My Oven, But Not Really My Bun?

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A friend of mine tells a story of how she shared her womb.
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After posting recently I was reached out by someone who wanted to put their own story out there, but didn't want to post it herself (privacy and whatnot). I have helped write and edit it, and hope you all enjoy!


I haven't told anyone this story, but it has been many years now and I don't think anyone would potentially find out, so here we go. Names changed, so we'll say I'm Sandy, my friend's name is Emma, and her husband's name is Tom. I'm kinda filling in the blanks where I can, some stuff I've forgotten, but the big points are there. A bit of a long read, so you've been warned. Also, if you've had any fertility issues, trigger warning right off the bat. There is some fun in there, but also some challenging feelings.


Emma had breast cancer in her mid-twenties. It was heartbreaking, because she found out shortly after she and Tom got married. It was always her plan to live a really normal life with a family. This is a serious part of who she is, because she had lived through some difficult situations as a child and wanted to put that behind her in her own adult life. Before chemo she was only able to have a few eggs harvested and Doctors told her it would be five years of remission before they could try for a baby. It was a major point of frustration for her, because two years or so out of chemo she said she felt better than ever and just wanted to get on with her life. She said that she felt like a hostage, and had already been through enough of that. It was during one of those long phone calls where she was venting that I finally offered more than just words of support.

"Seriously, sometimes I just want to find a surrogate and let her use one of my eggs," Emma snapped, "it's just that bag of money hanging over my head, not to mention that I probably couldn't trust anyone to do it."

I took a deep breath, I had been thinking about it for a while, and now was the time to say something, "I'd do it for you."

Emma laughed, "aww, Sandy, that is so sweet. If I was serious about all this, I'd probably take you up on it."

"I'm serious," I blurted, "really, if you want a surrogate I'll do it. I won't charge you anything, just pay for the medical bills, if that's okay?"

"Oh my god, Sandy, for real? I mean, of course we'd pay for the medical bills, but we'd want to take care of you however we could, but are you really serious, you'd do that for me?" her voice was choking up.

"You've been there for me a lot, I have thought about it a ton," I answered.

I'm a big crier, and hearing her voice on the phone crying set me off. She thanked me a lot and said she'd talk to Tom about it. She called me a few minutes later and I was on speakerphone. Tom and her both sounded like they were crying, so then that set me off again. They thanked me a lot, and said they'd do whatever they could to support me while I went through the pregnancy. Then they calmed down and had a request of me, and let me know I could take as long as I needed to answer.

"Yikes, I'm a bit scared," I laughed nervously, "you're not going to ask me to make a sacrifice or something, right?"

"Well, in a way we are," Tom drew out his words.

"Oh... um- okay, what do you want?" I answered, still nervous.

"Would you be willing to use one of your own eggs?" Emma filled in the blank space.

"Don't you want it to be your own baby?" I blurted again, "I mean, sorry... that came out wrong. Don't you want it to be one of your eggs?"

"Tom and I talked about it," Emma explained, "but there are hormone injections, and a risk that none of the eggs may implant, then I'd have zero to try with myself after the 5 years are up. It is really hard on your body as well, in general."

I think in the excitement of helping her out, I wanted to come across as supportive as possible and didn't really let myself think about the implications.

"I mean, if you don't mind, sure," I answered quickly.

Emma and I aren't twins, but since we're both of east asian descent and Tom is hispanic, the baby would be mixed anyway and it'd be likely no one would notice with the mixed features. We had more conversations about it over the next few weeks, and my only demand was that I not be listed anywhere on the birth documents and that we not tell anyone that we hadn't done in vitro fertilization. To the world at large I was just the oven, but it was their bun. They explained that we'd be using the ICI or so-called "turkey-baster" method. Tom would be intimate with Emma in their bedroom, then finish in a cervical cup. I would be in the guest room of their house, Emma would give me the cup, I'd insert it and we'd do that until I got pregnant.

It seemed pretty simple on paper.

The first time I ended up spilling the cup everywhere. TMI warning, I usually use pads. Anyway, because of that I'm not super familiar with putting anything IN, so it was a mess. After that, I would wear a long shirt to cover myself and Emma would put the cup inside for me.

Three months later, we were all kind of frustrated with the process, as I was not getting pregnant. I was pretty stressed out, and just wished that I'd not have to do the whole song and dance much longer. I was trying to stay positive when I was around them, but internally I was freaking out that maybe my uterus was just broken and I wasn't ever going to be able to get pregnant. (Yes, I saw my gyno before we started to make sure I was in good health)

Emma did some reading and found that stress levels can have a huge impact on whether or not you get pregnant. We had a conversation about it and she ended up having some ideas on how to make the process more comfortable for me. One night, I walked into the guest room and it was set up completely differently than normal. The lights were off except the table lamp, soothing music was playing, and there was a scent of essential oils permeating the air.

"Oh wow, am I going to get a spa treatment?" I asked myself.

When I got to the bed I saw that there was a tall water heater and next to it were a couple of bottles and things that didn't look familiar. Emma and Tom were a little bit louder than usual in the room next door, and I could feel myself getting wet as I listened. It felt naughty to be so close to them, and I also let myself think about how his cum would be inside me pretty shortly. Something about it felt really taboo in that moment, even if I had already done it tons of times. Emma walked into my room a few minutes later and navigated towards me with the cup. I laid back like normal but after she put it in, she stayed on the bed and rubbed my tummy gently, as if willing me to get pregnant. She touched me for a long time, massaging my sides and tummy, and I sighed in relief. It felt loving and safe to have her there, and I could feel myself getting sleepy.

Perhaps I did drift off, because I didn't notice when she got up and did some stuff at the table, and then brought over a dildo and a bottle of lube.

"I heated it up," she said quietly, "I've heard that if you have an orgasm it can help."

Without thinking, my legs just kind of opened to her. I could feel the heat radiating from my body. She took the hint and squirted some lube out. It was a bit hot after the cooler air, but not burning. I closed my eyes, unsure of what else to do, and let myself focus on the feeling. The dildo started sliding up and down my slit, and I shuddered. I felt her moving onto the bed next to me and she held my shoulder with one hand, caressing me.

The feeling was getting better as the dildo slid up and down, but it wasn't enough. My hips started moving up and down, putting pressure on the tip. After a few seconds of this, I felt it parting me and pushing inside. Emma went slow, only really pushing in the tip and sometimes it would fall out. She moved again and now I felt her legs intertwined with mine, her toes were under my butt and my leg went into the air before she let it rest on her shoulder. I felt some wetness on my shin and opened my eyes. Emma's robe was open at her waist and she must have been touching me with her pussy. It sent an electric trill through my body thinking about how it was the wetness of her and Tom being intimate.

I closed my eyes again and could feel myself wanting the dildo deeper. The next time she pushed the tip in I pushed my hips down. I felt a lot more full as it shifted inside me. It was a bit awkward at first as she worked it into me, but I liked the attention and how she was trying. It felt both sexual but also soothing. She whispered about how thankful she was to have me helping. She rubbed my side and then held the fold of my hip to steady herself as she picked up the tempo. It felt nice and I started to buck my hips again as I got closer to finishing. I could hear her breathing mixed with mine and I could feel her putting more pressure on my leg, the wetness spreading around. The edge was getting closer and closer, while my control was slipping.

"Touch me," I moaned while pulling up my long shirt.

She moved and I felt her hand wrapping around my breast while the dildo's fake balls pushed against my ass. It was just what I needed and the waves of pleasure poured over me. As I clamped down the dildo came out and left me feeling pretty empty. Emma leaned over and gave me a kiss on my forehead, whispering something that I couldn't quite pick up on.

I think both of us just kind of put that experience in the back of our heads and didn't say anything. I didn't really think about it because the way she had been touching me felt so loving and caring, less carnal. It was something special we shared, as women trying to become mothers together.

The next time I visited, as I listened to them through the wall, again louder than previously, I felt myself getting wet. I took off the t-shirt this time, the heat was on and the room was warm enough that I didn't need it. I touched myself while listening to them, letting myself fully experience the sexual side of what I was doing for them.

When Emma walked in, her eyes jumped at my naked body on the bed, and I briefly wondered if I'd read the previous experience wrong. I went to cover myself, but she made a grunting noise to draw my eyes back to her as she wiggled her way out of the robe while still holding the cup. I've never been attracted to women, just not my thing, but it was nice she made herself vulnerable as I was. From then on, we both understood that it was just a part of the larger experience.

Unfortunately, another month passed and I still wasn't pregnant.

Just in general we were spending a lot of time together before I got pregnant. I went over to hang out with them one weekend, and we all hung out and watched movies. Tom is a chill guy, and I'm glad they're together. He has never creeped me out, never been weird, always just a nice and jovial guy. Feel it is important to mention that now, they've got a great relationship. Still do, to this day. It was getting late and Emma started yawning. She sleeps earlier, while both Tom and I are night owls.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to bed," Emma said while standing up, "Are you two up for..."

Tom smiled in the affirmative, giving her a kiss, "yeah, we'll take care of it. Get some rest."

She came back a few minutes later with a towel, the cup, and some lube, "okie dokie, I'm out."

Then she ambled upstairs and we could hear the door click to the bedroom. Tom and I looked at the items on the table and then back at the TV, then we both laughed. Emma had been the liaison between us during the whole process, so it was the first time either of us had been together in the same room and actually had the stuff out there. All the previous times I'd walk out of the bedroom dressed and the whole process would be done.

We watched some more of the movie, but neither of us was into it. He inspected the items on the table again and lightly huffed.

"Aiming for this thing is a pain in the ass," he grumbled in a silly way, trying to keep things lighthearted.

I perked up, "seriously, that is why Emma has been helping me, I made a huge mess the first time and after that she basically doesn't trust me. Not that she should."

We turned back again to the TV as an action scene took place in the movie. When it got quiet again he picked up the cup and went to go to the bathroom, his voice trailing behind, "just be a few minutes."

It seemed really odd to go through all that hullabaloo for his sperm to end up inside me. My butt was planted on the couch for a minute, but then I walked over to the bathroom and knocked lightly on the door.

"Uh... can I help you?" his voice called through the door.

"If you want, you can just do it inside," my words escaped in a quick breath.

"Inside?" he sounded as confused as if I had told him he could take a bath in jelly.

"Inside me," I laughed through the door.

A couple of seconds later he opened it and looked at me critically, seriously, "are you sure that is okay?"

"It just seems like a lot of extra work to get to the same result," I answered.

We walked back over to the couch and he again had that lost look on his face, as if since I had suggested it I was in charge of the whole thing.

"Really though, this is okay?" he said again, it was like he was half expecting me to reveal it was all a prank.

"Uh, I mean, it's not like we're having sex," I replied.

He seemed to calm down at that, and dropped his hands, "oh- okay. So..."

I finally figured out what he meant and my face went red. Of course, how else would it work. He must have been so worried having his wife's best friend just tell him to take her on the couch.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I could feel the flush in my cheeks still.

"No, no, me neither!" he yelped, "that is why I was asking."

I took a deep breath and pushed my hair out of my face, "I meant that you do the normal... process, and then when you're at the end, you can put it inside me and THEN finish. So you're just skipping the part with the cup."

He nodded in the affirmative, "do you think Emma would be okay with this?"

I thought back to what Emma and I had been doing, and how that seemed to be crossing some lines as well. Then I thought again, reminding myself it wasn't like either of them was using me for sexual gratification and straying from their marriage. It was part of the experience of getting pregnant, it was different.

"Let's just say, for the sake of keeping this easy and clear, we don't say anything," I waved my hands around as I spoke, "we used the cup, like normal."

"Okay..." he nodded, "I'll just turn around, and... start."

He turned away from me and I could see he had pulled out his cock from his sweats and was jerking it. I was a bit stunned at the whole scene in front of me, but then realized I needed to get ready too. I reached next to him and grabbed the lube and towel from the table. I pulled off my pajamas bottoms and panties then sat down on the towel before squirting some lube onto myself. Unlike with Emma, it was freezing cold, just like being checked by a physician. I spread it around with my fingers and then pushed a bit inside, getting myself lubed up everywhere. I didn't want him to go in while I was completely unaroused and dry, so I touched myself a bit and tried to get comfortable.

Tom's arm was moving faster and faster, so I scooted myself down to the edge of the couch and lifted my legs in the air so he would have easier access. His sweats slipped and he moved his feet so that he was standing on top of them. Seeing him nude from the waist down was helping me get into the mood, and I was pretty sure it wouldn't hurt me (I'm on the smaller side down there).

Suddenly, Tom spun around and saw where I was, took a couple of steps to get himself in the right spot, and pointed his cock right at my gaping opening. After the cold lube, the tip of his cock felt like it was on fire. He buried the full length of his cock as deep as he could get and held himself against me, his bush pressing against mine. He held there for a few seconds, and then kinda coughed before speaking.

"I'm... I'm sorry," he apologized, "the uh, the lube and everything was kinda cold and it scared away the moment. Let me just-"

He started pulling away, and I just heard the words coming out of my mouth, "it's okay. You can keep going, if that'll help."

He pulled back and I swear I could feel the veins and pulsing heat of each inch as his cock left me. When he was almost all the way out, he pushed it back in as deep as he could get, as if trying to separate himself from the act and have it be as mechanical as possible. I held my knees up and just watched as he slowly entered me. He is a lot taller than I am, so his head was above mine and I could feel his breath on my hair. He was now at three pumps, and I wasn't sure if he was going to speed up and have sex with me in earnest or if he really thought these strokes would push him over the edge.

"You're going to get me pregnant," I whispered, thinking aloud it was both the truth but also hoping it would sound somewhat sexy.

Normally when a man is inside me it is hard to tell the specific feeling of an orgasm, since I'm busy enjoying myself. This time though, I felt every spasm and jerk as he emptied his balls into me. I swear I could have almost felt the heaviness of how much volume he left behind. He pushed his crotch against mine hard, mashing down my hips into the couch as he came, and I saw goosebumps pop up on his arms.

No sooner than the last drop was squeezed out, he pulled out and turned away, practically jumping for his sweats. I curled to the side, keeping myself angled correctly so he wouldn't spill out, and covered myself with the towel. With how he had reacted, I tried to follow suit and make the situation less awkward.

"Thank you, I'm sorry," he repeated like a mantra, clasping his hands in front of himself, "just, thank you a lot, for everything. I'm sorry we had to do it that way. Thank you for being our surrogate, thank you for being cool, thank you, and- again, sorry about the whole thing."

He bounded up the stairs and was gone. I'm not entirely sure, but that might have been the time that got me pregnant, because at the end of that month we found out that I was indeed with child.

You'd think that was the end of the story, and I kinda thought it was going to be as well.

I lived in Tom and Emma's house during the last bit of the pregnancy, closing out my lease on my room in my apartment and sleeping on the couch (I was too tired to go up the stairs most days). They took great care of me, and other than a hiccup with the umbilical cord and a first degree tear, everything went pretty well. I wish I had done more kegels, as I felt I had been bent over and been hit in the ass by a truck. Thankfully they both took an active role in parenting to help me rest and heal. They also gave me plenty of time with the baby. I spent the whole pregnancy knowing that it was "their" child, and working my way up to the idea I'd have to let go, but they made me a godparent and said I was welcome in the home anytime.

Until I did leave for that final time, we agreed that the baby would breastfeed from both myself and Emma. Initially I would be covered when Tom was around, but after a few times getting caught changing the breast pads or letting my nipples rest and get sun I gave up on hiding myself. To her credit, Emma did the same and we were often walking around the house with messy hair, bags under our eyes, and pajama bottoms. To HIS credit, Tom never made a comment about it to me or her and was always focused on the baby, so I felt more and more comfortable with both of them.

No matter how many grandparents and parents and care a child has though, they're little energy black holes. After a few months I was delirious and I couldn't think straight.