looking directly at my naked body as I lay on the mat with my knees wide apart.

"That thing does look uncomfortable Tanya, it must be hurting you." Dave said.

"Well yes, just a bit, but it's a nice hurt." I said. "The 2 worst things are that everyone can see me with nothing on; and the big 'O's. They're so tiring; I must have had about 20 so far today."

"We can stop if you like." Dave said.

"No, I'm okay. Can we do some of these sit-ups with my legs out flat and with you holding them down please?" I asked.

Without waiting for him to answer I lowered my knees and spread my legs wide enough for him to kneel in between them.

Dave didn't answer. Instead he just knelt between my legs.

My pussy was oozing as Dave's eyes were staring right at it.

"Okay Tanya," Dave said, "I'm ready when you are."

I took a deep breath and strained as I pulled myself up. Dave's hands on my legs did help, they also felt good. Wow! Could I really feel my pussy muscles straining as well? Would Dave be able to see those muscles moving?

I lay back and did it again, this time concentrating on my pussy muscles. It felt good.

I collapsed back onto the floor on my third attempt. Not only was I getting a long zap, I was cumming. My back arched as I said,


Then I started shaking.

It seemed to take hours for those waves of pleasure to pass. When they did I looked up and saw Jim and Sandra. They were both looking down at me and smiled.

"Were on a break and thought that we'd come and see how you were getting on." Jim said.

"I like the clamps and chains." Sandra said. "Are you sure that someone your age should be wearing something like that?"

"If they're big enough, they're old enough." Jim said.

"Can you use the same analogy for those vibrators in her pussy?" Sandra asked.

The effects of the booze and the adrenalin from the sexual highs gave me some courage, and I needed to cum again soon, so I decided to try to get the conversation back to my needs.

"Err. Can I have some say in this please? After all it is my body." I said.

"Yes Tanya, of course you can; and you've already made your choice. You're here." Jim said.

"Yes I have," I said, "Or at least the man in my life has. So if you 3 want to watch me exercise and have big 'O's then let's do it."

I pointed to the thigh spreader and asked it was properly set-up for me. Jim said that he'd check it while I went and sat on it. I left the towel on the floor where I had been laying.

All 3 of them stood in front of me as I stretched my thighs as wide as I could, and back 3 times. Each time I was straining and my muscles were quivering. I was sure that I could feel my pussy muscles straining as well. I wondered if my little audience could see. I didn't ask. After each movement I looked at the 3 of them. Their eyes were glued to my pussy. That and the constant purring of the vibe was getting my AF very high.

I was just about to try for a fourth time when I got zapped again. I gasped then went over the edge. It was a long, intense orgasm and I squirted. As I started to get back to some sort of normality Dave said,

"That was fucking awesome; someone so young as well."

"In 5 or so years you are going to be a big hit with the boys." Sandra said.

After a couple of minutes Jim said,

"Are you up for another one?" When I nodded he continued, "Which machine?"

I looked over to the exercise cycle and said,

"That always gives me a big 'O', but when I tried it earlier it hurt like hell because of this." I said and pointed to the clit clamp.

"Maybe it won't hurt as much this time." I said as I walked over to it and adjusted the saddle height.

Sandra laughed and said, "Don't worry luv, we've got enough first-aiders here."

I got on the cycle. As I started to peddle the odd 'ouch' and 'aaargh' came out of my mouth as my pussy slid from side to side on the saddle. It hurt, but not as much as before.

Dave said,

"That saddle's way too high for you Ta... Oh! maybe not."

The 3 of them watched as my pussy slid from side to side on the saddle. After a minute or so I got zapped. It was a short one, but enough for it to cause me to push down on my pussy, All of a sudden the pain of the clamp on my clit stopped. I looked down and saw that the clit clamp had come off and the whole chain was dangling from my nipples. I kept peddling.

A few minutes later the building orgasm hit me like a bolt of lightning. I think that I actually screamed out loud. I stopped peddling and just shook, and shook and shook.

When I managed to get a little composure back I opened my eyes to see 3 mouths open wide.

"Now that really was a big 'O'." I said. "Would someone put this back on please?" I said, pointing to the dangling chain.

I slowly got off the cycle and walked towards them.

"Here, let me do it." Dave said.

Sandra butted in,

"I think that I should be the one to do it, remember her age; can one of you pass me her towel, she's going to have to be dried before I'll be able to get that baby to stay on."

Sandra put her arm round me and led me to one of the benches.

"Lay down on that and open your legs." She said.

I did and felt my pussy become drier than it had been for hours.

Just as I was starting to relax a bit, the door opened and a young man walked in.

"What the fuck!" He said as he stared at the spectacle in front of him.

"It's okay she's a qualified first-aider." Jim said.

If I'd had the energy I would have laughed. I just didn't care that yet another man was looking at me naked while a woman was doing things to my pussy.

Sandra picked up the little clamp and looked at to work out what she had to do. She adjusted it then held it with one hand then got hold of my clit with 2 fingers from the other hand. As I felt my clit being stretched I had a little after-shock and a quick jerk.

Sandra didn't let go and managed to get the clamp in place.

"Ouch!" I said as Sandra tightened it a little too much.

"There, all done." Sandra said.

"It feels a bit too tight, I don't want it going blue and dropping off." I said.

"Give it a few minutes to settle, it'll probably be okay." Sandra said.

"Okay, I'm going to get a drink then go and find somewhere to relax for a while. Not that I'll be able to relax much with these inside me." I said as I tapped my stomach.

"Yeah, and we've got to be going too Sandra, look at the time." Jim said.

As I walked out of the door to the water machine Jim and Sandra left, leaving Dave to watch us all leave him.

I couldn't be bothered to wrap my towel round me as I walked through the gents changing room, round the pool to the jacuzzi. I collapsed into the warm bubbles, not even knowing or caring how many people had seen me getting there.

If it had been possible to have a nap I would have. Instead I had to settle for the warm bubbles. A couple of the times that the bubbles stopped I got up and switched them back on, but in the end I just lay there in the clear, warm water.

A couple of men came and got it then after a while got out and left. I didn't care that they were seeing all of me, and those clamps and chains.

One thing that I did notice was the number of teenage girls in the pool increased from the original 3. There were now about 7 or 8 of them. Most of them were naked, or came out in their bikinis, saw other girls naked, went back to the changing rooms then came back out without their bikinis. At times it was amusing watching them as they made it obvious that they'd never been naked at a swimming pool before.
