My Daughter and Her Friend

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Daughter swap ends in full fledged incest.
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"Daddy, can you take me and Kaitlyn camping this weekend?" my daughter asked.

My daughter Madison was 19 years old and home from college for the summer. She had been friends with Kaitlyn since high school and they became even closer having gone to the same university.

"I'll have to think about it." I said. Truthfully I wasn't too keen on the idea. I liked the great outdoors as much as anyone, but when it came to sleeping, I much preferred my own plush mattress to the cold hard ground, especially since I'd hit my mid 40's. I also felt uneasy around Kaitlyn who had discovered her power over older men and had been trying to seduce me since the day she came back from school.

"What if Mr. Jones goes too?" Maddie said, referring to Kaitlyn's Dad.

I let out my breath and spoke slowly. After a few moments I relented saying "Ok, fine. If Tyler can make it, we'll go up to the lake." After all, I genuinely did want to maximize time with my daughter. Since Maddie's mother and I had divorced and she moved to the west coast, It occurred to me I might not get to see Maddie again for a long time. Now that she was an adult, she could choose where to spend her time, and I only had a few years before I wasn't just sharing her with my ex wife, but also her adult life and responsibilities too.

"Yay!" she said, jumping up and down causing the crop top she was wearing to ride up and expose her abdomen. She then gave me a hug with her entire body, nuzzling her blonde hair into my chest the same way she did when she was younger, only now I could feel her soft C cup tits against me and I wished she wouldn't do that. "We're going to have so much fun!" she sang, but I was apprehensive.

At first I thought I was flattering myself that a gorgeous young woman my daughter's age would be interested in me; a 45 year old man with gray at the temples. I was in reasonable shape, hitting the gym 3 days a week, but had average good looks and was more than double her age. Besides, she was gorgeous. She had long legs, dark hair and a killer body. She could have any man she wanted. The more I resisted though, the more forward the signals became until they were as obvious as a fire alarm going off in a government building.

For example, when Kaitlyn was visiting Maddie, once I walked down the hall and caught her coming out of Maddie's room clad in nothing but a sheer white t- shirt. The shadow of her pussy was just visible below the hemline, and the outline of her perky upturned breasts was in equal amounts captivating and shocking under the sheer material. She smiled seductively at me and touched her hair, causing my imagination to wonder what she had been doing with my daughter.

Of course I ignored it and acted as though she had been wearing a ski suit, but then a few days later, I went out to mow the grass and saw the girls sunning themselves by the pool. By the time I'd gotten the mower from the shed, both were nude and standing under the spray of the outdoor shower. They weren't just innocently washing themselves either. They were helping each other by running hands over soapy breasts and Kaitlyn was looking directly at me and smiling.

After Kaitlyn left, I decided to talk to Maddie about what happened. The sex stuff had gone too far and I didn't appreciate my daughter and her friend putting on a show that needed an X rating. Whatever she did at college was her business. If she wanted to engage in orgies and have lesbian sex, I certainly couldn't stop her. I only hoped she was responsible about it and took everything she had learned in sex ed seriously. At home; however, she needed to have some respect and be discreet. She just laughed and called me a prude, and still dressed more risque than I would have liked, but at least there were no more displays of overt sexuality in the backyard. Kaitlyn on the other hand continued to flirt, smile, and lick her lips a little too often when she talked to me.

By the time Friday rolled around, I did start looking forward to the trip. I bought some new camping gear along with some junk food and beer. It would be nice to get out in nature. To fill our lungs with fresh mountain air. To do some hiking and see the broad tree trunks and lush greens of late summer. The lake itself would be gorgeous too, and I remembered how it shimmered in the sun with the pine trees reflecting in it.

I reasoned Kaitlyn would certainly act appropriately in front of her Dad though. Tyler, was an ex marine and now owned a gym. In fact, he had coached Maddie over the summer to help her lose the freshman 15 (more like 5 in her case), and was much more of a hard ass than I ever was. Hell, Kaitlyn would likely show up in a shapeless sack dress that covered her head to toe, so without too much worry, I packed up the Jeep Wrangler and the four of us headed to the lake.

On the trip up, Maddie and Kaitlyn mostly stayed on their phones, whispering and giggling in the back while Tyler and I made conversation. We talked about football, work, and weight lifting since that was all we really had in common, though I was an amateur in the weight room myself.

I was happy to see that my prediction was right, and that Kaitlyn had dressed far more modestly than she had at my house. It wasn't exactly a sack dress, but instead had dressed very similar to my daughter in a loosely fitting white shirt and cut off shorts that landed about mid thigh. It was a far cry from some of the camel toe yoga pants and tops that revealed far too much cleavage she had worn around in front of me.

When we got to the lake, I was happy to see that the location I had picked to camp in was still remote enough that there weren't many other people around. Despite the fact it was peak camping season, the views were breathtaking, and the fish freshly stocked in the lake.

To cap it all off, my weather app said the mountains would get a high of 75 during the day, and it would be a crisp 55 degrees at night, which wouldn't be too uncomfortable in tents with thermal sleeping bags. We had planned the girls would share the big tent, and Tyler and I would have our own smaller one man tents that would be tolerable enough for one night. Only when we parked and started unloading, we discovered the only tent that made it to the mountain was the big one meant for the girls.

"That's funny." I said, genuinely perplexed. "I distinctly remember putting all three tents in the back."

"I don't know what happened, Daddy." Madison said, looking around. "It's not here." she said, exaggerating a shrug. With the movement, I noticed her breast jiggle for the first time that day and realized she wasn't wearing a bra. I wasn't the only one who noticed either. When I looked at Tyler, his eyes seemed fixated on her chest, but as soon as he realized I saw where he was looking he quickly averted his gaze.

"It's ok." I said. "We'll spend the day fishing and go home." I said, not liking the idea of having to drive another three and a half hours, but not entirely angry to be going back to my massive king sized bed I shared with no one. Well, most nights anyway.

"No!" Kaitlyn protested.

"It will be ok, Daddy." Maddie said. "Let's all sleep together in the tent. All of us. It's big enough. See? It's rated for four people." she said pointing to some tag or other you would have to have a magnifying glass to read.

I let out a heavy sigh. "What do you think, Tyler?" I was hoping he would back me up and say we needed to go back home under the circumstances. If he said it, it would save me from being the bad guy.

"The seats on the jeep fold down. The girls can sleep there." He said. I let out my breath. I was afraid he would think of that. "With the foam padding, it might be even more comfortable than the tent."

"Ok, fine." I relented and let out my breath. "We'll stay the night. You girls can sleep in the Jeep and us guys will stay in the tent." I was expecting the girls to jump for joy like Madison did when I told her we would go camping, but instead she stuck out her lower lip. "What's wrong, pumpkin?" I asked.

"Nothing." she said and grabbed the cooler for fish out of the truck. Kaitlyn looked equally disappointed and took out the fishing poles and tackle box.

About an hour after we set up camp, the girls went hiking on a trail that went around the lake. They promised not to go too far out, and Tyler and I stayed behind to go fishing.

Now that the ice was broken, Tyler seemed to open up a bit more. I found out he was divorced (which I had known) but that he had recently broken up with his long time girlfriend and had been single for about six months. I could relate since the divorce from Maddie's mom had only taken place about two years ago.

"It's tough out there, dating," he said. "At middle age, women love to flirt, but they only want attention. All the good ones are married and don't want to have an affair. Not when it comes down to it."

I had to agree he was probably right. I'd had a few one night stands after Maddie's mom to get my dick wet, but there wasn't anybody I'd consider relationship material, though I longed for something real and tangible. A real love that would be returned.

"Actually, you want to know something?" he asked. He hesitated as if weighing whether or not it was a good idea to say what he was thinking, then blurted out "I think Kaitlyn is into you." he told me. "You saw her light up when she got in the car didn't you?"

"Really? You think so?" I asked, playing dumb. I wasn't about to tell him how she had greeted me in the hallway sans underwear and put on a porn site worthy show for me in the backyard.

"She was bitching and moaning all morning, but when you rolled up, her attitude changed entirely. You didn't notice her looking at you and blushing?" He said as he recast his line.

Actually, now that he mentioned it, I wondered if maybe my daughter could be interested in Tyler. I hadn't thought of it before, but she had been going to the gym all summer with Kaitlyn, and I had forked over quite a bit of cash for a few personal training sessions with Tyler. The more I thought of it, the more I considered the possibility.

"They've just discovered the power they have over men." I said. "It's a phase. It excites them to be able to control men that have always been authority figures. It will pass." I said in my most reasonable voice, as though the idea of fucking his daughter didn't enter my mind every time I jacked off.

"Yep." Tyler said as he reeled in his line looking out over the water. "I'm sure it's just a passing thing."

At around four o'clock, the girls came back from their hike sopping wet. They claimed to have fallen in the water, and I could clearly see their breasts through wet white shirts. Kaitlyn's were slightly larger and her nipples darker than my daughters, but otherwise the shape of them was almost identical. Thinking about how Kaitlyn's crush on me was so obvious even her Dad picked up on it caused my cock to harden as my eyes scanned both of them standing side by side. I wondered if they knew how sexy they looked and wondered if they planned the whole thing. After all, that trail was lined with gravel and at least a two yards wide. People biked it all the time. There was literally no way they accidentally fell in the lake.

"You girls get back to camp and towel off. Make sure to get on some warm clothes and hang up those wet ones. It's going to get cold later." I cautioned.

Tyler and I fished for about 15 more minutes, then decided to call it quits and head back in towards camp, but when we got there, were shocked to find both girls stripped down naked out in the open. I could understand not wanting to change inside their tent, but they seemed to be taking their time, toweling off their hair as they strutted around showing off their shaved (or waxed?) pussies.

God, I was glad Tyler had come, and was grateful when he said "You girls cover up" in a not exactly angry, but forceful tone. The girls rolled their eyes and obeyed while I got the fire ready and Tyler prepared the fish to be cooked and wrapped them in foil.

After we ate the largemouth bass and sat by the fire, it was Kaitlyn who said "Daddy, why are you such a prude? Nakedness and sexuality is natural. Why is it not ok to be free?" she asked.

"Is this what they are teaching you at that college?" Tyler said not answering the question.

"Clothing is oppression, and if we feel like being naked as women, we should be able to be. I think you're being really mean, making us cover up when we don't want to, and not expressing ourselves."

"Well Jeff probably doesn't need to see your full body on display. Did you think of how it might make him feel?"

"But women's empowerment is not how it makes other people feel. How other people feel about the human form is on them. I'm doing what makes me happy." she said. "If it makes other people horney" she said, looking directly at me. I averted my eyes to the fire.

"What if you're walking down the street naked and people start laughing, or worse, some guy pulls out his dick and starts fucking you." Tyler pointed out. "How are you going to feel then?"

"Well, maybe I want to get fucked." she said, still staring at me.

Tyler seemed speechless for the moment, then my daughter chimed in. "Mr. Jones, I'm really proud of the body I have now that you helped me work on it." she said "I only wanted to show it off to you, really. Just so you could see how much I've improved."

After my daughter spoke, Tyler calmed down and said in a much nicer tone, "Yes, I see you've made a lot of improvement with your muscle definition, Madison. Still, I'm sure your father agrees with me. No more nudity. It's not appropriate in front of opposite sex parents."

We sat by the fire for a while longer and I tried to change the subject. It took awhile, but I finally got the girls talking about college, what they were studying, working out, a little about my computer business, and then we decided to turn in. The girls hugged us goodnight the way daughters should hug their fathers, and they went to the jeep and Tyler and I made our way to the tent.

After getting in my sleeping bag, I realized how horny I was. Somehow having Tyler confirm that Kaitlyn did have a crush on me plus seeing the girls nude sent my sex drive soaring and now it was going to suck sleeping in a tent with somebody else. Oh, well. It was one night. Tomorrow morning we'd drive back, and I could pleasure myself as much as I wanted. I'd probably lock myself in my room for five hours straight.

I tried to think of anything but sex. The times tables, saying the alphabet backwards, and other such mundane things to keep my mind occupied and grow bored enough to sleep.

Finally, when I was somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, the zipper to our tent opened, and the girl's appeared.

"Daddy, we're scared!" my daughter said. She was carrying her phone as a flashlight and it cast the entire area in a dim light. She then collapsed into Tyler's arms. Madison then came into mine, and snuggled herself to my chest.

"What the fuck?" I said, realizing what was happening.

"Please don't kick us out." Kaitlyn said, snuggling against me. "There is a bear out there."

"A bear?" I said, "there aren't any bears in this state. There haven't been any sightings in 50 years or more."

"Oh. Well, a bobcat then."

"I highly doubt it. Those are mostly in the badlands."

"Well, we're scared, and want to stay with you." Madison said, and nuzzled herself against Tyler, and I felt Kaitlyn's crotch against my leg. When her hand found my dick, I was powerless to stop her from touching it. All the pent up sexual energy, not only from the events of the day but over the last few months made it impossible for me to put a stop to it.

I looked over at Tyler, and saw he felt like I did, which was powerless against our daughters. They had brought us out here to fuck us, it was clear. From forgetting the tents, to "falling in the lake," to parading nude around us, it was becoming more and more obvious. Who knew how long my daughter had been teasing Tyler during their workouts? What if he had been getting the same treatment I had from Kaitlyn?

"Fuck." Tyler said as I saw my daughter's hand jack Tyler's cock under the sleeping bag. He seemed to be ok with it, so I went with it. God it felt good after being teased so much. The little minx deserved to get fucked after what she had put me through.

Before I knew it, I was grabbing at Kaitlyn's tits. The beautiful round orbs she had been dangling in front of me. I reached for them and they were soft and pliable, and before I knew it, she took her hand off my cock so that she could put her breasts in my face while I sucked them and she ground her pussy against my rod.

It looked as though Maddie was doing the same to Tyler, and the sight of my sweet, innocent girl getting pleasure from her best friend's father fueled my lust and caused me to position myself against Kaitlyn's hot snatch.

With absolutely no help from me, my cock was sucked inside her. She was unbelievably hot and wet, and my cock seemed to fit inside her pussy as though it was made especially for me.

As Kaitlyn fucked me, I looked over at my daughter bathed in the glow from the flashlight. She looked me straight in the eye and made a kissing motion with her mouth, arched her back and moaned as she enjoyed Tyler's cock. In response, I puckered my lips together in imitation, and felt the overwhelming pleasure I was getting from the vice like 19 year old cunt that was fucking me.

"Oh God," Kaitlyn said, "I want you to fuck me doggie style." she said. She got off my dick, and I quickly maneuvered behind her in order to oblige.

Tyler followed suit, and soon I was watching not only my own cock disappear into one of the hottest piece of ass I'd had in recent memory, but watching and also hearing, my daughter moan with pleasure as she got fucked as well.

When Kaitlyn's pussy contracted around my dick, the sensation proved to be too much. I couldn't hold off any longer. It seemed as if every nerve ending in my body was centered in my dick, and I pulled out and exploded all over Kaitlyn's back with a mind bending explosion. I guess the sight of my 7 inch cock going off got Tyler excited too, and almost as soon as I finished, he pulled out his somewhat shorter, but thicker cock out of my daughter and exploded all over her heart shaped ass.

"Oh God." I swore and collapsed, too stoned on endorphins to feel anything but complete bliss. Then, I had the distinct feeling of having girls beside me, and for the first time in my life was able to experience how it felt to fall asleep between two sets of tits.

That night I slept better than I remembered sleeping in my entire life. I guess it was a combination of a great fuck and the mountain air, but I had near black out sleep. As soon as I opened my eyes and took account of what happened, I felt guilty.

What had I done? I'd fucked my daughter's friend in front of my daughter. I should have said no. I should have told them both it was inappropriate and wrong. What was worse is, Maddie might never forgive me. Even if she didn't get the implication now, surely she would in a few years. What would her future lovers think when she told them of her past sexual experiences? Would I become something she would end up in the psychiatrists office about? Someone she would cut off when I became older?

A few minutes into my freak out, Kaitlyn and Maddie woke up with a huge smile on their faces. Maddie even kissed me on the cheek while Kaitlyn touched my half hard cock as though she wanted a round two, but Tyler put an end to that asking, "Should we do a little hiking before going back home?" and sat up as though nothing had happened out of the ordinary.