My Exhibitionist Best Friend Pt. 02

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Emily tells me how her exhibitionist history started.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/20/2024
Created 05/27/2020
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Chapter 2

Emily did agree to meet me that afternoon to talk. But she refused to actually do the talking part in public. Too much risk of being overheard and being embarrassed again, which was a little ironic since the secret is that she wanted everyone there to see her naked. We grabbed coffee at the student center and then went back to her room since Zoe was out all day at the library.

We sat and for a moment, neither knew how to start.

So I began. "So Emily. Why exactly do you want to be naked in front of your friends?"

Reminding her that I knew made her blush and look down for a moment. "Well, uh. It's been a thing for a while I guess, but really in the last couple years," she began.

"I guess I should just tell you the truth since you called me out about it. There's a lot of story here," she said as she readjusted her position on the couch. "I guess I always enjoyed being naked in the normal kind of way growing up. You know what I mean. It was freeing and I didn't know better.But the, well exhibitionist thoughts didn't really start until recently."

"I think the real start came the summer after I graduated from high school, when I worked as a lifeguard at a pool in town. It was a good job. Got to hang out at the pool and relax for most of the summer. Of course, I had a uniform, that classic red one-piece lifeguard look. Nothing revealing obviously. But I could feel the looks when I was sitting up there on that perch and when I would walk around the pool. Maybe it was really an authority thing, but I just felt like everyone was staring at me. As if trying to see through the suit. I felt so on display. It did something to me. Oh god I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"Please, keep going, I already know where this story ends! And I mean I did see your vagina yesterday, so no need to be embarrassed just by talking," I said.

The blush was back, stronger than ever. But it was true, and she knew it.

"Ok so the suit was part of it, but not the main thing. So the pool I worked at had showers in the women's room for us to use before and after our shifts. I never had showers in school growing up, my school just wasn't set up like that, so this was new. They were basically open plan showers, no curtains, no privacy, nothing. The first couple days, I showered in my suit, like all of the other lifeguards. It was odd to shower with something on, and I really was tempted to go for it naked, but it just didn't seem right since it appeared that the standard was to just wear the suit."

"But then after a week, a couple new girls started working. The three of them worked the previous summer and just got back into town from college. They were tight friends and acted like they already knew what they were doing, well, because they did. And on the very first day, at the end of their shift, they did it. All three, showering naked together in the middle of the room, not a care at all about who saw them. I was getting ready for my shift at the time and watched them out of the corner of my eye."

"It was all I could think about that day. They didn't look embarrassed. They didn't act like they had something to hide. So I decided that now that they had done it, I could do it and it wouldn't be as weird. So after my shift the next day, I did it. I was alone at the time in the showers, which was perfect because I'm not sure I would have done it if it was full. I pulled off the suit and took a naked shower. I know, really not that scandalous. But it felt freeing, like I felt when I was naked growing up. It felt good and normal, but actually not as exciting as I had thought it would be. After a minute though, the door opened and I heard someone walking my way. I considered covering or running for a split second, but realized that I wasn't doing anything wrong, so why care."

"Two other lifeguards walked into the showers and joined me as I was finishing up. Neither undressed, and none of us spoke. And I avoided eye contact. I left after a couple moments to go get dressed, but I wished I could have stayed naked there forever. It was like a high to be naked there, around other people who weren't naked with you. I realized in that moment that the other people around made the difference for me. Oh I'm sure I sound insane to you."

"No I get it!" I interjected. "There's something so natural about being naked, so I get it. And it sounds like you really really like it. I've got to say, I'm impressed with how nervous you acted about being naked yesterday. Good acting."

"No I actually was nervous! I mean you two are my best friends. It's a nerve-racking situation, even if I like it. It's definitely been a fantasy for a while to be naked around my friends," she replied while looking away. "Oh now I'm embarrassed again. I'm really not sure I should keep going."

"No I feel like there's more to this story. Please keep going," I said. "I do have one question though."

"What? I'm sure you could have a ton of questions here," she answered, slightly laughing.

"So, if you enjoy being naked, and specifically naked in front of other people, why aren't you naked right now?"

No immediate response. She looked at me slightly shocked that I would say that, but also completely understanding what I meant. I could see her thinking as she looked away.

"On the one hand, that just seems weird and inappropriate. On the other hand, I flashed you for an hour yesterday and just confessed to being an exhibitionist to you," she finally replied.

She then stood up from the sofa, saying, "So I think you are completely right." She then pulled her shirt over her head in a quick motion and slid down her shorts, leaving her in her underwear. Strangely, since I didn't see her in this state yesterday, it was especially hot to me. But it didn't last long because then her bra and panties were off just as quick. Naked Emily was back, basically 24 hours after her first appearance and I was so happy to have seen her both times.

She returned to her seat and acted like it was back to normal. I, like yesterday, tried to be professional at first and keep eye contact, but Emily quickly said, "Hey Ben, you can look you know. That's kind of the point. It feels weirder to me if I'm naked and you don't even acknowledge it. So stare away!" She lifted her arms and somewhat posed while saying that, pushing out her perky tits for a fantastic view.

I let my eyes fall all over her and didn't look away for what felt like a minute. Her skin looked so smooth and tight, with perfect athletic curves that accentuate what she was working with. Small breasts, just enough to fit in your hand. Perky nipples that were already starting to stand up. A slim waist leading down to a set of killer hips and a toned ass. Long, slender legs. Even her feet were attractive. She hid quite a hot body away under that normal girl style she put on. The way she was sitting, I could just get a peak at the top of her slit, but I knew that I'd find a way to see more of that again soon.

I eventually looked back up, causing her to smile and laugh again. She had been watching my eyes cover her. "Ok back to the story," I said.

"Ok! I do feel much more comfortable now, so thank you for the suggestion. So anyway, after trying out showering naked at work, that became my new routine. Every shift, I was naked before and after. Undress at my locker, hang around for a couple extra moments to extend the nudity, then walk to the showers and shower as slowly as possible. Sometimes there were others in there, sometimes not, but I always enjoyed it in some way. I would then get dressed back at my locker and go back to my non-nude life. I even started coming to the pool on off days so I could shower more, since it was the same setup in the public locker room. And those days, I was able to wear a much skimpier bikini that I really loved. And everyone loved seeing me in it based on the stares. I really was only naked in front of 2 or 3 people at a time and no one really looked at me, but it was enough."

"That was as far as I took it over that summer though. There wasn't really opportunities for more adventures at home where I was surrounded by family. I didn't feel like an exhibitionist, I just felt like a girl that liked to be naked in the locker room. I felt less weird by thinking of it like that. Then it was time for college. I had thought of college as my time to really break out of my normal and try things that I'd always wanted to do. And that extended to the nudity I suppose."

"I signed up for a random roommate that year. My plan was to just introduce some casual nudity into the room to get more comfortable with it. Undress with her in the room, sleep naked, towel off after a shower in front of her, stuff like that. I did all of that, and I loved it, but it wasn't enough really. Just one person and it was so normal and boring. I was going to the school gym a lot too, and showering there just like at the pool. I think I once spent about 30 minutes naked in the locker room, just pretending to be doing something. That was a little better, but now I frequently wasn't the only one naked and it just didn't do it for me like it used to."

"That was the point that I learned something else about my exhibitionism need. If I wasn't supposed to be naked, or if it was out of the ordinary to be naked, it became way more exciting for me. This is super embarrassing, but um, that's the point that the nakedness turned from being about feeling free to, um well, the sexual thrill." She looked away, and followed "I am absolutely crazy to have just told you that."

"You are sitting here naked, so its not really the craziest part of this situation," I told her. As I said this, I looked over her body again, and noticed that she had started to slouch to a position that her pussy was starting to get much more visible. Could that be on purpose?

"Oh good point," she laughed, oblivious to my discovery. "It just feels so much better to be naked when you are not expected to be. Like sitting next to your best friend on your sofa!"

"Can't say I'd complain," I replied.

"So here's the big climax to my exhibitionist story. Get ready, a lot is about to happen. So my normal room and gym routine wasn't enough for me at that point. So, um I decided to do something crazy. This was about 3 months into freshman year and the urges were too much. I'd been having fantasies about how I could be naked. But of all of them, I kept coming back to one, the classic streak. It's such a college thing to do, so it felt right."

"You went streaking!" I exclaimed. I was actually shocked. I would never have expected Emily to do something like that. I also would not have expected to be sitting with her naked right now, so what do I know.

"I did! But there's more to this story," she said.

"Ok so I planned for a couple days and decided to do it late at night on a Tuesday, assuming the least amount of people out. I mean I wanted to be seen in some way, but not really by many people and not for very long. I also needed to not get caught and ruin my reputation, so I bought a ski mask to wear. Yes, me, streaking with just a ski mask and tennis shoes. The plan was to take a walk at about 11:30pm, fully dressed of course. I acted like I was going to the library to study, but headed over to the engineering side of campus, where it was always a little quieter at night. I had scoped out the area a couple nights before and had a route."

"Around midnight I took my place over by the side door alcove of the main building. I had circled the building and didn't see much activity at all, so it looked like I was going to be safe to do it as planned. It took me forever standing there in the darkness to fully work up the courage for what I was about to do. I mean with my previous exhibitionist activities, I was in private. But here I was about to streak the college campus that I just started at 3 months ago. Finally, I slipped the mask on then my clothes off, and neatly folded them up in the darkness of the bushes by the door."

"I watched and listened for another minute or two before beginning. My plan was to make a quick circle around the smaller building next door and then loop back to the clothes. That would involve running down one of the main pedestrian paths and across a courtyard, but at a light jogging pace, it would only take about 2 minutes. I wanted something easy. I started out walking though, both to savor the moment and to continue watching my surroundings. I kept out of lights until I hit that main pathway, where the streak really started."

"I looked and listened. A couple cars passing by nearby, the slam of a car door in the distance, two people on the pedestrian path a hundred yards away going the opposite direction. It looked safe, so I went for it. I started running down the path, the same path that a thousand students walk on every day, except I was naked. After just a moment, it was time to turn left and start around the far side of the building. No problems on the side either and I began to make my way back in the direction of my clothes, which would take me across a little courtyard that all the buildings look down on."

"My ideal fantasy of how this would go would be that maybe a couple people in a window above would have seen me as I ran, maybe even one or two people on the path as I raced by, and then I'd back to the clothes and gone to safety within 2 or 3 minutes. I'd even have been happy if no one at all saw me, just so that I could be out in the night air naked. It didn't exactly go that way."

"Ok so I slowed to look across the courtyard and it looked fine, so I kept going, right through the middle. Halfway across though, I hear a door open and people talking. I nearly had a panic attack right then. Even though I wanted to be seen, it was still instinct to freak out a little. I had to keep on running since I'm wasn't sure where they were but then I hear something like 'Holy shit, a naked girl' and a bunch of laughter. I'd definitely been seen and it sounded like a bunch of people. I'm right at the edge of the courtyard when one of them then says 'She's streaking. Let's follow her!"

"Oh no," I said.

"Yes that's about what I felt too. So I was streaking and was about to have followers. The problem was that I was just about 100 feet from my clothes, but if I was being followed, the people would have found me when I was getting dressed and I'd have been caught. I couldn't let that happen so I did something stupid and kept running, right past my clothes. My plan was to find somewhere to hide and wait it out."

"But wait, why didn't you just grab your clothes and keep running and get dressed somewhere else?" I asked, confused at the situation.

"That would have been the logical thing to do, but when you are streaking, apparently there is no logic," she laughed.

"So I did quickly find a big bushy area to hide in that wasn't very well lit, so I felt good about my hiding spot. After just a second, I saw 3 guys and a girl coming around the building, looking for me of course. Luckily for me, it seemed that they decided to give up just as soon as they saw I was gone, thank god. But then they just stood around and started talking! Right where my clothes were!" she said in a frustrated tone.

I laughed out loud. This really was quite the story.

"So I had to wait for a while. I hid in that bush for probably half an hour. They were only there for about 15 minutes, talking, but I was too paranoid to head back to my clothes. Eventually, I bolted back to the hiding spot, scooped the clothes, and then sprinted back to the safety of the bush to get dressed. I walked back to my dorm at that point, nearly 1 AM, slightly delirious about what I just had done and then I passed out. I only found all the bush scratches all over me the next day in the shower."

"After that disaster of an attempt, I swore off the exhibitionist stuff, at least the actually public stuff that could lead to trouble. It's just too dangerous. I still got what I needed at the gym, but the fear of getting really caught kept me from elevating it. The next year, I met Zoe, and became friends with her. I found out about nude modeling from her, and was initially shocked that she did that without any issues, but then realized that it might be a good way for me to be naked too. Fast forward to last summer, and that figure drawing class, and I took it as a sign that I needed to make it happen somehow. I was too nervous to try it for a real class, so I decided to try a smaller group. And from there, you know the rest of the story. Oh and yes,I knew about the sketchbook project and yes I suggested the class just so that this situation might happen. Congratulations, you are now the only person that fully knows about my exhibitionism! I will literally kill you if you tell anyone."

"Wow. Not sure what else to say. I definitely never would have expected this from you. I thought you were the classic good girl, and now I hear that you like to streak? Shocking!" I said. I looked over her again, marveling at the body in front of me. Even more relaxed now.

"Well with my experience, I'm not going to say that I like to streak," she replied with some sarcasm.

"Fair point. Your plan was the problem, too easy to mess it up with something unexpected. I think it would have gone a lot better if you just had some help," I told her. "If you had someone with you holding the clothes, all your problems would be solved. I could do that."

"Oh Ben, no I'm not interested in finding a better way to streak. I keep my exhibitionism to safe moments now. Like figure modeling. I really think I might like to keep doing it. Even if it's just around here. It's enough, I promise. Thank you though," she replied.

I honestly didn't believe her. It was pretty clear that she wanted more than that, but I wasn't going to push it for now.

"Ok, ok I get it. Well I'm glad to be able to help with your exhibitionist release in some way. Always, literally always, willing to let you be naked around me," I joked. She laughed, obviously continuing to enjoy the situation. So I decided to try to push it in a different direction.

"I have another question. Like the last one actually. So you are enjoying being naked right now and showing yourself off to me. Would you enjoy it more if you showed off a little more?"

"Um what do you mean?" she asked, not sure where this was going.

"Well I've seen your tits. I've seen your ass. And you teased a bit of your vagina too. So now I think you should really let me see it. Show me the rest of you down there. I think you want that," I said confidently, hoping that this would work.

Like last time, a look of shock at first but no response. She then stood up and walked to her room, softly closing the door. Fuck, I pushed too far, I must have made her decide to go get dressed. I was preparing myself to just be happy with what I got to see and how to apologize to her.

But then she walked back out, still naked.

"Ok. I'll do it for you. Your reward for being a good listener, and you are right, I'll probably enjoy it even more. It's been a while since I really did this for someone. I had a boyfriend at the end of freshman year, but not really much action since then."

She grabbed a chair and sat it in front of the sofa. "For you, I'd rather be on the sofa," she said, pointing me towards it.

I moved, still silent. She sat, also silent. There was an air of awkward energy now. Emily began to slouch and part her legs, like yesterday, but she didn't stop until they were as wide as possible. She lifted her heels up on the sofa edge, showing all of herself to me. I was absolutely hard at this point, but really that had been building all afternoon.

"So is this what you wanted to see Ben?" she asked, making eye contact. I was right, she was loving this. I could tell from her tone and from the glossy texture on her enlarging pussy lips. Holy shit. I could see the edge of her asshole too.