My Brother's Best Friend Ch. 01


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"Why would I lie? Telling someone in the midst of a make out session that you're a 22 year old virgin isn't exactly what thrills a lot women I would imagine." He smiles.

"I've never kissed anyone before tonight either." I confess.

"Geezuz." he whispers. Our eyes hold for several breaths.

And then he's kissing me again. And holy mary mother of god his passion steps up another notch! Now he's really grinding against me and I am doing the same right back. Our tongues softly sliding along one another as our lips work together to coax the deepest need out of both of us.

"I'll be yours if you'll be mine." he says, pulling back for a moment. "First. That is."

"YES!!!" I exclaim happily. "YES!!"

"We can't here though. Your parents are gonna be back soon. Your brother and all our friends are home!"

"Meet me on the beach in an hour?" I say, formulating a plan.

" hour?" he moans, leaning in to bite my shoulder again.

Just then I hear mom's car come into the driveway, dad's truck right after.

"DAMMIT!" I curse.

Shawn gets up and takes my hand, pulling me off the bed and into his arms again. His kiss is so hungry. I can feel his need.

"I've never wanted a girl like I want you." he tells me. "Never."

And then he walks over to the door, opens it, and smiles at me.

"The pier?" he asks, glancing over my shoulder at the large clock on the wall above my computer.

I nod.

"See you at 9." and he's slipped out my door and down the stairs into the living room.

I stand there in total awe. Thinking about everything that we just did and all the things we just confessed together.

He's a virgin that's never been kissed? If he knows how to kiss like he kisses me, what's making love to him going to feel like? Well, I'm about to find out.

When I come downstairs I hear Shawn's motorbike rev and back out of our driveway.

"Well hello Feline! It looks like you just missed Shawn." my mom says, hugging me, giving me a kiss on my cheek. "Happy birthday honey."

"Thanks mom." I hug her back.

"Well if it isn't our 18 year old daughter. Gosh, time flies." Dad is just hanging up his old Australian cattle hat he never stopped wearing in about 20 years.

I get a giant bear hug from dad.

"You're going to have to wait til tomorrow for your present Feline. We're sorry about that honey but we think you'll understand why when you see it." Dad says, giving me a big squeeze and planting me on my feet.

"Guys, you're gonna wreck the surprise!" Patrick comes into the foyer and throws an arm around me.

"These two. You'd think they could keep it under wraps for one more day. Geez." he smiles down at me and winks.

I giggle and hug my brother.

My brothers friends start getting ready to head out to the local bar. He decides to go with them.

"Sorry Cat. 3 more years for you I'm afraid." Pat laughs at me, patting my head as he leaves.

"JERK!" I yell after him and he flips me the bird, playfully.

Alone with mom and dad, I announce I'm going to take a walk down by the pier before bed.

"Good idea honey. Get some fresh air. We can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you tomorrow!" mom smiles over at me as she pops a cork to some nice red her and dad will share as they watch jeopardy together.

"Wear your coat!" Dad calls after me.

"Dad it's June!" I protest.

"Wear your coat." he warns. I sigh and throw a coat on.

Outside, I decide to take one of the big throw blankets we have on the outdoor furniture by the pool.

And then I'm taking the steps down to the beach 2 and 3 at a time as I race over to the pier. To where Shawn will be waiting for me.

It's dark, only one lonely lamp is lit and I'm having trouble seeing where he might be.

"Shawn!" I whisper loudly, the waves crashing gently on the coastline only a few feet away from me. I decide to take my shoes off and head the rest of the way barefoot. I loved the feel of the sand between my toes.

Just then, strong arms snake around me and pull me in. I feel his solid form behind me as I gasp and almost scream.

"Shawn!" I turn in his arms, playfully furious, "You scared me to death!"

He's got such a low voice. His soft laugh is like a purr.

"Kiss me." he whispers and I do, he doesn't have to ask me twice.

We kiss forever before he pulls the blanket from my arms and lays it down on the ground. We climb on it together and he slides an arm under my shoulders so I can lay on his heavy chest. I slide a hand up his shirt, feeling the intense abdominal muscles bulging there. We star gaze in silence for some time. And then I slide one of my legs over his hips and straddle him.

"Wow. Hi." he grins, his face all hard planes under the moonlight.

"Hi." I giggle and lean down and take his lower lip in my mouth and gently suck only once, releasing him.

"FUCK." he growls and grasping me to him, he rolls on top of me, settling himself between my legs.

We make out for what seems like eternity before he takes my coat off. And then I'm tugging at his tight t shirt which he sheds in one motion. Dear god...this man is perfection. Every single cord and muscle, perfectly sculpted from years as a gymnast. He took home the silver for our country, in the Olympics, when he was my age.

I pull my shirt up and he helps me remove it. Realizing I'm not wearing a bra underneath, he inhales sharply.

"Feline." He could say my name forever, I'd never get bored of it. "God, you have perfect breasts." he's gazing at me, hungry and alive.

And then he takes one of them in his hand and lowers his head.

The first touch of his tongue to my flesh hardens the peak immediately. I cry out! I didn't mean to! It was just so shockingly amazing. His low moan of appreciation before he sucks me into his mouth and rolls his tongue across the taught nipple over and over and over making me moan and sigh and arch into him.

And then he's at the other breast, giving the same treatment while he tortures the first between thumb and forefinger.

I'm moaning pretty loud, and he seems to enjoy it, grinding that giant between his legs against me.

I reach down and rub him outside his jeans. He freezes. And then grits out a "GODDAMN." before biting my shoulder, my throat, my breast. I'm writhing in his arms.

"I want to be naked with you Shawn. Can we?" I ask him, pleading.

"I thought you'd never ask!" he groans and slides his hand down to the curve of my ass and grips it. I gasp and he squeezes my butt cheek and grins at me.

"You're fucking beautiful Feline. You know that?" he tells me, eyes so sincere.

"I...Shawn..." I have no idea what to say!! "You're like some kind of viking god." I finally blurt out. Awkward as ever.

His loud laugh sets me at ease and makes me laugh along with him.

He rolls off me and starts to undo his jeans. Kicking off his chuck tailors in the process. I start to slide my yoga pants off and he stops me.

"I wanna do that." he grins. Now completely naked. That giant member of his twitches under my gaze. "Let me unwrap my prize." he smirks, all boyish charm.

I let him, he kisses my hips, and the tops of my thighs as my sex is revealed with it's small thatch of neatly trimmed black public hair. Hay, I'm a virgin, not a Sasquatch.

He kisses one leg all the way down as he throws off my pants onto his own and then kisses my other leg all the way back up, smiling fiendishly up at me as he takes in my nakedness.

I almost die of embarrassment and try and hide behind my hands.

"No. Kitten. No." he takes my hands, kisses my fingertips and places them by my hips. "Let me look at you."

I turn my head to the side, face burning. His hand, soft on my cheek, turns me to face him.

"You don't need to hide from me." he whispers. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"I've wanted this so long." I whisper back.

"I too." And then he gently slides his hand up and cups me.

I inhale sharply and grip my thighs together to keep his hand there, rocking into him. I know I am wet with desire. I could feel it when we were in my bedroom! I can only imagine the state I am in right now!

His low murmur of appreciation tells me everything I need to know.

"Damn." he whispers.

I'm so juicy slick his finger just slides right inside, bypassing my outer lips and he starts to gently stroke me all over.

"Shit." he groans.

"FUCK!" I cry out. "Fuck Shawn....FUCK!" I cry out again and again as his fingers find the spot I had tortured many times over thoughts of him. Too many times! Each time his fingertips pass over it my legs twitch in response. That small kernel, who's only purpose was pleasure.

I don't know who I am anymore as he slides his fingers over me. I don't care either as he strokes me gently yet firmer, and firmer, obviously enjoying the sounds I make, the way I grasp at him, my hips as they rise and fall.

I'm sopping. I know how wet I am. There is NO resistance to Shawn's digits. It's just all sliding, and slick and slippery and he's getting me closer and closer to that sweet release.

"God yes Feline." Shawn says in his deep silken voice. "Wow you are so wet baby. So wet!"

"Please don't stop Shawn!" I beg him.

"Never." he promises and redoubles his efforts. And then he is so quick, I really didn't even know what he was doing before his head is between my thighs and he licks me for the first time.

I jolt up out of my skin with that first contact of his tongue. Shawn moans, deep in his throat and begins to devour me. I come ALIVE with a tingling as I had never felt! I had no idea it could be this good! Shawn has me at the brink before I can even gasp for air, I am so excited. I try to hold back, to savour this. But I can't! It's just too amazing!

The first wave of euphoria hits me as I begin to orgasm. Higher and higher and higher Shawn takes me. I am thrashing my head side to side and crying out over and over, lifting my hips to bring my sex more into Shawn's mouth. He's gently sucking my clitoris in and releasing it in a rapid succession. In and out in and out in and out. No teeth only that lovely tongue and his lips.

My world shatters into a million pieces as I cry his name and undulate underneath him, hips dancing on the end of that tongue! On and on over and over. Wave after wave of pleasure until his moans and groans urge me on and forward. I can't take it anymore! I come a second time! The first never really subsiding before I am sent screaming to the heavens, arching my back and coming like I have never come before!

He's gently licking my labia as I float back down to earth.

My eyes have shed real tears at the explosive orgasms that took both of us by surprise! He slowly sits up and leans over me.

"Nice?" his lips are glistening with my wetness.

I snort.

"You're kidding right?" I laugh.

The right corner of his lips kick up into a grin right before he leans down and takes my left nipple into his mouth.

"SHAWN!" I cry out in surprise. And he tortures both of my nipples again, suckling them, rolling them between his fingers, running his rough, calloused hands over them, taughtening them. Making me squirm and call out for mercy.

And then he rises and slides a thigh between mine. I tentatively take his beautiful cock in my hands and stroke him. Making him bury his face in my throat as he's biting me, several times. I cup his large, pendulous balls, rubbing my flat palm over them and then cupping them again, stroking and holding. He is sliding his other thigh between mine and rising above me on his arms.

"I want you Feline. I want you now..." his voice is low, gravely, almost sounding as if he is in pain!

"I want you!" I whisper fiercely.

"Tell me to stop ok? If it's too much?" he says, gazing down at me.

I nod. Wrapping my pale thighs around his sun kissed ones, he settles into the cradle of my hips.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yes." I smile up at him and he takes my mouth in a deep kiss.

Then I feel him, very hard and very large pressing against me. He's searching, looking for the place, sliding along my sex coating himself in my slickness. It feels delicious, his hardness against my softness.

And then he finds it, and aims it home.

His first thrust stretches me. Makes me gasp. His second gets no deeper than the first. And then his hips reverse course and quickly drive forward, through my virginity and deep inside of me, pushing all the air out of my lungs! I cry out in surprised pain.

He stops, holding position. Keeping still. "Kitten? God are you ok?" His eyes are filled with concern. He strokes my cheek.

I inhale and reach down to feel Shawn inside me, throbbing. I smile softly, looking up at him.

"I guess we aren't virgins anymore?" He laughs.

"Shit I thought I really hurt you." he says fiercely.

"I'm alright. Just...keep being gentle K?" I ask him, stroking his back, his shoulders.

"Always, little Feline. I never want to hurt you." he kisses the tip of my nose and begins to move within me.

I wish that the thrusts he gives me after that initial one were not as painful. But they were. Shawn's just such a large man. All over. I'm only 5'3" and never got over 95 pounds. We must look hilarious together, this small, pale, goth girl underneath this gigantic bronzed god.

Eventually though, something delicious starts to happen. I begin to feel pleasure again. And not just pleasure, bliss! I'm euphoric as Shawn continues his slow, gentle, steady rhythm within me. And soon I am crying out, not in pain but in ecstasy.

He's moaning, groaning, saying all manner of wonderful things to me. Telling me how good I feel, how beautiful I look in the moonlight. How much he has wanted to do this with me. How much he cares for me. Our bodies take on a rhythm not unlike the ocean licking at the sands on the beach: ebbing and flowing, ebbing and flowing.

I'm not in my body anymore. I'm somewhere high above in the sky as the first orgasm I have on Shawn's member shakes me to my core.

I scream out to the night! My body feels like it's vibrating as he is hammering into me incredibly deep and saying my name. I cry out, over and over! I had never known an orgasm could feel like this! In all my nights alone in bed, dreaming about what Shawn would do to me, I had never made myself come like this. I'm spiralling out of control as I grip my lover to me and come and come and come.

And then I feel him, he thickens and thrusts hard into me, once twice three times and embeds himself deeper than he's gotten so far, inside me. He quakes and groans and throws his head back and roars to the sky. I feel something warm release into me! O MY GOD! He is coming in me!! Now I am grateful mom got me on the pill last year. Because this is the most incredible feeling I never want to miss out on! His cum, jetting inside of me. His arms tight around me, his face now buried in my neck as he moans and grits out how good I feel between closed teeth.

And then we collapse. He's so sweet. He never lays his full weight on me. But I get to feel his powerful body on top of me, owning me in the most lovely way.

We come back down to earth together in each others arms.

That night he makes love to me four more times. Each time, unloading himself inside me. Each time he makes sure I come before he does, or at the same time. Eventually I feel the pull of sleep.

Not before I hear him whisper my name.


"I love you. Always have." and then he's snoring softly and I am the happiest woman in the entire world as I slip into amazing darkness. Shawn wrapped around me, protectively.

To be continued...

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vcwriter17bvcwriter17balmost 2 years ago

I like the story. There are a few things an editor should have caught or at least questioned, the reference to Olympic team for example. Compressing all of the action into one evening isn’t necessary and makes the action a bit choppy. Compression also tends to make the characters seem one-dimensional — and that subtracts from emotional impact. It’s a good plot that could become a truly great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story flirts with the math of whether she's 18 or 17. Is she 4 years younger or 5? Are they 4 years older or 5?

Can't finish this story.... not worth it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've read quite a bit of erotica over the years. None as well woven into a story, as yours. It doesn't feel like a sex story, but an erotic love story.

westerntigerwesterntigerover 2 years ago

A really well written sweet story of teenage love and lust. The description of the lead characters is excellent. And the love making scene is hot without all the hyper description of so many stories. Thank you - looking forward to the rest of the series.

LV4206LV4206over 2 years agoAuthor


Great debut - will be watching out for more

===========> Thank you!! I hope you liked chapters 2, 3 and 4 also!


Nice, thanks

===========> Thank YOU literotica friend! Appreciated.

LV4206LV4206over 2 years agoAuthor


Good premise.

Nicely told story. Sweet.

But could have used mote detailed foreplay. Could have used some touching his cock and balls -- after all, this was her first time seeing/handling anyone's -- and enjoying learning how her ministrations brought him pleasure. Could have used more of him playing with her pussy, questioning whether he was doing it right, and following her directions to make her orgasm.

Why wouldn't he bring a condom? He had no idea she was on the pill. Why wouldn't he bring a condom and -- at least start putting it on before she told him he didn't need it?

And you wrote HAY when you meant HEY.

Four stars.

==========> Hello Anon! Thank you so much stopping by to read! Sweet is definitely what I am going for! Glad that comes across.

Because I plan on going on with the story of Shawn and Feline for some time and I have so many ideas and I have several more chapters written, I didn't want to just "blow my load" you know? In one sex scene. I wanted to be able to expand and expand on their sex scenes. First time sex between two virgins is usually not super adventurous and filled with fumbling and in a hurry. ASK ME HOW I KNOW! Lolol. So I wanted to make it sexy, but I didn't want it too detailed. I wanted it to be somewhat believable. Then I can make the scenes get steamier and steamier as chapters go along, as they learn more about one another and get more adventurous. Dig?

Also, your condom question was answered in chapter 3. :) Hope that helps. THANK YOU for the spelling help. Maybe it's a Canadian thing (I'm Canadian) we spell it Hay instead of Hey. I know hay is for horses (cows eat it too). Maybe it's a me thing. In any case. By chapter 4 I have gone over and fixed all the hay's into hey's. Wow that was convoluted. Thanks for the 4 stars! Appreciated. Have a great day!

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11over 2 years ago

Great debut - will be watching out for more

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good premise.

Nicely told story. Sweet.

But could have used mote detailed foreplay. Could have used some touching his cock and balls -- after all, this was her first time seeing/handling anyone's -- and enjoying learning how her ministrations brought him pleasure. Could have used more of him playing with her pussy, questioning whether he was doing it right, and following her directions to make her orgasm.

Why wouldn't he bring a condom? He had no idea she was on the pill. Why wouldn't he bring a condom and -- at least start putting it on before she told him he didn't need it?

And you wrote HAY when you meant HEY.

Four stars.

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