My Little Ventrue Pt. 07 Ch. 22


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"I don't think we'll give up our jobs," Harcourt said. Fear was in his face. It terrified him to admit that truth, but he knew very well she had discerned it on her own.

"I do not expect you to," she said. "But, in the future, perhaps you will consider the reality that not all Kindred so blindly give into their hungers? Not all paranormal creatures willfully listen to the call of their inner monsters."

Isabella, her troupe, Jessy, Fiona, and Eric all stood nearby, all looking at her, all listening. She had not meant to give a speech per say, but there it was.

"I... think we can agree to that," Marge said. "We've all had dealings with friendly vamps before. Just, usually, while surrounded by not-so-friendly vamps."

"Ha." Jessy laughed, and took a step closer, taking Fiona and Eric in with her. "We're all friendly in Dolareido. Well, except for eyeless over there." She pointed over her shoulder with a thumb toward Jacob, who still spoke with Jack and Damien. "And maybe her." Again, she made the gesture, this time for Maria. "But, yeah, considering the situation your bosses had you in, we're all pretty damn happy with the three of you. You especially, Harcourt."

"I got a lot of people killed," the man said, voice heavy.

"Yea but, from what I hear, it was a shitty situation that would have ended a lot worse if you didn't do something." Shrugging, she nodded in Isabella's direction, then in the direction of the Carthians, the witches, the werewolves, then in the direction of the rest of the Invictus. "You guys are welcome at the party, so get partying! Get drunk, get laid, get Kissed. These whores here will make sure you're all well taken care of." She gestured to Isabella's actors, who only smiled at the playful insult.

Antoinette suppressed her urge to groan at Jessy's brazen words, but it was not as if the woman was incorrect. A glance around showed that the ball was going, quite predictably, in a sexual direction. While she had originally doubted the paranormals would actively engage in sex in her ball, she had not put a ban on such an activity. That tantalizing possibility drew many Kindred toward the thralls and ghouls, with obvious intent to render them catatonic in sexual bliss, only to be taken back to their lair to be thoroughly ravaged. Tonight, it would not have surprised the Prince if the kine were ravaged here instead.

She grinned as she noticed Harcourt gulp. Yes, his eyes had begun to look past the Kindred that currently surrounded him, and out to the rest of the ball, where the creatures of the night were beginning to give into their more appealing natures.

Many of the female kine's dresses no longer covered their breasts. Dresses had been pulled down, revealing bosoms of all sizes, bare and beautiful. Skirts had been pulled aside, and panties removed, giving free access to their smooth, wet slits. Not far from Antoinette and the group around her, one woman had a set of fangs in her neck as a man hugged her from behind, and fingered her, earning tiny squeaks of desperation and pleasure. Not far from her, was another female kine, and this one had been stripped bare, not a shred of clothes left on her save for her cute heels. Two men and two women surrounded her, Kindred, and all four of them had their hands on her, massaging, kneading, prying, opening, fingering.

On the other side of the ballroom, where some tables were adorned with trays and glasses, a male lay on his back. His shirt was open to reveal his chest, and one Kindred leaned over it to both kiss and Kiss his muscles. Another Kindred, a woman, stood between the man's legs, and had the kine's shaft in her hand, through the man's boxers. Judging by the small trail of blood on the corner of her mouth, she had already fed, and was eager to see the kine orgasm as her friend also partook.

Not far from them, another male kine was in the same position, lain upon a table. Two women were Kissing him, each draining the man slowly, with obvious intent to milk his pleasure, and their own. Another Kindred stood between his legs, and was letting her impressive bust devour the man's length. She had pulled the black straps of her dress apart to reveal her breasts, though Antoinette could see she had yet to feed. She was waiting for her turn, and would likely have her chest coated in cum before it was. Naturally, after having been dismissed by Isabella earlier, Othello was enjoying his ghoul's touch, and sharing her with one of the female Kindred as well.

For all this blatant sexuality, it was witnessing the Uratha involve themselves that earned a smile from Antoinette. Avery's attempt to communicate with Jacob had been doomed to failure, but that did not stop her pack from integrating themselves with the rest of the Kindred. Mason and Tilly were enjoying themselves, chatting and laughing, and from the body language, Antoinette expected the man to be inside his girlfriend within the next fifteen minutes, likely pinning her to a wall while she Kissed him. Natasha, sweet Natasha, stood with her boyfriends, and while she was trying to talk, the two men were touching her. The balance of frustration and enjoyment on her face was delightful.

The werewolf Brianna stood with a man, and--no, two men, both Kindred. Surprising. Antoinette knew them, Invictus neonates about to enter their ancilla years, a Ventrue and a Gangrel. Both of them were close to her, quite close, enough for chests to be touching her shoulders, and for the two of them to have their lips to her neck. The Ventrue had a hand pressing against the front of her long skirt, fondling and caressing through it against her panties, and the Gangrel was hugged from behind with one hand, while his other hand fondled one of her breasts through the lacy dress. The only reason they had not removed the dress from the drunk, and clearly excited werewolf, was that her dress covered her shoulder to ankle. Mostly see-through, with only a few coiling bits of solid black to hide her nipples and underwear, the dress was ultimately too thin a fabric to prevent thirsting Kindred from indulging themselves with her body.

Once they sank their fangs into her, they would have to hold her up to keep her from falling in orgasm.

More of the Uratha mingled with the Kindred. Carter spoke with several female Kindred, young things that were clearly intrigued by the man's older looks. One of them was quite content to press her breasts into his arm, and the other looked to be quietly begging for the man to lower his neck, so she could Kiss him. Her hand massaged the erection Antoinette could see pressing against his pants. Caleb was in a kissing match with a very fiery woman Kindred, and his hands were kneading her ass with abandon. Noah was doing his best to fend off the advances of literally five women, though as their attentions grew more and more blatant and erotic, Antoinette could see the rising hunger in the werewolf's face. Erica and a Carthian were also engaged in a rather passionate kiss, and grinding their bodies against each other against the side of the stairway. Judging from where their hands were going, they would be the first to charge past foreplay and into actual sex.

Antoinette gestured to Harcourt, and then to the scene around them. The hunters, finally noticing the extreme eroticism that surrounded them, each downed their drinks, and reached for seconds. Fiona giggled and reached for a drink to do the same, eyes scanning the sexual wonders around her, but a small slap on the hand from her Gangrel friend stopped her.

"Ha, I know, right?" Jessy said to the hunters, while simultaneously holding off Fiona's advancing, fist-throwing body with a hand to the small woman's forehead, arm stretched out. "I--Samantha!" Jessy abandoned Eric and Fiona, and slid over to grab Samantha's hand as the woman approached. "Girl, can't believe you did that."

Ashley and Julee, no longer needed as guard for Samantha, rejoined Antoinette.

"Did what?" Samantha said, though as she said it, her eyes looked around in shock at the sexual displays. Her gaze lingered on Brianna especially, as the woman, still being fondled and stroked through her dress, quickly approached orgasm, judging from the embarrassed expression on her face, and the hanging jaw.

"Forgave Athalia."

"Well, I... um..."

"Miss Herrington," Antoinette said, with a hint of ice in her voice, "do not broach such personal subjects with my childe so freely."

Jessy winced as she realized her mistake. "Ah, right. Sorry."

With an annoyed sigh, Antoinette looked over her shoulder to Athalia. She remained with Daniel, and likely would continue to do so until she left; he was the only one at the party she knew, that she did not despise. It was too much to hope that the woman would socialize and enjoy herself tonight, not after losing her daughter a mere four nights past. But, she was speaking with Daniel, and he with her. That alone was a surprising step.

Jack approached, Damien behind him, their conversation with Jacob done. Aaron joined the old Nosferatu, while Beatrice rejoined Jennifer as she continued to walk Sándor around the ball. They talked with the Carthians, Garry mostly, and they spoke with some Invictus; it was more accurate to say that Jen spoke. Beatrice seemed largely disinterested with speaking with others, except for perhaps a few short exchanges with her old covenant leader. Sándor seemed largely disinterested with speaking with anyone at all. Watching the young Ventrue try and break the Begotten made Antoinette smile, as she made the inevitable comparison to Elaine and Daniel. Elaine's efforts with Daniel had proved fruitless over the decades, but perhaps Jennifer's efforts would find better results.

"Prince," Jack said, returned. He nodded to everyone, and his smile grew as he stepped up to his mother. "Mom. Glad things worked out."

"I told you they would."

The boy's smile faltered for a moment. Undoubtedly, he was struggling to suppress his natural desire to argue, analyze, and bombard his mother with irrefutable facts that proved his point. But the boy had grown wisdom, and decided to not pursue his overwhelming urge to debate. Later, Antoinette would entertain his need to do so, and let the boy vent.

"I'm glad you were right."

With a happy smile, Samantha hugged her son, gasped, and looked past Jack to some of the sexual sights beyond.

"Jack, cover your eyes!"

He raised a brow, looked behind him, and before he could say anything, Jessy roared with laughter. Poor, sweet Samantha, attempting to hide her son from the sexual feast around her.

"Lass," Fiona said, accent far thicker than before, "yer wee lad fucks three lassies almost every night, ye ken?"

Jack, Eric, Damien, and Jessy laughed more, some others groaned, and before Fiona could continue, Damien took her hand, and pulled her away from the group. From the look on his face, he was not upset with her, but a sympathetic look from him for Jack made it clear he was doing his friend a favor.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Samantha said with a nod.

Elaine laughed, a hearty sound that had everyone smiling. "Come now, young Daeva. Embrace the pleasures around you. Your enemy is defeated, and food is in excess. What possible reason could you not have to indulge yourself?"

"I... I'm not sure I'm ready to indulge myself, like that."

"And," Jack said, "I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to see my mom indulge like that. We can at least wait until the party's over?"

Antoinette smiled down at her lover, leaned in, and set a kiss on his forehead. "A reasonable request."

"And... um." Samantha scratched her arm several times as she cast her gaze past them, to the eyeless Nosferatu standing with Aaron. "Can Natasha show me around again, sire?" Yes, Natasha had not shown many to Samantha, before Athalia arrived and interrupted.

It took effort to keep the frown off her face. "Yes, I am sure she will. Go speak with her, before she vanishes into the night to be with her lovers." A momentary trade of eyes between her and her childe made it clear what she thought of Samantha's intent. Speaking with Jacob was not an intelligent idea, but the current venue was one of the better ones, if the foolish girl insisted on such a dangerous game.

Samantha nodded her head to her, pat Jack on the arm once, and walked toward the pack of wolves, where Natasha stood near Avery, Clara, Matthew, and Arturo.

Jack watched after her, sighed, rolled his eyes, and looked to the hunters. "I hope you three can enjoy the party, after the shit that's happened."

"Ch'yeah," Harcourt said. "I mean, before, I definitely would have said no. But, after getting to meet a bunch of you, and... well, getting to meet her," he gestured toward Samantha, "I can... relax a little more." As if to seal his point, he downed his second drink.

Jack smiled at them, and Antoinette watched the tension in his shoulders fade. Forever her Jack concerned himself with the reactions of others now. No doubt her assault on Mark in her tower likely weighed on his mind, and the possible ramifications it would have with Azamel. And, as much as the night was meant for celebration, to relax, enjoy, and bask in the feast, the boy looked left and right constantly to take stock of the situation. But, as the night went on, and not only did the Kindred succumb to their sexual hungers, but the Uratha did as well, she could see the stress on her lover ease. He was slowly abandoning his role as peace maker, for the night at least.

The stress returned, when he looked to Elaine.

"Jack," Antoinette said, "the ball goes well. I believe that, perhaps now would be a good moment to speak to Elaine and I, of what you wished to speak of?" And, it would be good to distract him before he interfered with his mother's intent. Antoinette did not agree with Samantha's actions, but would not stop her, either.

He looked up at her, met her gaze for several moments, searching, before nodding. "Sure. Is... there somewhere private we can talk?" There was hesitation in his words. He would have preferred to have this conversation later, but she ached to know what secret her lover hid from her. One did not need to be a Mekhet to be lured by the promise of knowledge.

"I believe the roof will suffice. Coming, Elaine?"

"Of course." Elaine smiled, her usual, confident, but analyzing smile. A Ventrue smile.

Antoinette guided the two Ventrue through the crowd, though truthfully, the crowd parted for them. Those in the throes of passion were far too lost to acknowledge her presence though, and did not move from their perches; she did not mind. She smiled at them as she walked past, and let her eyes rest on Brianna for a moment longer than the others. The two men had finally begun to truly Kiss her, each taking one side of her dark neck, while rubbing her clitoris through her skirt. The effect was pronounced. The werewolf's moan was quiet, and almost lost to the music, but her quivering legs were far more obvious, and the two Kindred held her close to keep her from falling.

The Gangrel lifted her long skirt. She did not stop him. Soon, the fabric was pulled up to her hip, exposing her long, dark legs, and the tiny black panties she wore underneath the mostly see-through dress. The man slipped his fingers underneath the underwear, and began to finger the woman in earnest, earning some rumbling groans from the Uratha that sounded far more wolfish than human. Such a delectable display. Were it not for the kine being treated to similar pleasure around her, Antoinette doubted the werewolf would have let the two vampires feast upon her, let alone feast while fondling, caressing, and fingering. Brianna was blending in.

Better still, was how the other Uratha did not seem disturbed by this. They had expected it. Their integration with Dolareido was complete, more or less, and while Antoinette did not appreciate them sticking their long noses into her business or her city's business, she had to admit, they had their value.

Up the stairs, and past the band, she guided the two Ventrue to a third stairway, something far less luxurious and lavish. Up and up it went, until a door opened onto the roof of the Black Hall.

The Black Hall was not a terribly tall build. Quite wide, its ballroom its single purpose. And she had insured no towering skyscrapers stood too near, allowing for the building to stand beautiful in its surroundings. It certainly did not carry the power and imposing demeanor of her grand Elysium Tower, but it was beautiful.

Jack walked to the railing, nearly waist high, thick and ornate marble with curving surfaces. He looked out to the city streets for a moment before turning his back to it as he folded his arms across his chest. Where Antoinette had expected to find a smile on Jack's face, as the looming possibility of seeing Elaine naked drew near, she instead found neutrality, and perhaps a touch of concern. Even anger.

"Jack," Antoinette said, standing next to her friend, "what is it?"

The boy looked at her for only moments, before his eyes settled on Elaine. Again, where Antoinette had expected to have thoroughly corrupted her lover's thoughts, so that he could think of nothing else except for her and her friend nude, she instead found something else entirely in his gaze. His eyes were locked onto his old friend's eyes, as if battling her.

"How much do you know about Elaine?" Jack said, asking her, but gaze locked onto the elder Ventrue.

"I... have known Elaine for centuries. She is a fellow dragon, and we have shared in our experiments, our secrets, and more."

With a slow, heavy sigh, Elaine's unending, confident smile faded, and she looked down. "How did you find out?"

What? Antoinette snapped her head back to look to her love, then to Elaine, but said nothing. It appeared she was the ignorant one in this exchange.

"Before I broke the curse free of its seal, it showed me things. It showed me... shadows of memories, of things my sires experienced, before they embraced their childe. I saw things Julias did before embracing me. I saw things Viktor did, before embracing Julias. And I saw things Viktor's sire did, before she embraced him. A whore in the streets of England, playing her games, until she found someone she..." He shrugged, and rubbed his head as he looked down. Much as he was trying to sound confident, it was apparent the conversation was painful for him. "And, I can remember Susanna, my great, great grandsire, embracing--"

"Elaine," Antoinette finished for him. She took a small step back from her old friend, and squinted her eyes at the woman.

Elaine let out a long, sad sigh, looked up, and offered her a small smile. "I guess my secret is out, Ann." Slowly, she looked to Jack, and the small smile remained. "Hello, my dear great grandchilde. I am... glad, that the curse has not undone you, as it nearly did me."

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sennodensennodenalmost 2 years ago

To anon below me:

What did you want him to do, yell out secret for everyone in the ball to hear?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A big giant FUCK YOU. the way you always do that shit jack has big information and decides not to say and mother fucking damn son of bitch thing. I tell later. How fucking many times do want to show this same thing play out? He keeps his stupid little mouth shut and who knows what happens before he can say. I have stopped at the ball because it’s tiresome that this happens every damn time. Just to be honest I don’t like any of these characters. Story is ok but can’t feel connection with any of them. Only one I like some is Damian.

thomasky2021thomasky2021almost 3 years ago

Great twist. Love the direction the story is going. I thought for sure you were going to let those three get tangled up in bed, I would have been disappointed. Where is Clara, I am still rooting for antoinette. jack and clara to form a trio.

BabawatotoBabawatotoalmost 3 years ago

Been reading this for years and it gets better. The details as they make up the story make me feel like am a part of Jack's life.

Wildwood55Wildwood55almost 3 years ago

Now, THERE'S a plot twist I didn't see coming! Oh, what a web... of deceit by omission.

Well played NA, well played. You've definitely 'honed yer chops' the last dozen subs.

Hope you're hangin' in there, given the recent turn of Covid events; haven't heard much about the state of affairs in your neck of the woods. Likely as effed up as everywhere.

I'm about to start round two of my battle; the big C's returned, so now I'll be getting the nuke and poison they skipped last time.

Also, have learned of the first documented connection between Covid and HPV C; Greek docs are calling for research on the topic. If the effing virus wasn't scary enough, already, what with this Delta variant. And NO ONE is talking about Lambda, which is ravishing parts of the world, already.

I figured we'd be seeing booster, third shots. I called it last Winter/Spring; didn't expect it until Fall/Winter, though. Look to biology, and you'll see the stupid get culled by the apex predators and Mother Nature, as well as the weak and diseased. I'm afraid, there is still a lot of 'stupid' gonna be voicing regrets about anti-mask and anti-vac sentiments. I hear of more, and more, each day.

Take care, and keep cranking out the Tales of Ol' Dolareido.

BTW! how do you hear 'Dolareido' being pronounced? I can't keep myself from hearing Laredo, as in Texas and Colorado, (think there's one in Colorado), so I come up with 'doh la ray do'.


ironmoose007ironmoose007almost 3 years ago

Oh you and your cliff hangers....!! Now I'm gonna have check 2 times more often for new chapters... Keep the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

One of my all time favorites. It does deserve more than 5 stars. Very obvious the author is extremely talented. I find myself checking 2 or 3 times a day for a new chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Holy fuck I love it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It's a shame I can only give you 5 stars. So please take a point of Willpower as well.😎

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Jacob the bad guy! He reminds me of Moros in the medusa story...

TwinSoulFlamesTwinSoulFlamesalmost 3 years ago

This story keeps getting better and better. Keep it up!

SpeedySPSpeedySPalmost 3 years ago

What a brilliant and cruel line to end this chapter. Yours is truly one of the only serials on this site that I anticipate with a kind of hunger not unlike bloodlust. Thank you! I’ve forgotten all about my frustration with the never ending battle.

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