My Neighbor's Daughter Ch. 02


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We made it back to the dock about four and were sharing a shower a short time later ... no sex, just a shower for two.

I called for a reservation at a place I had passed on the way to the cabin that looked decent from the road and I hoped it would be as good inside.

We got there early before the Saturday evening crowd and the manager came over to our table to welcome us. He announced that he had prime rib of beef as a special that evening and the slab of beef looked as if it was going to be nice and lean. He just made up my mind and Judy's as well. We told him to put aside two nice large cuts for us but we would have a few drinks before being ready for the food. He gave me a thumbs up and left the table and the waitress took his place.

"So you know the owner?" she asked.

I responded with, "No, why do you say that?"

"He never comes out of the kitchen for anyone but his close friends."

Hmmmm, now he has me wondering. Where the hell do I know him from?

Instead of hard liquor we settled on a nice bottle of Merlot. I had tasted this label once before and fell in love with it and this was of the same year.

"So, what did you think of your date with the guy you met in your store buying clothes for another woman?"

"I will shoot myself if I am not able to take his mind off her and concentrate on me." She said with a devilish smile.

"Hey honey, you succeeded."

"Bill, I don't know what it is but I told you I was taken with you the first time I saw you and then for the last two days it even got better. I hate to say what I am going to but I am afraid I am going to get real serious about you and then you are going to dump me. If so, please let me down easy. Promise?"

"Judy, now it's my turn to get serious. I fell for you the first time we met and as crude as it is to say I was thinking about you for the rest of the weekend with Sally, even when we were having sex. All week I thought about you and tried to figure out how to get closer to you. I mean could I move up here or have you move down there? I never told you what I do for a living but I am a writer so it really doesn't make any difference where I am. I can write one place as well as the next buuuuuuut, I damn sure don't want to go through all of the trouble of moving or have you move to where I am if it isn't going to work out between us."

"I can't believe you just said all of that for I haven't thought of anything other than you since you left the store last week. Every day I thought about you being with me for lunch and me cooking dinner for you and at night I dreamed about you being in bed with me and holding me closely. I know it's crazy for we have only known each other for a week but I think I have fallen in love with you."

"Holy shit. Isn't this something else?"

We just stared at each other for what seemed like an hour but I was sure was only a few minutes. She reached over and covered my hand with hers and said, "Bill, don't be mad at me for what I just said. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I have NEVER been at a loss for words but I damn sure was then. I pulled her across the table and planted a huge kiss on her and could feel moisture on her face. The tears were pouring out of her.

The waitress was on her way to our table but after seeing us the way we were she thought better of it and left us alone for another few minutes.

"Judy, would it be possible for you to take another few days off so you and I could just be together and get to know each other even better? I don't mean to be rude but I'll be happier than hell to make up any wages you would lose."

"Oh yes," She said with a humongous smile. "I'll call in sick on Monday morning. I'm not scheduled to come in until the afternoon so they'll have time to get a replacement in for me. Bill, you have just made me happier than I can ever remember being."

"Good, let's finish our wine and order dinner and have another glass of wine while it is being served. I still need to find out where I know the manager from."

I motioned for the waitress and told her to place our food order and then a couple more wines and asked her if she could ask the manager to come out if he has a few minutes.

It was only a few minutes later that the manger was tableside and I asked,

"Sir, you seem to know me but my memory must be failing for I can't remember where I know you from."

"You don't know me sir."

"Then how do you know me?" I asked.

"Mr. Campbell, your picture is on the jacket of your books and I have bought a few of them."

"Oh my God. You must have enjoyed them if you bought more than one."

"I did and am waiting patiently for your next one to hit the bookstores." He said with a smile.

"Don't buy it. I'll send you a copy." I said.

"Thanks a lot but you don't have to do that." He answered.

"I know but you just made my day."

He said that he hoped we enjoyed our meal and then left the table and the waitress brought our drinks plus a bread plate.

Judy was stammering but came out with, "Oh shit, I'm just a clothing store clerk and going for my degree and here I am spending a sex filled weekend with a famous writer. Oh shit. What's worse is that the manager of the restaurant knew his name and I didn't"

Me and my stupid sense of humor forced me to say, "You said that twice."

She angrily answered me with, "Said what twice? "

I replied with "'Oh shit'. You said that twice in one breath".

"Yeah, I guess a famous writer would notice that."

"Judy, cut the crap. I am the same guy you had sex with, cooked breakfast for, hiked with, went on a boat ride with and slept with. Am I any different just because some man pointed out what I do for a living? I don't think so and if you do then you aren't as serious about me as I thought you were."

"What the hell do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Well, I was under the impression you liked me and not what I did or didn't do for a living. Up to just a few minutes ago you had no idea if I was a plumber, carpenter, policeman or what. I thought you cared about what made me tick and not anything about my way of life. I guess now I am finding out I was wrong."

She just stared at me and finally said, "Sure but what are the circles you travel in going to think about you having a store clerk for a girl friend?"

"Judy, I'm a nobody. All I do is write books that some people seem to like."

Just then the waitress came over with our drinks on a tray that also had a book on it and I knew I was in trouble.

"I hate to be so forward and imposing but would you please autograph my book for me Mr. Campbell?" she asked.

That did it. Judy burst out in huge laughter and the poor waitress ran from the table. Judy put an index finger under her chin and just had to say in a small put-on squeaky voice, " 'I'm a nobody' " Followed with " 'just someone who autographs books for waitresses' "

I rose from the table to search out the waitress and found her crying in the kitchen. Her name was Leah and I went over to her and put my arm around her and said. "Where is the book you would like me to sign? You are one of my biggest fans."

I signed the book with a real personal autograph and gave her a big hug and went back to the table to find it empty. Oh damn, why the hell did this have to happen before I had a chance to talk to her about it? I motioned to the waitress to bring me my bill and told her I wouldn't be having dinner.

"Why not, the lady just went to the ladies room and she asked if I would bring dinner soon before she went."

"Oh great. Then bring the dinner the minute she returns. OK?"

She was back at the table a short time later asking, "Well, when the hell are you going to eat my pussy till my ears cave in and fuck me till I can't walk as you promised? You are just a big liar."

I was laughing so hard I was bent over fearing I was going to piss my pants.

"Damn, I am going to have to put you in my next book."

"If you ever even mention me in one of your books remember one thing and remember it good ....Lorena Bobbitt."

The prime rib had been served and I was still laughing so hard the staff of the restaurant must have thought I was drunk. They'll have stories to tell for some time about this big shot writer who came in and laughed all during his whole meal.

There was a long line of people waiting for tables so after eating we moved out to the bar area for our after dinner drinks. We had calmed down a little and were determined to simply enjoy our brandies.

We were able to get a small table off in a secluded corner of the lounge area and it was perfect.

"Judy, I have a question for you. When I was with you and Sally I mentioned that I was a writer. I just never mentioned that I wrote novels so why did you get so upset when you discovered that?"

"I guess I got upset when I discovered how famous you are. I never dreamed I would be going out with a guy where the owner of the restaurant we were at came over to him and called him by name. And then when our waitress came over with one of his books and asked for his autograph that took the cake."

"Look, let's forget about all of that shit and just talk about us. If you really are going to call in sick on Monday we are going to have to come up with a plan of how we are going to pass the time. It is obvious you aren't able to take all of the sex I can give you in a day."

"I'm going to smack you silly. "She said with a smile.

She excused herself to go to the ladies room and I was becoming more doubtful as to with my crazy sense of humor if we would ever be able to simply chat without her blowing up.

She came back to the table and I got up and guided us to the maitre de's station and asked if he would have my car brought around.

"Yes sir Mr. Campbell. The owner asked me to ask you if you enjoyed the meal."

Damn, another new friend.

"Yes, very much and the service was terrific."

I could hear him quietly telling some of the people at the head of the line who I was, if they hadn't already recognized me.

All of a sudden it hit me. It wasn't anyone's fault but my own. I used to be the same way whenever I saw any kind of celebrity. And now I was one and better get used to it if I wanted to stay popular as a writer. I didn't have to make a big deal about it but just accept it as the price for a little notoriety. Now if I could only get her to do the same.

We got in the car and I drove about a block before pulling over and telling her what I had just realized about fame when I was waiting for the car to be brought around. It was the price I, and anyone who was with me, had to pay for the public's recognition of me. If I couldn't accept it I had better get out of the business and if my friends couldn't accept it they had better find a different friend.

She just looked at me for what seemed an eternity and finally said, 'You are right. I just didn't know who you were so it all hit me like a ton of bricks. Now that I know, I am sure I'll handle it better."

"Great, now you can give the star you are with all of the sex he asks for." I said with a big laugh.

"Now, I am not going to be able to handle it if you are going to put on some big shot attitude. I'll do all right if you just act like your asshole self." She said while smirking at me.

We laughed as I started for home again.

The fire in the firepit was almost out and I wasn't sure if I could get it restarted without going through a ton of work but I threw on some kindling topped by some small size logs and topped them with two large ones. If that didn't do it, nothing would. Damn, by the time I went inside and got us a couple more brandies and brought them out the fire had stared a small blaze. I felt like a real camper.

We sat on the sofa and just sipped our drinks and put all of the serious conversation behind us and I had my hand running up and down her chest. It was a little chilly and that made her nipples stand out like headlights on an old car. They were beautiful to my eyes. I lifted her blouse and bra and lowered my lips to them and flicked my tongue all around it. She lowered her hand to my crotch and got my cock out and just began to stroke it. She wasn't making any other move than that and it felt terrific.

She spoke first saying that maybe we ought to go inside and get ready for bed. I wholeheartedly agreed and got up.

We lay in bed nude and just looked at each other without saying much.

Finally, I sat up in bed and said,

"Judy, get up and get something on. Meet me out at the firepit. I'll bring a couple of stiff drinks. We need to talk."

I went outside and the fire was still going but not as strong as I thought it would have to be by the time we got finished talking about what hwe needed to chat about. I threw on two big logs that I knew would burn for hours.

She came out sort of wiping her eyes as if I had awakened her but I knew that she hadn't been sleeping. She was just getting the beginning of sleep out of her eyes.

"Let me get us some drinks. Wine or Gin and tonic"

I didn't wait for her answer but just went inside and brought out two wines; not wanting to run the risk of either of us getting shit faced when we had something I thought was important to talk about. She sat on the sofa staring at the fire and asked, "What is it Bill. Did I do something wrong"

"No honey, not at all but we left something important hanging and it needs to be talked about."

"What is it?"

"Well babe, the conversations we had tonight and the feelings I think we shared with each other led me to believe, and I think you shared those beliefs, that there is something kind of important going on in our minds about each other and where we are going to go with this relationship. Hell, we've only known each other for just over a week and we are talking as if we have known each other for a long-long time."

"I know Bill, and I am concerned about it too. There isn't any question that we are rushing things but I don't have a clue as to what we should do about it. I know I am sounding like a lovesick kid but I know I love you and I have the feeling that you feel the same about me. Oh shit, I'm not talking about sex, that is the last thing I am thinking about. I don't know how many times we just looked at each other today without saying a word but our faces and eyes said a ton. Bill, I am twenty nice years old and I love you and know I would be happy spending the rest of my life with you. So there, that's it."

"Well, Judy, you have put it into words better than I could have and I, like you, have no idea where we should go from here. I do know that the last thing either of us wants is to rush into something we will regret forever. We aren't lovesick kids all enamored with the sex we have enjoyed but we both know there is a lot more to a good relationship than sex. Just as a thought, how about if we stop with the sex and just go along without it and see if we can feel the same way if it's just an occasional kiss and laugh we can enjoy together. I also think we need to talk about politics, music, art, foreign affairs, etc. etc. etc. I am not saying we have to agree on those things but it might be nice if we knew how the other felt about them."

She went on to say, "As much as I hate to say it you are right. Hell, I don't even know what religion you are or anything about your folks. Will I ever got to meet them or what?"

"Well, I am still working on my newest book and I would love to include a character about this good looking twenty nine year old woman who loves sex but only wants to talk about it."

"Sure go ahead if you are mad at your cock for you will lose it the day that book gets published." She said with a touch of humor in her voice but more than a little bit of seriousness.

"Damn, you are serious about that stuff aren't you?" I asked with a smile

"You betcha so forget about me as a character."

Well, to make a longer story a lot shorter that is exactly what we did. We stayed close, without sex, for several months finding out all we wanted to about the other before I knew it was time..

We were having dinner at one of our favorite places, where only the maitre de knew me. I had him come over to the table carrying a silver tray with a white napkin on it and presented it to her. By then he knew her name and said, "Judy, someone left this here for you and really wanted you to have it."

She looked at me and I just shrugged as if I had no idea what this was all about and she reached up and took the napkin off the tray. She unfolded it to reveal what I thought was a ring she would adore. Adore, when she looked at it she looked at me and the tears flowed like Niagara Falls. She covered her face with both hands and just sobbed before she raised her head and looked at me. "God, I love you." She whispered.

"Is that a YES?" I asked.

"A YES?, it is a huge yes."

"Does that mean we can have sex tonight?"

"Yep, I and I went to a doctor a month or so ago and had him put me on the pills so you won't have to worry about those damn condoms. I want sex without them or I want your baby. Take your pick"

To use your favorite saying, "Oh shit."

"This way you will have control of when you get pregnant," and she only gave me a big smile.

"OK, the day you find you are pregnant is the day I work you into my next book. I might even allude to what a rotten piece of ass you are."

She roared and I joined her.

The maitre de looked over at our table and I gave him a big thumbs up and he smiled from ear to ear.

The wedding is going to be on the weekend before Christmas and I'll try and keep you posted on all of it.

PS. Readers, you will have to forgive any grammatical, punctuation and those kinds of errors in this. My publisher has editors who take care of all of that stuff for the writers in his stable but will not let them work on stuff like this.

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